Visit by Delegation from Swiss Aerospace Cluster (13 June 2018)

AAIS was pleased to welcome delegates from the Swiss Aerospace Cluster (SAC), including SAC’s President, Mr Roland Hengartner and Vice-President, Dr Andreas Wittmer, on 13 June 2018. The Swiss Aerospace Cluster is the industry network supporting the Swiss aerospace...

AAIS Digitalisation Programme

In an increasingly competitive global business environment, Singapore companies must adopt strategies to improve productivity, reduce inefficiencies and maintain a sustainable competitive edge. Industry 4.0 technologies such as digitalisation can bring many benefits...

1-Day Digitalisation Roadmap Workshop Facilitated by Siemens

AAIS and Siemens signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on 21 August 2017 to promote innovation and drive digital transformation of the aerospace industry in Singapore. As part of the MOC, Siemens offers a complimentary site visit and 1-day customised (vendor...

Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index

Launched on November 2017, the Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index© (“The Index”) is the world’s first Industry 4.0 tool that is developed by the Singapore Economic Development Board (“EDB”) to catalyse the transformation of industrial sectors during this...