Past Events

Events 2024
  • AAIS PEP Members Visit Thailand – Exploring Opportunities and Building Partnerships

    A delegation comprising of the inaugural participants of AAIS’ Promising Entrepreneurs Programme (PEP) embarked on a study mission to Thailand from 30th June to 4th July 2024. This study mission to Thailand was developed by AAIS with the aim to foster collaboration, exchange knowledge, and identify potential business opportunities between Singaporean companies and Thai enterprises.

    Before the official programme commenced, our participants arrived in Thailand on 30th June and enjoyed the evening together over a welcome dinner, held at a local Thai restaurant. The air buzzed with excitement and anticipation as everyone exchanged pleasantries and shared stories of their journeys. As the aroma of traditional Thai cuisine filled the room, the clinking of glasses and the sounds of laughter created a warm and inviting atmosphere, setting the perfect tone for the days ahead.


    The study mission began with a series of meetings with representatives from the Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Mahanakorn Partners Group, and Siam Aero Repair. During the session, our attendees gained valuable insights on the aviation landscape in Thailand, the legal framework for doing business in Thailand, and potential avenues for strategic partnerships, marking a great start to the trip.

    The next day, our attendees had a fruitful day that kicked off with a briefing and roundtable discussion in the morning, organised together with the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand (AmCham Thailand). The session featured speakers and representatives from Invision Capital, Qarbon Aerospace, Tractus, and Honeywell Systems (Thailand), which sparked exciting and meaningful conversations between the Singaporean companies and the Thai representatives.

    Following the morning session, our participants enjoyed a delightful Japanese-Thai lunch at Hotel Nikko Amata City, before the delegation made their way to visit the factories located in Chon Buri. In the evening, our delegation attended the Aviation Roundtable Networking event hosted by the AmCham Thailand, where they connected with various aerospace professionals in Thailand. Participants also took this opportunity to strengthen their professional networks and discuss potential collaborations. As the night progressed, the atmosphere in the room remained lively, brimming with stimulating discussions and potential partnerships.

    One of the highlights for participants during the trip was the facility visits in Thailand’s Chon Buri estate, located in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). In Chon Buri, the delegation toured several aerospace MRO facilities over the course of two days, including AAR Component Services (Thailand), TurbineAero, SAM Precision (Thailand) and Revima Asia Pacific.

    Through the guided tours, participants visited the different MRO aerospace facilities and gained valuable insights into their operations. The PEP members were introduced to the structured workflow within the factory layouts and were exposed to a range of aircraft MRO procedures, ranging from engine to auxiliary power units (APU), landing gears, radome, and even aircraft tires. The customized tours around the factories allowed participants to develop a better understanding of the intricate aspects involved in maintenance, repair, and overhaul.

    The study mission concluded with a dinner that gathered the PEP members and our AMCHAM hosts, Mr. Barry Crawford, and Mr. Frank Timmons. Over dinner, the delegation thanked their hosts with tokens of appreciation for the kind hospitality and the enriching experiences that they had gained throughout their stay.

    The mission to Thailand was AAIS’ first step into engaging with the Thailand market. It not only opened doors to new business opportunities but also strengthened the bonds of friendship and cooperation between AAIS, our PEP members, and the Thai business community. As we move forward, the insights gained and relationships formed during this study mission will undoubtedly contribute to our shared goals of growth, innovation, and sustainable development.

    From AAIS, a big thank you to all our Thailand hosts for your kind hospitality and support for the study mission.

  • New Unmanned Aircraft Flying Area at Dover

    Minister for Transport Mr Chee Hong Tat opens the newest UAFA at Dover

    DG CAAS and members of the community join Minister for the opening

    CAAS has established the second Unmanned Aircraft Flying Area (UAFA) for the public at a 0.6 ha site off Dover Road, offering a flying area over land and greenery. The UAFA was opened by Minister for Transport Mr Chee Hong Tat on 6 July 2024 and complements the inaugural UAFA at Pandan Reservoir launched in July 2022.

    The establishment of UAFAs was a key recommendation of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Advisory Panel which AAIS was delighted to participate in. The Panel was set up in 2019 to help CAAS review and recommend enhancements to Singapore’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems regulatory framework. We are delighted that our contribution to the work of the Panel keeps on delivering results.


  • Study visit from CUOA Business School, Italy

    AAIS hosted a study visit by the MBA International programme from Italy’s CUOA Business School on 6 June 2024. It was a pleasure to welcome Prof Andrea Vinelli and his students to Seletar Aerospace Park and to brief them on the latest developments in aviation and aerospace in Singapore. A key point made was on the importance of ‘Connectivity’ as the economic lifeblood of Singapore, and hence the strategic value of the Air Hub, and the air transport and aerospace industry. Singapore is making long term investments in its airport infrastructure (e.g. Changi T5), and making preparations for its 2050 net zero goals, and Advanced Air Mobility capabilities. The aerospace industry is also in a growth cycle post-pandemic with both a strong inward flow of investments strengthening the Singapore hub and private sector investments expanding the economic space globally.




  • Quebec Government Distinguished Int’l Visitor Program

    DIVP Participants with Assistant Deputy Minister, Europe, Indo-Pacific and Institutional Affairs, Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie (MRIF)

    AAIS was honoured to be invited by the Government of Quebec to join the Distinguished International Visitor Program (DIVP) from 20 to 24 May 2024, alongside other participants from Asia. The Program was timed to coincide with the International Aerospace Innovation Forum, held in Montreal, Canada.

    Quebec’s aerospace industry (CAN$20.9 billion sales) accounts for 60% of Canada’s industry output and is anchored by 5 big-name prime contractors: Airbus, Bell Textron Canada, Bombardier, CAE and Pratt & Whitney. Collectively, these OEMs anchor 70% of sales. The next tier of manufacturers, integrators and MROs account for the next 16% of sales.

    Wings of Unity panel at International Aerospace Innovation Forum

    On Day 1 of the Forum, Quebec’s Premier announced the establishment of Espace Aero innovation zone. This initiative aims to stimulate collaborative innovation to ensure Quebec’s place as a world leader in aerospace. Focus areas will include,
    • Decarbonization through the configuration of vehicles that are both more efficient and aerodynamic, lighter and greener structures as well as less polluting, more electric systems.
    • Aircraft autonomy and safety through intelligent technologies and systems, communications, remote control and cybersecurity.

    Boeing also announced a CAN$240 million investment in the Espace Aero innovation zone comprising an aerospace development centre and development work on Wisk and advanced landing gear development. Buoyed by the Espace Aero plan, the aerospace sector in Quebec is expecting strong growth in the coming years. This potentially presents opportunities too for Singapore to collaborate with Canadian industry on innovation, supply chain and talent. AAIS welcomes inquiries from members seeking to build connections with industry in Quebec.

    Besides attending the Forum and participating as a speaker in the Wings of Unity panel at the Forum, AAIS Chief Executive was briefed by Investissement Quebec, Aero Montreal, Consortium de recherche et d’innovation en aérospatiale au Québec (CRIAQ), and had discussions with Bombardier, Heroux Devtek, Genetec and other players in the industry. It was also an opportunity to call on the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA), of which AAIS is an Associate Member, to discuss cooperation on strengthening the work of ICCAIA in Asia Pacific. We were also pleased to connect with fellow members of the Global Aerospace Cluster Partnership (GACP), from China, Montreal and Toulouse. We also made new contacts with other DIVP participants from Clark International Airport, Malaysia’s National Aerospace Industry Corporation, and TOHMEI Industries of Japan.

    Apart from learning about the Aerospace cluster in Quebec, participation in the DIVP also provided the opportunity to strengthen our ties with partners and to identify opportunities for Singapore industry to collaborate. The Forum offered inspiration into how Singapore’s aerospace cluster could further develop as an innovation-driven industry, addressing future challenges such as sustainability.


  • AAIS HOST Networking Evening 2Q2024

    AAIS successfully hosted its second networking session of the year on the evening of May 21st, at the Paradox Hotel. The event drew a strong turnout, with over 60 attendees representing diverse organisations from across the aerospace industry. There was a distinctive presence of new faces underscoring the continued growth and dynamism of the sector and the association.

    Mr Desmond Goh, AAIS Honorary Treasurer, warmly welcomed guests on behalf of the management committee and secretariat. Communications Manager Ann Majid followed with a presentation highlighting to keep members informed of recent and upcoming activities and opportunities.

    The vibrant atmosphere throughout the evening provided fertile ground for lively conversations and valuable networking opportunities. The evening concluded with a fun and engaging Lucky Draw, where five lucky attendees walked away with attractive prizes such as hotel stays and buffet vouchers.


    We extend our sincere gratitude to our gracious and generous venue partner, Paradox Singapore Merchant Court, for providing a beautiful and inviting setting, along with delectable food at the Crossroads Bar. We also express our appreciation to our event sponsor, Workforce Singapore, for their continued support.

    The quarterly AAIS Networking sessions serve as a catalyst for stronger relationships within the aerospace community. We look forward to hosting similar events in the future and providing platforms for industry professionals to connect in a convivial atmosphere. Keep an eye out for the soon-to-be-released event calendar for the second half of the year, packed with ways to get involved!



  • AAIS New Members’ Night 2024

    The AAIS Annual New Members’ Night was held on 16 May 2024 at the Singapore Island Country Club. The evening served as a warm welcome to our newest corporate members who joined AAIS during the past year.

    The evening buzzed with excitement as participants eagerly connected with fellow members in vibrant interactions from the get-go. The programme officially kicked off with introductions of the AAIS Management Committee and our new members. AAIS President Mr Wong Yue Jeen extended a heartfelt welcome to all the new members, sharing insights into the work of the Association and highlighting key areas of focus such as supply chain resilience, quality and safety, talent pipeline development, and the continued promotion of transformation and innovation within the industry. Engaging conversations flowed freely throughout the evening, with many attendees lingering well past dessert to continue networking and building connections.

    We extend a warm welcome to our new members which each add a vibrant thread to the rich tapestry of our aerospace community. To contribute to these vital industry initiatives and benefit from the extensive knowledge and networks of the industry, join us as a member. Find out more and apply at  

  • AAIS Bowling Tournament 2024

    The AAIS annual Bowling Tournament returned with a bang on 11 May 2024, held at Orchid Bowl within the Orchid Country Club. The event brought together 32 teams from across the aerospace industries, all vying for friendly bragging rights and a chance at the championship title.

    The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as teammates cheered each other on, erupting in celebrations for every strike and spare. A genuine sense of camaraderie was evident highlighting the strong sense of community within the industry. The tournament also featured exciting novelty games like “4 Bagger,” “7-10 splits,” and “5 Stand-alone,” injecting an extra layer of fun and friendly competition into the event. These challenges kept participants on their toes and added a touch of lightheartedness to the competition.


    A hearty congratulations to our champions from Singapore Aero Engine Services Private Limited (SAESL), who retained their title for the second year running! The team SIA Engineering Company secured the first runner-up position, while keglers from Bestlabs Singapore Pte. Ltd. bagged the second runner-up spot. Individual achievements were also recognised, with Tan Chee Guan from SIAEC and Nurul Aisyah Atriyanie from GE Aerospace achieving the highest scores in their respective categories.

    Team Prizes Company/ Team Name Score
    Team Champion Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd/ SAESL A 2044
    1st Runner-up SIA Engineering Company Ltd/ Team SIAEC 2000
    2nd Runner-up Bestlabs Singapore Pte Ltd/ BLS Team 1 1926
    Individual Prizes Name/ Company Score
    Best Male Overall Mr Tan Chee Guan/ SIA Engineering Company Ltd 634
    Best Female Overall Ms Nurul Aisyah Atriyanie Bte Noor Azman/ GE Aerospace 509

    AAIS BOWLING TOURNAMENT 2024 – Full Team Results 
    AAIS BOWLING TOURNAMENT 2024 – Individual Results

    The AAIS Bowling Tournament was once again a resounding success, solidifying its place as a much-loved industry tradition. We thank the aerospace community for their enthusiastic participation in this fantastic corporate team-building event! A special thank you also goes to our Management Committee member Matthieu Pere, CEO of Safran Electronics & Defense Services Asia Pte Ltd, for presenting the awards to our well-deserved winners. We look forward to seeing everyone again for another thrilling bowling competition next year! In the meantime, look forward to more sporting tournaments including Futsal and Golf in the second half of the year!

    Check out and download photos from the event here!
    Password: aa15bwl24
    Credits: Aerophotoworks for AAIS



  • Mediation in Aviation: A Win-Win Approach

    Together with the Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) and the Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation (HCAA), AAIS was pleased to co-organise a seminar on Mediation in Aviation: A Win-Win Approach to Dispute Resolution held on 17 April at the offices of Rajah & Tann Singapore. The seminar was held specially for AAIS and industry members following the MOU signing between HCAA and SIMC in February, on Asia’s first specialised mediation framework for the aviation industry.

    In the first part of the programme, Antony Lee, Director of Strategic Engagement at SIMC provided an overview of the benefits of mediation, including the differences between litigation, arbitration and mediation. Mediation was highlighted as a cost-effective and efficient dispute resolution tool that focuses on the interest of the parties involved. 90% of mediations administered by SIMC take only one day, with a settlement rate of over 70%. Lee also took participants through a typical mediation process, factors affecting the costs of mediation, as well as the roles played by the skilled mediator.


    In the second part of the programme, Paul Ng, Partner at Rajah & Tann and co-head of the Mediation Standing Committee at HCAA delved into the intricacies of mediation in aviation disputes. He spotlighted the complexities of cross-border aviation disputes, particularly jurisdictional conflicts and enforcement challenges. The session culminated in an engaging panel discussion featuring Lee, Ng, and Mary Walker, an esteemed international mediator and barrister from Australia. The panellists and participants shared their experiences with mediation and discussed the approaches, rules of engagement, and mitigating potential challenges of mediation.


    The session was insightful and provided a refreshing perspective on resolving commercial disputes, which is relevant and important in the highly interconnected aviation and aerospace industries. We thank our esteemed partners and speakers from HCAA and SIMC for generously sharing their time and expertise. We also thank all attendees for their active participation and record our gratitude to Rajah & Tann for hosting the event.


  • Budget 2024: Implications for Business


    Budget 2024 addressed key long-term issues facing Singapore, including climate change, competition for talent and foreign investments, and social inequality. We are appreciative of Mr Teh Swee Thiam (Partner, Global Compliance & Reporting) and Ms Tracy Tham (Associate Partner, Business Incentives Advisory) of Ernst & Young for sharing the implications that Budget 2024 will have for Aviation and Aerospace businesses.

    Discussions covered the following topics:

    1. Tackling immediate challenges for businesses

    • Enhancement to the Enterprise Financing Scheme
    • Extension of SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)
    • Other Tax measures and rebates

    2. Bolstering business competitiveness and Pursuing better growth and jobs

    • Enhancements to The Partnerships for Capability Transformation (PACT) Scheme
    • Introduction of Refundable Investment Credit Scheme
    • Introduction of additional concessionary tax rate tiers

    3. Securing climate resilience

    • Enhancements to Energy Efficiency Grant
  • RSAF Members Visit Bell Textron Asia

    RSAF members were treated with a good start to the year’s learning journeys, with Mr Mark Loh, General Manager of Bell Textron Asia hosting us on 21 March 2024 at the Seletar Aerospace Park maintenance facilities. Following a briefing on Bell’s aircraft line-up and global footprint, members were treated to a guided walk-though of both the helicopter and business jet hangars. This included a close look at the comprehensive suite of capabilities available, from structures, component and avionics/electrical workshops, paintshop to warehouse. There was much to see and learn, even for the seasoned engineers among the visitors. Not least was hearing from Mark about his inspirational career transition from AFE to the commercial world, and eventually, to leadership of a regional organisation in a major commercial aerospace organisation.

  • MOU Signing with KOSME, S. Korea

    AAIS and the Korean SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 20 Mar 2024 to facilitate business cooperation between AAIS members and promising Korean startups. The MOU was inked by Mr Kang Seog Jin, President, KOSME and Mr Wong Yue Jeen, President, AAIS.

    In his opening remarks, Mr Wong noted that the aviation and aerospace industries placed great store on leveraging technology, fostering innovation, and attracting talents as ways to develop a more resilient and sustainable aerospace ecosystem. Mr Kang likewise expressed hope that the MOU would lead to greater cooperation between Korean SMEs and Startups and Singapore industry, adding to the ongoing efforts of K-Startup Center Singapore.

    Following the discussion and MOU signing, Mr Kang signed the guest book and together with Korean delegates, was briefed on developments at Seletar Aerospace Park.



  • Drones and Uncrewed Asia 2024

    The Singapore UAS Community by AAIS had a good two days (6-7 Mar 2024) at Drones & Uncrewed Asia, supporting our members and engaging with regulators and industry. We also kick-started our preparation for the 2024/2025 edition of the Singapore UAS Directory.

    Compared to last year, the drones component of the show has grown. We were particularly encouraged by the growing participation of our members: Viasat, Avetics Global, Heron AirBridge, SwissDrones, Temasek Polytechnic, Thales and YJP Surveyors.

    There was a lot going on with the drones theme now sharing the main stage, in addition to the parallel sessions at the UAV Innovation Theatre. A keynote and two panel discussions were featured:

    1. Harmonising operational procedures: converging paths towards standardisation

    Moderator: Mr Sia Kheng Yok, Chief Executive, Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)


    1. CPT Illyaquila Fateen Ismail, Assistant Director, Flight Operations Division, Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia
    2. Mr Mudzkkir Hatta, CEO, Malaysia, Aerodyne
    3. Ms Kristen Mineck, Manager, Aviation Requirements and Standards, Viasat
    4. Ms Teo Shiqi, Head, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Unmanned Systems Policy and Regulations Division, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

    2. Going global: How the Asia Pacific region is leading the way in autonomous aviation

    Moderator: Mark ter Hove, Senior Manager, AAM/UAM, Viasat


    1. Mr Ryan Lee, CEO, Heron AirBridge
    2. Mr Sanjay Suresh, GM, Drone Services APAC, Skyports
    3. Ms Lee Siu Min, Regional Director, Business Development APAC, Viasat


    The now customary Singapore UAS Community drinks reception was held on Day 1 and co-hosted by Viasat. As always, we had good conversations in a conducive setting, with industry leaders. Thank you to all who joined us. Our appreciation goes especially to sponsor, Viasat.

  • Singapore Pavilion Shines at Singapore Airshow 2024

    The Singapore Pavilion at the Singapore Airshow 2024 was a hive of activities, marking another successful showcase coordinated by AAIS. From 20 to 25 February 2024, the biennial Singapore Airshow was back in full swing, bringing together industry leaders and professionals from the aviation, aerospace and defence industries.

    Groundwork for the Singapore Pavilion commenced well in advance, with planning and coordination in the months prior, through the Christmas and holiday season. AAIS held an exhibitor briefing in early January, setting the stage for participants. Additionally, a preparatory seminar titled “Unlock Procurement Wins” was held on 25 January, featuring speakers from Arc Blue and Shipley, covering changes in aerospace procurement and strategies for business success.

    Diverse Capabilities & Next-Generation Solutions

    The Singapore Pavilion featured a diverse range of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), with 27 exhibitors, more than twice the number compared to its previous iteration. Notably, over half of these exhibitors were making their debut appearance at Singapore Airshow 2024, highlighting innovations in areas such as advanced manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, and sustainable solutions. An array of capabilities and solutions for aerospace manufacturing, MRO value-chain services, airport and ground support, defence, engineering and development, logistics, parts, tools, materials and others were on display. In particular, the Pavilion showcased the ecosystem’s strengths in:

    1. Special Processes and Surface Finishing: Featuring companies certified to provide vital surface treatment processes for OEM and MRO parts, completing the aerospace supply chain.
    2. Innovation and Technology: Exhibitors showcased cutting-edge technologies, including Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (CUAS), Robotics, Automation, and AI, driving advancements in emerging industries.
    3. Green Solutions: Singapore SMEs highlighted sustainability, presenting Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and sustainable procurement materials, contributing to net zero ambitions.


    VIP Visitor Highlights:

    Throughout the Trade Days, the Singapore Pavilion attracted significant foot traffic, including VIPs and foreign delegations. Notable visitors included:

    • Senior Minister of State Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Manpower, Mr Zaqy Mohamad;
    • Permanent Secretary (Development), Ministry of Trade and Industry, Dr Beh Swan Gin
    • Chairman of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), Mr Png Cheong Boon;
    • Enterprise Singapore Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Mr Soh Leng Wan; and
    • Foreign delegations comprising senior defence decision-makers.


    On Public Day, the Pavilion continued to garner attention, with Singapore Pavilion exhibitors receiving visits from Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, Mr Heng Swee Keat; and Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mr Alvin Tan.

    View more pictures of the Singapore Pavilion at this Aerophotoworks Photo Gallery.

    Media Attention and Publicity:

    In the lead-up to and during the week-long trade event, the Singapore Pavilion and its exhibitors received attention from the media, garnering coverage from mainstream, business, industry, and social media outlets. Here are some notable mentions:

    • Aviation International Online:  “Singapore Set to Shine at This Year’s Airshow” Read more
    • MONEYFM (Live) – Mind Your Business: Hosted a segment titled “What’s in the skies? Unveiling the secrets of Singapore’s aerospace growth” Listen
    • Power98FM/Camokakis – In the News: “Singapore Aerospace & Airshow 2024”  Listen
    • ChannelNewsAsia: “Singapore grooms talent, looks to scale up infrastructure to meet demand from aerospace industry” Read more
    • Minister of State Alvin Tan on LinkedIn. View post
    • Enterprise Singapore on LinkedIn. View post


    List of Singapore Pavilion Exhibitors

    To find out more about the exhibitors or to contact them, download the Singapore Pavilion Guide here: SG Airshow Exhibitors Guide



  • China-Singapore Bilateral Aviation Forum

    AAIS is delighted to have successfully held our first jointly organised event with the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA). The China-Singapore Bilateral Aviation Forum held on 22 February at Singapore Airshow 2024, brought together business leaders, officials and academics from China and Singapore to exchange ideas on the development of the aviation and aerospace industry in the region.

    Amidst the anticipated robust growth in the Asia-Pacific fleet and passenger traffic in the coming decades, the Forum facilitated extensive discussions on enhancing supply chains, exploring the next generation of air travel, and furthering global and industry sustainability goals. Emerging technologies and innovations such as digitalisation, generative AI, electrification, and Sustainable Aviation Fuel were among the hot topics of discussion.

    Addressing partners and attendees at the top of the event, AAIS President Mr Wong Yue Jeen iterated the shifting nexus of commercial aviation towards China and the Asia Pacific region in the next decades. Fueled by strong demand for air travel, investments in infrastructure to expand capacity, and rising domestic demand in China and low-cost carriers in Southeast Asia, the region is poised not only to lead but fundamentally reshape the aerospace ecosystem. Mr. Wong highlighted the tremendous potential for cooperation between China and Singapore, particularly with the advent of new frontiers in travel such as air taxis, drones, and space.

    In his opening remarks, Mr Yao Junchen, CSAA Vice Chairman and Secretary-General emphasised the significance of China’s debut at the Singapore Airshow, recognising it as a valuable opportunity for fostering business connections and exchanging technological insights. He also highlighted the recent establishment of the International Green Aviation Association (IAGA), comprising over 50 organisations and individuals worldwide and dedicated to advancing sustainability in aviation through technological advancements and global cooperation.

    The Forum featured presentations covering an array of topics, including the aviation market, Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), digital Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO), the future of airports, and industry trends. The lineup of speakers represented a diverse cross-section of the industry from both China and Singapore, showcasing expertise and insights from various perspectives.

    Presenting Speakers:

    • Mr David So, Senior Vice President Corporate Planning & Continuous Improvement, SIA Engineering Company
    • Ms Mabel Kwan, Managing Director, Alton Aviation Consultancy
    • Mr Xiao Erbin, Senior Commercial Director, EHang
    • Ms Ding Ling, Deputy Mayor, Langfang Municipal People’s Government and Director, Beijing Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone (Langfang) Management Committee
    • Ms Qian Lili, Deputy Director, Investment Promotion Bureau of Taicang City, Jiangsu Province

    Two panel discussions, featuring industry experts, delved into reshaping business strategies for sustainable growth in MRO and manufacturing. The discussions underscored the importance of building supply chain resilience, fostering collaborative partnerships, embracing data-driven customer-centric approaches, and prioritizing capability development. Speakers unanimously agreed that these factors were essential for positioning businesses to overcome challenges, enhance efficiency, and adapt to evolving market demands. There was also a strong consensus that international cooperation between the private sector, government, and research institutions was crucial for optimizing the entire aviation industry on a global scale. Speakers emphasised the need for coordinated and collaborative efforts to drive innovation and progress.

    Panel 1: Technological Innovation and International Cooperation in Aviation
    Moderator: Dr Kenneth Low, Associate Professor and Engineering Group Leader, Singapore Institute of Technology

    • Mr Fu Jian, Associate Professor, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    • Mr Henry Hooi, Founder, Volar Ltd. and  Founding Member of IAGA
    • Mr David Schulte, Managing Director Marketing, India, South East Asia, and Asia Pacific, Boeing
    • Mr Guo Qing, Vice President, Embraer China

    Panel 2: Overview of Aviation MRO and Manufacturing Development
    Moderator: Mr Rahul Shah, Senior Vice President, Strategic Growth and Business Development – Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, AAR International

    • Mr Desmond Goh, Managing Director, Eaton Industries
    • Mr Philip Sung, Director of Sales, Global Aftermarket & Asia OEM and General Manager, Auxitrol Weston Singapore
    • Mr Patrick (Peng) Wang, President, Shanghai Handao Technologies Company

    Overall, the Forum highlighted the importance of international cooperation in driving progress and innovation within the aviation and aerospace industry. It also provided a valuable platform for networking and relationship-building among speakers, participants, and the organisers, facilitating connections that could lead to tangible opportunities for collaboration, growth and development. AAIS extends our gratitude to our partners CSAA and Experia, for their invaluable support and contribution to this successful event.


  • AAIS International Networking Lunch & Spotlight Sessions

    The Singapore Pavilion continued to buzz with activities on Day 2, kicking off with the AAIS International Networking Lunch.

    Held on the astroturf of the Seletar-themed JTC booth, the luncheon saw exciting announcements, new connections and exchanges between attendees comprising AAIS members and partners, Singapore Pavilion exhibitors, as well as visiting delegations from Australia, Canada, France, Japan, and the USA.

    Launch of Aerospace Open Innovation Challenge

    A highlight of the event was the launch of the Aerospace Open Innovation Challenge (AOIC) which aims to foster collaboration and innovation between industry players and promising startups and SMEs within the aerospace industry. The AOIC is an initiative by JTC Corporation and Enterprise Singapore with support from AAIS and EDB and the first aerospace-focused innovation challenge in Singapore of such scale. Seven global aerospace companies  – Airbus, Bell Textron, Collins Aerospace, GE Aerospace, Jet Aviation, Singapore Component Solutions, and ST Engineering Commercial Aerospace – have issued 12 challenge statements in the areas of sustainability, productivity, and digitalisation. Startups and SMEs are invited to trial and scale their solutions, with more than S$500,000 in grants available to support the co-development and piloting of solutions. Corporates will also lend expertise and resources to nurture promising SMEs and startups in the aerospace field.

    Find out more about the AOIC here: 

    HCAA-SIMC MOU on Specialised Mediation Framework for Aviation

    A second highlight of the lunch programme was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between two alternative dispute resolution institutions seated in Europe and Asia. A collaboration between the Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation (HCAA) and the Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) marks Asia’s first specialised mediation framework for the aviation industry. It promises a fast, flexible, and cost-effective mode of dispute resolution, crucial for the fast-paced and mission-critical aviation sector. Through the MOU, Hague CAA and SIMC will promote the incorporation of suitable model dispute resolution clauses in Asia’s aviation industry and collaborate on joint events and training opportunities.

    Following these announcements, attendees engaged in valuable networking opportunities over a delectable lunch spread. Amidst the lively conversations, guests also took some time to explore the diverse offerings showcased at the Singapore Pavilion.


    Spotlight Sessions @ Singapore Pavilion

    In the afternoon, AAIS organised Spotlight Sessions as a platform for members and partners to share new initiatives, pertinent topics and solutions with the industry. The Spotlight Sessions featured topics covering sustainable solutions and the application of cutting-edge technologies.
  • Singapore Aerospace Technology Leadership Forum 2024

    The Singapore Aerospace Technology Leadership Forum (SATLF) 2024 was convened on 19 February 2024, bringing together thought leaders and industry experts from leading global aerospace companies. Co-organised by A*STAR (the Agency for Science, Technology and Research) and the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS), and supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board, this premier forum explored critical themes shaping the future of aerospace.

    The event was graced by Singapore’s Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Ms Low Yen Ling. In her opening address, Ms Low emphasised the significance of the aerospace sector in Singapore’s economy, highlighting its resilience and adaptability amid global challenges. She underscored the importance of innovation, research, and collaboration in driving the industry forward, reinforcing the government’s commitment to supporting aerospace technology development.

    Building on this message, the forum underscored the industry’s commitment to innovation and the development of aerospace technology towards a greener future for flight. Over two panel discussion sessions, nine Chief Technology Officers, many from the AAIS membership, shared breathtaking concepts of the future being developed today.

    In Panel 1 on Smart Aerospace, speakers delved into the transformative potential of digital technologies to revolutionise every aspect of aerospace operations. From integrating artificial intelligence to leveraging digital solutions and robotics, the panel explored ways to enhance aircraft manufacturing, maintenance, and overall industry resilience. The following industry leaders shared their insights:

    • Dr. Todd Citron, Chief Technology Officer, The Boeing Company
    • Dr. Francis Preli, Vice President, Propulsion & Materials Technologies, Pratt & Whitney
    • Mr. David So, Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning & Continuous Improvement, SIA Engineering Company
    • Dr. Sean Black, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Engineer, Spirit AeroSystems
    • Dr. Bernhard Quendt, Group Chief Technology Officer, Thales

    Moderator: Mr. Mervyn Tan, Chief Executive, Defence Science and Technology Agency

    The second panel on Net Zero 2050 focused on sustainability strategies towards the industry’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Discussions centred on the development and implementation of sustainable solutions for reducing the environmental impact of aviation. Leaders explored promising avenues, including the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), electric and hybrid-electric propulsion technologies, and advancements in aircraft design that optimize fuel efficiency. Speakers for the session were:

    • Mr. Stephen McCullough, Senior Vice President, Engineering & Product Development, Bombardier
    • Mr. Todd Giles, Chief Technology Officer, Honeywell
    • Mr. Simon Burr, Group Director of Engineering, Technology & Safety, Rolls-Royce
    • Ms. Lee Hui Fung, Senior Vice President & Head, Innovation and Continuous Improvement, ST Engineering

    Moderator: Mr. Sia Kheng Yok, Chief Executive, Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)

    In light of recent global disruptions, the forum also addressed the critical need for building strong and adaptable supply chains within the aerospace industry. Strategies put forth included diversification of suppliers, collaboration and sharing of resources, and leveraging technologies such as blockchain for enhanced supply chain transparency, advanced analytics for better demand forecasting, and additive manufacturing for on-demand production of critical parts.

