The 18th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was held virtually on Thursday, 29 October 2020. The meeting kicked off with Opening remarks by President Mr Philip Quek, and reports by Honorary Secretary Ms Lim Hee Joo and outgoing Honorary Treasurer, Mr James Partington. In his opening remarks, Mr Quek noted the extraordinary challenges faced by the industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and highlighted actions taken by the Association to facilitate members. President thanked the many professionals and experts from the community who have stepped up to lead, contribute and share their know-how and resources during the crisis.
In the context of the online AGM, voting was conducted via appointment of Chairman as Proxy. Members endorsed the FY2019/20 Annual Report and audited Financial Report and reappointed Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance as the Honorary Legal Advisor and Ernst & Young as the Honorary External Auditor. For his contributions and many years of service to the Association, a token of appreciation was presented to Mr Jimson Ngiam, who had stepped down due to job movement. The meeting also recognised other Management committee members who had stepped down over the course of the year.
An election was held to fill three vacant positions on the Management Committee. The Association was pleased to welcome Mr Mads Bondergaard of Airbus as the newly elected 2nd Vice President, as well as Mr Matt Waters of Rolls-Royce Singapore and Mr Desmond Goh of Eaton Aerospace as Committee members. In his closing address, President thanked the candidates who participated in the elections, noting that there were various other communities, initiatives and programmes needing leadership and facilitation.
We thank members for the strong turnout and look forward to the continued support and active participation.
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