To close the year, AAIS members got together virtually on the evening of 10 Dec 2021. Our new President, Mr Wong Yue Jeen hosted a conversation with newly-elected management committee members, Mr Oliver Chamberlain of Rolls-Royce Singapore and Ms Yap Siok Leng of Meggitt Aerospace Asia Pacific. This was followed by networking in smaller groups before a toast to close the year.

A special acknowledgment to our guests, Mr David Waller of EASA and Ms Lim Li Khee of ESG for joining us. We were also glad to welcome members of our Panel of Experts, Mr Jeremy Chan, Mr Soh Chee Siong, Mr Mervyn Sirisena and Mr Michael Daniel. It was a delighted to have our newer members join us, including Mr Kevin Ng of Quebec Government, Mr Joshua Ng of Alton Aviation, Mr Cai Hounan of Additive Flight Solutions, and Mr Fergus Lopez of Diethlem Keller Aviation.