We were delighted to welcome members on 19 February 2021 to our first networking session of the year, held in conjunction with the Chinese New Year. Host for the evening was AAIS 1st Vice President, Richard Wong of Pratt & Whitney.

Richard began with his reflections on Tuesday’s announcement of Budget 2021 by the Deputy Prime Minister. He recounted AAIS’ efforts to engage the government on continuing its support for the industry and welcomed the positive response, especially the extension of the Jobs Support Scheme for another 6 months. This effort had involved submitting a paper to the Ministry of Finance and following up with a letter to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

Richard was then joined in conversation by AAIS Assistant Honorary Secretary, Ekkehard Pracht of Liebherr Aerospace, and AAIS Management Committee Member (Co-opted), Ian Lam of Schaeffler Aerospace. Apart from hearing more about their professional life, we also learnt that Richard is an avid mountain climber, Ekkehard has been indulging in his two-wheeler, and Ian has gone all out during the pandemic, to set up a mini farm ecosystem at home!

The second half of the session saw members enter breakout groups to network with fellow aerospace professionals. Despite being in online mode, it was a precious opportunity for us connect with old friends and to make new ones.

The evening was crowned by a BYO-drink toast, obligatory screenshot and closing remarks by Richard.