JTC currently has two solar initiatives – SolarLand and SolarRoof – that generate renewable energy via the installation of solar panels on vacant land and on unutilised rooftops of JTC’s buildings respectively.

The SolarRoof programme was launched in 2016 to make solar adoption easy for the 14,000 businesses housed in JTC’s estates. It exports solar energy generated on the rooftops of JTC’s buildings directly to the national power grid. The programme was first deployed at 24 JTC-owned buildings across Singapore and was well-received by businesses. The solar deployment is being extended to an additional 40 JTC-owned buildings with an estimated additional solar capacity of 17.4 MWp, slated to be operational by 2022.

By working with partners and businesses, JTC plans to optimise the use of over 740,000 sqm of industrial land and roof space, so as to eventually reduce 55,000 tonnes of carbon emissions and contribute 100 MWp of solar energy to the Energy Market Authority’s national 2030 target.