DIVP Participants with Assistant Deputy Minister, Europe, Indo-Pacific and Institutional Affairs, Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie (MRIF)

AAIS was honoured to be invited by the Government of Quebec to join the Distinguished International Visitor Program (DIVP) from 20 to 24 May 2024, alongside other participants from Asia. The Program was timed to coincide with the International Aerospace Innovation Forum, held in Montreal, Canada.

Quebec’s aerospace industry (CAN$20.9 billion sales) accounts for 60% of Canada’s industry output and is anchored by 5 big-name prime contractors: Airbus, Bell Textron Canada, Bombardier, CAE and Pratt & Whitney. Collectively, these OEMs anchor 70% of sales. The next tier of manufacturers, integrators and MROs account for the next 16% of sales.

Wings of Unity panel at International Aerospace Innovation Forum

On Day 1 of the Forum, Quebec’s Premier announced the establishment of Espace Aero innovation zone. This initiative aims to stimulate collaborative innovation to ensure Quebec’s place as a world leader in aerospace. Focus areas will include,
• Decarbonization through the configuration of vehicles that are both more efficient and aerodynamic, lighter and greener structures as well as less polluting, more electric systems.
• Aircraft autonomy and safety through intelligent technologies and systems, communications, remote control and cybersecurity.

Boeing also announced a CAN$240 million investment in the Espace Aero innovation zone comprising an aerospace development centre and development work on Wisk and advanced landing gear development. Buoyed by the Espace Aero plan, the aerospace sector in Quebec is expecting strong growth in the coming years. This potentially presents opportunities too for Singapore to collaborate with Canadian industry on innovation, supply chain and talent. AAIS welcomes inquiries from members seeking to build connections with industry in Quebec.

Besides attending the Forum and participating as a speaker in the Wings of Unity panel at the Forum, AAIS Chief Executive was briefed by Investissement Quebec, Aero Montreal, Consortium de recherche et d’innovation en aérospatiale au Québec (CRIAQ), and had discussions with Bombardier, Heroux Devtek, Genetec and other players in the industry. It was also an opportunity to call on the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA), of which AAIS is an Associate Member, to discuss cooperation on strengthening the work of ICCAIA in Asia Pacific. We were also pleased to connect with fellow members of the Global Aerospace Cluster Partnership (GACP), from China, Montreal and Toulouse. We also made new contacts with other DIVP participants from Clark International Airport, Malaysia’s National Aerospace Industry Corporation, and TOHMEI Industries of Japan.

Apart from learning about the Aerospace cluster in Quebec, participation in the DIVP also provided the opportunity to strengthen our ties with partners and to identify opportunities for Singapore industry to collaborate. The Forum offered inspiration into how Singapore’s aerospace cluster could further develop as an innovation-driven industry, addressing future challenges such as sustainability.