    The forum concluded on a positive note, with participants expressing optimism for the future of Singapore’s aerospace sector. Emphasis was placed on the importance of continued investment in innovation, fostering collaboration across the industry, and nurturing a skilled workforce. The discussions also served as a call to action for the aerospace industry, setting the stage for driving the next wave of advancements.

    We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partner A*STAR, speakers, and attendees for their invaluable contributions, insights, and active participation.


  • First RSAF Preparatory Training for M08 Basic Aerodynamics

    A key element of our RSAF membership programme is the SAR66 preparatory training we provide Member Plus+ candidates. We were delighted to kick off this programme with 29 members participating in the first session of M08 Basic Aerodynamics held on 17 February 2024. This was the first in a series of similar courses to be run throughout the year in accordance with our MOU with the RSAF signed in July 2023.

  • ‘Unlock Procurement Wins’ Seminar

    In the lead up to Singapore Airshow 2024, AAIS organised a seminar on 25 January 2024 to prime our members and exhibitors on the changes to the aerospace procurement landscape, and the strategy for winning new business. ‘Unlock Procurement Wins: Strategies for Suppliers’ was well-attended despite the inclement weather and also offered yet another good opportunity to network with other members.

    Chris Hampden from ArcBlue Consulting shared how commercial aerospace procurement had evolved. He noted how multiple events in recent times had disrupted the supply chain to varying degrees, including wars, political and economic tensions, the pandemic, resource shortages, closure of shipping routes, etc.  All this had increased business and operational risks for global manufacturers. Chris described how this translated into new priorities for supply chains, such as achieving a balance between global vs regional suppliers, cost effectiveness vs low cost, optimised inventories vs lean inventories, and derisking through multi-sourcing.

    Amy Lees from Shipley followed up with anecdotes from her extensive experience in bid and account management to discuss techniques for suppliers to determine their competitive position, and to communicate their offer in such as way as to increase the chances of success. She pointed out that a proactive approach was needed to engage potential customers on their needs and to pre-position one’s business for the eventual procurement exercise.

    The seminar concluded with a panel discussion on the practical aspects of responding to the insights shared. We thank Chris and Amy, and all participants for their active engagement.

    For those who missed the event, video recordings of the seminar will be posted when ready.


  • Visit by the Guangxi Education Bureau

    AAIS was pleased to host a group of 36 senior academics from various vocational institutes across the Guangxi province in China, to the Seletar Aerospace Park on 10 January 2024. The visit was facilitated by Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

    Mr Sia, Chief Executive of AAIS, gave an informative presentation to the participants. The sharing covered a range of topics such as the development of Seletar Aerospace Park, the overview of Singapore’s aerospace industry, as well as current topics of interest such as Sustainability and Unmanned Aircraft.

Events 2023
  • Propel Book Sharing @ Rolls-Royce

    AAIS was pleased to be invited by Rolls-Royce Singapore on 28 November 2023 to facilitate an internal sharing session on the rich history of the aerospace industry in Singapore.  This was held in conjunction with the recent launch of Propel, a commemorative publication by AAIS that delves into the legacy and development of the Singapore aviation and aerospace industries.

    The session featured Mr Goh Yong Kiat, the lead author of Propel. Mr Goh kicked off the session by delving into his journey and passion for documenting the history of Singapore’s aerospace industry and his research process, showcasing the various books he has authored on the subject throughout the years. He went on to share captivating historical anecdotes about the development of the industry, touching on the early presence of Rolls Royce in Singapore, and the engines that have powered various aircraft in service over Singapore since.

    A self-professed aviation geek, plane spotter and bird watcher, Mr Goh also shared many photos and images that that vividly illustrated the evolution of aviation and aerospace infrastructure as well as historical decisions and milestones in Singapore’s aviation history.

    At the end of the enriching session, participants also engaged in a Q&A with Mr Goh and took the opportunity to have their copies of Propel personally signed.

    We extend our sincere gratitude to Rolls-Royce Singapore for graciously hosting the session, Mr Goh Yong Kiat for his invaluable time and insights, and all participants for their keen participation and support of Propel.



  • AAIS 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) proudly marked the culmination of its 20th Anniversary activities with an industry Gala Dinner held on 9 November 2023 at the Singapore Island Country Club. Mr Alvin Tan, Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Culture, Community and Youth, graced the occasion as the evening’s guest of honour. The Gala drew attendance from senior representatives of the AAIS membership, industry professionals, and valued partners.

    A Prelude to Celebration

    The festivities began with a vibrant pre-dinner programme, inviting guests to engage in various activities. Attendees perused and acquired copies of the commemorative book, “Propel,” at the book sales counter and explored the captivating “Flying Seeds” photo exhibition by Richard JW Koh. Amidst networking, guests enjoyed posing for instant digital photos and admired the 3D-printed AAIS logo showcase.



    Reflecting on Progress and Achievements

    The dinner programme commenced with an opening address by AAIS President, Mr Wong Yue Jeen, who shared insightful reflections on the Association’s journey, from its inception to overcoming challenges and achieving milestones. Mr Wong expressed his appreciation for the individuals, corporate members, industry professionals and leaders past and present for their contributions in building a resilient association that stands as an asset to the aerospace and aviation communities.


    The evening’s highlights included the launch of AAIS’s commemorative book, “Propel,” which chronicles the remarkable journey of Singapore’s aviation and aerospace industries, featuring stories and contributions from major aerospace players. The Association also launched the Promising Entrepreneurs Programme, designed to cultivate the development of next-generation leaders from local SMEs, equipping them with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the aerospace industry. Read more about the launch of Propel HERE, and the Promising Entrepreneurs Programme announcement HERE.

    Celebrating with Members

    AAIS took pride in celebrating its 20th Anniversary in the presence of members who were also marking significant milestones of their own including anniversaries, new investments, and expansions. The Association was delighted to receive a specially commissioned painting from Transfingo Group, a member celebrating its own 20th-year mark. The work by Singaporean artist Zhu Hong depicts the dynamism of aerospace and aviation in Singapore, its continuous evolution and the industry’s esprit de corps.

    From left: Mr Jeremy Chan, Chairman Transingo Aviation Solutions; Mr Wong Yue Jeen, AAIS President; Mr Kelvin Chung,
    Group Managing Director Transfingo Group of Companies; and Mr Sia Kheng Yok, AAIS Chief Executive.

    Honouring Long-Standing Members

    AAIS took the opportunity to recognise and honour long-standing members who have demonstrated unwavering support and commitment for 15 years and more. AAIS 1st Vice-President Mr Richard Wong presented certificates of recognition to representatives of long-standing member companies who were present at the Gala dinner.

    From left: Mr Brian Hunter, Parker Hannifin Singapore; Ms Defelyn Kim. Aerospace Component Engineering Services; Mr Desmond Lim, Wah Son Engineering; Mr Darren Wiggins, Meggitt Aerospace Asia Pacific; Mr Chu Pau Hua, Safran Landing Systems Services Singapore; Ms Emily Tan, Thales Solutions Asia; Mr Alister Beck, Element Testing Services; Mr Richard Wong, AAIS; Mr Foo Kean Shuh, SIA Engineering Company; Mr Rahul Shah, AAR International Inc; Mr Michael Oxborrow, ACP Metal Finishing;  Mr Patrick Curtin, Boeing Distribution; Mr Johnny Eng, Singapore Aero Engine Services; Mr Oliver Chamberlain, Rolls-Royce Singapore; Mr Francis Lim, Republic Polytechnic; Mr Ng Ker Wei, Ngee Ann Polytechnic

    The full list of long-standing AAIS members is as follows:

    Charter Members
    Element Testing Services (S) Pte Ltd
    Honeywell Aerospace Singapore Pte Ltd
    Satair Pte Ltd
    SIA Engineering Company Ltd
    Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd (SAESL)
    Thales Solutions Asia Pte Ltd
    Windsor Airmotive Asia Pte Ltd

    Ordinary Members
    AAR International Inc
    ACP Metal Finishing Pte Ltd
    Aerospace Component Engineering Services Pte Ltd
    AIM MRO Singapore Pte Ltd
    Boeing Distribution Pte Ltd
    Meggitt Aerospace Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
    Parker Hannifin Singapore Pte Ltd
    Prime Aerospace Pte Ltd
    Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd
    Safran Landing Systems Services Singapore Pte Ltd
    Tri-Wing Aviation Resources Pte Ltd
    Wah Son Engineering Pte. Ltd.

    Associate Members
    Aerospec Supplies Pte Ltd
    Hitech Heat Treatment Services Pte Ltd
    Nanyang Polytechnic
    Nanyang Technological University
    Ngee Ann Polytechnic
    Quality-Pulse Consultancy
    Republic Polytechnic
    Singapore Polytechnic
    Temasek Polytechnic

    A spirited “Yum Seng!” capped off the evening as members and guests joined AAIS long-standing members and the Management Committee in toasting to the Association’s 20th Anniversary and the continued success of the industry.

    Members and guests joined AAIS long-standing members and Management Committee toasting to the
    Association’s 20th Anniversary and the continued success of the industry.

    The 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner truly celebrated the community’s heritage and progress. We extend our sincere gratitude to our Platinum and Gold Sponsors for their generous support, which elevated the success of the event. Our heartfelt thanks to members for the congratulatory messages and to everyone for their presence at the gala dinner, reflecting the spirit of camaraderie within the aerospace community and contributing to the festive atmosphere.




    To view and download more photos from the event, visit the AAIS 20th Gala Dinner Instant Gallery.

    See also the Gala Dinner Supplement (Web), and the Media Release.


  • Launch of AAIS Commemorative Book, PROPEL

    In a culmination of activities marking 20 years of dedication to advancing the Singapore aerospace industry, the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) held a gala event on 9 November celebrating the heritage and progress of the Singapore aerospace and aviation sectors. At the heart of this celebration was the unveiling of a special commemorative publication – Propel.

    The launch unfolded with a trailer on the publication (see above) featuring Mr Goh Yong Kiat, who authored the main narrative of the book. With anticipation in the air, the evening’s guest-of-honour Mr Alvin Tan (Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Community, Culture & Youth) and AAIS President Mr Wong Yue Jeen took to the stage, joined by past presidents of AAIS – Mr Oh Wee Khoon (AAIS President 2003-2006) and Mr Philip Quek (AAIS President 2016 – 2021). Mr Tan and Mr Wong unveiled the cover of Propel, to the appreciation and applause of industry supporters present.

    Unveiling of the AAIS commemorative book, Propel. From left: Mr Oh Wee Khoon; Mr Wong Yue Jeen; MOS Alvin Tan; and Mr Philip Quek.

    AAIS was also proud to be joined by contributors and sponsors of the publication which were represented by senior executives for a group photo on stage.

    Guest-of-honour and representatives from sponsoring companies and contributors of Propel. From left: Mr Patrick Curtin (The Boeing Company), Mr Oliver Chamberlain (Rolls-Royce Singapore), Ms Marie-Agnes Veve (Airbus Singapore), Mr Iain Rodger (GE Aerospace), Mr Foo Kean Shuh (SIA Engineering Company), Mr Wong Yue Jeen (AAIS), Mr Alvin Tan (Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Culture, Community & Youth), Ms Glory Wee (Singapore Economic Development Board), Mr Shangari Meleschi (Pratt & Whitney), Ms Emily Tan (Thales Singapore), Mr Michael Oxborrow (ACP Metal Finishing) and Mr Cheam Hing Gee (Collins Aerospace).

    AAIS, with the strong support of the Singapore aerospace community, is proud to celebrate the milestones that have propelled the Singapore aerospace and aviation industries into the next frontier with the launch of this meaningful book. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the authors, sponsors and supporters who have contributed to the realisation of this unique and special publication. We also thank all industry members for their support of the book.


    Propel traces the humble beginnings and fascinating rise of aviation and aerospace in Singapore. The book’s central narrative explores the history of aviation in the island nation, from the first airfields of the Royal Air Force to the development of Changi Airhub. Interspersed between the central narrative are stories contributed by leading aerospace companies in Singapore as well as the Economic Development Board. The book also features a message by Mr Gan Kim Yong, Singapore’s Minister for Trade & Industry. Together, Propel paints a vibrant and collective portrait of the aerospace sector’s growth, alongside the flourishing of Singapore’s air transport industry.

    From left: Image of ‘Propel’ dust jacket and cover

    Mr Goh Yong Kiat
    for Chapter 1: “Where Aviation Takes Off” through Chapter 6: “Airlines of Singapore” and “History of Singapore Civil Aircraft Registration”

    Ms Glory Wee
    for Chapter 7: “Growth and Transformation of Singapore’s Aerospace Industry” and “Creating a Community”

    Sponsors & Feature Contributors
    ACP Metal Finishing
    Airbus Singapore
    Boeing Singapore
    Collins Aerospace
    GE Aerospace
    Pratt & Whitney
    Rolls-Royce Singapore
    SIA Engineering Company
    ST Engineering
    Thales Solutions Asia

    Singapore Economic Development Board

    Bibliographic Details
    Publisher: Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)
    Publication date: 11/2023
    ISBN: 978-981-5060-51-5
    Type: Softcover with Dust jacket
    Size: 216mm x 216mm
    Extent: 184 pages

    Copies are available for corporate or personal orders through the following LINK or the widget below.
    For media or bulk purchase enquiries, please contact Ann Majid via email to


  • AAIS Promising Entrepreneurs Programme (PEP)

    As part of our commitment to propelling industry growth and nurturing the next generation of leaders in the aerospace sector, the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) proudly announced the inauguration of the Promising Entrepreneurs Programme (PEP) at its 20th Anniversary Gala dinner on 9 November. Tailored by AAIS, the PEP is a year-long programme that aims to provide next-generation SME leaders with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate the aerospace market and landscape.

    Singapore’s aerospace cluster is among the most developed in the region, offering promising opportunities for  SMEs. Nevertheless, it demands a high level of technical and business capabilities from its suppliers. Recognising this, the PEP was conceived to equip SME leaders with the necessary tools to understand, explore, and grow their businesses into the aerospace segments. These leaders, who are second, third, or fourth-generation members of family-owned businesses, either have taken over or are being prepared to take over the reins of their companies, and are actively exploring new capabilities, approaches, and markets.

    Going beyond theory, the PEP offers an immersive journey with industry visits, workshops, and curated activities for participants to gain an understanding and appreciation for the range of opportunities in the industry and network with OEMs, MNCs and fellow young leaders. Dr Koh Pak Keng, an entrepreneur and cold-spray technology expert, leads the programme, sharing his insights and experiences. The PEP will also be supported by Transfingo Group. Mr Kelvin Chung, its founder and Group Managing Director, is supportive of fostering the development of fellow SMEs in the spirit of mutual growth and advancement of the aerospace sector.

    The inaugural batch of the PEP includes a diverse group of SMEs, each contributing a unique perspective to the programme:

    1. Chee Fatt Co (Pte) Ltd
    2. Chemicals and Machinery Pte Ltd
    3. Chemtron Pte Ltd
    4. Fong Lee Metal Industries Pte Ltd
    5. KBG Contract Machining Pte Ltd
    6. Metalcool Pte Ltd
    7. Metall-Treat Industries Pte Ltd
    8. Sanxing Pte Ltd

    The PEP is just one example of how AAIS adds value to the aerospace industry, and we are excited about the positive impact it will have on the participants and in advancing the competitiveness of the industry as a whole.

    Launch of the Promising Entrepreneurs Programme at the AAIS 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner with next generation SME leaders  – (2nd from left) Mr Tony Moochala, Chemtron;
    (3rd from left) Mr Kwan Wai Yew, Chemicals & Machinery; 
    (5th from right) Mr Sean Wei Kwek, KBG Contract Machining; and (4th from right) Mr Kenneth Chan, Metalcool. 

    Minister of State Mr Alvin Tan interacting with participants of the PEP. 


  • RSAF AFEs visit Volocopter Showcase

    RSAF members had the opportunity to tour the Volocopter Showcase and ITE College Central hangar on 15 Nov 2023, in a visit coordinated by AAIS. We thank ITE and Volocopter for their kind arrangements.

    To begin, participants were given a briefing on the 3 aircraft types under development. These were the VoloCity for intracity travel, the VoloRegion for intercity flights and the VoloDrone for cargo flights (200 kg payload). The 2-seater VoloCity is pending initial airworthiness approvals by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), with first commercial flight expected in Paris in 2024. Plans for Singapore are initially for a tourism use case, with flights over Marina Bay and Kallang Basin.

    After an explanation and demonstration of the VoloPort check-in experience, participants were treated to a walk-round the full-scale VoloCity mock-up. This included a demonstration of its 18 rotors powered by low-noise electric motors, quick-swap battery compartment, and cockpit configured for autonomous flight. Participants also enjoyed a virtual reality flight experience.

  • 2nd EU-Asia UAS/UAM Symposium

    The 2nd EU-Asia UAS/UAM Symposium co-organised by EASA and CAAS was held from 7-11 Nov 2024 in Singapore. AAIS and local industry players were once again invited to present and participate in the sessions on 9 and 10 Oct 2023. Chaired by CAAS Senior Director and CTO Mr Tan Kah Han, the 2 days were an excellent time of exchange, learning and networking.


    Amongst other things, industry benefited from the summary of the prior 2 days’ discussions between regulators (below). It has often been discussed that harmonisation of regulations could help accelerate deployment of new UAS/UAM concepts and technologies. However, Mr Tan explained in his introduction that convergence was instead more realistic and also beneficial.

    Capacity and capability building for UAS and UAM regulatory development

    1. Organisation structure and regulations needed to evolve to complement evolving technology
    2. Staff training is needed to ensure that CAA is able to facilitate the needs of industry. “Can do attitude”
    3. Due to uniqueness of each State’s operation environment, it is more likely for regulations to converge than to be harmonised

    Drone regulations

    1. Rapid growth of UAS industry and varied use cases have led to an increase in complexity. The challenges posed in the areas of safety, security and resources were common to countries
    2. Authorities can consider developing adaptive regulations to deal with such challenges
    3. In making regulations, need to place attention on details such as language differences, simplicity for ease of understanding requirements, and the use of visuals to support implementation
    4. Collaboration is key. An open-minded attitude by regulators and industry is needed to accommodate diverse perspectives and innovative solutions

    Approaches to VTOL certification, validation and acceptance

    1. Certification requires close cooperation between State of Design and industry. CAA needed to rapidly build up specialist knowledge (e.g. electric propulsion)
    2. Stepwise innovative approach (initial mitigation with tight operational limitations that are gradually lifted with experience)
    3. Having a good CONOPS would help State of Registry and Operators to communicate with State of Design, and ensure operational considerations are included in the certification

    Entry into Service/Building a sustainable Innovative Air Mobility (IAM) hub

    1. Adapt current regulations to support EIS while being mindful of individual CONOPS
    2. Public and local authority acceptance is vital, and the industry should be involved in engagement efforts
    3. Trust needs to be built with all stakeholders to create a single source of truth for safety, privacy, noise and sustainability aspects.

    Approaches to Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management

    1. The different implementation architectures were discussed, and which services needed to be centralised and which could be provided by UTM SPs
    2. Noting that many countries will seek to deploy UTM as a cloud-based set of services, security was a key concern

    Day 3 and Day 4 discussions shed light on how VTOL and UTM were expected to take shape, as regulators and industry continued to engage on pioneering a path forward.

    UAS Operators – Industry Perspectives

    1. Collaboration between Industry and regulators to identify and overcome obstacles in carrying out UAS operations
    2. Approvals on an organizational level rather than an activity level can help ease regulatory burdens
    3. Policies need to be updated more frequently and agile in line with the evolving technology
    4. Positive community engagement by the regulator is important to show the community that drones are a reliable permanent offering

    Outlook of UAS/UAM Market Development

    1. Next phase of AAM development will focus on implementation
        • Tech need to outperform current modes of transport
        • Ability to take over existing routes
        • Create new demand
        • Scalable infrastructure
    2. Social Acceptance needs to be addressed
    3. Expanding the Aircraft Protocol will help to create support for investment and financing for scaling

    UTM Operators –  Industry Perspectives

    1. Many stakeholders involved. Important to bring technology, standards and regulations together
    2. Starting from cooperative traffic management, the path from regulatory strategic conflict detection to strategic deconfliction needs to be defined
    3. Involvement of the State in nationalization of services, ensuring national needs and guarantee the interoperability of UTM and nationalized services
    4. Different approaches (UTM services non-certified vs certified) and different architecture solutions (distributed vs federated vs centralized) are under debate
    5.  Academia can support with valuable studies and simulations

    VTOL OEM Perspectives

    1. Most manufacturers are choosing to advance stepwise from pilot on board first, to certain levels of automation, to autonomy
    2. Existing ATM will likely be able to support at the beginning due to the lower number of operations, but UATM systems will be needed due to the high number of operations in future
    3. Battery is a key technology, where continued research is expected to improve energy density, reducing weight and cost.
    4. The VTOL design will be scalable: the first entrant will be the least profitable: better battery will allow to increase payload and performance

    We thank EASA and CAAS for this visionary effort to level up both regulators and industry on the developments in UAM/UAS and to facilitate a platform for constructive dialogue.



  • Air Navigation World 2023: ATM Procedures for Today

    AAIS and its Air Traffic Management (ATM) sector members (ASI, Heron AirBridge, NATS, Frequentis, Thales, Viasat etc) attended the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) ‘Air Navigation World ATM Procedures for Today’ global conference hosted by CAAS in Singapore on 23-27 Oct 2023. Some 450 participants from 56 States, international organizations and industry from around the world gathered for focused knowledge exchange, with the goal of facilitating global implementation of mature ATM procedures.

    At the event, Mr Chee Hong Tat, Acting Minister of Transport, pledged a voluntary contribution of $200,000 towards ICAO’s Transformational Objective and cybersecurity programme. A further pledge of $100,000 was made by CAAS towards training and consultancy projects coordinated by ICAO in support of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS).

    The event also saw the signing of two Letters of Intent on the sidelines:

    (1) Asia-Pacific Trajectory-Based Operation (TBO) Pathfinder Project. Ten air navigation service providers (ANSPs) from China, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) signed an agreement to jointly define, develop, and demonstrate TBO for the Asia-Pacific region within four years.

    (2)  South-East Asia – Oceania Implementation of Free Route Operations (FRTO) Project. Five ANSPs from Indonesia, New Zealand, and Singapore, CANSO, and IATA signed an agreement to identify applicable city pairs and flights, and validate the use of FRTO between defined cities within a year.

    Congratulations to CAAS on successfully hosting the event and putting a spotlight on Asia and the Pacific.

    To view video recordings on ICAO TV:

    Read press releases:

    Read Acting Transport Minister’s Welcome Remarks:

  • AAIS 21st Annual General Meeting

    The 21st Annual General Meeting of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) took place on 20 October 2023 at the WingsOverAsia Lounge in Seletar Aerospace Park. AAIS members were present in good numbers, and early birds took the opportunity to catch up with each other before the commencement of the proceedings.


    The AGM commenced with opening remarks by AAIS President, Mr Wong Yue Jeen, who highlighted the industry’s promising path to recovery and growth. Referencing the Aerospace and Air Transport Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs), Mr Wong emphasised the Association’s role in advancing and promoting the aerospace and aviation industries. He noted that the association will continue its focus on key agenda items for the industry including Sustainability, Safety, Talent Development, and Supply Chain Resilience.

    Following the opening remarks were the Annual Report Presentation by Honorary Secretary, Ms Lim Hee Joo, and a financial performance overview of the past fiscal year by Honorary Treasurer, Mr Desmond Goh.

    During the AGM, AAIS members endorsed the FY2022/23 Annual Report and the audited Financial Report. Members approved the reappointment of Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance as Honorary Legal Advisor, and Ernst & Young as the Honorary External Auditor for the Association.


    Appreciation for the 13th Management Committee 2021/23

    The Association also recorded its appreciation to the 13th Management Committee for its leadership and support from the midst of the pandemic in 2021 to the post-pandemic period of recovery and growth. Two MC members who stepped down from the committee at the AGM were recognised:

    1. Mr Mads Bondergaard ​(AAIS 2nd Vice-President​ – October 2020 – October 2023​)
    2. Ms Yap Siok Leng​ (AAIS Assistant Hon. Treasurer​ – October 2021 – October 2023​)

    Appointment of the 14th Management Committee 2021/23

    Eligible AAIS members participated in an election to elect the new 14th Management Committee which will be serving a two-year term (until AGM in 2025). The election results for the 14th AAIS Management Committee were announced. We congratulate all elected members of the committee!

    Three AAIS Secretariat staff were recognised for their long years of service. The AGM formalities then concluded with closing remarks from re-elected AAIS President, Mr Wong Yue Jeen. Mr Wong celebrated the achievements of the association’s 20th Anniversary projects and highlighted AAIS’ involvement in the upcoming Singapore Airshow in February 2024.


  • Frequentis celebrates Asian Competence Centre opening with AAIS

    L-R: Frequentis CEO Norbert Haslacher, Dr Harald Mahrer, President of WKO, and Sia KY, Chief Executive AAIS

    AAIS was honoured to participate in the grand opening of the Asian Competence Centre (ACC) of our member, Frequentis, on 13 Oct 2023. The ACC showcases the operational capabilities of Frequentis’ safety-critical solutions including various simulators for air traffic management, and the Frequentis multimedia control room solution LifeX for emergency services. The occasion also marked the company’s 20th year since its incorporation in Singapore. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was presided over by Dr Harald Mahrer, President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO), Frequentis CEO Norbert Haslacher and Chief Executive AAIS.

    The event was graced by His Excellency Peter Guschelbauer, Austrian Ambassador to Singapore, VP Soo Haw Yun of EDB, Soh Poh Theen, Director Asia Pacific of CANSO, partners, suppliers and industry guests.

    Dr Mahrer lauded the strong business ties established with Singapore by Austrian businesses like Frequentis. Chief Executive Sia noted that AAIS was also celebrating its 20th anniversary as an aviation/aerospace community. He spoke of the business ecosystem envisaged by the recently refreshed Aerospace and Air Transport Transformation Maps and how the Asian Competence Centre could play a role in engendering conversations about future ATM systems and communications, catalysing co-innovation in airspace management. In his remarks, CEO Haslacher paid tribute to the dedication of Frequentis staff and spoke of the company’s long term approach to business and illustrated this with its 30-year relationship with Singapore supplier, Precision Technologies.

    Our congratulations to Frequentis on its 20th year in Singapore and the opening of its Asian Competence Centre.

    Photos: Frequentis, Soo HY, AAIS

  • 4th ASEAN Sustainability Forum

    4th ASEAN Sustainability Forum

    The 4th ASEAN Sustainability Forum was organised on the sidelines of the 48th ASEAN Air Transport Working Group meeting on 4 Oct 2023 at Amara Hotel, Singapore. This was the fourth such session under the two-year chairmanship of CAAS and once again, AAIS members were invited to participate in the proceedings in-person or on-line. Speakers at the event included AAIS, Boeing, CSIRO, ICAO and EcoCeres.

    AAIS Chief Executive was privileged to address the Forum, sharing the vision of the Association, “an innovative aerospace community for a sustainable future”. He illustrated how this had guided AAIS’ efforts to build consensus and galvanise the community to action on the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability. Various examples of industry initiatives in Singapore were cited, demonstrating the strong shared emphasis on sustainability. At an international level, AAIS worked primarily through the ICCAIA to support ICAO and global efforts. Locally, two of AAIS current projects were cited – the tracking of solar energy adoption by the industry, and the development of a sustainability framework for clusters.

  • RSAF Members visit SIAEC Safety Promotion Centres

    AAIS organized a visit to the SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) Safety Promotion Centres for RSAF members on 29 Sep 2023.

    Participants were conducted on guided tours of the Aviation Safety Promotion Centre and the Workplace Safety Promotion Centre. These centres were established by SIAEC to augment safety training programmes for its staff with the aim of reinforcing workplace safety culture and mindset.

    The Aviation Safety Centre included immersive media and informational displays drawing on past incidents from around the world. The Workplace Safety Promotion Centre offered an integrated learning environment combining classroom-based lessons, and experiential and visual learning for participants.

    Attendees from various units, including AFI and QAB, gained a comprehensive overview of safety protocols and practices in the  commercial aerospace industry. The interactive exhibits coupled with detailed explanations by our experienced hosts left an lasting impression. Thank you to SIAEC for hosting, and we look forward to seeing more of our RSAF Members at our future events!

  • Roundtable with Chair of UK CAA

    Roundtable with Sir Stephen Hillier, Chairman UK CAA

    A Roundtable with Chair of UK CAA, Sir Stephen Hillier, was held on 28 Sep 2023 and ably moderated by Derek Cheng, Head of Commercial APAC at Vertical Aerospace. The session took place on the sidelines of the Global Urban and Advanced Air Summit 2023 in Singapore and was hosted at Bombardier Aerospace Services. Participants included representatives from AAIS, Air Asia, Bombardier, CAAS, EDB, NATS, SIA Engineering Co, Skyports, ST Engineering, and Vertical Aerospace.

    Participants spoke of their roles in the Aerospace ecosystem, with particular reference to Urban Air Mobility. Issues of common concern were raised and views exchanged about the global talent challenge and the need for agility by regulators. The latter pointed to a need for closer cooperation with industry. Naturally this also necessitated organisational changes and safeguards to avoid the risk of “regulatory capture”. On green aviation, there were concerns about an over reliance on Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) as a solution. There was uncertainty over whether the production of SAF was able to grow as rapidly as the demand suggested by net zero commitments.



