In collaboration with the Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA), AAIS organised a virtual Business-to-Business (B2B) meeting programme on 7 July 2022. The event sought to provide members from both organisations with a platform to explore the regional aerospace and aviation market, as well as opportunities for synergy, collaboration and business ventures.

The morning programme saw an opening address by AAIS President Wong Yue Jeen, as well as welcome remarks by CEO of Invest Selangor Berhad Dato Hasan Azhari Hj Idris. This was followed by a presentation on “The Need for Defining Supply Chain Competitiveness in a Post COVID Era” by Naguib Mohd Nor, President of MAIA. The speeches and presentation kicked off a day-long virtual B2B programme drew interest from a total of 75 Singapore and Malaysia aerospace companies, with more than 50 companies exchanging profiles.