AAIS is proud to announce the inaugural Aviation/Aerospace Luminary Awards in conjunction with its 15-year anniversary celebrations.

The Aviation/Aerospace Luminary Award honours individuals who have profoundly influenced Aerospace and Aviation development in Singapore over the last 15 years, with a strong emphasis on contributions to the overall development of the industry. Recipients of the Aviation/Aerospace Luminary Award will be announced and honoured at the AAIS 15th Anniversary Gala Dinner to be held on 21 September 2018.

Know someone who has made notable contributions to the Singapore aerospace industry? Nominate them today!


Award Criteria
  • An individual who has exercised leadership that has had a significant, positive industry-wide impact on the development of Aviation/Aerospace in Singapore during the course of the past 15 years.
  • The nominee must not have previously been recognised by AAIS for his/her contributions during the time period.
  • Examples of Luminary Award candidates:

– “The Architect”: An individual who has exhibited outstanding leadership and governance in driving manpower efforts, infrastructure development or business connections that benefit Singapore’s Aerospace landscape;
– “The Champion”: He/She has been instrumental in boosting the image of the aerospace industry to the wider society and/or has made specific or sustained contributions to the aerospace community;
– “The Trailblazer”: One who has led the way by establishing benchmarks and/or models in growing relevant talent pool and/or enabling research translation

To Submit Your Nominations
  • Any AAIS member in good standing may submit a nomination. Before preparing a nomination, nominators are reminded to read the award criteria and verify that the nominee is eligible.
  • Please provide full information about your nominee, with documentary support.

Nominations are to be submitted by 10 July 2018 via email to events@aais.org.sg. Upon verifying information and recording the nomination, the nominator will receive a confirmation email.

Download the Nomination Form


Award Panel
  • The Nominations will be reviewed by the Management committee of AAIS or such persons it may appoint or coopt to the Panel.
  • The Panel shall consider all nominations received by the deadline. If necessary, it may interview or seek additional information to assist its deliberations. The decision of the Panel is final.