  • MRO Asia Pacific 2023

    Awards Ceremony at CHIJMES

    AAIS had a successful week at MRO Asia Pacific, beginning with the MRO Asia Pacific Awards Ceremony on 25 Sep 2023. The former Chapel at CHIJMES provided a stunning backdrop as awards were presented to deserving companies and individuals. Congratulations to all winners, with a special shoutout to Singapore-based MROs: Bombardier, ST Engineering and SIA Engineering Company.

    Briefing to Queensland delegates

    AAIS also had the privilege of collaborating with Trade and Investment Queensland to brief the visiting Queensland delegates and exhibitors on Singapore industry developments, and to support business networking.

    Overview of the Singapore Pavilion


    Opening day crowd at MRO Asia Pacific 2023

    The following days of exhibition at Singapore Expo were notable for the palpable energy at the Singapore Pavilion, comprising 22 exhibitors. The opening day crowd was a testament to the show’s growth and success. Adding to the buzz, we were also pleased to welcome members and friends to the AAIS booth on 27 Sep 3 pm for a beer and moon cakes.

    Members getting acquainted

    We extend our heartfelt thanks to Singapore Pavilion exhibitors, partners and friends for making this a worthwhile outing. Kudos to everyone involved in making the show bigger and better than ever.

    Singapore Pavilion Exhibitors:

    ACME Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd
    Applied Total Control Treatment Pte Ltd
    Assa Abloy Entrance Systems Singapore Pte Ltd
    ATEQ Singapore Pte Ltd
    Auxitrol Weston Singapore Pte Ltd
    Aviation Partner & Consulting Pte Ltd
    Ban Chu Leong Technologies Pte Ltd
    Bollore Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd
    CF Global Technologies Pte Ltd
    Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd
    CW Aero Services Pte Ltd
    Fluke South East Asia Pte Ltd
    Hypercoat Enterprises Pte Ltd
    Prime Aerospace Pte Ltd
    R.I.S.E Aerospace Pte Ltd
    RVI Inspection and Equipment Pte Ltd
    Sanxing Pte Ltd
    Saservo Pte Ltd
    Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd
    SP Manufacturing Pte Ltd
    Transfingo Aviation Solutions Pte Ltd
    Vallen Singapore Pte Ltd

    photo credits: Aerophotoworks for AAIS

  • Visit by Korea SMEs and Startups Agency

    AAIS was pleased to welcome the Chief Audit Executive Mr Park Jeong yeol of the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) to Seletar Aerospace Park on 7 Sep 2023. It was an opportunity to discuss the recovery of the aviation and aerospace sectors, and the development of Seletar Aerospace Park. We also spoke of possibilities for cooperation with KOSME and Korean SMEs and startups. This would build on existing warm relations with the Korea Aerospace Industries Association (KAIA) and other Korean agencies. We welcome the renewal and strengthening of international ties and industrial cooperation post-pandemic.



  • eVTOLS: A Revolution in Aerial Mobility?

    Electric-powered vertical lift was once again in focus on 5 Sep 2023, via a webinar organised by S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) and supported by AAIS. The webinar was moderated by Chris Leck of RSIS, with panelists, Derek Cheng (Vertical Aerospace), Andrew Cummins (Archer Aviation), Damian Kysely (Skyports Infrastructure) and Prof James Wang (NTU).

    The eVTOL frontrunners are aiming for airworthiness certifications from next year, and to launch commercial operations soon after, in conjunction with major events. There was consensus that this new mode of transport would take root from the late 2020s onwards, with new battery tech enabling greater payloads or longer ranges.

    Even as new tech is introduced, this has to done with attention to the priorities of safety and reliability. Some discussion ensued regarding the different approaches to certification by FAA and EASA, and the hope for harmonisation. Standardisation is also desirable for vertiport design and battery charging, to support different aircraft types.

    The gamechanger will be the introduction of autonomy and UTM. This will alleviate constraints such as the availability of pilots, and the ability to manage large numbers of air taxis operating in urban airspace.

    The panel concluded that Singapore could be a lead adopter for intra and intercity flights, and benefit from attracting industry and R&D activities.


  • Aerospace Partners’ Golf Tournament 2023

    The highly anticipated annual Aerospace Partners’ Golf Tournament co-organised by AAIS swung into action again at Tanah Merah Country Club Tampines Course on 25 August 2023. This year’s APGT saw the participation of over 100 golfers from across the aerospace industry.

    Despite the delay in tee-off due to unfavourable weather conditions, spirits were high and participants took the time to connect and catch up with one another. Eventually, the rain subsided and excited participants made their way to the golf course with bright skies accompanying the golfers throughout the rest of the afternoon. Roving buggies were also activated to ensure a continuous supply of beer, 100-Plus, bananas and chocolate bars for participants in between strokes.

    The evening programme began with pre-dinner wine-tasting, followed by an opening performance by the boy’s brigade bagpipe band, and the networking dinner. One of the evening programme highlights was a speech by Mr Alister Ong, CPAS Board Member and inclusivity consultant at Michael Page, who shared his experiences developing a thriving career as a PWD. Mr Ong noted that CPAS had recently opened a second school in Jurong West – CPAS School (West) – to cater to the needs of children with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities living in the western region of Singapore. (CPAS has operated its school in Pasir Ris since 2003).  He thanked the tournament participants and dinner guests for their generosity and called for continued support for CPAS. Participants responded at the charity art auction later on in the evening, actively bidding for unique artworks by the beneficiaries of CPAS. The dinner concluded with a prize presentation for the tournament and an exciting Raffle draw, where lucky winners walked away with attractive prizes.

    It was a meaningful day of sportsmanship, philanthropy and networking for participating industry members. On behalf of the APGT Organising Committee, we thank all participants, sponsors, donors and volunteers for their generosity and outstanding support! All net proceeds from the event will be donated to CPAS. To find out more or make further/personal contributions, please visit

    Congratulations to all winners!

    Tournament Winners

    Champion: Geofrey Grier

    1st Runner Up: Rong Ming

    2nd Runner Up: Xavier Wong

    Best Flights: Flight 10B

    1. Xavier Wong
    2. Syafiq Supingi
    3. Fabian Ong
    4. Hazel Liu

    Novelty Prize Winners

    Longest Drive (Below 50 yrs old): Oliver Chng

    Longest Drive (Above 50 yrs old): Khairul Anuar

    Nearest to Pin: Girad Cher


  • Understanding Procedural Drift and its Effects

    Adherence to established procedures is the cornerstone of aviation safety and operational efficiency in the air transport industry. Yet, despite the rigorous training of aerospace engineers and technicians, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continues to find that “deviations from approved procedures continue to be a leading cause of maintenance-related aircraft accidents”.

    As part of our efforts to raise awareness and promote aviation safety, AAIS organised an exclusive seminar, “Understanding Procedural Drift and its Effects,” to uncover and discuss the underlying causes and implications of procedural drift in aviation maintenance.

    Held on 14 August, the session featured Mr Jason Bok, Vice President of Quality & Safety for Commercial Aerospace Corporate at ST Engineering Aerospace. His comprehensive presentation delved into systemic, leadership, and team elements that contribute to procedural drift. He also offered his views and expertise on how precise preventive and corrective actions can be developed to counter this challenge. Jason also gamely took on questions from the audience which comprised aerospace professionals overseeing quality, safety, operations, training, production and the like.

    Despite a downpour that afternoon, the seminar was well attended by industry professionals and proved to be an invaluable platform for knowledge exchange and collective learning. We extend our gratitude to Mr Jason Bok for his enlightening insights and to all the attendees who participated actively at the event. Stay tuned for more enriching opportunities and knowledge-sharing activities as we strive to foster continuous growth and excellence.


  • AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2023

    The Premier Pitch was ablaze with action on 5 August as the annual AAIS Futsal Tournament 2023 unfolded, featuring 24 competitive teams. The event culminated in an adrenaline-fueled display of sportsmanship and camaraderie that truly encapsulated the spirit of the aerospace and aviation community.

    Ultimately, Pratt & Whitney Turbine Overhaul Services emerged as the ultimate champions, with tight teamwork and determination sealing their victory. The team from Singapore Aero Engine Services secured the title of 1st Runner-up through their commendable performance. Meanwhile, GE Aerospace showcased their mettle and secured the 2nd Runner-up spot after intense battles on the pitch.

    The tournament’s Most Valuable Player title went to Mr Faiz bin Abdullah from Pratt & Whitney Turbine Overhaul Services for his exceptional contributions.

    Our heartiest congratulations to all winners for their outstanding achievements! We also extend our heartfelt thanks to all participating teams, players, and everyone who attended, contributing to the atmosphere and making this event truly memorable. Thank you also to Mr Iain Rodgers, MD of GE Aerospace, for gracing the event and presenting prizes to the winning teams.

    View/download more photos from the event here:
    The password to view and download is: asfut23.
    Watermarks are only present on the gallery images for online protection and will not be on the final edited photos which you download.
    If you are using/sharing the photos on any public platform/media, please include a credit to “Aerophotoworks for AAIS”.

    Stay connected for more updates from the aerospace community!


  • OneAviation Careers Fair 2023

    The OneAviation Careers Fair 2023 was held from 4 to 5 Aug 2023 at Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre. AAIS was pleased to support the event with a booth to (a) share with students and jobseekers about the aviation, aerospace and unmanned aircraft systems industries, (b) explain the Career Conversion Programme for aerospace, and (c) offer subscriptions to our soon-to-be launched Aerospace Singapore Digital web magazine.

    AAIS Booth

    In his opening speech at the Fair, Acting Minister for Transport, Chee Hong Tat, spoke of 3 challenges facing the industry as it recovers from the effects of the pandemic.

    (1) Tight labour market and ageing workforce
    (2) Reducing carbon emissions
    (3) Harnessing technology to compete as an air hub

    Acting Minister Chee Hong Tat delivers his opening speech

    Mr Chee also launched the Air Transport Industry Transformation Map (ITM) 2025 at the event. The ITM outlines the key priorities and strategies to transform Changi into a future-ready global aviation hub, while preparing to overcome the challenges the sector will face. It contains 4 key strategies to support innovation, productivity and workforce development in the air transport sector:

    (1) Building a safe and sustainable air hub
    (2) Transforming Airport Operations
    (3) Innovation at the Forefront of Aviation
    (4) Developing a Future-Ready and Resilient Workforce

    AAIS CE at ITM launch (2nd from left)

    AAIS was pleased to support the ITM alongside other stakeholders in the Air Transport sector.

  • New AAIS Logo Unveiling & RSAF MOU

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) kicked off its 20th Anniversary celebrations, revealing a new logo reflecting its rejuvenation, present-day strategies and aspirations for the future.

    The official launch of the refreshed AAIS logo took place at the Aerospace Leaders’ Dialogue Singapore (ALDS) 2023 held on 21 July at the Fullerton Hotel. Ms Low Yen Ling, Minister of State for Trade & Industry, and Culture, Community, & Youth, graced the momentous occasion as the Guest-of-Honour, joining AAIS President Wong Yue Jeen to unveil the logo. The ceremony was witnessed by AAIS member representatives, partners and friends who packed the venue.

    The new AAIS logo features a contemporary line illustration of a soaring bird with wings spread wide, representing the industry’s boundless potential. Its clean lines reflect the industry’s pursuit of precision and excellence, while its dynamic form signifies agility and resilience in an evolving landscape. The logo’s sky-blue colour pays homage to the Association’s legacy, imbuing a sense of continuity into its refreshed identity.


    In his address to the attendees, Mr Wong noted the significant progress in recovery for the industry and lauded the collective efforts of industry leaders to achieve productivity gains, improved efficiencies, and enhanced competitiveness. On behalf of industry, he also expressed gratitude to government agency partners for their support and collaboration. Mr Wong said, “I am thrilled to unveil our new logo, representing our rejuvenation, our present-day strategies and future aspirations. This logo embodies our unwavering commitment to soaring higher together and delivering even greater value to our esteemed members.”

    The logo launch event exemplified the spirit of industry cooperation and showcased the capabilities of AAIS members and partners. A unique collaboration with the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC), the Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD), and Additive Flight Solutions brought the new logo to life with an impressive 3D-printed logo display.

    A highlight of the event was the executive panel session featuring Director-General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), Mr Han Kok Juan; Executive Vice President, Economic Development Board (EDB) Ms Cindy Koh; and Head of Air Engineering and Logistics of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), ME8 Timothy Yap. Discussions centered around strategic resilience in the face of challenges in the business and industry landscape. An engaging keynote address by Ms Mabel Kwan, Managing Director of Alton Aviation Consultancy Singapore on “The New Reality: Imperatives for Sustainable Growth” set the context for the discourse.

    Mr Han said, “I congratulate the Association of Aerospace Industries Singapore on its 20th year anniversary. The association has played an important role in developing the aerospace industry in Singapore and has been a strong partner in our efforts to grow our air hub. We look forward to their continued support in driving positive change and growth for the Singapore aviation hub.

    The momentous occasion was capped off with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between AAIS and RSAF. Through this collaboration, AAIS and RSAF will jointly support the professional development of RSAF technical personnel and the promotion of knowledge sharing across the commercial and defence aviation sectors.

    The launch of the new AAIS logo marks the pinnacle of a visual refresh project that spanned the past year with the involvement of the AAIS management committee. It also signals beginning of a series of activities planned over the next few months to celebrate the AAIS 20th Anniversary. Among the exciting initiatives, AAIS will soon launch the Aerospace Singapore digital (ASD) magazine and release a commemorative publication celebrating the heritage of the Singapore aerospace community. The celebrations will culminate in the 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner, scheduled for 9 November.

    Members are warmly invited to display the new AAIS logo on your websites to showcase your membership and vital role in the aerospace community. Join us in commemorating this special milestone together!


  • OJT Design and Coaching for HR and Operations Managers

    In an evolving business landscape, optimising operational efficiency and productivity while balancing employee satisfaction stands as a pivotal task for organisations across the industry. As transformative technologies continue to be rolled out and air travel activities intensify, aerospace companies are challenged to provide hands-on training to both existing and new employees, ensuring practical skills are honed and knowledge is seamlessly transferred.

    To address these considerations, AAIS collaborated with Ngee Ann Polytechnic to present a webinar on “OJT Design and Coaching for HR and Operations Managers”. Held on 6 July, the webinar illuminated strategies and tools for effective on-the-job training (OJT) and coaching.

    Anchoring the webinar, Dr Sara Zaman, Lead of NACE@NP at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, delved into the development of a blueprint for structured OJT. This encompassed key aspects, including the identification of work scope, formulation of assessment criteria, and development of training processes. Dr Sara also addressed effective coaching methods to engage employees and bridge performance gaps, and proposed strategies to drive teams towards peak performance.

    Discussions also touched on subsidies, supports, and funding available for structured OJT and coaching initiatives, with potentially up to 90% support. Ms Marlia Mohamed Isnin, Manager of Industry Engagement at Workforce Singapore, provided an overview of the Career Conversion Programme for Aerospace, another valuable avenue for aerospace companies to tap into for support of OJT training.

    The sessions were followed by interactive Q&A segments, enabling participants to glean deeper insights and clarify their queries.

    We extend our sincere appreciation to the speakers and all participants for their active involvement.


  • Visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Ambassador Askar Kuttykadam visits AAIS

    It was an honour to host His Excellency Askar Kuttykadam, Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Singapore and Ms Mika Japarova, Embassy Consul, at Seletar Aerospace Park on 4 July 2023. The Ambassador was briefed on the developments in aviation and aerospace in Singapore and about Seletar Aerospace Park. A fruitful exchange followed on industry developments in Kazakhstan and opportunities to explore cooperation. We thank the Ambassador for his visit and interest.

  • AAIS joins Global Aerospace Cluster Partnership

    Delegates at the Global Aerospace Cluster Summit 2023

    AAIS joined hands with 12 international Aerospace clusters on 23 June 2023 to found the Global Aerospace Cluster Partnership (GACP). The 12 clusters include the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP) that represents 48 associations. The official signing took place at the annual Global Aerospace Cluster Summit organised by the EACP secretariat and held on the sidelines of the International Paris Airshow 2023. We thank the Singapore Economic Development Board for being the venue sponsor for this year’s Global Aerospace Cluster Summit and for speaking at the event.

    EDB’s regional director speaking at the Summit

    Since 2017, Global Aerospace Cluster Summits have been held on the sidelines of Paris and Farnborough air shows and acted as a catalyst for collaboration amongst aerospace clusters worldwide. The annual summits provide a platform for clusters to connect, exchange ideas, and explore opportunities for growth and partnerships. During the 2022 summit, the desire for more frequent exchange amongst clusters was a key point of discussion, giving birth to the idea of formalising a Global Aerospace Cluster Partnership.

    Through international collaboration, the GACP aims to address common challenges and explore innovative solutions to drive growth, sustainability, and competitiveness across the aerospace sector. For AAIS members, being part of GACP now enables us to facilitate more international business connections for you.




  • AAIS New Members’ Night 2023

    AAIS held our second annual New Members’ Night on 7 June 2023 at the Singapore Island Country Club. The event was held to welcome new corporate members that had joined AAIS during the past year.

    The warm glow of the sunset over the golf course provided the perfect backdrop, as we sat down to drinks and a great dinner amongst friends old and new.

    The programme commenced with the introduction of the AAIS Management Committee to new members. During dinner, AAIS President Mr Wong Yue Jeen warmly welcomed our new members, highlighting the work of the Association and importance of collaboration amongst members on topics like safety, quality, and transformation.

    It was an enjoyable evening for all, as new connections were made over dinner and drinks. We thank all participants for their attendance and look forward to meeting again at our upcoming events!

  • Italy’s CUOA Business School Study Tour

    AAIS had the pleasure of cooperating with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore to host the CUOA Business School Study Tour at Seletar Aerospace Park on 31 May 2023. The delegation was led by Professor Andrea Vinelli and comprised senior executives of Italian businesses attending the business school. We thank all participants for the interesting, lively and wide-ranging discussion about sustainability and SAF, digitalisation, the space industry, transboundary haze cooperation, etc.

  • 3rd ASEAN Sustainability Forum

    The 3rd ASEAN Sustainability Forum, was held on 17 May 2023 on the sidelines of the ASEAN Air Transport Working Group’s meeting in Singapore. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore’s Chief Sustainability Officer Daniel Ng chaired the forum with speakers from Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Federal Aviation Administration, European Union Aviation Safety Agency, Airbus, Singapore Airlines, and Malaysia Aviation Group. AAIS was privileged to support the event and facilitate industry attendance both in-person and online.

    Participants learnt about how the various regulators were facilitating SAF adoption, including policymaking and planning for decarbonisation (e.g. SAF mandates and incentives), supply chain (e.g. pilot and “experimental” projects) and infrastructure. Airbus’ Asia Pacific President, Anand Stanley, spoke of the company’s efforts to address sustainability across the three ‘scopes’ and how it was developing aircraft technologies for the future. Chen Fook Ping (Singapore Airlines) and Philip See (Malaysia Aviation Group) shared the airline perspective on achieving net zero.

    We look forward to the next Sustainability Forum in Oct 2023.

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2023

    The aerospace community had an exciting and fun-filled day as they gathered once again for the highly-anticipated AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament held on Saturday, May 13, 2023, at  Orchid Bowl @ Orchid Country Club. The event was filled with excitement, fun, and a vibrant atmosphere as 34 teams from the industry engaged in friendly competition. Bowlers vied for the prestigious championship trophy while winning prizes in novelty games, adding to the overall thrill of the day.

    Our warmest congratulations to the champion and second runner-up teams from Singapore Aero Engine Services (Asia) Pte Ltd as well as the team from SIA Engineering Company who came in as the first runner-up. Our appreciation goes out to Iain Rodger, Managing Director of GE; Oliver Chamberlain, AAIS Management Committee member; and Ekkehard Pracht, AAIS Assistant Secretary, for presenting the awards to the deserving winners.

    We also thank the aerospace community for their enthusiastic participation in this fantastic corporate team-building event! We look forward to many more memorable gatherings and activities in the months ahead!

    Here are the winning teams and bowlers!

    Team Prizes Company/ Team Name Score
    Team Champion Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd/ SAESL 1
    1st Runner-up SIA Engineering Company Ltd/ The Backup
    2nd Runner-up Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd/ SAESL 2
    Individual Prizes Name/ Company Score
    Best Male Overall Mr Thanagavelu Mohan Kumar/ SafranLS Team 1
    Best Female Overall Ms Char An Qi/ SAESL 1



    View more photos from the event


  • How Budget 2023 impacts business


    AAIS members spent an interesting morning with Ms Tan Bin Eng (Asean Business Incentives Advisory Leader) and Mr Johanes Candra (Partner, Business Incentives Advisory) of EY LLP. The session organised on 10 May 2023 gathered business leaders and tax/finance professionals to learn about the latest from Singapore’s Budget.

    Part 1 focused on the Enterprise Innovation Scheme meant to encourage businesses to engage in R&D, innovation and capability development activities. This was followed by a Q&A session, where participants shared their comments and views on the qualifying criteria for the Enterprise Innovation Scheme.

    Part 2 discussed BEPS Pillar 2, Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules and Domestic Top-Up Tax of 15%. Singapore will implement these from financial years 1 January 2025 onwards. The session concluded with an interactive Q&A session where participants and speakers engaged in insightful discussions on the impacts and considerations of the BEPS Pillar 2 policy.

  • Unmanned Systems Asia 2023

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) organised the Singapore Pavilion at Rotorcraft and Unmanned Systems Asia (RCA-UMSA) 2023, held from 3rd to 5th May at the Changi Exhibition Centre. The Singapore Pavilion featured six innovative Singaporean companies, each showcasing their diverse range of technologies and groundbreaking solutions.

    RCA-UMSA 2023, co-located with IMDEX Asia and organised by Experia Events, provided a dynamic platform for thought-provoking discussions, start-up pitching sessions, and an impressive unmanned technology showcase. During the Mobility Forum, several noteworthy points were raised by industry leaders. For instance, it was projected that the entire process of developing electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, from inception to commercialisation, would likely span around 12 years, with profitability anticipated to be achieved only after 2035. Furthermore, industry experts predicted that original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) would potentially merge to consolidate funding and foster the growth of the sector. Another significant insight highlighted the expectation that drone deliveries would primarily focus on middle-mile deliveries, rather than final-mile deliveries.

    Within the Singapore Pavilion, an impressive array of cutting-edge technologies was on display. These included unmanned traffic management (UTM) and UAS mission systems, additive manufacturing, precision engineering, composites for aerospace and unmanned systems, autonomous driving technologies, and deep-tech Robot as a Service (RaaS) solutions, among others.


    • Chemtron Pte Ltd
    • Creatz3D Pte Ltd
    • Flare Dynamics Pte Ltd
    • Heron AirBridge Pte Ltd
    • MooVita Pte Ltd
    • Weston Robot Pte Ltd


    For more in-depth information about the exhibitors and their offerings, the Singapore Pavilion Exhibitor Guide provides comprehensive details.


  • MRO Americas 2023 – Atlanta, Georgia

    AAIS recently mounted a successful business mission with five Singapore companies to Atlanta, Georgia to participate in the MRO Americas exhibition. The pavilion, organised and managed by AAIS comprised of AMS Decision Pte Ltd, Cosmology Pte Ltd, Prime Aerospace GroupSP Manufacturing Pte Ltd., and VBC Group.

    MRO Americas 2023 was held from 18th to 20th April in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). The show is considered one of the largest aviation maintenance conferences in the world, attracting thousands of industry professionals and buyers each year. Participation in the event allowed us to gain valuable insights into the latest industry trends and developments and showcase the strength and diversity of Singapore’s aerospace industry.

    We are pleased to facilitate our member companies in their international business efforts and look forward to opportunities to showcase their capabilities and connect with global partners.

    To find out more about their services and offerings, see more on the SG Exhibitors at MRO Americas 2023.


  • Aerospace Day 2023
    The last Aerospace Day in 2021 was held virtually due to the pandemic. This year, Aerospace Day 2023 was back in full swing. Organised by AAIS, JTC, the 5 Polytechnics, ITE and e2i, the 4th Aerospace Day was held on 19 April 2023 at Seletar Aerospace Park.
    In the morning, over 1,100 polytechnic and ITE students were bussed down to Seletar Aerospace Park to begin a day of fun and excitement. Throughout the day, students were engaged in myriad activities ranging from career exhibition and talks, to workshops, and company visits. They also took part in an on-site amazing race and interacted with various companies through the race challenges. The day ended with a lucky draw, where winners walked away with attractive prizes like aircraft models sponsored by participating companies.

    Throughout the years, Aerospace Day continues to provide an excellent platform for companies to engage with the students and vice-versa. Interactions with industry professionals give students a quick sense of the industry and a sneak peek to what their future careers could be like, encouraging them to stay on in the industry that they are studying for.

    AAIS would like to thank all participating companies for an enriching and successful Aerospace Day 2023.

    Companies participating in Aerospace Day 2023:

    • Airbus Singapore
    • Avimac Pte Ltd
    • Barnes Aerospace
    • Bell Textron Asia (Pte) Ltd
    • Bombardier Aerospace Services Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd
    • Fokker Services Asia Pte Ltd
    • GE Aviation, Engine Services Pte Ltd
    • Liebherr-Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Matcor Technology & Services Pte Ltd
    • Moog Aircraft Services Asia Pte Ltd
    • Pratt & Whitney Singapore
    • RLC Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    • Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Safran Group
    • SIA Engineering Company Ltd
    • Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd (SAESL)
    • Singapore Aero Support Services Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Component Solutions Pte Ltd
    • Skyports Deliveries Pte Ltd
    • ST Engineering
    • Thales Solution Asia Pte Ltd
    • Wah Son Engineering Pte Ltd
  • Asia Pacific Summit for Aviation Safety 2023

    The Asia Pacific Summit for Aviation Safety (AP-SAS) 2023 was held from 22 to 24 Mar 2023 at Sands Expo and Convention Centre in Singapore. Over three days, some 450 senior leaders and aviation professionals from regulators, airlines, aircraft manufacturers, maintenance organisations, air navigation service providers and aerodrome operators from across the Asia Pacific region came together to discuss aviation safety challenges and initiatives. AP-SAS 2023 was organised by the Flight Safety Foundation and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, as a relaunching of the Singapore Aviation Safety Seminar, which, prior to the pandemic, had been held annually since 2015.

    Minister S. Iswaran delivers his opening address at AP-SAS 2023

    A highlight of the event was the announcement that the Flight Safety Foundation was setting up a new Asia Pacific Centre for Aviation Safety in Singapore to help aviation stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region raise safety standards and capabilities to restart and ramp up operations safely as air travel recovers to pre-pandemic levels. The establishment of the Centre was announced by Mr. S. Iswaran, Singapore’s Minister for Transport and Minister-in-charge of Trade relations at the opening of AP-SAS 2023.

    For a start, the Centre will work on three key projects in 2023:
    (1) Regional Safety Assessment.
    (2) Safety Culture Leadership.
    (3) Pilot Competency and Training Capabilities.

    Workshop on Procedural Drift and its Effects

    Workshop on ‘Leveraging Predictive Maintenance Regimes’

    AP-SAS featured three tracks: Air Navigation Services/Aerodrome, Flight Operations and Engineering. AAIS Chief Executive, as a member of the AP-SAS Programme Development Committee, had the pleasure of chairing the Engineering track and summarising the discussions, at the Wrap Up session on Day Three. The two Engineering workshops on ‘Procedural Drift and its Effects’ and ‘Leveraging the Predictive Maintenance Regime’ featured speakers representing Airlines, OEMs and MROs – Singapore Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Air France, ST Engineering Commercial Aerospace, Lufthansa Technik, Boeing and Rolls-Royce.


  • Inaugural Drones Asia 2023

    The Singapore UAS Community by AAIS was a supporting partner of the inaugural Drones Asia 2023 exhibition held from 15 to 16 Mar at Sands Expo and Convention Centre.

    Launch of Drones Asia 2023

    AAIS Chief Executive delivered the Welcome Address at the Opening Ceremony and launched the event alongside Drones Asia Co-founder Mr Rupert Owen and gold sponsor Inmarsat, represented by Ms Lee Siu Min.

    Meetings held at our booth

    We were pleased to receive a stream of visitors at our booth and held good meetings with the Malaysian and Indonesian civil aviation authorities, MRANTI, Invest Northern Ireland, Invest Selangor and industry delegates.

    Panel on the use of drones in construction and management of key assets

    The UAV Innovation Theatre at Drones Asia drew speakers from major regional organisations such as Petronas, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and Sime Darby Plantations, besides many other excellent speakers from across the region and Singapore.

    UAS Community networking at Inmarsat booth

    The first day of the show was capped with a joint networking event between the UAS Community and Inmarsat. This was held in conjunction with the launch of its Velaris service in Singapore. We congratulate our members, Inmarsat and Heron AirBridge, on their announcement of a new partnership. This will enable Heron AirBridge and Inmarsat to combine their capabilities and showcase how satellite-based technology can support the safe integration of unmanned aircraft into Singapore’s commercial airspace.

    We thank Montgomery Asia and AAIS member Inmarsat for their partnership.


  • APAQG Council Meeting and Supplier Forum – Singapore
    The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG) by AAIS was pleased to support the hybrid Asia-Pacific Aerospace Quality Group (APAQG) Council Meeting – Spring 2023 in Singapore from 8 to 10 March 2023. We were delighted to welcome APAQG members from China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.



    This was the first APAQG meeting and Supplier Forum with an in-person session since the pandemic. Close to 70 aerospace quality engineers/managers and certification body representatives took the opportunity to discuss the latest 91XX updates, changes, and resources while networking with counterparts from across the region.



    We express our gratitude to the various APAQG sector lead and program leads for sharing their expertise at the Supplier Forum organised by APAQG and SAQG on 10 March 2023:
    • Mr Suguru Watanabe, APAQG Sector Leader
    • Mr Tatsuya Shirai, Manager Quality Planning Section, Kawasaki Heavy Industries
    • Mr Hiroshi Shuto, Manager Quality Department, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
    • Mr Zuozheng Lou, Business Management System Manager, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC)
    • Mr Mani Rathinam Rajamani, Manager – Corporate Quality Engineering, TATA Advanced Systems Ltd
    • Mr Jun Nishiguchi, Quality Manager, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

    Reach out to us at to be part of our growing network of aerospace quality professionals.


