After a long hiatus due to the pandemic, AAIS was excited to launch our maiden participation in inter airport Southeast Asia on 1-3 March 2023. Preparations began much earlier with an official kick-off in November 2022 at our seminar on ‘Developing a Sustainable Air Hub in Singapore’. The event featured Chief Sustainability Officer at CAAS, Mr Daniel Ng and SATS’ Head of Sustainability, Ms Tan Yen Ling.

Official kick-off at AAIS seminar, ‘Developing a Sustainable Air Hub in Singapore’ with CAAS’ and SATS’ sustainability chiefs, and our partner, RX
Preparing for the inaugural Singapore Pavilion involved the usual support for the show organiser’s marketing effort, preparation of government grant applications, and approval by Enterprise Singapore of the Singapore Pavilion design and branding. We also took pains to visit exhibitors at their offices to understand their business and so prepare ourselves to address their interests at the show. This included ensuring that key customers were invited and given the grand tour of the Pavilion during the show. This time, we were pleased to invite representatives of CAAS, CAG and RSAF to visit the Pavilion. As always, AAIS also exhibits at all our shows, to present our brand and maintain on-site support for exhibitors.

The buzz at the Singapore Pavilion on Day 1

EVP CAG and AAIS expert, Mr Tan Lye Teck visiting the Singapore Pavilion
Publicity began much earlier through our communication channels – Aerospace Singapore magazine, e-newsletters, Asia Pacific Aviation Directory and social media. The release of Aerospace Singapore Vol 16 No 1 was timed to coincide with the show, with the feature on ‘Future Air Hub’ penned by AAIS member and contributor, Alton Aviation Consultancy. The magazine also contained the special supplement highlighting the Singapore Pavilion exhibitor profiles. As a media ambassador for the show we also took pre-show and on-site media interviews to boost the Singapore aviation and AAIS brands.

Aerospace Singapore ‘Future Air Hub’ issue

Singapore Pavilion Directory

On-site media interviews to boost the Singapore aviation brand
We worked with show organisers RX on curating speakers for the conference, and presenting the exhibitor exclusive on the ‘Aviation Landscape – Singapore’. AAIS also moderated the ‘In conversation with CAAS’ session on Day 1 of the conference.

Exhibitor exclusive presented by CE AAIS

‘In conversation with CAAS’ with Director Aviation Industry, Ms Angela Ng
Overall the show exceeded our expectations and we expect to be back again for a bigger and even more vibrant next edition!
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