The SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways programme was introduced in July 2020 to support unemployed mid-career individuals in gaining new, in-demand skills while preparing for more permanent jobs in the future. Companies can consider becoming Host organisations, and fill available positions with mid-career individuals who bring with them a wealth of work experience. Upon completion of the attachment, they may consider hiring well-performing individuals as permanent employees.

The programme is open to all Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, with work experience. The government will fund 80% of the training allowance while the host organisation funds the remaining 20%.


How companies can come on board as Host Companies

 a. Host organisation must be registered or incorporated in Singapore;
b. Offer attachments lasting up to 9 months (Attachments must commence by 31 March 2021)
c. Provide clear attachment descriptions and development plans that provide meaningful developmental opportunities
d. Co-fund 20% of the training allowance for the duration of the attachment


Organisations interested to be host organisations can fill up this Interest Form*.

Organisations are not to post the attachment positions or use #SGUP on MyCareersFuture until the application has been approved by SBF.




Host organistions to assess applicants & take on suitable individuals. Once an attachment agreement has been accepted and signed by the successful candidate(s), and all requirements are met, a Letter of Offer for SGUnited Mid-Career Pathway programme will be issued by WSG/SBF to the host organisation.




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SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Details SGUnited Programmes & Initiatives for Employers


Find out about the SG United Jobs Initiative (for Aerospace) here.