  • Inter airport Southeast Asia 2023

    After a long hiatus due to the pandemic, AAIS was excited to launch our maiden participation in inter airport Southeast Asia on 1-3 March 2023. Preparations began much earlier with an official kick-off in November 2022 at our seminar on ‘Developing a Sustainable Air Hub in Singapore’. The event featured Chief Sustainability Officer at CAAS, Mr Daniel Ng and SATS’ Head of Sustainability, Ms Tan Yen Ling.

    Official kick-off at AAIS seminar, ‘Developing a Sustainable Air Hub in Singapore’ with CAAS’ and SATS’ sustainability chiefs, and our partner, RX

    Preparing for the inaugural Singapore Pavilion involved the usual support for the show organiser’s marketing effort, preparation of government grant applications, and approval by Enterprise Singapore of the Singapore Pavilion design and branding. We also took pains to visit exhibitors at their offices to understand their business and so prepare ourselves to  address their interests at the show. This included ensuring that key customers were invited and given the grand tour of the Pavilion during the show. This time, we were pleased to invite representatives of CAAS, CAG and RSAF to visit the Pavilion. As always, AAIS also exhibits at all our shows, to present our brand and maintain on-site support for exhibitors.

    The buzz at the Singapore Pavilion on Day 1

    EVP CAG and AAIS expert, Mr Tan Lye Teck visiting the Singapore Pavilion

    Publicity began much earlier through our communication channels – Aerospace Singapore magazine, e-newsletters, Asia Pacific Aviation Directory and social media. The release of Aerospace Singapore Vol 16 No 1 was timed to coincide with the show, with the feature on ‘Future Air Hub’ penned by AAIS member and contributor, Alton Aviation Consultancy. The magazine also contained the special supplement highlighting the Singapore Pavilion exhibitor profiles. As a media ambassador for the show we also took pre-show and on-site media interviews to boost the Singapore aviation and AAIS brands.

    Aerospace Singapore ‘Future Air Hub’ issue

    Singapore Pavilion Directory

    On-site media interviews to boost the Singapore aviation brand

    We worked with show organisers RX on curating speakers for the conference, and presenting the exhibitor exclusive on the ‘Aviation Landscape – Singapore’. AAIS also moderated the ‘In conversation with CAAS’ session on Day 1 of the conference.

    Exhibitor exclusive presented by CE AAIS

    ‘In conversation with CAAS’ with Director Aviation Industry, Ms Angela Ng

    Overall the show exceeded our expectations and we expect to be back again for a bigger and even more vibrant next edition!




  • Engagement with SAF Officers on Aerospace Careers

    AAIS was pleased to be invited by the Ministry of Defence of Singapore Career Transition Resource Centre to speak with Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) officers about career transition opportunities in the civil aviation and aerospace industries. The event was held at Orchard Rendezvous Hotel on 22 February 2023.

    AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok shared the stage with speakers from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), ST Engineering and Eaton. His presentation covered an overview of the developments and future of the industry as well as resources available for officers to help them make informed decisions about career transition options. In between the sharing sessions, a networking tea break was scheduled for the SAF officers and corporate guests to connect and mingle. It was a valuable opportunity for the SAF officers to network and gather information from experienced professionals in the industry.

    AAIS thanks the Ministry of Defence of Singapore Career Transition Resource Centre for the opportunity and platform to engage with the officers.


  • ICAO Air Transport Regulation Panel WG3


    The ICAO Air Transport Regulation Panel held the inaugural meeting of its new Working Group on international unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operations on 7-8 Feb 2023 in Singapore. Members of the Singapore UAS Community were invited to make presentations and participate in discussions, alongside some 30 regulators from across the globe. It was an opportunity to explore ideas on what approach should be taken in the economic regulation of international air services involving unmanned aircraft, from delivery “drones” to air taxis and eventually even pilot-less commercial aircraft. Industry was represented by AAIS, Aviation Studies Institute (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Frequentis, Heron Technology, Inmarsat Solutions, Meritus Law, Singapore Flying College, Skyports and Volocopter.

    The working group meeting concluded with a field trip coordinated by the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College Central with the UAS Community. Participants visited the ITE hangar and learnt about the Aerospace certificate and work-study diplomas offered, and Unmanned Aircraft Training Organisation (UATO) certified pilot training programme. They were also treated to the Volocity showcase by Volocopter and a demonstration of the Heron AirBridge UAS Traffic Management (UTM) system.


  • CNY HOST Networking Evening

    The Singapore aerospace and UAS community came together for the first HOST Networking session of the year held on 2nd February 2023 at the Grand Mercure Roxy. With over 80 aerospace professionals in attendance, the event, held in conjunction with the Lunar New Year, was certainly a fantastic opportunity for networking and discussions.

    AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok kicked off the evening by addressing members in attendance and highlighting important and exciting events and projects in 2023, which is the 20th anniversary of AAIS. He also took the opportunity to introduce new members of AAIS and the UAS community, as well as government agency representatives who were present at the event.

    A highlight of the evening was the customary “tossing of the salad” or Lo-Hei for good fortune which added to the festive atmosphere. The diverse mix of attendees from across the sector including academia, SMEs, MROs, suppliers, service providers, etc. provided quality networking opportunities and sparked engaging discussions. The evening came to a close on a high with a lucky draw which saw 5 lucky winners.

    We thank Workforce Singapore for co-sponsoring this event and would like to encourage members to find out more about the manpower support programmes for the aerospace industry offered by WSG, including the Career Conversion Programme for New Hires, Job Redesign, and Capability Transfer. Please refer to this deck for more information, or reach out to Sherman Tan ( or Marlia Isnin ( from WSG for details. Thank you also to everyone who attended and contributed to making this event a success. We can’t wait to see everyone at the next HOST Networking session in May!


    View more photos of the event here:


  • Aerospace Community Day 2023

    AAIS recently organised Aerospace Community Day 2023 in conjunction with the Chinese New Year as a platform for the industry and aerospace professionals to give back to the community. The event, which took place at two elderly care homes on 30 January and 1 February lifted the spirits of volunteers as well as some 470 elderly residents, including 70 seniors at St. John’s Home and 400 residents at Bright Hill Evergreen Home.

    Volunteers from the industry came together, spending heart-warming afternoons with the residents of the two homes. No effort was spared as they prepared fun-filled programmes including ‘Lohei’, interactive games (e.g Bingo, Passing the Parcel etc), and crowd-favourite sing-along sessions, creating a festive atmosphere in celebration of the CNY festivities. The residents thoroughly enjoyed the activities and showed their appreciation by participating with enthusiasm. In addition, the volunteers distributed oranges, red packets, and lunch/tea-time snacks to the elderly.


    This event was made possible thanks to the positive energy, compassion and collaboration of the volunteers in attendance. We received great feedback on the event and were delighted to have been able to make a positive impact on the lives of the elderly residents.


    AAIS would like to record our appreciation to the following groups, companies and individuals for their contributions, voluntarism and support for Aerospace Community Day 2023:

    • AAIS Management Committee members
    • Alton Aviation Consultancy Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd
    • Turbine Overhaul Services Pte Ltd
    • Wencor, LLC
    • Mr Michael Daniel
    • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ASIA)
    • NUS Aviation Club

    We look forward to the continued support of members to enable us to bring more of such engaging and fulfilling events to the community.


  • Learning Journey to Sodick Singapore Techno Centre (SSTC)

    Kicking off a host of events for the year, AAIS and Sodick Singapore Techno Centre (SSTC) organised a learning journey on 12 January 2023 for members and industry participants to learn more about advanced manufacturing capabilities for business transformation. The event received a lot of interest with over 30 participants on site.

    Before the tour, presentations on Additive Manufacturing (AM) and design freedom case studies were shared by speakers from the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), illustrating the potential of AM in future manufacturing. Then, participants were brought around SSTC’s Manufacturing Centre and its Additive Manufacturing Lab, which showcased Sodick’s latest 3D printers and machines that integrate IoT for data collection and analysis. The state-of-the-art machines and integrated systems allow SSTC to serve as a one-stop shop for solutions to increase productivity and efficiency.

    On behalf of members and participants, we thank our hosts – Sodick Singapore Techno Centre (SSTC) and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) – for an enriching afternoon.



Events 2022
  • AAIS Year-End Networking Evening

    AAIS warmly welcomed members of the aerospace and UAS communities as well as partners to our Year-End HOST Networking evening on Thursday, 1 December 2022. The event brought out the festive spirit and marked the return of in-person HOST networking evenings for members since going virtual during the circuit breaker in 2020.

    AAIS President Wong Yue Jeen kicked off the evening with an update on industry and AAIS activities, highlighting upcoming projects in conjunction with the Association’s 20th anniversary in 2023. Simon Wayne, GM for Asia Pacific at Bombardier Singapore Service Centre – co-host of the evening, then gave a brief overview of the facility and its capabilities. Guests were invited on an exclusive tour of the centre, which boasts the first business jet paint facility in Asia-Pacific, an integrated parts depot with US$15 million in parts inventory, office and lounge facilities for Bombardier customers and full-service interiors workshop, among others.


    Attendees relished the opportunity to reconnect face-to-face with industry friends and get to know new faces. Some gamely participated in a special quiz, identifying and singing familiar Christmas tunes. The lovely evening came to a close with a lucky draw, which saw 3 lucky guests winning prizes, including a Bombardier aircraft model.


    Guests agreed that it was a fruitful, yet relaxed and fun evening. We thank everyone for joining us, Simon and his team at Bombardier Singapore Service Centre for their warm hospitality and excellent support for the event. The next HOST Networking event is scheduled for 2 February 2023. Please mark your calendars.


  • AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2022

    Even before the World Cup fever grips football fans globally, AAIS saw dramatic and nail-biting moments on the pitch at our very own AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2022. Held on Saturday, 19 November at the FutsalArena@Yishun, the event saw teams from organisations across the aerospace industries vying for the Championship trophy and bragging rights as the top Futsal team in the sector.

    After a two-year pause on the popular tournament, participants were ready and raring to go, enlivened by strong support from colleagues and family members on-site. The tournament saw spirited competition between teams right from the very first whistle. Ultimately, Singapore Aero Engine Services Private Limited (SAESL) emerged as champions, with Rolls-Royce Singapore and Advance Remanufacturing and Technology Centre as runners-up. Fourth place went to Pratt & Whitney Component Solutions. Our heartiest congratulations to all players, especially Mohammed Imran bin Ismail, the 2022 Tournament’s Most Valuable Player!

    We thank all players and members for their keen support, as well as everyone who attended for creating an electric atmosphere. See you at our next sporting tournament!



    View more photos from the event here:
    (If you are using/sharing the photos on any public platform/media, please include a credit to “Aerophotoworks for AAIS”)


  • AAIS Industry Safety Week

    In alignment with growing interest and emphasis on safety, the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) organised its first AAIS Industry Safety Week from 14 to 18 November 2022. The inaugural AAIS Industry Safety Week saw over 70 organisations from aerospace, aviation and other industries participating in various activities, including seminars, webinars, and site visits for cross-learning of best practices. During the week-long event, AAIS members were encouraged to hold internal safety awareness campaigns in sync with industry peers. The Association also launched a Safety Microsite ( as a repository of resources to augment the internal efforts of members and facilitate industry sharing on safety practices.

    Making Safety Our Top Priority

    With the recovery of air travel, Singapore’s air transport workforce has been largely restored and is expected to reach 90% of pre-COVID levels by the year-end. Aerospace activities have also turned the corner with domestic aerospace production exceeding pre-pandemic levels by March 2022 and output growth recorded at over 16% higher than 2019 (baseline) levels in September. This positive sentiment is expected to continue in the coming months, with most Singapore-based aerospace companies foreseeing growth to improve in terms of output, new orders, exports, and employment.

    As the tempo of operations continues to pick up, an influx of fresh talents is expected who will need to be familiarised with safety practices and considerations. At the same time, experienced personnel will benefit from consistent refreshers to remain up-to-date and keep safety protocols top-of-mind. There are also new considerations in the post-pandemic landscape such as the upkeep of aircraft, especially those kept in storage, the introduction of new technologies as well as changes to the operating environment. In this spirit, AAIS called upon its members to renew and reiterate the commitment to safety at all levels through the inaugural AAIS Industry Safety Week.

    AAIS Safety Industry Week Activities

    i. Aviation Safety: In conversation with CAAS and Aerospace Leaders

    To kick off Safety Week, AAIS held a hybrid seminar on 14 November to discuss aviation safety in aerospace MRO and manufacturing. The event featured industry leaders including Mr Oliver Chamberlain, Manufacturing Executive, Rolls-Royce Singapore, and Mr Mark Loh, General Manager, Bell Textron Asia, as well as a representative from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), Mr Leong Chin Sing, Senior Manager (Maintenance Organisation).

    The speakers provided insightful perspectives on safety policies and implementation, as well as best practices for MRO and aerospace organisations. Particularly interesting were their personal anecdotes on the motivation for underscoring safety, as well as the differences in safety cultures across organisations and countries. The speakers noted the importance of continual improvements in safety management and called for collaborative efforts to improve aviation safety awareness. Participants engaged the speakers during the panel discussion on topics such as integrating safety in aerospace curricula, ramping up on safety training, and the role of regulators in safety management.

    ii. Visit to SIAEC’s Aviation and Workplace Safety Promotion Centres

    AAIS Management Committee members and their safety officers were invited to visit the SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) safety promotion centres on 15 November. Participants were brought on interactive tours around the Aviation Safety Promotion Centre and the Workplace Safety Promotion Centre. These centres were established by SIAEC to augment safety training programmes for its staff with the aim of reinforcing workplace safety culture and mindset.

    Participants were impressed with the scope and quality of the Aviation Safety Centre, which included immersive media, informational displays and interactive activities. The Workplace Safety Promotion Centre also offered an integrated learning environment combining classroom-based lessons and experiential and visual learning for participants. We thank SIAEC for supporting AAIS Industry Safety Week and for hosting the visit.

    iii. Advancing WSH: New Code of Practice + Data-Driven Risk-Based Approach

    A webinar was held on 17 November to provide updates on workplace safety and health (WSH) practices. The keynote speaker was Mr Christopher Koh, General Manager of the Singapore WSH Council. He provided a briefing on a new code of practice (COP) which details duties of company CEOs and directors on WSH. The new COP, gazetted in October 2022, applies to Singapore companies in all industries, covering not only the physical but also mental well-being of workers.

    This briefing was followed by a rich presentation on ‘A Data-Driven Risk-Based Approach to WSH Management’ by Mr Lim Sui Soon, Executive Committee Member at the Singapore Institution of Safety Officers (SISO). The approach provided a new perspective, encouraging organisations to analyse key causal factors of incidents based on WSH data and develop mitigating methods in managing these high-risk factors.

    iv. Launch of AAIS Safety Microsite

    A key element of AAIS Industry Safety Week was the opportunity for cross-learning through platforms for sharing between members, industry leaders, regulators, and safety professionals. To promote knowledge/resource sharing and exchange between members of the industry ecosystem, AAIS launched a curated Safety Microsite ( in conjunction with Safety Week. The AAIS Safety Microsite serves as a repository of safety resources and includes messages by Mr Tay Tiang Guan, 1 Deputy Director-General at CAAS and Mr Wong Yu Jeen, AAIS President, as well as posters, articles, guidance documents, activities and other safety-related collaterals.

    The AAIS Safety Microsite will be available beyond Safety Week. We welcome all to visit and utilise the resources and look forward to further contribution of materials from industry members.

    v. Special Discount for AAIS Safety Training Courses

    Safety training is crucial to ensure workers have a solid knowledge of safety associated with their jobs. In conjunction with AAIS Industry Safety Week, the Association is offering a discount of 25% off training fees for a second participant for the following training courses:

    • Introduction to Safety Management System (Virtual or In-Person)
    • Effective Event Investigation Training (Virtual on In-Person)
    • Fundamentals to Aerospace Quality Management System (Virtual or In-Person)
    • Compliant Safety Management Systems for Aerospace (Virtual)
    • Logistics and Stores Inspection Procedures for Aerospace (Virtual)
    • Effective Stores Management for Aerospace (Virtual)
    • Quality Systems and Audit Management (Virtual or In-Person)
    • Human Factors and Error Management (In-Person)

    The offer is valid for any of the above-titled courses ending by or before 30 June 2023, subject to minimum class size. Quote “AAISSafety” to enjoy the discount.
    Visit our website at for more information 

    Moving Forward Together with Safety in Mind

    The first AAIS Industry Safety Week concluded successfully with positive feedback on the activities organised. Safety is for all industries, and we were especially pleased to welcome organisations beyond the aviation and aerospace industries at the various events, including representatives from maritime, oil & gas, electronics etc.


  • University of St Gallen’s Aviation Management Course visits Seletar

    We welcomed our friends from the University of St Gallen’s Center for Aviation Competence once again to Seletar Aerospace Park on 3 November 2022. Seletar Aerospace Park’s industry ecosystem continues to be a draw – this time for students of the Aviation Management Compact Course.

    AAIS selectively provides guest lectures to visiting students enrolled in Masters and Executive Education courses. These provide collaborating institutions with insights into one of the world-leading Aerospace clusters and the success of Seletar Aerospace Park in attracting global investors.




  • Visit by European Parliament Transport Committee

    AAIS was very pleased to host a delegation of the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism on 2 November 2022 at Seletar Aerospace Park. The delegation was visiting Singapore to explore innovative solutions in the transport sector. Led by Committee Chair MEP Jens Gieseke, the delegation visited AAIS and Skyports Drone Services.  Chief Executive AAIS, and Sanjay Suresh and Koh Jia Le of Skyports briefed the delegation on the aviation and aerospace recovery, and development of drone services in Singapore.




  • Developing a Sustainable Air Hub in Singapore

    As Singapore steps up its green ambition towards achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, the aviation industry has also been shaping strategies to ensure sustainability in recovery and growth.

    AAIS was pleased to hold a briefing on 2 November on Developing a Sustainable Air Hub in Singapore, sponsored by inter airport Southeast Asia. The keynote was delivered by Mr Daniel Ng, Chief Sustainability Officer and Director (Air Transport) at the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, covering recommendations from the International Advisory Panel (IAP). [The IAP report is accessible via the following link:]

    Mr Ng shared details on the 15 initiatives and tangible pathways identified to decarbonise the aviation sector across three key domains of airport, airline and air traffic management. Participants then heard another enlightening presentation by Ms Tan Yen Ling, Head of Sustainability and Strategic Projects at SATS who shared on the sustainability practices and initiatives being rolled out internally at SATS and for clients of its ground handling and in-flight services.

    The presentations were followed by an engaging panel discussion moderated by AAIS Programme Director for Sustainability Mr Chan Mun Wei. The discussions were enlivened by questions and comments from the attendees, covering a wide range of sustainability and industry-related topics such as embedding ESG awareness across multiple functions in an organisation, positioning of Singapore as a sustainable air hub to capture the growing market for green air travel, greening of airside vehicles in the airport, and strengthening of infrastructure to adapt to climate-related risks.

    We thank all participants for their active interactions, the speakers for their generous time and sharing and our event sponsors – inter airport Southeast Asia.

    To be held from 1 to 3 March 2022, inter airport Southeast Asia is Asia’s premier airport exhibition and conference that covers all areas of airport-related technology, equipment and services, in one place. Visit to find out more.


  • AAIS extends Performance Review Institute collaboration


    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) and the Performance Review Institute (PRI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 27 October 2022 at the JW Marriott Singapore South Beach. This was the 4th MOU between the parties since 2008 – adding to 14 years of collaboration in providing and promoting aerospace special processes auditing, training, and personnel qualification programmes in Singapore.

    We were also appreciative of the fruitful discussion with Mr Jay Solomond (Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer) and Ms Hannah Godfrey (Vice President of Professional Development) on the sidelines of the signing. We look forward to further development of the cooperation.

    For more information, view the PRI Press Release here: 

  • AAIS 20th Annual General Meeting

    The 20th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was held on 27 October 2022 at InterContinental Singapore. This was the first physical AGM since the pandemic with members glad to be back meeting face-to-face. The AGM kicked off with Opening remarks by President, Mr Wong Yue Jeen, highlights on the past year’s activities by Honorary Secretary, Ms Lim Hee Joo, and an overview of financial performance for the past fiscal year by Assistant Honorary Treasurer, Ms Yap Siok Leng.

    In his opening address to members, AAIS President Mr Wong Yue Jeen noted that the aerospace industry had turned a corner in tandem with aviation’s recovery, with the sector operating at near or above pre-pandemic (2019) output since March 2022. Even as the outlook for the coming months remained buoyant, the industry was very mindful of the challenges looming due to the instability of the geopolitical and macroeconomic environment. Mr Wong emphasised the important role of the Association in galvanising the community for collective action and elaborated on the Association’s focus areas in the coming year encompassing Safety, Sustainability and Supplier Development.

    Members endorsed the FY2021/22 Annual Report and the audited Financial Report. Ernst & Young was reappointed as the Honorary External Auditor and Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance was reappointed as the Honorary Legal Advisor for the Association.

    At the AGM, Mr Mark Loh, General Manager of Bell Textron Asia Pte Ltd was elected as a member of the Management Committee FY2021/23. This was to fill a vacancy left by Mr Kevin Chow of Thales Solutions Asia who had stepped down from the MC in August 2022 to take up a new role overseas. Members recorded their appreciation to Mr Chow and congratulated Mr Loh on the appointment.


    Ms Agnes Chua from the AAIS Secretariat was presented with the service award in recognition of her 15 years of service. The AGM formalities then concluded with closing remarks from President, who provided a glimpse of the exciting activities planned for the coming year in conjunction with the Association’s 20th anniversary in 2023. President called on members for support, contributions and participation in the events and projects including a commemorative Aerospace Community Heritage Book and the Gala Dinner slated for October 2023, among others.

    In the next part of the programme, members heard informative presentations on the topics of  Sustainability, Supplier Development and Manpower. Mr Chan Mun Wei, Programme Director of Sustainability, provided an overview of the AAIS Sustainability Roadmap. This was followed by Mr Loh Wai Cheong, Senior Industry Transformation Advisor on information about the Jobs Development Partner (JDP) Programme of which AAIS is a TAC partner. Rounding off the presentations, Ms Marlia Isnin and Ms Mathia Lee from Workforce Singapore shared about WSG’s manpower findings, initiatives and programmes for the aerospace and aviation sectors.

    The informative event ended with a networking session among the guests. AAIS thanks the event sponsor, Workforce Singapore, for their forthcoming and generous support, and all members for actively participating.


    View all photos from the event here


  • EU-Asia Symposium on UAS/UAM

    Members of the Singapore UAS Community participated in and presented at the EU-Asia Symposium on UAS/UAM held at the Goodwood Park Hotel on 18-21 Oct 2022 by individual invitation of organisers, CAAS and EASA. Key points in the industry feedback to regulators on Day 1 of the symposium were:

    1. In the next 10 years, demand for UAM and BVLOS operations over populated areas will increase exponentially
    2. The cost per mile of air taxis will eventually become similar to ground transportation
    3. Reduction of cost and battery weight will be a major driver of commercial viability
    4. Public acceptance will have to be gained through respect for privacy and the natural environment
    5. Research on UAS traffic management and airspace integration is key to enabling scalable operations
    6. UTM development is underfunded and faces hurdles, including the lack of regulatory guidance
    7. Importance of global harmonisation of standards for UAS, UAM, UTM-U-Space and vertiports

    The occasion was also marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between CAAS and EASA to collaborate on urban air mobility to support the development, deployment and safe operation of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. The agreement was signed by Mr Han Kok Juan, Director-General of CAAS and Mr Luc Tytgat, Strategy and Safety Management Director, EASA on 18 October 2022, on the sidelines of the inaugural European Union–Asia Symposium on Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Urban Air Mobility.

    On the final evening of the symposium, CAAS hosted industry and regulators to a networking evening at the National Gallery, with many good conversations held over dinner and drinks.


  • AAIS at Industry Transformation Asia-Pacific 2022

    Themed ‘Industry 4.0 for Business Sustainability’, the 5th edition of the Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific (ITAP) was held on 18-20 October 2022 at Singapore Expo. ITAP 2022 homed into trends and developments in the three key dimensions of Digitalisation, Talent & Workforce Development, and Environmental Sustainability. AAIS exhibited at ITAP 2022 for the first time, to connect Aerospace businesses with solution providers (and vice versa) and to extend our services to the wider industry community. We are pleased to have been able to connect with visitors and exhibitors on topics such as additive manufacturing, drone services, digital transformation, advanced metrology and many other subjects.

  • Singapore Pavilion at MRO Europe 2022

    MRO Europe 2022

    AAIS coordinated the Singapore Pavilion at MRO Europe 2022, held from 18 to 20 October in London, UK. Seven companies joined us to pursue opportunities in the commercial aviation aftermarket.

    Singapore Pavilion @ MRO Europe 2022 (Booth 1611) Exhibiting Companies:

    • AMS Decision Pte Ltd
    • Aviation Partner And Consulting Pte Ltd
    • Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd
    • CW Aero Services Pte Ltd
    • KBG Contract Machining Pte Ltd
    • Prime Aerospace Pte Ltd
    • RexAdvance Technology Pte Ltd

    To learn more about the exhibiting companies, please download the brochure: Singapore Pavilion exhibitors

    MRO Europe at a glance:

    • Largest event of its kind in Europe: 7,000 attendees / 400 exhibitors
    • 3 day senior level conference with 30+ expert speakers
    • 2 day international exhibition
    • Free show floor content at the Go Live! Theater
    • Numerous networking opportunities

    Official Event Site: https://mroeurope.aviation


  • Industry Preview of Aerospace ITM 2025 by EDB

    The Singapore aerospace industry is turning a corner. In March 2022, aerospace production levels exceeded pre-pandemic levels for the first time on a monthly basis. Growth has continued at a steady pace, with the total aerospace output growing by 27.9% on a yield-to-date basis in the first eight months of 2022, over the same period last year.

    As the industry positions to capture opportunities, the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) has launched the Industry Transformation Map (ITM) 2025 which aims to cement Singapore’s position as a global node for aerospace manufacturing and Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) activities, with leadership in engine MRO. It also aims to pave the way for participation in future aircraft development programmes through emerging areas. An update from the previous iteration (ITM 2020), Aerospace ITM 2025 addresses the systemic shifts arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting key strategies and initiatives to support the industry in recovery and beyond.

    AAIS was pleased to organise an industry preview of the refreshed Aerospace ITM on 10 October 2022. Held at Seletar Aerospace Park, the preview was attended by representatives from across the industry, government agencies and academia. Mr Abiel Neo, Assistant Vice President, Capital Goods at EDB delivered a comprehensive briefing on the ITM, sharing its target for the aerospace industry to achieve S$4.6 billion in Value-Add (VA) by 2025, and restoring total employment of the industry to pre-pandemic levels of 22,000 by adding 3,000 jobs. This would be driven by capability and capacity building for manufacturing and MRO, with a focus on strengthening our leadership position in engine MRO.

    Under the ITM, agencies will partner with aerospace companies, AAIS and relevant organisation in the following key areas:

    • Driving transformation through technology
    • Helping SMEs fly high on the global stage
    • Investing in talent
    • Gearing up for sustainability and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)
    • Emerging stronger through tripartism and partnerships with Industry Associations

    Following the ITM briefing, participants engaged with a panel consisting Mr Neo, Mr Wilin Ng, Chief Commercial Officer at SIA Engineering Company Ltd and moderator Dr Kenneth Low, Deputy Cluster Director of Singapore Institute of Technology. The panel took questions from the audience and had robust discussions on the new strategies, initiatives and shaping the future of the Singapore aerospace industry. Participants also heard from AAIS President, Wong Yue Jeen, who shared on the role of the Association in supporting priority areas for members.

    All present took the opportunity to network during the coffee break and reception. AAIS thanks all speakers and industry representatives for a very engaging session. For more information on the ITM, please refer to the EDB press release.


    View all photos from the event


  • Visit by delegation from Can Tho City, Vietnam

    AAIS was pleased to welcome a delegation from Can Tho City, Vietnam, to Seletar Aerospace Park on 13 October 2022. The delegation was led by the Chairman of the Can Tho People’s Committee, Mr Tran Viet Truong and facilitated by Ingrid International.

    Following an exchange of presentations and discussion on the promotion of  Can Tho City, an MOU was signed between Mrs Nguyen Thi Kieu Duyen, Director of Can Tho Promotion Agency and Mr Tan Chye Kin, Chairman of Ingrid International.



  • Singapore UAS Community Networking

    The Singapore UAS Community was excited to hold its first in-person networking event on 4 October 2022 at Brewerkz, Orchard Rendezvous Hotel. Organised in partnership with Montgomery Asia and Drones Asia 2023, the event attracted more than 40 participants. We were also delighted and honoured to welcome senior management of Montgomery Group and Montgomery Asia, and officers from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and Enterprise Singapore.

    Following great conversations and bonding with new friends over beer and bites, we capped the evening with a lucky draw graced by Mr Rupert Owen, co-founder of GeoConnect Asia and Drones Asia. 3 of our lucky members each won either a bottle of wine (courtesy of AAIS) or a Drone Security course bundle (compliments of DroneSec).


    View more photos from the event here

  • Visit by Incheon Metropolitan City Maritime Affairs and Aviation Bureau

    AAIS was pleased to receive a delegation of the Incheon Metropolitan City Maritime Affairs and Aviation Bureau on 26 September 2022. Led by Director General Hyun-Mo Yoon and facilitated by Starburst, the team also included the Incheon Industry-Academy Collaboration Institute.

    The meeting saw a useful exchange on the latest industry developments in aerospace and the emerging UAM/AAM sector. As both Incheon and Singapore share similarities as maritime and aviation hubs, the discussion considered various possibilities for benchmarking, information exchange and cooperation.

  • Advanced Manufacturing Learning Journey

    Advanced manufacturing has become a key industry buzzword as companies seek to undergo transformation with the aim of developing better capabilities, adaptivity and productivity along the supply chain.

    An Advanced Manufacturing Learning Journey (AMLJ), held on 23 September 2022, was organised by AAIS to provide members and industry participants an opportunity to experience the transformative possibilities of advanced manufacturing technologies.

    Located within Singapore Polytechnic, the AMLJ co-developed by SP and TÜV SÜD, brought participants on an interactive tour through 3 distinct zones – namely the Digitalisation, Integrated, and Smart zones. Through the learning journey, a host of solutions were shared, including automation, sensors and IOT, and decision-making tools to increase productivity on the shop floor. The learning journey also included presentations covering success stories of digital transformation on shopfloors, inspiring participants to kickstart their own transformation processes.

