The AAIS held its 10th Annual Bowling Tournament at Orchid Bowl @ SAFRA Tampines on 21 June 2014. The tournament attracted a total of 32 teams from 19 organisations.


Team Score
Team Champion PWC A 2254
1st Runner-up Mega Ark (SIA Group) 2212
2nd Runner-up ST Aero 1 2109


Name Score
Best Individual (Male) Sean Goh (Satair Team 1) 632
Best Individual (Female) Amy Yong (PWC A) 563


High Game Score:

Name Score Pot
Session 1 (Male) Low Weng Leong (PWC B) 227 $110
Session 1 (Female) Insufficient Pot Money
Session 2 (Male) Sean Goh(Satiar Team 1) 257 $150
Session 2 (Female) Metta Koh (ST Aero 1) 201 $50

Click here for the full bowling tournament results.

Click here to view photos of the event.