The Singapore UAS Community by AAIS had a good two days (6-7 Mar 2024) at Drones & Uncrewed Asia, supporting our members and engaging with regulators and industry. We also kick-started our preparation for the 2024/2025 edition of the Singapore UAS Directory.

Compared to last year, the drones component of the show has grown. We were particularly encouraged by the growing participation of our members: Viasat, Avetics Global, Heron AirBridge, SwissDrones, Temasek Polytechnic, Thales and YJP Surveyors.

There was a lot going on with the drones theme now sharing the main stage, in addition to the parallel sessions at the UAV Innovation Theatre. A keynote and two panel discussions were featured:

1. Harmonising operational procedures: converging paths towards standardisation

Moderator: Mr Sia Kheng Yok, Chief Executive, Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)


  1. CPT Illyaquila Fateen Ismail, Assistant Director, Flight Operations Division, Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia
  2. Mr Mudzkkir Hatta, CEO, Malaysia, Aerodyne
  3. Ms Kristen Mineck, Manager, Aviation Requirements and Standards, Viasat
  4. Ms Teo Shiqi, Head, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Unmanned Systems Policy and Regulations Division, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

2. Going global: How the Asia Pacific region is leading the way in autonomous aviation

Moderator: Mark ter Hove, Senior Manager, AAM/UAM, Viasat


  1. Mr Ryan Lee, CEO, Heron AirBridge
  2. Mr Sanjay Suresh, GM, Drone Services APAC, Skyports
  3. Ms Lee Siu Min, Regional Director, Business Development APAC, Viasat


The now customary Singapore UAS Community drinks reception was held on Day 1 and co-hosted by Viasat. As always, we had good conversations in a conducive setting, with industry leaders. Thank you to all who joined us. Our appreciation goes especially to sponsor, Viasat.