    On behalf of members and participants, we thank our hosts -ASTech, Smart i4.0 Transformation Alliance (SiTA) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP) – for a constructive afternoon.


  • MRO Asia-Pacific 2022

    After a two-year hiatus, MRO Asia-Pacific 2022 returned with a bang from 20 to 22 September at Singapore Expo Halls 3 and 4. The region’s premier event for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul hosted over 180 exhibiting companies showcasing their latest products, services and solutions.

    AAIS were pleased to coordinate the Singapore Pavilion, which housed 27 exhibiting companies showcasing a diverse range of capabilities including aircraft ground support, components, distribution of aircraft parts and equipment, inspection and testing, MRO services etc. During the exhibition, the Singapore Pavilion attracted many visitors, potential partners and customers as fruitful discussions were observed at various booths.

    AAIS also organised a casual networking session at the Singapore pavilion on Wednesday, 21 September. The session brought together exhibitors, AAIS members and partners as connections were established and discussions deepened over drinks in a convivial atmosphere.

    Exhibitors were unanimous in noticing the high number and quality of trade visitors from airlines, MROs and other industry stakeholders. The show ended with the usual remarks that it was simply too short a time for all the opportunities that arose.

    We thank our exhibitors, members, partners and guests for 3 great days at MRO Asia Pacific, 2 days of exhibition, and 1 clear signal that Aerospace is back in business.


    View all photos from the event here

    Singapore Pavilion Exhibitors at MRO Asia Pacific 2022

    Companies Booth Number
    ACME Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd 1001
    AMS Decision Pte Ltd 1021
    Applied Total Control Treatment Pte Ltd 1016
    ATEQ Singapore Pte Ltd 1019
    Auxitrol Weston Singapore Pte Ltd 810
    Aviation Partner & Consulting Pte Ltd 903
    Ban Chu Leong Technologies Pte Ltd 907
    Bollore Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd 902
    CBMM Supply Services & Solutions Pte Ltd 1009
    Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd 808
    CW Aero Services Pte Ltd 1007
    Dviation-Transfingo Pte Ltd 909
    Eezee Pte Ltd 1008
    Field International Pte Ltd 913
    Hypercoat Enterprises Pte Ltd 1002
    Ipeco Singapore Pte Ltd 914
    Magellan Singapore Pte Ltd 908
    Ontic Engineering & Manufacturing Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd 804
    Orapi Applied (S) Pte Ltd 802
    Rhinesthal Singapore 915
    Rieckermann (Singapore) Pte Ltd 1013
    RISE Aerospace Pte Ltd 901
    Saservo Pte Ltd 1020
    Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd 816
    Topcast Aviation Singapore Pte Ltd 920
    VBC Pte Ltd 814
    W.H.Brennan & Company Pte Ltd 1010

    The Singapore Pavilion was coordinated by AAIS, and supported by Enterprise Singapore.



  • The EASA Artificial Intelligence Roadmap: towards AI trustworthiness

    Artificial Intelligence, and more specifically machine/deep learning, opens up promising prospects for many areas of aviation. However, it raises the crucial question of the level of confidence that can be placed in these techniques when used in safety-critical applications and their compatibility with strict certification requirements.

    In February 2020, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) published its roadmap to accompany the deployment of AI in aviation which was followed by a concept paper released in April 2021 providing ‘first usable guidance for Level 1 machine learning applications’. These papers have been published anticipating future EASA guidance and requirements for AI/ML applications.

    In this in-person seminar jointly organised by AAIS and the EASA office in Singapore, Guillaume Soudain, EASA AI Programme Manager together with Francois Triboulet, ATM/ANS Expert at EASA, outlined the main elements of the EASA AI roadmap. Their presentation elucidated he key elements of this first guidance and outlined a number of remaining challenges with respect to AI trustworthiness. The speakers also took questions from the audience relating to the development of the AI standards for aviation, AI-based system interaction with human, learning assurances and others.

    Held on 19 September at the AAIS premises in Seletar, the seminar saw a full house with the participation of aviation and aerospace professionals from across various sectors. We thank the speakers and participants for a very engaging and insightful session.


  • ASEAN Air Transport Working Group Sustainability Forum

    AAIS members were pleased to have been invited to participate in a Sustainability Forum held in association with the 46th ASEAN Air Transport Working Group meetings from 12 to 15 September 2022. The forum, which took place on 14 September at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Singapore saw AAIS members participating as industry observers in-person and online.

    Given increasing efforts and attention on the mitigation of climate change, the forum focused on airport sustainability and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), with speakers from the region sharing their experiences in the implementation of sustainability practices in airports.

    The session kicked off with Opening remarks by Mr Daniel Ng, Chief Sustainability Officer at the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS). This was followed by a presentation by Airports Council International (ACI) Asia-Pacific covering the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme and best practices in green airport infrastructure. Following that, representatives from Hong Kong International Airport (China) and Iloilo Airport (the Philippines) joined the session virtually to share on the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) that have been implemented on their sites towards achieving carbon reduction targets. Opportunities were also provided for meeting participants and observers to put forward questions to the panel of speakers.

    The second part of the programme featured a presentation on the EMS and sustainability practices at Changi Airport. Some insights were shared about the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) pilot project in Singapore and Changi Airport’s facilitation process behind SAF deployment. Last but not least, participants heard from the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) which gave a high-level briefing on the findings of its recent study on its SAF report.

    We thank CAAS for providing the opportunity for industry members to partake in this important regional forum.


  • Aerospace Partners’ Golf Tournament 2022

    AAIS was proud to co-organise the Aerospace Partners’ Golf Tournament 2022 on 9 September, with the participation of over 80 golfers from the aerospace industry. Continuing a more than two-decade-old tradition, APGT 2022 once again demonstrated the aerospace community’s longstanding support for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS).

    With the easing of SMM restrictions, bright smiles and interactions between participants were a welcome sight at Tanah Merah Country Club Garden Course. Despite the downpour during registration and lunch, spirits remained high as participants took the time to reconnect and catch up in a warm atmosphere. Shortly after, the rain subsided and the golfers enjoyed great games in cool weather. Roving buggies were activated to ensure a continuous supply of beer, 100-Plus, bananas and chocolate bars for participants in between strokes.

    View all photos from the golf tournament here

    The evening programme included a wine tasting session, performances by the boy’s brigade, a live performance by Daphne & Company, and networking dinner. One of the  highlights was a charity art auction, featuring unique artworks by the beneficiaries of CPAS. The dinner concluded with a prize presentation for the tournament and an exciting Raffle draw, where lucky winners walked away with attractive prizes.


    View all photos from the evening programme here

    It was a meaningful day of sportsmanship, philanthropy and networking for participating industry members. On behalf of the APGT Organising Committee, we thank all participants, sponsors, donors and volunteers for their generosity and oustanding support! All net proceeds from the event will be donated to CPAS, which is celebrating its 65th anniversary. To find out more or to make further contributions, please visit

    Golf Tournament Winners

    Champion: Yip Ying Kiong (36 points ocb)

    1st Runner Up: Geoffrey Grier (36 points ocb)

    2nd Runner Up: Kenny Yap (36 points)

    Team Champions: Team Airbus 2 (100pts)

    Geoffrey Grier

    Marius Fratiou

    James Bower

    Chong Jun Wen

    Novelty Games:

    Nearest to the pin (Individual): Om Prakash Yadav

    Nearest to the pin (Team): AAR

    Rahul Shah

    Andy Tang

    Monty Richardson

    Gonzaloa Salaxar

  • Visit of Timor-Leste Vice-Minister to SAP

    AAIS was pleased to welcome a delegation from Timor-Leste at Seletar Aerospace Park on 1 September 2022. The delegation, led by His Excellency Domingos Lopes Antunes, Vice-Minister of Trade and Industry of Timor-Leste, was accompanied by other senior officials from the Timor-Leste External Trade and Customs divisions.

    During their visit, the delegation was briefed on Seletar Aerospace Park and developments in the Singapore aviation and aerospace industries. The delegation also shared the prospects of developing an aviation industry to support tourism in Timor-Leste. AAIS was pleased to facilitate the visit and looks forward to more such exchanges.

  • Aerospace Technologies of the Future

    With a goal of net zero carbon emissions set for 2050, the aviation industries, governments, research bodies and solution providers have been tirelessly developing new technologies, policies and solutions to make the future of flight greener. On 30 August 2022, AAIS, Boeing and the Singapore Energy Centre were proud to organize the “Aerospace Technologies of the Future” workshop at NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House, with the involvement of NUS Aviation Club. Centered around the theme of sustainable aviation, the workshop welcomed experts and professionals from the aviation industry, public sector, and academia to discuss efforts and challenges of decarbonizing aviation, including future aircraft concepts, and renewable energies. The hybrid event received overwhelming response with physical seats oversubscribed.

    The workshop kicked off with opening remarks from AAIS President Wong Yue Jeen, followed by eye-opening presentations by Keynote speakers. Chief Sustainability Officer for the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) Daniel Ng spoke on the progress of the Sustainable Air Hub Blueprint for Singapore, highlighting measures and policies being adopted to reduce energy consumption and deploy renewable energy at Changi airhub. Michael Edwards, Senior Director of Boeing Research & Technology Asia Pacific then presented insights on “What is currently changing in Aerospace?”, providing updates on next-generation technologies at Boeing. Following this, Director of eVTOL Research and Innovation Centre at NTU, Professor James Wang, painted a vision of an exciting future in the next 20 years for eVTOL aircraft and the air taxi ecosystem. Director of CSIRO Futures, James Deverell rounded off the presentations with a sharing on technologies being developed towards decarbonising the aviation sector in the coming years.


    In the second half of the session, a panel discussion was held, featuring speakers from industry and academia. Panellists included Professor Liu Bin, Senior Vice Provost at NUS; Professor Sameer Alam, Deputy Director of Air Traffic Management Research Institute at NTU; Jacqueline Lam, Regional Lead, Global Sustainability Policy and Partnerships at Boeing International and Dr Ho Chaw Sing, CEO of the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster in Singapore. Moderated by Arun Mulay, Boeing Fellow at The Boeing Company, the panel took questions from the physical and online audience and had robust discussions on the progress of sustainable aviation, the use of hydrogen, air traffic management and Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs).

    Guests in attendance also took the opportunity to network during the coffee break and lunch reception after the workshop. AAIS thanks all speakers and panellists for a very fruitful session, as well as Boeing and Singapore Energy Centre for the partnership and event arrangements. It was certainly heartening to see stakeholders coming together to build a future for aviation and aerospace that is greener, brighter and more exciting!


  • ICCAIA Asia Briefing Summer Edition 2022 – Sustainability

    AAIS was pleased to organise the ICCAIA (International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries) Asia Briefing Summer Edition 2022, together with the Society of Japan Aerospace Companies (SJAC) and Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA). Held on 25 August 2022, the webinar focused on environment and sustainability with speakers from across the aviation sector presenting information and giving views on the political landscape, technical solutions and issues of industry concern.

    Speakers of the ICCAIA Summer briefing 2022

    Following welcome remarks from AAIS, MAIA and SJAC representatives, the Permanent Representative of ICCAIA to the International Civil Aviation Organisation  (ICAO), Dan Carnelly, presented an overview of the net-zero carbon emissions goal for aviation, highlighting challenges and sustainability issues for Asia region. Dan touched on a “basket of measures” that has been identified by ICAO to help the industry mitigate CO2 emissions, including in-sector measures such as aircraft and engine technology, operations and fuels, complemented by out-of-sector or market-based measures rolled out via the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). This was followed by a briefing and updates by Haldane Dodd, Executive Director of Air Transport Action Group, on the developments of global policies being pursued on CORSIA and the recently released report for a long-term global aspirational goal (LTAG) for international aviation published by the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP).

    Dr Eric Upton, Chairman at ICCAIA Aircraft Noise and Emissions Committee, then shared on ICCAIA’s contributions to CAEP and technical challenges for a new Joint Noise and CO2 Standard which calls for dual stringency. Rounding off the presentations, Sami Jauhiainen, Vice President of APAC at Neste Asia Pacific spoke on Sustainable Aviation Fuels, providing insights on the market outlook for SAFs and opportunities in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region. Sami shared that Neste, having made investments in Rotterdam and Singapore, will increase its SAF output capacity to 1.5Mt by the end of 2023 (from 100,000 tons in 2019).

    Following the presentations, participants engaged in robust discussions with the speakers, bringing up questions on the availability of sustainable biomaterial feedstock for SAF supply, alternative pathways to SAF, the future for supersonic commercial flights given the intensity in sustainability, as well as the potential impact and responses for developed countries in Asia in meeting CORSIA and LTAG.

    We thank ICCAIA, and all the speakers for sharing their generous insights, and attendees for their active participation and questions.


  • SAQG Workshop: Changes in EASA Part 145

    AAIS held an in-person workshop on the new EASA Part 145 regarding new Safety Management System (SMS) regulations on 4 August 2022, conducted by Mr Luigi Preti, Maintenance Organisation Expert and EASA International Officer in Singapore. The session had a strong turnout, gathering more than 80 aerospace professionals at the AAIS premises in Seletar.


    During the workshop, Mr Luigi informed participants on the new regulation updates and highlighted what their next steps are under the new EASA Part 145. He also shared about the SMS Industry Standard comprising of four major components – safety policy and objectives, safety risk management, safety assurance and safety promotion. This can help organizations implement and improve their SMS, enabling them with a more effective information sharing process and continued airworthiness.

    We welcome interested companies/representatives to contact us ( to be part of the SAQG.


  • Urban Air Mobility Roundtable

    AAIS, ITE and Volocopter were proud to jointly organise the first Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Roundtable in Singapore on 13 July 2022. Held at ITE College Central, the event brought together UAM professionals and government representatives to discuss the development of the UAM ecosystem and business opportunities in the region. The in-person event drew the attention of aerospace professionals from across the sector, with seats oversubscribed.

    The session kicked off with a welcome by AAIS President Wong Yue Jeen and Opening Remarks by Chu Hon Lung (“Hon”), Head of APAC at Volocopter. This was followed by stimulating presentations by Volocopter CCO Christian Bauer on the Roadmap to Launching UAM, and Skyports Head of APAC Tay Yun-Yuan (“Yun”) on UAM Infrastructure. A robust panel discussion ensued, featuring speakers from leading UAM organisations including Augustine Tai, Business Development Lead (APAC) at Eve Air Mobility; Derek Cheng, Head of Commercial Asia-Pacific at Vertical Aerospace; as well as Volocopter’s Chief Risk & Certification Officer Oliver Reinhardt and CCO Christian Bauer. Moderated by AAIS Panel of Expert member Robin Thevathasan, panellists also included government representatives Tan Chun Wei, Director Unmanned Systems Technology & Partnership at the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore; and Ethan Lim, Assistant Vice President, Strategy Group (Mobility) at the Singapore Economic Development Board.

    Guests at the event also had the opportunity to visit the VoloCity Exhibition for a guided tour, which was followed by a networking lunch reception. The VoloCity showcase is Volocopter’s first exhibition for the public, where people can experience the eVTOL aircraft in person and learn about its future services. Volocopter will be offering free guided tours on a regular basis starting August 2022. Register for the tour here.


  • Virtual B2B Meetings: Singapore and Malaysia Aerospace Companies

    In collaboration with the Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA), AAIS organised a virtual Business-to-Business (B2B) meeting programme on 7 July 2022. The event sought to provide members from both organisations with a platform to explore the regional aerospace and aviation market, as well as opportunities for synergy, collaboration and business ventures.

    The morning programme saw an opening address by AAIS President Wong Yue Jeen, as well as welcome remarks by CEO of Invest Selangor Berhad Dato Hasan Azhari Hj Idris. This was followed by a presentation on “The Need for Defining Supply Chain Competitiveness in a Post COVID Era” by Naguib Mohd Nor, President of MAIA. The speeches and presentation kicked off a day-long virtual B2B programme drew interest from a total of 75 Singapore and Malaysia aerospace companies, with more than 50 companies exchanging profiles.


  • Cybersecurity Resilience in Aviation

    Civil aviation is reliant on cyber technology to enable the safety and efficiency of air transport. It uses interconnected systems for air navigation, onboard aircraft control and communications, airport ground control, flight information, security screening and many other daily operations. The interconnection of aviation systems across geographic locations means that cyber threats to aviation are global. Therefore addressing cybersecurity needs to be addressed in a unified way by the entire aviation industry.

    With concerns over the increasing risks of cyber crimes worldwide, we were pleased to present a seminar on the topic of ‘Cybersecurity Resilience in Aviation’ with Mr Gerry Ngu, a senior expert in aviation cybersecurity. Gerry is currently the Technical Lead of the European Cybersecurity Centre for Aviation and Chairman of the recently established Network of Cybersecurity Analysts for the European Member States. The event attracted aerospace professionals from across the different subsectors. This in-person seminar was co-organised by AAIS and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) office in Singapore, and held on AAIS premises in Seletar on 29 June.


  • How COVID and Conflict in Ukraine has affected Aircraft Leasing

    Even before we bid goodbye to the pandemic, a new crisis has arisen in the form of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. More than 500 western-made leased aircraft were affected by sanctions against Russia by the end of March 2022. To address the topic of “How COVID and Conflict in Ukraine has affected Aircraft Leasing”, AAIS were pleased to organise a webinar on 23 June 2022 with distinguished speakers from Cirium and RHT Law. The session provided insights on how aircraft leasing has weathered the pandemic and is dealing with the fallout from the war in Europe.

    The webinar kicked off with a presentation from Mr Rob Morris, Global Head of Consultancy at Ascend by Cirium, who gave an assessment on the current market outlook, the impacts of sanctions on Russian leased aircraft fleet as well as the progress and challenges to recovery efforts by lessors. Rob also shared his views on the repercussions for lease rates, and touched on the impact of the conflict on the ongoing recovery of the commercial aircraft sector in Europe and globally.

    Next, Mr Rajaram Ramiah, Partner at RHT Law LLP, shared his views on the legal repercussions of international sanctions and suspension of airworthiness certificates on aircraft operating in Russia, as well as the policy responses from the Russian government. He also highlighted the complexities of insurance covers and claims for lessors as policyholders, given the unusual circumstances.

    Participants of the webinar took away good insights on the impact of sanctions on Russian leased fleets, the significance of the conflict with respect to global air travel recovery, and other uncertainties arising from a resurgence of COVID and other macroeconomic risks. We thank our senior expert speakers for their time and perspectives.

    The webinar recording will be available shortly.


  • Visitors from Italy, Switzerland and South Korea

    AAIS is delighted to once again be receiving international delegations, with the lifting of travel restrictions in April 2022. The visits provide opportunities for us to share the developments of the Singapore aviation and aerospace industries and Seletar Aerospace Park, find out about aerospace industry developments in the visitors’ countries and regions, as well as discuss opportunities for international business collaboration.

    • We were very pleased to host a delegation of MBA students from CUOA Business School (Italy) on 2 June 2022. We thank the Italian Chamber of Commerce Singapore for facilitating the visit.
    • We were also happy to once again, receive MBA students from the Center for Aviation Competence (Switzerland) on 15 June 2022 (pictured left), facilitated by Dr Andreas Wittmer of the University of St Gallen.
    • Most recently, we received a delegation from the Korea Aerospace Industries Association (Republic of Korea) (pictured right) on 21 June 2022 where we had a good discussion on the progress of our MRO industries.



  • UAS Community at Geo Connect Asia 2022

    The Singapore UAS Community by AAIS was active again from 1 to 2 June 2022 at the second edition of Geo Connect Asia (GCA), SE Asia’s flagship geospatial intelligence event. This in-person event with livestream was held at Sands Expo & Convention Centre with the aim of driving the adoption of geospatial technology from niche applications and into the mainstream.

    GCA 2022 examined geospatial technology, digital construction and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Illustrating the relevance of geospatial technology in his opening speech, Mr Edwin Tong (Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law) cited the example of Volocopter using geospatial technology to plan the integration of air mobility with urban transport networks.

    There were 2 parts to the UAV segment of the Conference. The first panel, discussing ‘Drones for good and goods: building excellence across ASEAN”, was moderated by Mr Robin Thevathasan of AAIS. Panellists included Mr Abhinand Pillay of Aerodyne who also delivered the keynote, Mr Ryan Lee of Heron Technology, Mr Benjamin Williams of the Singapore Red Cross Society, and Mr Yue Keng Mun of Temasek Polytechnic. The panel explored the role of technology (e.g. 5G) in enabling drone operations, and also the viability of a portable UTM to support humanitarian drone operations in rural environments.

    The second panel on ‘Innovative drone-based solutions: revolutionising business applications’ took a more case driven approach and was moderated by Mr Mohd Safuan Mohd Zairi of MRANTI. Panellists were Mr Ariffin Aris of AECA Solutions, Mr Rob Sanchez of China Construction, Mr Simon Morris of Quantum Systems and Mr Vincent Aw of SLA.

    Besides the presence of the educational institutions, commercial exhibitors at GCA 2022 included our members:  Heron Technology Pte Ltd, MF Media Academy Pte Ltd, Viscoy Pte Ltd and YJP Surveyors Pte Ltd. The Singapore UAS Community also had a booth to network with others in the geospatial community.

    We are appreciative that Mr Rupert Owen, co-founder of Geo Connect Asia, acknowledged AAIS’ support in his welcome speech. He also announced plans for a new Drone Asia segment in next year’s show, to be held from 15 to 16 Mar 2023.


    Singapore UAS Community exhibition booth

    Panel on ‘Drones for Good and Goods’

    Mr Robin Thevathasan of AAIS Panel of Experts

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2022

    After a two-year hiatus, the aerospace community got the opportunity to get together again for the popular AAIS Bowling Tournament held on 28 May 2022 at  Orchid Bowl @ Orchid Country Club. It was a good, casual atmosphere as teams engaged in friendly competition for the coveted championship trophy whilst striking chances at novelty prizes.

    Our heartiest congratulations to the winning team of SIA Engineering Company and the runner-up teams from Singapore Aero Engine Services Private Limited (SAESL). We thank AAIS Management Committee member, Matthieu Pere, for giving away the prizes and the aerospace community for actively participating in this corporate team building event!



    View all photos from the event here

    Here are the winning teams and bowlers!

    Team Prizes Company/ Team Name Score
    Team Champion SIA Engineering Company Ltd/ ONE TEAM 2140
    1st Runner-up Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd/ SAESL B 1940
    2nd Runner-up Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd/ SAESL A 1831
    Individual Prizes Name/ Company Score
    Best Male Overall Poh Jia Chin/ Matcor Technology & Services 640
    Best Female Overall Ms Nur Azri Muhamad Azan/ SIA Engineering Company Ltd 551
    Highest Game Score (Male) POT: $50 Poh Jia Chin/ Matcor Technology & Services 235 (Game)

    Full Tournament scores
    AAIS Bowling Tournament 2022 (INDIVIDUAL Score)
    AAIS Bowling Tournament 2022 (TEAM Scores)


  • OneAviation Career Fair 2022

    Crowds thronged the first day of the OneAviation Career fair on 27 May 2022. With about 2,000 jobs available and interviews conducted on-site, it was a vibrant start to this 2-day event organised by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and supported by AAIS, amongst other organisations.

    Senior Minister of State (Transport) and Dy Sec Gen of NTUC, Chee Hong Tat, gave an upbeat opening speech to kick off the career fair. He spoke of how Changi Airport passenger traffic had reached 50% of pre-COVID levels sooner than expected and predicted that the industry would recover 80-90% of its employment levels by end of year.

    On day 2, AAIS MC member Desmond Goh moderated a panel discussion on “The Aviation Engineer: Powering Our Future”, featuring industry professionals from Safran Electronics & Defense, SIA Engineering Company, Singapore Aero Engine Services, and Changi Airport Group. The career fair also featured other talks on topics such as aviation sustainability, aviation engineering and technology frontiers.



  • Aerospace Standards Technical Committee Strategic Planning

    AAIS was pleased to contribute towards the Strategic Planning Session of the Aerospace Standards Technical Committee (ASTC) on 20 May 2022.

    The ASTC  is a subcommittee of the Manufacturing Standards Committee under the Singapore Standards Council and is co-chaired by Mr Jimson Ngiam (Collins Aerospace) and Dr Kenneth Low (Singapore Institute of Technology) supported by SMF-Standards Development Organisation. The Strategic Planning Session was conceived as an opportunity to discuss and prioritise development of standards to support the national aerospace industry.

    In his opening address, Mr Ngiam introduced the work of the ASTC and noted the good progress made by the ASTC in the development of UAS standards during the past 2 years:

    TR78-1: 2020 – specifications for the use of UAS to conduct inspection of existing building facades

    TR78-2: 2021 – specifications for quality management and application of artificial intelligence for building façade inspection using UAS

    TR 101: 2022 – guidelines on airworthiness of unmanned aircraft systems

    Discussions at the Session focused on a wide scope, including Smart MRO, Digitalisation and Technology, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Manpower Development. Presentations by expert speakers were followed by a panel discussion moderated by Mr Mervyn Sirisena (Member of AAIS Panel of Experts and AAIS representative on the ASTC). This was followed by break-out discussions and a wrap-up by co-chair Dr Kenneth Low.



  • AAIS New Members’ Night

    AAIS held our inaugural New Members’ Night on 18 May 2022 at Parkroyal Beach Road. This new event was put together to welcome and introduce new corporate members that have joined AAIS in the past 6 months. With the easing of the safe management measures, we were delighted to be able to gather in-person and facilitate face-to-face introductions between representatives of member companies and members of the AAIS Management Committee.

    AAIS President Mr Wong Yue Jeen warmly welcomed new members, providing a preview of activities in the coming months. Participants had an enjoyable evening as connections were made and stories were shared. AAIS VP Richard Wong then capped off the first AAIS New Members’ night with a toast.

    We look forward to catching up with more members at upcoming events, including our quarterly HOST Networking session. Keep a lookout for HOST and other upcoming in-person activities in our newsletters, and do register to attend!

  • Dialogue with EASA Executive Director Patrick Ky

    In collaboration with the EASA regional office in Singapore, AAIS co-organised a dialogue session with EASA Executive Director Patrick Ky on 18 May 2022 at the Swissotel Stamford Hotel. The session welcomed a strong turnout of more than 60 senior executives and industry leaders.

    The session began with a welcome by Mr David Waller, EASA representative in Singapore, and was moderated by AAIS President, Mr Wong Yue Jeen. Mr Patrick Ky made a short presentation touching on key topics including innovation, aviation safety, urban air mobility, artificial intelligence, and underlined the aviation industry’s focus on sustainability and a “Green Recovery”.  He also gamely took on questions from senior executives and industry leaders in attendance, covering manpower crunch issues and geopolitical challenges in Europe impacting aviation globally.

    Our deepest appreciation to Mr Patrick Ky, the EASA regional office and all attendees of the dialogue.


  • International Air Travel Recovery in Singapore and the Region

    The third instalment of our new series of hybrid events on ‘International Air Travel Recovery in Singapore and the Region’ was held on 21 April 2022, featuring industry analyst and consultant, Brendan Sobie of Sobie Aviation.

    Brendan shared in-depth analyses of data including passenger traffic, airline operations and airport capacity figures from Singapore and around the region, and discussed projections on the recovery curve. He noted an uneven and bumpy recovery trend for air travel within the Southeast Asia region, highlighting the impact of China’s continued closure (zero-covid policy) on air travel recovery and Singapore’s leading position within the ASEAN region.


    Brendan also discussed changing international travel patterns and his views on industry actions needed to adapt to these changes and the ‘new norm’. His presentation was followed by a lively and interactive session with questions from both in-person and virtual attendees, touching on industry trends in the near future and the role of technology in the post-pandemic air travel era.

    We thank Brendan for an insightful and beneficial session and all attendees for their active participation.


    Watch the Recorded Livestream video below:


  • First Hybrid Training Course

    AAIS held our inaugural training course under a hybrid arrangement for “Welding Applications for Aerospace Qualification” from 11 to 13 April 2022. Utilising the new AAIS hybrid training room, the course hosted a total of 12 participants from nine companies. For this course, a majority of the participants were present in person at our facility in Seletar, with one virtual participant from Batam, Indonesia, joining in via MS Teams.


    The AAIS hybrid training room was launched in April to welcome the future of hybrid work and broaden our professional development offerings. The facility provides flexibility and seamless integration – participants who may face constraints about travelling to Singapore can opt to participate online and benefit from the same level of engagement as participants attending in-person. For more information, and to see our suite of training courses, visit


  • 9100-series Standards Review Session Part 2

    Part two of the 9100-series standards review session was held on 7 April 2022 by the Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG), a community under the umbrella of AAIS. The participants represent companies that are parts distributor, manufacturing and MRO and provided their inputs during the session that are based on their experiences from implementing the 91XX standards within their organisations.

    The comments gathered during these sessions will contribute to upcoming updates of the standards. We thank the participants for their commitment and contributions. There will be similar sessions in the near future, and we welcome interested companies/representatives to contact us ( to be part of the SAQG.


  • MRO Market Outlook, Trends and Implications

    This hybrid event which took place at the new AAIS hybrid training premises on 1st April 2022 featured Mr David Stewart, Partner at Oliver Wyman. Tapping on his expertise and more than 35 years of aviation and consulting experience, David provided an analysis of the outlook for MRO and the forces that are set to shape the industry in the next decade.

    In his presentation, David shared that global aerospace MRO spending was projected to recover to pre-COVID levels by 2023, and grow at a CAGR of 8.9% in the next 3 years, to surpass US$100 billion by 2026. He noted that recovery would be bumpy across regions, highlighting that the global fleet recovery will be led by the narrowbody aircraft, which are projected to make up about 64% of the fleet by 2032 versus 58% in January 2020.

    David also shared useful insights specific to the Singapore aerospace MRO industry and took questions from in-person and online attendees on topics ranging from the Chinese aerospace market, manpower and talent and additive manufacturing, among others. We thank David for sharing his perspectives and analyses, and all in-person and online attendees for their active participation.


    Watch the Recorded Livestream video below:

  • Aircraft Leasing Tax Forum – Budget 2022

    Held on 31st March 2022, this hybrid event discussed the latest tax developments from Singapore Budget 2022 that will impact the Aircraft Leasing industry. The session kicked off with updates from Mr Low Zhi Hong, Account Manager, Capital Goods at EDB on the Aircraft Leasing Scheme. This was followed by a presentation by Ms Tan Bin Eng, Partner, Business Incentives Advisory Singapore at Ernst & Young (EY), who provided an overview of the key tax considerations for the aircraft leasing industry, an analysis of the Singapore tax environment, as well as recent and anticipated updates to relevant global tax rules.

