Together with guest speakers from Ernst & Young, AAIS organised the second forum for the Aerospace Finance and Tax Community on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 27 February. The event attracted professionals from the finance, accounts and tax departments keen to get the latest on GST revisions.
GST specialists from Ernst & Young, Mr Yeo Kai Eng and Ms Chew Boon Choo, shared their expertise on key changes to IRAS e-Tax guides and covered revisions to industry specific GST guidelines relating to aircraft/MRO and qualifying criteria. They also gave tips to ensure compliance, reduce GST risks and avoid attracting hefty penalties. Participants were also introduced to IRAS’ Assisted Self-Help Kit (ASK) Annual Review and Assisted Compliance Assurance Programme (ACAP).
AAIS is pleased to have facilitated this forum and once again thanks the team from Ernst & Young for generously sharing their time and expertise with industry members. We look forward to facilitate more of such community-driven events.
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