    Ms Tan then joined Mr Lim Tse Yong, Vice-President and Head, Capital Goods & Conglomerates at EDB, for a frank and insightful panel discussion, moderated by AAIS Management Committee member, Mr Kevin Chow (CEO, Thales Solutions Asia). The panel took questions from the audience and discussed developments in the leasing industry, highlighting opportunities for Singapore as global tax rules are adjusted and leasing organisations re-strategise their businesses across various regions.

    The event was the first in-person seminar for members held at the AAIS premises in 2 years. The session was conducted and live-streamed from the new hybrid premises at AAIS.


    Watch the Recorded Livestream video below:

  • #Breakthebias: Aviation and Aerospace Careers in Singapore

    In conjunction with International Women’s Day, AAIS, Women in Aviation International Singapore Chapter, and NTU Aerospace Society organised a hybrid event on 16 Mar 2022 at NTU. We were pleased to have Ms Susan Goh of SIA Engineering, Ms Leong Wai Kuan of UPS and Ms Michelle Woon of Dnata share reflections on their careers in a conversation moderated by Mr Oliver Chamberlain of AAIS Management Committee and Rolls-Royce, and hosted by Mr Chinmay Bhandari of NTU Aerospace Society.

    Panel speakers in action

    Mr Oliver Chamberlain of AAIS Management Committee moderating the discussion


    Watch the Recorded Livestream video below:


  • Charter on Aviation Safety Culture

    AAIS has joined 80 aviation organisations as a signatory of the “Charter for a Strong and Positive Safety Culture in Singapore” by the Civil Aviation Authority
    of Singapore (CAAS). This is the first-ever Safety Charter for the Singapore aviation sector.

    Recognising various safety-related challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Charter expresses the shared commitment by leaders in the sector to jointly uphold safety standards and strengthen safety culture in their respective organisations as air travel recovers. Signatories of the Charter pledge to:

    • Uphold safety as a key priority and core value.
    • Foster a strong and positive safety culture.
    • Broaden and strengthen safety promotion, including in collaboration with other organisations.
    • Encourage voluntary reporting of safety hazards, unsafe practices, and safety errors, and including self-disclosure of mistakes, slips, and lapses.
    • Promote confidentiality and protection from punitive action for self-disclosure of safety lapses and mistakes, while not tolerating conduct that constitutes gross negligence, wilful misconduct or criminal activity.
    • Contribute towards strengthening the collective aviation safety culture in Singapore.

    The Charter was officially launched by DG Han Kok Juan at the annual CAAS Aviation Safety Forum, which was held at the Pan Pacific on 7 March 2022. At the forum, CAAS also presented the findings of the Aviation Safety Culture Survey – Singapore’s first-ever industry-wide survey to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aviation safety culture and identify areas for improvement.

    View “Charter for a Strong and Positive Safety Culture in Singapore”
    View List of Signatories of the Charter


  • Singapore Pavilion @ Singapore Airshow 2022

    Close to 13,000 trade attendees from more than 39 countries/regions; representing more than 70% of the top 20 global aerospace companies congregated at Singapore Airshow 2022 to expand partnerships, networks and business opportunities across the world.

    The Singapore Pavilion featured a great selection of SMEs representing a diverse cross-section of the local ecosystem. Capabilities showcased include parts design, leasing, surface treatment and special processes, aircraft ground services, specialised unmanned aircraft systems, digital solutions, and others.

    Singapore Pavilion exhibitors:

    • ACP Metal Finishing Pte Ltd
    • Airtec Corporation (Asia) Pte Ltd
    • Alpsun Pte Ltd
    • Apps-Connect Pte Ltd
    • CBMM Supply Services and Solutions Pte Ltd
    • Diamond Aviation Pte Ltd
    • Hope Technik Pte Ltd
    • Hypercoat Enterprises Pte Ltd
    • iHawk Global Pte Ltd
    • Transfingo Aviation Solutions Pte Ltd

    Download the Singapore Pavilion @ Singapore Airshow 2022 Exhibitor Directory

    Among the VIPs who visited, we were pleased to welcome Minister of Transport S Iswaran, SMS Defence Heng Chee How, Chief Defence Scientist Tan Peng Yam, Chief of Defence Force LG Melvin Ong and Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng on 15 February, as well as JTC Chairman Tan Chong Meng, CEO Tan Boon Khai, and JTC Board members on 16 February.

    View more photos of VIP visits and the Singapore Pavilion exhibitors at the Aerophotoworks gallery.


  • Aerospace Leaders’ Dialogue Singapore 2022

    It was an exciting morning as AAIS members and senior executives from the industry gathered at the inaugural Aerospace Leaders’ Dialogue Singapore 2022. Organised by AAIS as a hybrid event on the sidelines of Singapore Airshow, the focus was on the theme of ‘Sustainability, Innovation and Technology for the Future of Aerospace’.

    AAIS President Wong Yue Jeen kicked off the proceedings with opening remarks, noting, “A lot has been said about what the industry has experienced over the last two years. Today, we really want to focus on our quest for the future.”


    We were privileged to hear from senior industry leaders through presentations and panel discussions. Many important insights were shared on the efforts, developments, and challenges to enabling the aviation and aerospace industries to achieve Net-Zero Emissions by 2050. The discussions touched on corporate priorities on the road to recovery, global sustainability strategies, renewable energies, and advanced technologies.

    ALDS 2022, which was held on 17 February, was supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board and live-streamed with the sponsorship of DJET Air. Our deep appreciation to the panel speakers and their staff, and to attendees, both in-person and on live-stream.

    Panel of Speakers – ALDS 2022

    Dr Valerie Manning 
    Senior Vice President, Training and Flight Operations Services
    Dan Abraham
    Senior Vice President of Commercial Sales, Marketing, and Business Development
    Boeing Global Services
    Kathy MacKenzie
    President & CEO, Commercial Engine Operations
    GE Aviation
    Nicolas Bonleux
    Managing Director and Chief Commercial Officer
    Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation
    Dr Bicky Bhangu
    President, South East Asia, Pacific & South Korea


    Watch the Recorded Livestream video below:

  • Singapore Aerospace Technology Leadership Forum (SATFL) 2022

    Held on 14 February, SATFL 2022 kicked off a series of thought-provoking conferences and industry engagement events that took place during the week of the Singapore Airshow. Co-organised by A*STAR and AAIS, SATFL 2022 was conducted virtually with the theme, ‘Relaunching Aviation’.

    In his keynote address, Minister (MOM/MTI) Dr Tan See Leng emphasised the government’s commitment to continue supporting the transformation and upskilling of the aerospace workforce, as well as the industry’s strategic research initiatives.

    The first of two panel sessions was moderated by Gayle Chan of DSTA, with speakers: Ted Colbert of Boeing, David So Man Fung of SIAEC, Kevin Matthies of Spirit AeroSystems, and Lee Hui Fung of ST Engineering. The panel addressed technologies that have or are being developed as aerospace companies ‘Position for Recovery’, touching on implementation, change management, human capital development and other factors to consider in implementing new technologies within their organisations.

    The second panel on ‘Strengthening Future Readiness’ was moderated by Robin Thevathasan of AAIS, featuring speakers: Sabine Klauke of Airbus, Fassi Kafyeke of Bombardier, Francis Preli of Pratt & Whitney, Grazia Vittadini of Rolls-Royce and Bernhard Quendt of Thales. The session saw robust discussions on the path to Net Zero, touching on collaborations across the industry, electric and hydrogen-powered flights, and SAFs.


    Watch Panel 1 below:

    Watch Panel 2 below:


  • Aviation Sustainability from an Airline Perspective

    Held on 25 January 2022, this webinar featured Mr Chen Fook Ping, Vice-President of Sustainability at Singapore Airlines. Mr Chen shared insights on the Singapore Airlines Group’s sustainability efforts. His presentation covered sustainability with respect to Climate Action, Responsible Consumption and having a Positive Impact on Society.

    Last year, the Airline committed to a 2050 net zero carbon emissions target. It plans to achieve this by maintaining a young and modern fleet, operating efficiently, adopting sustainable aviation fuel and maintaining a carbon offset programme. To promote responsible consumption across its operations, it is practising the 5Rs of waste reduction, conserving water and applying digital solutions. Finally, the Airline also hopes to use its business as a force for good in society.

    To round off the session, Mr Chen observed that to achieve its sustainability and climate goals would require an “all hands on deck” approach involving all its partners – OEMs, suppliers, technology providers and government.


    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Virtual Business Mission Japan

    AAIS was pleased to facilitate a virtual business mission to Japan from 24-28 January 2022, in partnership with SME Support Japan (Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan). This marked the fourth year of our members’ participation in the annual ‘CEO Business Meeting Event for Innovative Industry’. The pre-arranged B2B matching and business meetings were held online, supported by interpreters and business advisors.

    Participating companies were:
    1. ACP Metal Finishing Pte Ltd
    2. CW Aero Services Pte Ltd
    3. Diamond Aviation Pte Ltd
    4. KBG Contract Machining Pte Ltd

    Some feedback from participating companies:

    “Quite good, in-depth managed to get some potential customers.”

    “Generally, well organized and good translators available.”

    “It’s a good arrangement for matching companies which can achieve mutual benefits. All meetings went smoothly and we will have further discussions with all the companies.”

    We thank SME Support Japan for this opportunity and look forward to more engagements and physical networking events with Japanese companies when the situation allows.



  • 9100-series Standards Review Sessions

    The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG), a community under the umbrella of AAIS, conducted two 9100-series standards review sessions on 11 & 12 January 2022, with the active participation of representatives from Singapore-based companies that are certified to the 9100-series quality management system standards. The participants, who represented various sub-sectors, including airframe, avionics, component, defence, engine and special processes, gave their views based on experiences from implementing the 9100 standards within their organisations.

    The International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) produces the AS9100 standard as a set of guidelines used by the aerospace industry for implementing a Quality Management System. The standard is modified for the aerospace industry from the internationally recognised standard ISO 9001. The ISO 9001 standard is reviewed every five years to determine what changes, if any, are required to keep the standards up-to-date and relevant. IAQG supports these changes and considers additional requirements that reflect the needs of the aerospace industry today to keep the AS9100 series of standards updated.

    The comments gathered during these sessions will contribute to upcoming updates to be made by IAQG. We thank the participants for their commitment and contributions. There will be similar sessions in the near future, and we welcome interested companies/representatives to contact us ( to be part of the SAQG.


Events 2021
  • Singapore Stopover: Meet Zara Rutherford

    It was a very special Christmas eve in Singapore as we received 19-year-old aviator Zara Rutherford at Seletar airport. With her arrival in Singapore on 24 December 2021 onboard her Czech-Slovak Shark aircraft, the Belgian pilot was well on course to breaking a world record as the youngest woman ever to circumnavigate the globe, and the youngest person ever to fly around the world in an ultralight.

    Shortly after her dramatic landing in Singapore, just before a tropical thunderstorm rolled in, Zara participated in a special webinar co-organised by AAIS, the Belgian embassy, the Czech Republic embassy, and Women in Aviation International SG Chapter. The intrepid teenager spoke to young men and women and aviation enthusiasts about her adventure and aspirations, sharing the challenges and wonderful experiences from her unique and daring flying expedition.

    Follow the progress of Zara’s quest at


    Watch this Webinar below


  • Year-end HOST networking 2021

    To close the year, AAIS members got together virtually on the evening of 10 Dec 2021. Our new President, Mr Wong Yue Jeen hosted a conversation with newly-elected management committee members, Mr Oliver Chamberlain of Rolls-Royce Singapore and Ms Yap Siok Leng of Meggitt Aerospace Asia Pacific. This was followed by networking in smaller groups before a toast to close the year.

    A special acknowledgment to our guests, Mr David Waller of EASA and Ms Lim Li Khee of ESG for joining us. We were also glad to welcome members of our Panel of Experts, Mr Jeremy Chan, Mr Soh Chee Siong, Mr Mervyn Sirisena and Mr Michael Daniel. It was a delighted to have our newer members join us, including Mr Kevin Ng of Quebec Government, Mr Joshua Ng of Alton Aviation, Mr Cai Hounan of Additive Flight Solutions, and Mr Fergus Lopez of Diethlem Keller Aviation.



  • ITAP2021: Transformation & Opportunities in the Aerospace Sector

    AAIS collaborated with ITAP 2021 to present a Digital Sandbox webinar, ‘Transformation and Opportunities in the Aerospace Sector’, on 24 Nov 2021. The event was moderated by CE AAIS and featured a panel discussion with Mr Hanaka Minoru (GM International Affairs, Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies) and Mr Naguib Mohd Nor (President, Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association), followed by a presentation by Mr Shawn Lee (Head of Digital Solutions APAC, Airbus Group). The panel shared its view of the pandemic’s impact on industry and early signs of recovery. It also discussed how i4.0 transformation was helping to shape the recovery and the role industry associations were playing. Shawn rounded off the webinar by sharing on the progress of Airbus’ Skywise digital service and its impact on customers.

    Watch this Webinar below:



  • Innovation in Air Transport

    The ‘Innovation in Air Transport’ webinar held on 11 Nov 2021 was co-organised with Starburst Aerospace. Mr Julius Yeo of Starburst introduced the session with a briefing on the progress of the Singapore Aviation Accelerator which graduated 8 start-ups from its inaugural cohort and is working with them on commercialization.

    The accelerator aims to identify up to 13 startups a year for investment, business development and talent acquisition, putting them through a 90-day bootcamp. Focus areas include sustainability and green aviation, digitalization, data security, air cargo and logistics, enhancing of operations and infrastructure, and enhancing the passenger experience, and other technologies with potential synergies.

    A highlight of the webinar was the presentation by Mr Paul Brady of CarbonClick, which has developed a carbon offset solution for airports, airlines and e-commerce platforms. While carbon offsetting has been around for some time, CarbonClick has simplified the process for consumers and removes the complexity of navigating the market to identify high quality, meaningful and verified projects.

    This presentation was followed by a panel discussion with Mr Karthikeyan T. of SIA Engineering Company and Mr Alex Kasinec of Evitado Technologies, a start up from the first cohort of the Singapore Aviation Accelerator. Alex explained that Evitado was set up to automate airport ground operations to improve situation awareness, safety and efficiency. Evitado is working on a ground collision avoidance solution with SIA Engineering Company.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • SAQG Online Workshop: IAQG OASIS (Online Aerospace Supplier Info System)

    The second SAQG Online Workshop on IAQG OASIS (Online Aerospace Supplier Info System) was held on 3 November 2021 and was well attended by fellow aerospace professionals.

    SAQG Chairman Mr Jeffrey Ho (Rolls-Royce Singapore) provided step-by-step guidance on using OASIS as a supplier and presented a preview of the upcoming OASIS v3 updates.

    Please refer to for the guidance materials.

    Several OASIS v3 training will be organised by IAQG during December 2021. Suppliers, certification bodies and auditors are encouraged to sign up via the IAQG website.

  • Aerospace Partners’ Golf Tournament 2021

    The Aerospace Partners Golf Tournament 2021 was held on Friday 29 Oct 2021 at Garden Course, Tanah Merah Country Club, after a year’s hiatus. The tournament attracted 92 golfers who enjoyed the fine weather, and novelty games with prizes such as aircraft models, tiger beer, gin and whisky. Roving buggies ensured that beer, 100-Plus, bananas and chocolate bars were never in short supply. Players also generously participated in the mulligan raffle. It was an all-in-all roaring good time despite the constraints of safe management restrictions. The tournament ended on a high note with the following winners:

    Champion: Johnny Eng 36 point (ocb)

    1st runner-up: Paul Hallam 36 points

    2nd runner-up: Edwin Khew 36 points (ocb)

    Team Champions :

    Matius Fratiou

    Peter Lundberg

    Christopher Harvey

    Mehdi Sbais

    Novelty Game:

    Nearest-the-pin (Hole 11)

    1st prize: James Lye

    2nd prize: Danny Soong

    The longest drive (Hole 13)

    Above 50 years old: James Lye

    Below 50 years old: Marc Paquet

    All net proceeds from the tournament will go towards the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore.

  • AAIS 19th Annual General Meeting

    The 19th Annual General Meeting of AAIS was held virtually on Thursday 28 October 2021 with the following highlights:

    Opening Remarks by Outgoing President
    In his opening remarks, outgoing President Mr Philip Quek noted that the prolonged pandemic and resulting crisis has had a significant impact on the aerospace and aviation industries. However, the industry was starting to see signs of recovery, with the aerospace segment marking growth of 21% in the second quarter of 2021, from a low base of MRO activities in the previous year. Despite a “bumpy” road to recovery and anticipated challenges in the post-pandemic landscape, the long-term outlook for aerospace remained positive, and members were called upon to strategise and plan for growth. To position for the future, the Association was gearing up to address three areas– sustainability, transformation, and advocacy.

    Watch the Opening Remarks below:

    Recognition of Contributions to the Industry during the COVID-19 crisis

    The Association and its members expressed their appreciation to key partners who had played a pivotal role in guiding and supporting the industry and AAIS through the challenging COVID-19 crisis:

    1. Mr Robin Thevathasan, Chair of the AAIS COVID-19 Taskforce
    2. Mr Tan Kong Hwee, Executive Vice President at the Singapore Economic Development Board
    3. Ms Glory Wee, former Director of the Aerospace, Marine & Offshore Urban Solutions at the JTC Corporation
    4. Mr Ho Chi Bao, former Director of Advanced Manufacturing at Enterprise Singapore


    Appreciation for the 12th Management Committee 2019/21

    The Association also recorded its appreciation to the 12th Management Committee for its leadership through the worst of the pandemic. Two long-serving MC members who stepped down at the AGM were recognised:

    1. Mr Philip Quek (AAIS President – September 2015 to October 2021)
    2. Mr Philip Sung (AAIS Honorary Treasurer – September 2017 to 2019 and 2020 to 2021; Asst Honorary Treasurer – 2019 to 2020; Committee Member – 2015 to 2017)

    Endorsement of Reports and External advisors

    Members present endorsed the FY2020/21 Annual Report and Financial Statements and agreed unanimously to reappoint Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance as the Honorary Legal Advisor and Ernst & Young as the Honorary External Auditor.

    Appointment of the 13th Management Committee 2021/23

    The election results for the 13th AAIS Management Committee were announced. Elected members will be serving a two-year term (until AGM in 2023). We warmly congratulate all members of the committee!

    In his closing remarks, newly elected President Mr Wong Yue Jeen highlighted that AAIS would be looking to work closely with industry, partners and government agencies to execute action plans towards developing Singapore as a sustainable aerospace hub. Leveraging the Aerospace Industry Transformation Map 2.0, it will engage and work with members to shape, design and innovate the landscape towards the advancement of the aerospace industry.


  • ICAO High Level Conference on COVID-19

    AAIS was pleased to have attended The International Civil Aviation Organization’s High Level Conference on COVID-19 (HLCC) as delegates of ICCAIA on 12-22 Oct 2021.

    For two weeks, government and industry stakeholders from around the globe participated in round-table sessions bringing together Ministers of Transport and Health with senior civil aerospace sector leaders.

    At the closing plenary, ICCAIA alongside other industry associations welcomed the declaration made by the Ministerial participants of the HLCC to address the global crisis in aviation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Read the full text of the industry statement.

    AAIS is an associate member of the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA), which represents the aerospace manufacturing and support industries from the United States, Europe, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Japan, Singapore, and Mexico.

  • First UAS Community Networking Session

    We celebrated the end of the week with our first UAS Community-only networking event on 15 Oct 2021. Nicolas Ang of F-Drones skilfully hosted conversations with Mike Monnik of DroneSec and Vincent Lim of Viscoy, where we learnt more about their stories and businesses. This was followed by break-out sessions – we never seem to have enough time for this!

    Previous networking events were combined with the rest of AAIS membership. But having reached a critical mass, the Singapore UAS Community will start alternating between holding its own networking events and joining AAIS members for HOST networking.



  • PMET Career Talk on Jobs & Skills in the Aerospace Industry 

    90 fresh graduates, mid-career switchers and jobseekers attended this aerospace career talk presented by Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) on 12 October 2021. The event was part of Aerospace Week coordinated by e2i to highlight job and career opportunities and to dispense career advice to jobseekers.

    AAIS was pleased to be a supporting partner, with AAIS CE Mr Sia Kheng Yok briefing participants on the aerospace industry’s outlook. He said that airlines had suffered deep losses since 2020 due to pandemic-induced travel restrictions. However, air cargo had recovered and domestic air travel in China, North America and Europe had picked up. This was having a positive effect on the aerospace sector and Singapore EDB had reported a 22% growth (year-on-year) in aerospace output in August. Industry leaders expressed optimism over initial signs of recovery at a forum the week before. Manpower Minister Tan See Leng had also just announced that the industry was looking to fill 1,000 places over the next 2 years.

    Following Mr Sia’s briefing, e2i Career Coach Ms Yogeswary D/O Nithah Nandan and Senior SkillsFuture Advisor Mr Brian Wong shared practical advice to aid jobseekers in their personal development and job search process. A panel discussion was then convened, involving HR practitioners from Pratt & Whitney, Ms Cynthia Tan and Mr Eleutherius Liew. Such was the interest in this that the entire session overran by an hour!

  • Aerospace Day 2021

    Jointly organised by JTC, AAIS, the polytechnics and ITE, Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) and aerospace companies, Aerospace Day 2021 was held virtually on 11 October 2021 for the first time and attracted 1,800 students and job seekers.

    In his opening speech, 2nd Minister for Manpower Dr Tan See Leng announced that “aerospace companies in Singapore are planning to hire 1,000 people over the next two years, as the pandemic-battered sector gears up for new growth opportunities in digital services, autonomous technologies and sustainability.”

    At the event, audience were treated to sharing sessions by industry experts on the latest industry trends including the vision of a future hangar, towards net-zero carbon emission, urban mobility, latest happenings in MRO, demand for private jets and cutting-edge of sustainable propulsion.

    To showcase the job opportunities available in the sector, aerospace firms set up interactive virtual exhibition booths and participants get to connect directly with company representatives via live-chats. Students and mid-career job seekers can also look forward to exclusive tours to company facilities in Seletar Aerospace Park at the end of the year.



  • Inaugural meeting of the SG UAS Community Advisory Committee

    The Singapore UAS Community Advisory Committee had its inaugural meeting on 10 Sep 2021, to review the progress of the Community and to discuss priorities in developing the industry. We had engaging discussions on the relative strengths of the Singapore industry, opportunties for talent development, and other matters. We are grateful to the pioneering members of the Advisory Committee for the insightful and fruitful discussion:

    Name Company
    Robin Thevathasan Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)
    Tan Kah Han Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
    Simon Lim Enterprise Singapore
    Zhang Weiliang Avetics Global Pte Ltd
    Nicolas Ang F-drones Pte Ltd
    Mark Yong Garuda Robotics Pte Ltd
    Ryan Lee Heron Technology Pte Ltd
    Gianmarco Radice Singapore Institute of Technology
    Tay Yun Yuan Skyports Pte Ltd




  • Flying giants: The Antonov-124

    AAIS was delighted to organise an exclusive first-hand insight into the iconic Antonov-124, an aircraft that was designed in the 1970s and for 30 years was the world’s heaviest production cargo airplane by gross weight. This webinar on 9 September 2021 was held in cooperation with Volga-Dnepr group and our member, Air Freight Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd. We thank Mr Robin Thevathasan (member of AAIS Panel of Experts), who moderated the session with An-124 experts Mr Vladimir Vyshemirskiy and Mr Evgeniy Maksharov. Vladimir and Evgeniy spoke on the An-124 specifications and shared many interesting examples of oversized and unusual cargo carried by the aircraft, including Pilatus aircraft for the RSAF.


    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Launch of Solar Adoption Report

    Even as the global pandemic continues to create uncertainties, aviation has been plotting its green recovery. The local aerospace industry has continued to pursue sustainability and decarbonisation goals.

    The inaugural Singapore Aerospace Industry Solar Adoption Report (SAISAR 2021) was launched on 31 August 2021 and presents a consolidated view of progress made by the aerospace industry in Singapore towards implementing solar energy as part of Singapore’s national target of 2 GWp by 2030. It also represents the association’s effort and commitment to work with aerospace companies to meet their sustainability goals. We hope this provides more impetus for companies to understand the benefits and possibilities of solarisation, and helps them embark on the path to a greener future.

    The launch event saw Dr Bicky Bhangu, Rolls-Royce’s President for SE Asia, Pacific and S Korea, speak as a representative of the aerospace community about the company’s sustainability programmes. Mr Chan Mun Wei of Sustainability SG presented the  SAISAR 2021 report on behalf of AAIS. As a call to action, JTC’s Senior Engineer, Mr Koh Tee Yan shared about JTC’s solar initiatives in support of industry.

    Watch this Webinar below:

    To view or download the full report, visit our SAISAR microsite: 

  • Aviation GP Drone Race

    The Aviation GP drone race on 19 August 2021 was a wonderful occasion to connect in-person with aerospace and UAS colleagues, following the lifting of Phase 2(HA) restrictions. The event, organised by D1 Racing and Institute of Technical Education College Central and supported by AAIS, was graced by Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Culture, Community and Youth, Mr Alvin Tan. Minister also opened the Airbus-ITE ACT for Academy Training Centre and took time to watch the races and interact with guests. We look forward to more such events as Singapore opens up.

    Hangar with drone pilots at far end


    Race in progress (Can you spot 2 drones?)

  • IATA Financial Resilience and Industry Standards

    In a webinar session on 5 August 2021 moderated by Desmond Goh of Eaton Aerospace and member of AAIS’ Management Committee, we were pleased to welcome Ms Winnifred Yeo (“Winni”) of IATA Asia Pacific to speak about Industry Financial Resilience and IATA. Winni spoke about IATA’s role in advocacy and standardisation. She also explained how IATA’s e-invoicing service and IATA Clearing House (ICH) facilitate payments between airlines, suppliers and governments. The e-invoicing service simplifies procedures, standardises invoice formats, facilitates reconciliation, settlement of disputes and ultimately enables timely payments, The ICH performs settlements in various currencies, reduces risks, improves cash flow and has achieved close to 100% on-time payments for several years. We thank Winni for showing how some MROs and other suppliers are already taking advantage of this for improved financial resilience and efficiency.


    Watch this Webinar below:



  • ICCAIA 2nd Asia Briefing: Carbon Offsetting & Reduction Scheme for International Aviation

    ICCAIA conducted its 2nd Asia briefing on 29 July 2021 in partnership with members, SJAC and AAIS, and observer, MAIA. As part of the briefing, Sean Newsum, Director of Sustainability Strategy at Boeing, spoke on CORSIA. Sean explained how aviation had set global climate goals in 2008 and was investing in technology, making operational and infrastructure improvements, ramping up use of sustainable aviation fuels, and using carbon offsets. The latter, in the form of CORSIA, was an interim measure, buying time for the other measures to achieve results. A detailed explanation of the CORSIA mechanism was given, including how ICCAIA was supporting this.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • ICCAIA 2nd Asia Briefing: UTM and Integrated Airspace Management

    At ICCAIA’s 2nd Asia briefing on 29 July 2021, Bob Lee, Chair of ICCAIA’s CNS/ATM Committee, explained efforts to safely and effectively integrate unmanned aircraft into the overall airspace management concept. The key to this lay in managing air and ground risks. This entailed the capability to integrate unmanned operations with existing airspace users and air traffic control. He highlighted the current lack of supporting systems and infrastructure for communications, navigation, surveillance, micro-weather, and to replace a  pilot’s ability to “see and avoid”. Bob shared his views on the directions being taken towards a highly automated, information-centric environment, enabled by a system of systems. He also offered an indicative timeline of UTM regulatory evolution.

    Mitch Fox of ICCAIA concluded the session by announcing that an ICCAIA Advisory Group had been formed on ‘Integrated ATM and Airspace Management’ comprising members and also other international organisations. The group would propose a path ahead for an industry transition to integrated ATM and digital airspace management, including working with ICAO to identify activities to support this. AAIS welcomes members’ indication of interest to be part of this Advisory Group or the ICCAIA CNS/ATM Committee chaired by Bob Lee.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • ICCAIA 2nd Asia Briefing: ICAO Asia & Pacific Regional Office

    ICCAIA’s 2nd Asia briefing on 29 July 2021 included an introduction to ICAO’s Asia & Pacific Office (APO) by Regional Officers, Anam Nazmul and Parakrama Dissanayake. Anam explained the 3 fora in the region that drove the Office’s key activities: APANPIRG – air navigation planning and implementation, RASG-APAC – aviation safety, and RASCF – aviation security. He also highlighted recent achievements in air navigation capacity and efficiency, aviation security and facilitation, and environmental protection within the Asia Pacific region. Parakrama spoke on the 5 regional technical cooperation programmes for developing operational safety and continuing airworthiness. Anam concluded the briefing by explaining how ICCAIA members could connect with the activities of ICAO APO.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Drone Industry and Market Trends

    Rotorcraft Asia – Unmanned Systems Asia 2021 was not conducted because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In lieu of an in-person event, AAIS and Experia co-organised a webinar on ‘Drone Industry and Market Trends’ on 28 July 2021.

    Hendrik Boedecker of Drone Industry Insights presented an overview of the global drone market and investments in the industry. This was followed by perspectives from 2 drone services companies operating from Hamburg and Singapore. Matthias Gronstedt of HHLA Sky spoke of the origins of the company developing its robust and scalable drone solution for remote inspection of port cranes at Hamburg Harbour. Zhang Weiliang of Avetics Global then reviewed drone industry developments in Singapore. He shared his perspective of the economics of operating in a niche market, defined largely by smart city applications and government initiatives. This webinar was jointly presented with Rotorcraft Asia & Unmanned Systems Asia.

    Visit to request access to the recording.

  • AI and Ethics in Aviation

    On the topic of introducing AI in aviation, the European Aviation Safety Agency highlighted 4 questions to be addressed:

    • How to establish public trust in AI-based systems?
    • How to integrate the ethical dimension of AI (transparency, non-discrimination, fairness, etc.) in safety certification processes?
    • How to prepare the certification of AI systems?
    • What standards, protocols, and methods we need to develop to ensure that AI will further improve air transport safety?

    Michael Daniel of Aviation Insight and Dr Bicky Bhangu of Rolls-Royce give their take on how the industry should develop and adopt an AI ethical framework – from both a regulatory and safety perspective, and from the point of view of achieving the desired outcomes of deploying AI. This event was co-organised by AAIS and SGInnovate on 26 July 2021.


    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Security of Aerial Cyber-Physical Systems

    Drones are playing an increasingly significant role in society, from making some jobs safer, increasing efficiency in logistics, to providing life-saving support. They have become an important asset and tool for organizations looking for better and safer ways to get things done.

    However, there are risks associated with these ‘flying computers’. Drones collect, store and transmit data (video, audio, GPS telemetry) over wireless communications to devices and in some cases, the unprotected cloud. Data can therefore be intercepted in various ways during flight and the drone itself can also be taken down via multiple means, exposing potentially sensitive data to attackers. Dr Heather Monthie explores ways to develop secure drones, from building, coding, flying, to certification. She also speaks to educators about how cybersecurity can be taught in schools.

    Drones have also been used for nefarious purposes, and vital installations like airports are grappling with the problem of drone detection and deployment of  effective countermeasures. Harshit Agrawal examines the various technological solutions to these issues in his presentation.

    We are pleased to have collaborated with DroneSec, a member of Singapore UAS Community, to present this webinar.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Powder Bed Fusion and Directed Energy Deposition AM for Aerospace


    In this AM Community webinar on 8 July 2021, we examined 2 metal AM technologies that are making inroads in Aerospace applications – Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) and Directed Energy Deposition (DED). Pierre Pays and Oscar Derouette of BeAM Machines discussed the merits of both technologies and their applications with case studies.

    PBF shares the layer-by-layer fabrication approach of other AM methods, but requires minimal support structures, allowing for more complex geometries to be produced. DED involves a focused energy source to locally melt feedstock material. Multi-axis deposition is possible and DED is suited to Aerospace manufacturing, coatings and repairs of high-value aerospace components such as turbine blades, blisks and engine combustion chambers.

    In the case of a Titanium hydraulic manifold produced by Laser PBF, materials savings of 86% were achieved as compared to conventional machining from a Titanium block. The value of topological optimisation of the design for AM was also emphasized. Another case discussed was that of a high load retainer comprising 2 flanges and a bracket, produced by DED. The impact of powder sizes on surface finish was also presented.

    Our appreciation goes to BeAM Machines for a highly informative session.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Industry Update – Getting Ready for the Restart

    The International Air Transport Association (IATA) represents some 290 airlines comprising 82% of global air traffic. One of its key priorities has been to work with governments to complete roadmaps to reopen borders to travel.

    At our 1 July 2021 webinar, Ian Lorigan of IATA Asia Pacific provided an update on the impact of COVID-19 on the aviation industry from both the global and Asia Pacific perspective. He also shared the role IATA has been playing in support of industry players, governments and travellers during this pandemic period and in preparation for the restart.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Applications of AI in Aerospace (Part 2)

    Aviation and aerospace have always been at the forefront of innovations that have improved safety, efficiency and comfort. As the latest innovation to be applied by the industry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) may well be unprecedented in impact. In this final session of a two-part series on ‘Applications of AI in Aerospace’ Dr Cyrille Schwob (Head of Technology, Asia-Pacific at Airbus) shared how Airbus has applied AI across its businesses and value chain. From analysis of satellite imagery to factory operations, AI has made an impact. Ms Michelle Yeo (Co-founder, Business Ops and Strategic Development at DATAVLT) introduced the concept of Continuous Intelligence and demonstrated a use case of AI/CI for predictive maintenance of aircraft engines.


    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Applications of AI in Aerospace (Part 1)

    Aviation and aerospace, have always been at the forefront of innovations that have improved safety, efficiency and comfort. As the latest innovation to be applied by the industry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) may well be unprecedented in impact. In this first session of a two-part series on ‘Applications of AI in Aerospace’ we examined how AI is being applied in MRO planning and operations. We were pleased to welcome Teh Siew Yee – Head of Data Engineering & Analytics (SIA Engineering Company) and Pierre Carpentier – AVP Digital Technologies and Partnerships (Cyient) to share their insights and experience.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Advanced Air Mobility – Supply Chain

    AAIS launched its second Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) webinar series entitled, “Gearing up for AAM” on 5 May 2021. Held on consecutive weeks in 3 parts, this third and final part explored the AAM Supply Chain with a particular focus on design and manufacturing of eVTOL vehicles. Held on 19 May 2021, we were pleased to have panel speakers, Mr Ian Lam, GM of Schaeffler Aerospace and Ms Evelyn Khoo, Business Development Manager for Composite Materials at Solvay.

    Both speakers discussed how their companies were drawing on prior experience in the aerospace and automotive markets to position themselves as suppliers. Mr Lam drew useful comparisons between the supply chains for the AAM and automotive sectors. In particular, he highlighted the relative scale of these sectors, noting that AAM production volumes were expected to be higher than in aerospace. Ms Khoo spoke of Solvay’s co-development approach to the use of composite materials in AAM.

    The AAM market is at an early stage of development, with no platforms yet certified by aviation authorities. However the market expectations are driving the rapid evolution of a supply chain, often involving non- aerospace suppliers. It is timely for us to understand how to position for, and address this developing opportunity.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • AAIS Virtual Networking 2Q2021

    AAIS organised our second Networking session for the year on 21 May 2021. Albeit conducted amidst enhanced restrictions under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), participants were in good spirits and took the opportunity to reconnect with industry colleagues and meet new faces.

    The event kicked off with opening remarks by AAIS 2nd Vice President Mads Bondergaard, who provided thoughtful and insightful perspectives for the industry. “The darkest hour is before dawn” he said, reminding everyone to be mindful of mental health and well-being during these challenging times.

    AAIS Management Committee member  Desmond Goh then introduced attendees to three new AAIS members, namely Singapore Flying College (represented by General Manager, Captain Christopher Chan), Embraer Asia Pacific (represented by Augustine Tai, Services & Support Director (Asia Pacific)) and Ryan Griffin (represented by co-founder Woo Jungsoo).

    This was followed by a break out session for all participants to network. Many interesting discussions were had and new connections made.  AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok then capped the event off with a BYOB toast. We thank everyone for making the time for a lively and interesting session!


  • Advanced Air Mobility – Airspace Management

    AAIS launched its second Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) webinar series entitled, “Gearing up for AAM” on 5 May 2021. To be held on consecutive weeks in 3 parts, this second part explored Airspace Management with a particular focus on technology developments, and the progress being made in the UK. Held on 12 May 2021, we were pleased to have panel speakers, Ms Elizabeth Chau, Head of UAM at NATS and Mr Frank Erb, Director Digital Aviation Market Development at Thales.

    Ms Chau spoke of how the UK is preparing for AAM and shared a powerful visualisation of unmanned aircraft (UA) operations across the UK. Mr Erb discussed developments in UTM and how Thales is extending its ATM capabilities into this space. This was followed by a panel discussion on future directions, for example on the technology options for implementing tracker ID for UA, including ADSB.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Global Drone Security Network #3

    AAIS collaborated with Singapore UAS Community member, DroneSec, on its third Global Drone Security Network virtual event held on 27 and 28 April 2021. The event was livestreamed and focused on Cyber-UAV security, Drone Threat Intelligence, Counter-UAS and UTM security. The sessions were helmed by Mr Mike Monnick, CTO of DroneSec and featured distinguished speakers from Parrot, CerbAir, Drone Guards, UAV Aerial Works, D-Fend Solutions, Rinicom, Shephard Media and URSA Inc. Mr Ong Jiin Joo, CTO of Garuda Robotics, a Singapore UAS Community member, also addressed the topic of cybersecurity of internet-connected drones.

    Watch the replays on Youtube at:

    Part 1 (27 April 2021)
    Part 2 (28 April 2021)



  • Advanced Air Mobility – Airworthiness considerations

    AAIS launched its second Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) webinar series entitled, “Gearing up for AAM” on 5 May 2021. To be held on consecutive weeks in 3 parts, this first part explores Airworthiness Considerations in the design of eVTOLs. We were pleased to have expert speakers, Mr Michael Daniel of Aviation Insight and member of the AAIS Panel of Experts, and Professor James Wang, Director of Nanyang Technological University’s eVTOL Research and Innovation Centre.

    Mr Daniel discussed airworthiness from the point of view of National Aviation Authorities, describing developments at ICAO, and the approaches taken by FAA, EASA and CAAC in advancing type certification for this new class of aircraft. Professor Wang complemented this discussion from the perspective of an aircraft designer, drawing on his experience as an eVTOL pioneer, and career in rotorcraft development at Sikorsky and Augusta Westland (now known as Leonardo).

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Uplifting your aerospace business innovation journey

    IPI Singapore (a subsidiary of Enterprise Singapore) and AAIS co-organised a webinar on 29 April 2021 to discuss business and technology innovation for Aerospace. In particular, the event highlighted the role of IPI Innovation Advisors in assisting enterprises.

    We were pleased to have Dr Sze Tiam Lin of IPI provide an overview of IPI’s innovation services. A rich discussion ensued with Mr Julien Valette of CW Aero Pte Ltd sharing his business challenges and his experience in working through these with the help of IPI Innovation Advisor, Mr Derek Sharples. Derek also spoke of his approach to assisting CW Aero, prioritising business model innovation. For example, beyond equipment sales, he explored other options like leasing and financing of equipment. On the topic of technology innovation, Julien observed that it was important to first establish the business objectives and model, before discussing what technologies were relevant. Derek also emphasized the importance of a regular commitment of time to work through the innovation opportunities systematically with an Innovation Advisor.

    We invite enterprises curious about IPI or the services of Innovation Advisors, to contact us.


    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Accelerating Distributed Manufacturing in Aerospace with AM

    The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) and AAIS co-organised a webinar on ‘Accelerating Distributed Manufacturing in Aerospace Industry with AM’ on 15 April 2021. Participants heard presentations from Additive Flight Solutions Pte LtdFlare Dynamics Pte Ltd and ST Engineering, as they discussed their progress in AM for aerospace and unmanned aircraft applications. NAMIC also presented their Open Grant Call for parts analysis and design for AM. This was followed by a panel discussion moderated by AAIS’ Chief Executive. We thank Mr Marc Lee of NAMIC, Mr Cai Hounan of AFS, Mr Lu Weiyao of Flare Dynamics and Dr Zheng Guoying of ST Engineering for their presentations.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • ICCAIA Briefing on International COVID-19 Response

    In a first-ever partnership, the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries (ICCAIA), Society of Japan Aerospace Companies (SJAC), Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA) and AAIS jointly held a webinar on 20 April 2021 to brief aviation and aerospace organisations in the Asian region on the Council Aviation Recovery Taskforce (CART) Phase III recommendations.

    Speaking at the briefing, Permanent Representatives of ICCAIA to the International Civil Aviation Organisation  (ICAO), Dan Carnelly and Mitch Fox explained how ICCAIA worked with its member organisations to represent aerospace manufacturers and MROs, providing technical expertise to support the work of ICAO. To perform its role, ICCAIA had four main technical committees reflecting the main workstreams of ICAO: Airworthiness Committee, CNS/ATM Committee, Aircraft Noise and Emissions Committee (ANEC) and Security Committee. Member associations were welcome to participate and contribute expertise.

    On CART III, the major focus had been on standardization of COVID testing certificates, to facilitate international air travel. ICCAIA had made significant contributions to this effort, leading the writing of the ‘Aircraft Guidelines’ module, contributing towards the ‘Take-off Guidance Document’ & revisions, working closely with IATA on guidelines to restart aviation, and leading the drafting of the original ‘Testing and Cross-border Risk Mitigation Management Manual’.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Inspiring your aviation journey

    On 26 March 2021, a talent outreach webinar was conducted to share the industry outlook with 213 students from the ITE, local polytechnics and universities. This was a joint effort by JTC, AAIS, e2i and the Aerospace Engineering Sector Coordination Team to provide information on the availability of jobs, and the skills needed to seize opportunities available even in the current climate.

    The webinar was the first of its kind – integrating live-sharing, corporate videos, and virtual shop floor tours by three aerospace companies, namely Singapore Component Solutions, Collins Aerospace and Bombardier Aerospace Services. The company representatives provided an overview of the various departments in their operations, shared on their latest technologies and digitalization initiatives, as well as the internship and career opportunities available. The rich content of the webinar showcased MRO as an exciting and dynamic industry to work in.

    Post-event survey feedback showed that students found the session to be insightful in providing an overview of the various operations, the career progression opportunities and the positive longer-term prospects of the aerospace sector. They also expressed keen interests in Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and other digital trends.

    *The Inspiring Your Aviation Journey was part of a series of aerospace careers events that will span the year, a lead-up to Aerospace Day 2021 (scheduled in October 2021).


    Collins Aerospace staff (alumni of various IHLs) shared their work experiences and career growth in different departments there.

    Bombardier Aerospace Services interns demonstrated their on-the-job training experience, with a virtual walk-through of the hangar via Beam® (a telepresence robot provided by Blue InCube).












  • Geo Connect Asia 2021

    AAIS’ Singapore UAS Community participated in the inaugural Geo Connect Asia 2021 show from 24 to 25 March 2021. The Conference panel discussion on Urban Air Mobility was moderated by AAIS member of the Panel of Experts, Robin Thevathasan, with participation by members, Nova Systems Asia and Volocopter. The panel discussed UAM business models, market opportunities, airworthiness certification, data collection and mining, etc.

    Meetings were also held on-site at our Meeting Pod. The experience gained from this hybrid event will help us better prepare for future hybrid events during the pandemic period.







  • Challenges of Employee Transport & the Potential of Smart Mobility

    Aerospace companies are mostly located in areas less well-served by public transportation. To ease their employees’ daily commute, many companies organise transportation. During the pandemic, planning for and providing such transportation has become much more complex because of changes to working schedules and flexible work arrangements.

    In a webinar on 18 March 2021, participants heard from Ms Grace Tan of SIA Engineering Co and Mr Nick Stipp of SWAT Mobility as they described the journey that SIAEC and other companies have taken in adopting smart mobility solutions for employee transportation. Ms Tan spoke of the challenges in organising employee transportation and how SIAEC managed the transition towards smart mobility. Mr Stipp described additional case studies and how smart mobility was able to solve or alleviate some of the problems facing company transport planners and employees.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • The Road to Recovery: Aerospace & MRO Trends for Suppliers in 2021 and Beyond

    In this webinar held on 10 March 2021, NAVEO Consultancy managing director Richard Brown offered his insights on the road to recovery in 2021 and beyond. Besides sharing data on the impact of COVID-19 and the status of recovery, Richard also spoke on the impact on MRO and implications for the aftermarket. If you missed it, please click below to review the webinar recording for Richard’s valuable insights.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • SAQG Webinar: Aviation, Space & Defence Quality Management Systems

    The SAQG Webinar: Aviation, Space & Defence Quality Management Systems was held on 9 March 2021. The webinar was attended by 57 aerospace professionals and was hosted by SAQG Chairman Jeffrey Ho (Rolls-Royce Singapore).

    The webinar covered the evolution of standards and certification programs, with key elements such as the oversight of the certification schemes by the Aviation, Space and Defence industries. The number of AS91XX certifications and the growth trends in Asia Pacific was shared.

  • Women in Aviation & Aerospace with Airbus

    In celebration of International Women’s Day, AAIS and Airbus Singapore co-organised an online talk entitled  “Women in Aviation & Aerospace” on 5 March 2020 for students from the local polytechnics and universities.

    Kicking off the programme, the students were warmly welcomed by Mr Mads Bondergaard, Airbus Head of Operations APAC & 2nd Vice-President of AAIS. Thereafter, Airbus Quality Customer Services Manager Ms Ivy Tan and Airbus Airline Marketing Director Ms Marie-Amelie Clotteau shared their respective career development journeys in the largely male-dominated aviation & aerospace industry.

    The final segment of the programme was a lively Q&A session where students participated actively by asking wide-ranging questions such as, “What are the major challenges and setbacks faced as women in this industry?”, “How can women in the industry strike a balance in their work and personal lives?”, and “How are women empowered by corporate & HR strategies in the case of Airbus?”.


  • Aerospace Community Event 2021

    This year, instead of the traditional sumptuous Chinese New Year lunch for residents of various homes for the elderly,  we had to do things differently in view of COVID-19.

    On behalf of the Aerospace Community, AAIS organised bento lunches, red packets and care packages (mandarin oranges, colouring books and pencils) for the elderly at St John’s Home for Elderly Persons and Bright Hill Evergreen Home.

    We are deeply appreciative of the organisations and individuals who made this possible, during a particularly difficult period for residents of these homes.



  • SAQG Online Workshop: IAQG OASIS (Online Aerospace Supplier Info System)

    SAQG Online Workshop: IAQG OASIS (Online Aerospace Supplier Info System) was held on 26 February 2021. Hosted by SAQG Chairman Jeffrey Ho (Rolls-Royce Singapore), the online workshop received good attendance by 43 aerospace professionals.

    A preview of the upcoming OASIS v3 updates was the main focus of this online workshop. OASIS is a reliable source for aerospace supplier certification and registration data. It contains a list of suppliers who are certified/registered under the IAQG rules to be in compliance with the aerospace quality management system requirements (9100 series).

  • Business mission to Japan (Virtual)

    AAIS was pleased to facilitate a virtual business mission to Japan from 18-26 Feb 2021, in partnership with SME Support Japan (Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan). This was the third time that has AAIS participated in the ‘CEO Business Meeting Event for Innovative Industry’. A total of 44 business meetings were held, supported by interpreters and business advisors.

    Participating companies were:

    1. ACP Metal Finishing Pte Ltd
    2. Additive Flight Solutions Pte Ltd
    3. Alliance 21 Pte Ltd
    4. Globaltronic Precision Pte Ltd
    5. KBG Contract Machining Pte Ltd
    6. Unique Precision Pte Ltd


    Asian Association leaders in Tokyo, courtesy of SME Support Japan (2018)


  • Chinese New Year HOST Networking (Online)

    We were delighted to welcome members on 19 February 2021 to our first networking session of the year, held in conjunction with the Chinese New Year. Host for the evening was AAIS 1st Vice President, Richard Wong of Pratt & Whitney.

    Richard began with his reflections on Tuesday’s announcement of Budget 2021 by the Deputy Prime Minister. He recounted AAIS’ efforts to engage the government on continuing its support for the industry and welcomed the positive response, especially the extension of the Jobs Support Scheme for another 6 months. This effort had involved submitting a paper to the Ministry of Finance and following up with a letter to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

    Richard was then joined in conversation by AAIS Assistant Honorary Secretary, Ekkehard Pracht of Liebherr Aerospace, and AAIS Management Committee Member (Co-opted), Ian Lam of Schaeffler Aerospace. Apart from hearing more about their professional life, we also learnt that Richard is an avid mountain climber, Ekkehard has been indulging in his two-wheeler, and Ian has gone all out during the pandemic, to set up a mini farm ecosystem at home!

    The second half of the session saw members enter breakout groups to network with fellow aerospace professionals. Despite being in online mode, it was a precious opportunity for us connect with old friends and to make new ones.

    The evening was crowned by a BYO-drink toast, obligatory screenshot and closing remarks by Richard.


  • Volunteers with Willing Hearts (and Hands)

    The AAIS Management Committee met on 26 Jan 2021 for a very special reason. Togged in the appropriate PPE, committee members set about the sometimes backbreaking work of washing industrial-scale rice cookers, and greasy pots and pans. But this was all cheerfully done in the service of those who benefit from the “soup kitchen” run by Willing Hearts*.

    Some candid reactions – “great experience and good team spirit”, “awesome time spent!”, “great spirit”, “well done to all”, “we are privileged in our lives and happy to contribute to those less fortunate”.

    Personal favourites were – “didn’t know I’m actually quite good at dishwashing” and “sorry I couldn’t be there”.

    *A secular, non-affiliated charity, Willing Hearts is wholly run by volunteers, apart from a handful of staff. It operates a soup kitchen that prepares, cooks and distributes about 9,500 daily meals to over 40 locations every day. Find out more.

  • Visit by Ambassador of Kazakhstan

    AAIS was pleased to welcome a Kazakhstan delegation to Seletar Aerospace Park on 5 February 2021. The delegation was led by His Excellency Arken Arystanov, Ambassador of Kazakhstan, and facilitated by Temasek Polytechnic. AAIS Chief Executive briefed the delegation on the aviation and aerospace industries in Singapore, and the status of Seletar Aerospace Park.






  • Reinventing Rewards for Uncertain Times

    In a webinar held on 28 January 2021, Mr Helmi Yusoff of Mercer Singapore provided members with valuable insights into how companies will be reshaping employee rewards in 2021.

    According to Mercer, employee rewards are being redesigned for value, flexibility and sustainability. 4 key takeaways were:

    (1) As incentive pools are uncertain, these should be more focused on critical roles and employees.

    (2) In support of business transformation, reward structures are incorporating skills-based considerations, in addition to the usual focus on business outcomes.

    (3) Flexible work is reshaping the Employee Value Proposition.

    (4) Organisations’ environmental, social and governance (“ESG”), and diversity, equity and inclusion (“DEI”) agenda are increasingly being supported by their rewards structure.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Aircraft Finance and Leasing Asset Class Development in Asia and Globally

    AAIS ushered in 2021 with its first event of the year on 21 January discussing the financing of aircraft – a crucial but capital-intensive component of the global economy. AAIS was pleased to welcome Mr Kevin Chow, CEO of Thales in Singapore as Moderator and Professor David Yu, Senior ISTAT Certified Aviation Appraiser and Finance Professor at New York University Shanghai to explore aviation and aircraft leasing and its value as a standalone investable asset class within the larger industry.

    Professor Yu traced the development of the aircraft leasing sector and the growth of major hubs – Ireland, Singapore and Hong Kong. He also spoke on the development of the industry in China and the drivers of growth. An interesting discussion followed on the characteristics of global aircraft financing and the impact of the pandemic on growth and asset values. We look forward to future discussions on aircraft financing, in expectation that this will become even more important in the post-pandemic era.

    Watch this Webinar below:


Events 2020
  • HOST virtual networking hour

    We capped our 2020 calendar of events with a virtual networking hour for AAIS and SG UAS Community members. Yes, it’s not quite the same as our lively party at Grand Mercure Roxy last year. But it was still great to be amongst friends, albeit online!

    President Philip Quek introduced the 3 new elected members of the Management Committee in an engaging conversation. Each shared about themselves and Christmas traditions in their home countries. We also learnt in a great coincidence, that all were also fathers of 3 children!

    This was followed by a break out session for all participants to have conversations. We rounded up with closing wishes for 2021 and a toast by First Vice President Richard Wong.


    Year end virtual networking hour

  • Airspace Design and Management for Advanced Air Mobility

    Singapore is a highly urbanised country with a population density of more than 8000 people per sq km. It is also a major air hub with a small and congested airspace, presenting unique conditions for the implementation of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) systems.

    In the concluding session of this webinar series organised by AAIS, industry practitioners, regulators and academia discuss airspace and urban air traffic management (UTM) for AAM implementation in Singapore. Moderated by Mr Kim Silander, Founder of Independent Business Group, the session included speakers from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), OneSky, Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI), and Astra UTM.

    Speakers explored considerations in designing a UTM System for Singapore’s unique urban conditions. This included the integration of Unmanned Air Mobility Digital Mission Model to the airspace environment, and recommendations to enable and harmonise Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) in advanced UTM scenarios. We thank all our speakers for the insightful presentations, and all attendees for the overwhelming response to this series.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • TR 78 : 2020 – Building Facade Inspection Using UAS

    More than 200 participants attended an interactive virtual Workshop on TR 78 : 2020 – Building facade inspection using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on 25 November 2020, which was jointly organised by Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore), Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards Development Organisation, Singapore Standards Council and Enterprise Singapore.

    The purpose of the workshop was to learn from UAS experts (including Building and Construction Authority and ST Engineering) on the use of technologies on façade inspection and the application of TR 78 : 2020. TR78 provides a set of non-exhaustive specifications for the use of UAS to conduct inspection of existing building facades. It covers the phases starting from preparation, stakeholder approvals, execution and up to post-flight data processing and report generation.

    We congratulate our UAS Community members who participated in the workgroup which developed the Technical Reference: AeroLion Technologies, Avetics Global, Garuda Robotics and Mr Robin Thevathasan of AAIS Panel of Experts.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Urban Planning and Infrastructure for Advanced Air Mobility

    Globally, a large number of electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles (eVTOL) are being developed and AAM systems are expected to provide safe and scalable commercialisation of flight services. Applications span across cargo delivery, law enforcement and medical rescue solutions, as well as augmenting private and public transport systems.

    In the second of a series of 3 webinars organised by AAIS, experts, regulators and academia discuss infrastructural considerations for AAM implementation and discuss approaches to enable AAM in urban areas like Singapore. Moderated by Dr Ilya Khanykov, Executive Advisor at, the session included speakers from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Independent Business Group, and Energy Research Institute @ NTU.

    Speakers and participants had an insightful and frank discussion, exploring opportunities and challenges of AAM implementation in Singapore. They touched on factors from urban planning and transportation networks, to energy and building infrastructure, and softer human factors, besides the vertical dimension and more.  We thank all our speakers for the excellent presentations, and all attendees for their active participation.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • AAM Webinar 1: Singapore and Advanced Air Mobility

    The prospects of advanced air mobility (AAM) in Singapore have taken key steps forward in recent years with agreements established between developers and regulators, innovation partnerships and flight demos in the heart of the city. AAM has gained support for its potential to solve problems including road congestion, land use pressures, and as a quicker and more direct mode of transportation.

    In the first of a series of 3 webinars organised by AAIS, experts, regulators and academia share exciting developments for AAM implementation and discuss approaches to enable AAM in Singapore. Moderated by AAIS Panel of Expert member Robin Thevathasan, the session included speakers from Singapore Economic Development Board, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, Volocopter and the eVTOL Research and Innovation Centre at Nanyang Technological University.

    Speakers and participants had an insightful and frank discussion, exploring opportunities and challenges of AAM implementation in Singapore. They touched on challenges and technology barriers such as battery life, safety, performance and reliability, infrastructure and planning, scaleability and more.  We thank all our speakers for the excellent presentations, and all attendees for their active participation.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • AAIS Annual General Meeting 2020

    The 18th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was held virtually on Thursday, 29 October 2020. The meeting kicked off with Opening remarks by President Mr Philip Quek, and reports by Honorary Secretary Ms Lim Hee Joo and outgoing Honorary Treasurer, Mr James Partington. In his opening remarks, Mr Quek noted the extraordinary challenges faced by the industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and highlighted actions taken by the Association to facilitate members. President thanked the many professionals and experts from the community who have stepped up to lead, contribute and share their know-how and resources during the crisis.

    In the context of the online AGM, voting was conducted via appointment of Chairman as Proxy. Members endorsed the FY2019/20 Annual Report and audited Financial Report and reappointed Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance as the Honorary Legal Advisor and Ernst & Young as the Honorary External Auditor. For his contributions and many years of service to the Association, a token of appreciation was presented to Mr Jimson Ngiam, who had stepped down due to job movement. The meeting also recognised other Management committee members who had stepped down over the course of the year.

    An election was held to fill three vacant positions on the Management Committee. The Association was pleased to welcome Mr Mads Bondergaard of Airbus as the newly elected 2nd Vice President, as well as Mr Matt Waters of Rolls-Royce Singapore and Mr Desmond Goh of Eaton Aerospace as Committee members. In his closing address, President thanked the candidates who participated in the elections, noting that there were various other communities, initiatives and programmes needing leadership and facilitation.

    We thank members for the strong turnout and look forward to the continued support and active participation.


  • Bumpy and Uneven Recovery – Analysis & Forecast by Oxford Economics

    As countries continue to grapple with flattening the coronavirus curve, others are experiencing new outbreaks, and businesses are struggling to sustain the long-drawn slowdown in activities.

    Ms. Sian Fenner, Lead Asia Economist for Oxford Economics, returned as a speaker in this webinar hosted by AAIS on 22 October 2020. She presented her latest updates and evidence on how economies are faring in the recovery, and shared insights on the sectors that are expected to rebound fastest. The forum discussed the projected impact on the air transport industry as travel restrictions are gradually lifted, as well as global and regional risks that organisations will need to navigate in the coming months and years.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Starburst Community Engagement

    Global aerospace and defense accelerator, Starburst, announced the launch of the Singapore Aviation Accelerator (SAA) in September 2020 to champion technology and innovation of new aviation technologies. The development of the SAA is anticipated to provide more opportunities for Singapore’s SMEs and IHLs to develop partnerships with tech start-ups.

    In this online dialogue co-organised by AAIS and Starburst, the aerospace community, in particular SMEs and educational institutions, discuss potential synergies with tech startups in developing an effective modus operandi to best serve the industry. Moderated by AAIS Panel of Experts member, Mr Jeremy Chan, participants engaged in robust discussions on the potential, challenges and gaps towards developing the culture of innovation and how they can work together with start-ups to contribute to the advancement of the Singapore aviation and aerospace ecosystem.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • First Virtual Networking Session for Members

    AAIS organised our first Virtual Networking session on 17 September 2020! Held in place of our traditional quarterly HOST Networking sessions, this web-based event provided the opportunity for members of the aerospace and UAS communities to meet and reconnect while in the comforts and safety of their own spaces.

    The event kicked off with a brief keynote on “The Agile Approach in COVID-19 times” by Ms Regina Chua, Chief Agile Designer at DD Consulting. Regina discussed Agile organisations and its relevance in times of crisis. Participants then joined break out rooms to network and share their thoughts on the Agile mindset and what it would mean for their organisations. Dynamic discussions were held between members representing OEMs, the supply chain and service providers, across different sub-sectors like engines, components, materials and others.

    We thank Regina and all members for making our first Virtual Networking session a bustling and thought-provoking one! We welcome members and the community to join us for the next one in December. Please subscribe and look out for our newsletters for more information.


  • Industry Dialogue with Government Agencies & Union Representatives

    With the impact of COVID-19 to the air transport industry expected to last for some time, aerospace companies in Singapore have been exploring ways to retain core capabilities, upskill their workforce, and reposition for the eventual recovery and upturn.

    To help members learn more about initiatives made available to help companies in the aerospace sector upskill their workers, AAIS organised a closed-door Industry Dialogue with government agencies and union representatives on 9 September 2020.

    The session kicked off with opening remarks by Mr Lim Tse Yong, Vice-President, Capital Goods, Economic Development Board (EDB), followed by an Overview of manpower support initiatives by Ms Glenda Tan, Asst Vice-President, Capital Goods EDB. Mr Joseph Yap, Manager, Industry Development Division then brought participants through the New Enhanced Training Support Package for Aerospace and other initiatives by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). Mr Nelson Goh, Manager at the Manufacturing Division, then covered initiatives by Workforce Singapore (WSG) including the Aerospace Professional Conversion Programme.

    Noting that companies were having to make tough decisions during this period of crisis, Mr Raven Lee, Senior Industrial Relations Officer at the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) spoke on Best practices for managing excess manpower and responsible retrenchment. Ms Karen Tan, Senior Employability Coach, at Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) then covered Outplacement support available.

    Participants then engaged in a panel discussion with Mr Lim Tse Yong, VP, EDB, Ms Chelvin Loh, Director, SSG, Mr Anderson Ee, Acting Director, WSG, Ms Sylvia Choo, Director, NTUC and Mr Gary Goh, Dy CEO, e2i. We thank all the government and union representatives for their time and sharing.


  • Development of Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace & Defence

    AAIS, in conjunction with the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC), organised a webinar on Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing on 8 September 2020. The event saw the participation of over 70 local and overseas attendees.

    Cold spray, a coating deposition technology, has gained attention from both scientific and industrial communities for application in AM.   In comparison with fusion-based high-temperature additive manufacturing processes, cold spray additive manufacturing has been shown to retain the original properties of the feedstock, to produce oxide-free deposits, and to not adversely influence underlying substrate materials during manufacture. It has recently been applied as an additive manufacturing process to fabricate individual components and to repair damaged components.

    The event featured Mr Dan Braley of Boeing Global Services, Mr Byron Kennedy of SPEE3D, Dr Koh Pak Keng of ECK Pte Ltd, Mr Marc Lee of NAMIC, and ME4 Kelvin Bi of the Republic of Singapore Airforce. The speakers shared the latest advancements on cold spray technology, current and exploratory applications, as well as the potential of cold spray in aircraft manufacturing, MRO and defence industries.

    We thank all the speakers, participants and NAMIC for a very fruitful and engaging session.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Impact of COVID-19 on Aviation and Aerospace, and Recovery

    In a webinar organised by AAIS on 27 August 2020, veteran aviation expert, Mr David Stewart, Partner at Oliver Wyman, presented his views on the “Impact of COVID-19 on Aviation and Aerospace, and Recovery”. Moderated by AAIS Panel of Expert member and Chairman of the Aerospace COVID-19 Taskforce, Mr Robin Thevathasan, Mr Stewart shared the latest analysis on the performance of the aviation industry, with reference to the latest statistics on fleet and MRO spend, aircraft retirements and new production rates. Mr Stewart also discussed the impact and implications on commercial aviation maintenance, the aerospace aftermarket and its supply chain. He also offered some projections on the trajectory for recovery of the industry and took questions from industry participants.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Confidence in Air Travel & Tourism Post COVID-19

    COVID-19 has affected air transport industries globally and travelers had to abruptly stop flying overseas due to restrictions imposed by governments to contain the spread of the virus. Early indications of this cautious return-to-travel behavior have been seen in the domestic markets of China and Australia, even after new coronavirus infection rates fell to very low levels.

    In this webinar held on 16 July 2020, Dr Eliver Lin from the Singapore Institute of Technology shared her insights into Singapore residents’ perspectives of air travel and their confidence to travel post COVID-19. Based on the findings of her research project, Dr Lin discussed factors affecting the confidence level of passengers; the effectiveness of different measures to relieve passengers’ worries; and markets with more confidence in air travel.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Global Talent Trends 2020: Preparing for the new normal

    In this webinar held on 17 June 2020, our knowledge partners from Mercer discussed talent trends that will enable companies to stay ahead in 2020. Ms Rupali Gupta, Principal for Career And Talent Consulting and Mr Helmi Yusoff, Associate Principal for Rewards at Mercer Singapore shared strategies on how to measure performance, incentivise and reward staff in a subdued and volatile business environment. The speakers also shared findings from the organisation’s research and examples of how its clients are responding to these challenges in innovative ways.

    Participants took away many good ideas and novel approaches on managing performance and rewards. We thank our expert speakers and participants for their insightful sharing and time.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Attracting, Protecting and Deploying the Right Talent to Drive a New Normal

    In the midst of this unprecedented crisis, a study by global management consulting firm, Korn Ferry, has found that companies that focused their employees on the organization’s purpose have boasted annual growth rates that were nearly triple the annual rate for the whole sector. The study also found that having an authentic purpose can help recruit and retain talent, win over customers, and have positive impacts on broader society.

    In this special webinar organised by AAIS, Senior Client Partners from Korn Ferry Singapore, Mr Torbjorn Karlsson and Mr Scott Hensarling, share their ideas on how organizations can be equipped with an effective framework for successfully transforming their HR approach in this crisis. The webinar covered fundamental questions of talent management: What talent do we have? What talent do we need? And how do we fill the gaps?

    Moderated by AAIS Panel of Expert and Aerospace COVID19 Taskforce Chairman, Mr Robin Thevathasan, the session, which was held on 11 June 2020, saw participants engaging on human capital management matters in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We thank our knowledge partners and participants for a fruitful and dynamic session.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Cargo Transport in Aircraft Cabin – Considerations for Safe Operations

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an unprecedented fall in air travel and all types of air passenger demand. Even when travel restrictions and lockdowns are lifted, the willingness of consumers to travel by air is expected to remain limited initially, in particular on international markets. To maximize usage of the aircraft, commercial airlines are converting passenger cabin for temporary cargo transport for transportation of cargo ranging from medical supplies to daily essentials.

    In this webinar held on 3 June 2020, Mr Dominic Chan of AAR Engineering Services – Asia shared about the various methods of transporting cargo in the cabin, considerations to ensure safe operations, and regulatory frameworks and references applicable to these situations. He also touched on the potential for the design and production of new products, services and configurations, and possibilities for related businesses in a post-pandemic aviation landscape.

    We thank Mr Chan for an engaging and informative session and all participants for their interest and insightful questions. We look forward to organising more of such events and invite partners keen to share current and relevant industry shifts to contact us.

    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Additive Manufacturing Webinar for the Aerospace Industry

    AAIS organised the first Additive Manufacturing webinar for the aerospace community on 28 May 2020, in partnership with the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster, and Siemens. The session attracted strong interest with the participation of some 70 local and international participants from the aerospace MRO and manufacturing industries, additive manufacturing, systems and solutions providers, aviation suppliers and others.

    The webinar kicked off with a presentation by Mr Benjamin Moey, Vice President (Advance Manufacturing, Digital Industries, Asia Pacific) at Siemens Singapore, who talked about recent trends in advanced technologies and how the manufacturing community has adapted and re-invented themselves through the COVID19 pandemic. Mr Moey also gave an update on the Advance Manufacturing Transformation Center by Siemens, which is in the final stages of set up in Tuas, in Singapore. Participants then listened in to an eye-opening presentation by Mr Marc Lee, Senior Commercialization Manager at NAMIC, on the application of Block Chain for additive manufacturing in the aerospace sector.

    We thank both speakers for an engaging and interactive session, and all participants for their questions and very positive feedback. We look forward to organising more of such events for the additive manufacturing community. We invite partners keen to share on interesting and current technologies and applications to contact us.

    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Industry Dialogue with Govt Agencies: Impact of COVID-19 on Aerospace in Singapore

    Following up from the Covid-19 industry survey and series of Industry Sharing sessions held in March and April, AAIS organised a closed-door Industry Dialogue with government agencies on 6 May 2020. The purpose of this session was to hear more from the aerospace community on their business and workplace concerns as the situation and environment shifts rapidly. The session was moderated by AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok and agencies were representated by Mr LIM Tse Yong Vice President and Head Capital Goods, EDB and Mr HO Chi Bao Director, Manufacturing & Engineering Cluster, Enterprise Singapore. Each gave an update on the actions their organisations have taken and will be pursuing to support businesses and economic activities through the duration of the pandemic and beyond.

    Over 70 senior executives and managers from the AAIS membership participated in the online dialogue/ round-table. Participants were frank in expressing concern on the unfavorable business and industry outlook due to prolonged contraction and slow recovery, noting the retention of workers was a priority, given the aerospace demands skilled and certified talents. The agency representatives reiterated government supports and facilitation to keep businesses operating, as well as opportunities and bandwidth to retrain and upskill workers.

    Participants and agency representatives also engaged in a frank exchange and mooted ideas on how to collectively address challenges and prepare for the post-pandemic world. A heartening note for the industry was that even in this global crisis, Singapore maintained a good reputation for a place to do business and as the “BCP” measure for global companies. Businesses were encouraged to start retooling for the future, for example, by looking into how advanced and digital technologies could be integrated into operations for better response, productivity and efficiency. The discussion also touched on the reopening of aviation, and how the landscape is likely to change.

    We thank everyone for taking the time to join the dialogue and participating actively. For further feedback, please contact the Aerospace COVID-19 Taskforce at .


  • Strategising for the Present and Post-Pandemic World – An Aerospace perspective

    The aerospace community came together for a highly engaging webinar on “Strategising for the Present and Post-Pandemic World – An Aerospace perspective”. Held on 30 April, the session was the fourth in the AAIS Business Continuity Management webinar series.

    More than 30 aerospace professionals, many of whom are senior management from across the sector, joined Richard Brown, Managing Director of NAVEO Consultancy, as he provided his perspective and analyses on the implications of COVID-19 for the aerospace industry. The session highlighted challenges that airlines, OEMs, MROs are facing and factors that will influence post-pandemic aircraft orders and the aftermarket. Mr Brown also drew out recovery scenarios with reference to previous recessions and shared his projections for production and aftermarket business plan considerations.


    Watch this Webinar below:

  • Asia Economic Outlook: Counting the economic costs of the coronavirus outbreak

    The third session of the AAIS Business Continuity Management series was held on 16 April 2020.

    Titled, “Asia Economic Outlook: Counting the economic costs of the coronavirus outbreak”, the session featured Ms. Sian Fenner, Lead Asia Economist for Oxford Economics. It was attended by more than 30 industry participants who were keen to get an assessment of the economic downturn in Asia as the coronavirus outbreak grows each day. Ms. Fenner presented views on the impact and economic costs for countries in the region as lockdowns are being implemented and shared the possible recovery scenarios as policymakers in Asia step up monetary and fiscal support. She also touched on the effect of lockdowns on supply chain and presented risks scenarios, including extended or renewed lockdown measures due to a second wave of the pandemic.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Ensuring Business Continuity in Operations

    The second session of the AAIS Business Continuity Management series was held on 9 April 2020.

    This session featured Mr Maxwell Davis, Enterprise Risk Manager Asia-Pacific & Data Protection Officer for Singapore at Rolls-Royce. It was attended by over 20 enthusiastic industry participants. During the hour-long session, Mr Davis shared the approaches taken by Rolls-Royce in developing and maintaining the Business Continuity Plans for its facilities in Seletar. Participants got a good feel of the key processes, analyses, review and control mechanisms that can be put in place to facilitate smooth operations in times of crisis and under unusual circumstances. The session also got participants thinking about plans, considerations and strategies for restoration of activities in a post-pandemic world.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • Leadership for Business Continuity in the Covid-19 Pandemic

    AAIS held the inaugural session of its Business Continuity Management series on 7 April 2020.

    The first session, which featured AAIS Vice President and General Manager of Pratt & Whitney Turbine Overhaul Services, Mr Richard Wong, was attended by more than 20 industry professionals. During the hour-long session, Mr Wong shared his views and experience in leading BCM for the PW entities in Singapore. It left participants with a good overview of strategies and mechanisms that can be put in place to anticipate and plan for contingencies, and the importance of coordinated and sustainable responses to stay viable for the long haul.


    Watch this Webinar below:


  • AAIS partners Starburst Accelerator to promote innovation in Singapore

    Guided by the association’s vision of “an innovative Aerospace community for a sustainable future”, AAIS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with global aerospace start-up accelerator, Starburst, to collaborate on the Singapore Aviation Tech Accelerator. Supported by Enterprise Singapore, the programme will be announced in the second quarter of 2020, with the selection of the start-ups slated for the third quarter of 2020.

    The signing ceremony took place on 12 February 2020 on the sidelines of the Singapore Airshow. AAIS was represented by Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok and Starburst by Director (Asia) Mr Julius Yeo. The signing was witnessed by Deputy CEO of Enterprise Singapore Mr Ted Tan, AAIS 1st Vice-President Mr Richard Wong, and Co-founder and Managing Director of Starburst Accelerator Mr Van Espahbodi. The event also saw the attendance of senior representatives from Enterprise Singapore, EDB, members of the AAIS Management Committee and esteemed guests from across the industry.


    The Singapore Aviation Tech Accelerator Program will leverage Starburst’s global network of aerospace corporations to further Singapore’s position as a center for aerospace and aviation excellence. The programme aims to develop start-up enterprises based on their potential to provide solutions to Air Transport problem statements in areas such as Air Traffic Management, Passenger Experience, Cyber Security, Mobility, Connectivity, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence amongst others. Selected startups will go through a 90-day Starburst Accelerator boot camp which includes intense, hands-on mentorship, preparation and access to Asian VCs for the seed funding.

    To further support graduated start-ups, Starburst has chosen to partner with AAIS for the late-stage programme. As the leading industry association, AAIS will enable graduated start-ups to continue their momentum by providing deeper links to the local aerospace and aviation industries, bespoke advice and mentorship on regulatory, operations and business issues, market access through its international business platforms, and others.


  • Singapore Airshow 2020

    Held from 11 to 16 February, Singapore Airshow 2020 concluded with firm support from exhibitors and industry stakeholders. Despite concerns surrounding COVID-19, over 90% of participating companies were present. The four trade days saw close to 30,000 trade attendees from more than 110 countries and regions.

    An expanded pool of more than 20 aerospace small and medium enterprises were presented at the Singapore Pavilion, coordinated by AAIS. Almost half of these companies participated at the Singapore Airshow for the very first time, encouraged by the wider range of space options under a new concept pavilion.

    Providing a glimpse of the diverse and comprehensive range of competencies across our aerospace ecosystem, the Singapore pavilion featured SMEs that are making their mark in aerospace MRO and manufacturing. Capabilities showcased include parts design and advanced manufacturing, surface treatment and special processes, aircraft ground services, logistics, digital solutions and others.

    See the list of Singapore Pavilion exhibitors here

    See media coverage of the Singapore Pavilion and AAIS members here

    Special Guests, Programmes & Activities

    AAIS and the Singapore Pavilion exhibitors were delighted to welcome honoured guests over the duration of the show, including President Halimah Yacob, Senior Minister of State for Health and Transport Dr Lam Pin Min, Senior Minister of State for Defence Heng Chee How, Chairman of EDB, Dr Beh Swan Gin, CEO of JTC Ng Lang, Deputy CEO of Enterprise Singapore Ted Tan, Deputy Secretary MTI Luke Goh and Dy Group CEO CapitaLand Manohar Khiatani, among others.

    To bring more value to members and exhibitors, AAIS organised networking sessions, pavilion tours and pre-arranged B2B meetings. The international networking lunch held at the Singapore Pavilion on Day 2 attracted over 100 participants including representatives from other country pavilions, as well as guests from our international network. More than 70 meetings were recorded between AAIS members, exhibitors and businesses from Japan, France, Canada at the SME centre in the Singapore pavilion.

    As the voice of industry, AAIS also conducted country briefings on the Singapore aerospace industry for the Japanese, Australian and Canadian delegations. We are grateful for the strong support for Singapore Airshow 2020, even in the midst of trying circumstances.


    View more photos of VIP visits and events around the Singapore Pavilion at the Aerophotoworks gallery.


  • Briefing & Focus Group Discussion on Indoor Testbed & UAS Initiatives

    The Singapore Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Community came together for a briefing and focus group discussion on indoor test-bedding and UAS Lab initiatives on 22 January 2020. Organised by AAIS, the event attracted UAS manufacturers and solution providers, end-users including aerospace and non-aviation companies, educational and research institutions, as well as government agencies.

    The programme kicked off with a welcome and introduction by Mr Robin Thevathasan of the AAIS Panel of Experts, highlighting challenges of UAS testing in a dense urban environment, and the need for test facilities. Participants then heard from Ms Glory Wee, Director for the Aerospace, Marine & Urban Solutions Cluster at JTC, on its joint initiative with AAIS to provide an indoor testbed for commercial applications of UAS. Located within Seletar Aerospace Park, the facility will have a 600 sqm floor area and 3.5m clear ceiling height and is slated to be operational from February 2020 onwards.

    Participants were also introduced to the EcoLabs Centre of Innovation by Programme Director, Mr Mahesh Kumar. EcoLabs aims to help start-ups and SMEs further develop and commercialise clean-energy related innovations by providing support in product and business acceleration. In regards to UAS, EcoLabs is planning to set up a Drone Lab. Participants visited the proposed site for the lab and provided feedback on the requirements for an effective lab set up.


    The planned Indoor Testing and Drone Lab facilities will allow UAS businesses to test new drones and technologies for commercial applications. This is in support of UAS development and commercialisation, as well as, certification, and standards. Companies interested to find out more can reach out to AAIS via email to .

  • Supporting Aerospace Education & Careers

    AAIS was proud to represent its members and the industry at the renewal signing of the Aerospace Student Outreach Initiatives MOU, which took place on 15 January 2020 at JTC’s Community Engagement event in Seletar Aerospace Park.

    First established in 2018, the agreement aims to establish a framework for student outreach initiatives, encompassing Aerospace Day, internships, outreach and industry engagement, career guidance and other programmes. The 2020 MOU establishes the cooperation between the Polytechnics, the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), JTC, the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), AAIS and Aerospace companies to promote Aerospace education and careers. The programme also saw an increase in the participation of companies, from 29 in 2018 to 46 in 2020.

  • Aerospace Community Day 2020

    As has become tradition during the Lunar New Year, AAIS organised Aerospace Community Day 2020, which saw the aerospace industry hosting some 100 seniors from four homes to a festive new year lunch.

    The seniors, from the Bright Hill Evergreen Home, Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home, St John’s Home for the Elders and Thong Teck Home, enjoyed a sumptuous Chinese spread, starting with the traditional tossing of the Yu-Sheng for good fortune. The MusicMix band and singers also returned to entertain the audience with English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien tunes from yesteryear. Seniors and volunteers also got into the festive spirit, with the team from Pratt & Whitney taking to the stage to perform “Gong Xi Gong Xi” and Hokkien classic, “Ai Pia Cia E Ya”.

    Lunch concluded with the distribution of mandarin oranges and ang baos (red packets), to the gratitude and warm smiles of the elderly.


    On behalf of the beneficiaries, AAIS would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their invaluable contributions:

    • Barrett Aerospace Pte Ltd
    • Boeing Asia Pacific Aviation Services Pte Ltd
    • CK Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
    • ECK Pte Ltd
    • Oriental Aviation International Pte Ltd
    • Pattonair Asia Pte Ltd
    • Satair Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd
    • Wencor, LLC (Singapore Branch)
    • Mr Ivan Ho – Airbus Singapore
    • Mr Eddy Eyo – W.H. Brennan & Co
    • Mr Gerald Teo – Snap-on Tool Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Staff from Turbine Overhaul Services Pte Ltd
    • Ms Mary Tan

    We also extend our appreciation to the Grand Mercure Roxy Singapore and the Roxy Foundation for their support and facilitation. The group effort truly made it a smooth and successful event!

    We look forward to organising more of such activities in future, with the support and encouragement from the aerospace community.

    View more photos from the event here:

Events 2019
  • Introduction to Solar Energy & Contracting + Learning Journey to REC automated factory

    Together with knowledge partners from REC, AAIS co-organised an “Introduction to Solar Energy & Contracting” seminar on 6 December 2019.

    The seminar was organised as a soft start to the AAIS Sustainability Programme. This was after solar energy was identified as a common topic of interest for companies in the aerospace industry, which are actively integrating sustainability into their strategies.

    Mr Henry Eu, Country Manager (Singapore) for REC, kicked off the session with an overview of solar use cases in Singapore, focusing on commercial and industrial applications. Emphasis was placed on aspects of safety and compliance, from the point of installation to maintenance. The session delved further into solar PV business models, led by Mr Tan Congyi of the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore.  Topics such as performance and Return on Investment, as well as common faults were also discussed.

    Participants also had the opportunity to engage with a panel of professionals from the solar energy sector with questions ranging from warranties, “green” credits and the reliability of solar energy for business/ factory operations.

    After the seminar, participants were invited with a rare opportunity to visit the REC’s automated solar panel assembly line. Participants had a feel for the advancement of solar panel technology and the rigorous quality inspections to ensure consistent output and energy capture.
















    REC is a leading European brand for solar photovoltaic (PV) panels with headquarters in Norway. The company employs around 2,000 employees worldwide, 90% of whom are based in Singapore.  In 2018, REC’s facility in Tuas produced some 4.3 million solar panels. AAIS members with interest to procure solar power or be part of a collective arrangement may wish to contact the Secretariat.

    View this animation to see how solar panels work:


  • AAIS Year-End HOST Networking

    AAIS warmly welcomed its members, the Singapore UAS community, partners and invited guests to its Year-End HOST Networking evening on Wednesday, 27 November 2019. The event, held at the Grand Mercure Roxy, brought out the festive spirit with special treats such as a Whiskey Tasting table, Cold-Pressed Juice corner and a live performance by Mr Steven Crummack from Airbus Singapore.

    AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok kicked off the evening with an update of AAIS activities and new members. Attendees gamely participated in a special HOST quiz, identifying and singing familiar Christmas tunes in a “Don’t forget the lyrics” challenge. The almost 100-strong crowd enjoyed the specialty Peranakan cuisine, including the ever-popular Laksa live station.

    Guests also had the opportunity to pick up gifts for loved ones at the mini ‘Giftshop’ curated by GlacySohArt Design Pte Ltd. Products sold were all in support of local and differently-abled artists. The lovely evening came to a close with a lucky draw, which saw 7 lucky guests winning prizes ranging from bottles of wine, dining vouchers and a 2D1N weekend stay at the Grand Mercure Roxy.

    We thank all guests for joining us, as well as the Grand Mercure Roxy for extending their warm hospitality and welcoming atmosphere. The next HOST Networking event will be happening in the Singapore Pavilion at Singapore Airshow 2020.

    To view more photos, visit the Aerophotoworks gallery: 


  • Visit by Tohoku Aerospace Industry Forum delegation

    AAIS hosted delegates from the Tohoku Aerospace Industry Forum (TAIF) from 20-22 November 2019, for their study mission to Singapore. We were pleased to be introduced to the delegation of small and medium enterprises and to learn more about the beautiful Tohoku region of Japan, representing 30% of Japan’s land area and contributing 6.35% to its GDP.

    It was a new experience for some of them, visiting the industrial “belly” of Singapore. Against the backdrop of weaker global economic conditions, they were witness to how aerospace remains in growth mode, supporting ongoing demand for air travel. There was also surprise at the compact and vibrant aerospace community that has sprung up in Seletar Aerospace Park, within just over a decade of its launch.

    We are appreciative of our members who extended their hospitality to the visitors to explore mutual business interests.


  • Business mission to Japan

    Singapore team

    B2B meetings with Japanese SMEs

    Visit to Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with Enterprise Singapore

    Presentation to NCCI of a Singapore souvenir

    AAIS led a business mission to Tokyo and Nagoya from 14-19 Oct 2019, in conjunction with the “CEO Business Meeting Event for Innovative Technology” organised by SME Support Japan (SMRJ). SMRJ is a Japanese government agency with responsibility for SME development. The programme comprised B2B meetings with Japanese SMEs, briefings on Singapore by AAIS, and industry visits for participants. It was an excellent opportunity to meet potential Japanese partners, suppliers or customers, supported by excellent logistics, pre-assigned interpreters and business advisors.

    AAIS also took the opportunity to call on the Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI). AAIS had the pleasure last year of separately hosting the Governor of Aichi Prefecture and President of Nagoya University, and the NCCI delegation. It was therefore satisfying to be able to make this return visit to NCCI. These exchanges reflect the positive business ties between Japan and Singapore.


  • Seminar on UAV operations: legal and ethical issues, risks and liabilities

    The Singapore UAS Community held a seminar on 25 Oct 2019 to discuss the legal and ethical issues, risks and liabilities in relation to UAV operations. We enjoyed a good turnout and great insights from our guest speakers, Mr Leo Fattorini (Partner at Bird & Bird) and Mr David Ong (CEO of Acorn international Network). Mr Robin Thevathasan (Member of AAIS Panel of Experts) delivered a comprehensive overview to introduce the subject. Our special appreciation to our speakers for sharing their insights with the UAS Community.

    Thank you everyone for your participation and here are some of your encouraging remarks:

    “…very inspiring, especially the debate about drone regulation”
    “very valuable, got to learn about risks, operational and ethical issues”
    “…most useful take-away will be when considering to purchase … insurance”




  • Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Sustainability

    AAIS held a focus group discussion on sustainability on 31 Oct 2019. This was for members to share their organizational perspectives on sustainability and brainstorm impactful initiatives for industry-wide implementation in 2020 and beyond. Representatives from 10 organizations attended the lively and interactive discussion. Attendees were unanimous on the importance of sustainability and agreed that stakeholders’ concerns should be considered across the 4 pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental, social and governance.

    For economic sustainability, all agreed that the aerospace industry needs to build a strong manpower pipeline. This entails attracting more women, seniors and persons with disabilities into the sector. Providing a conducive working environment, better benefits and adopting a diversity/inclusive hiring mindset would help attract and retain more talents. Some jobs may have to be redesigned to attract older workers, e.g. facilitating with robotics/exoskeletons to lighten manual work. Furthermore, there should be upstream efforts in engaging students on the career opportunities in the aerospace sector.

    Environmental sustainability was a “hot” topic during the discussion. Attendees were supportive of the industry ramping up adoption of solar energy to reduce carbon emissions. There were other environmental ideas mooted, such as promoting the use of NEWater for production processes, rain-harvesting, moving from plastic to paper packaging, improving waste management, and centralizing the collection of recyclable materials.

    On social sustainability and governance, attendees were in favour of learning journeys and sharing of sustainability practices as this would promote social interaction and build knowledge across companies, e.g. sharing on solar energy implementation and energy management systems. Attendees agreed that it would be useful to collate inputs from association members periodically on their sustainability initiatives and achievements. This can be used for tracking purposes and to publish a consolidated sustainability report card for the industry.

    Industry representatives present agreed to prioritize and focus on low-hanging fruit for 2020, such as outreach to the schools, promoting solar energy adoption, coordinating educational programmes on sustainability for members and their staff, and developing the sector-wide sustainability report.

  • MRO Asia-Pacific 2019

    The 2019 edition of the MRO Asia-Pacific exhibition and conference was held from 24 to 26 September at Singapore Expo Halls 2 and 3. A premier regional event for the commercial air transport maintenance, repair and overhaul industry, the show hosted over 200 companies displaying their products, solutions and services.

    AAIS coordinated the Singapore pavilion with 31 exhibitors. Notably, about 40 percent of the companies under the pavilion were exhibiting at the event for the first time. AAIS also organised a casual networking session at the AAIS booth on Wednesday 25 September. The session brought together exhibitors, AAIS members, their partners and customers.


    Singapore Pavilion Exhibitors

    Company Name Booth Number
    Acme Manufacturing Company Singapore Pte Ltd 902
    ATEQ Singapore Pte. Ltd 907
    Auxitrol Weston Singapore Pte. Ltd 820
    Aviation & Electronics Support Ltd 1009
    Ban Chu Leong Technologies Pte Ltd 927
    Bollore Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd 914
    Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd 922
    CW Aero Services Pte Ltd 828
    Dallas Airmotive Asia Pacific 804
    Dviation-Transfingo Pte. Ltd. 826
    Field International Pte Ltd 919
    Hypercoat Enterprises Pte Ltd 903
    Ipeco Singapore Pte. Ltd. 901
    Jet Aviation (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd 908
    Kuehne & Nagel Pte Ltd 1014
    Laminaar Aviation Infotech Pte Ltd 1002
    Magellan Aviation Singapore Pte Ltd 915
    NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 1013
    Ontic Engineering & Manufacturing Asia-Pacific PL 802
    Optomec Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 913
    Orapi Applied (S) Pte Ltd 925
    Pattonair Asia Pte Ltd 808
    Prime Aerospace Pte Ltd 928
    R.I.S.E Aerospace Pte Ltd 1007
    Ranpak Pte Ltd 1019
    Rhinestahl Singapore Pte Ltd 920
    Rotomatik (S) Pte Ltd 1001
    Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd 822
    VBC Pte Ltd 926
    WGL Logistics Pte Ltd 1006
    Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) 1020


    To view more photos of the event, please visit the AAIS Event Gallery by Aerophotoworks.


  • 17th AAIS Annual General Meeting

    The 17th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was held on Friday, 20 September 2019, at Village Hotel Changi.

    In his opening address to members, AAIS President Mr Philip Quek noted that the Association has continued to focus on creating value and helping members prepare for the future. He cited examples such as the Digitalisation Programme, the Additive Manufacturing Joint Industry Innovation Programme and the establishment of the Singapore Unmanned Aircraft Systems Community. Mr Quek added that the industry was doing well, with good record of growth and new investments announced by Thales, GE Aviation, Bombardier, Collins Aerospace and others. However, with uncertainties on the global political and economic fronts, he encouraged all to be vigilant about mitigating the impact and to focus on enhancing our competitiveness.

    Members present endorsed the FY2018/19 Annual Report and Financial Statements and agreed unanimously to reappoint Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance as the Honorary Legal Advisor and Ernst & Young as the Honorary External Auditor. Proposed amendments to the AAIS Constitution were also accepted by members.

    In recognition of their contributions and service to the Association and the aerospace community, tokens of appreciation were presented to three long-serving members of the Management Committee who were stepping down. They were Mr Ricardo Pesce of Embraer Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Mr Chow Kok Wah of Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers and Mr Lien Whai Cheng of Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd.

    The AGM also saw the election of the 12th Management Committee, to serve from September 2019 to September 2021. The following were the results of the elections:

    President: Mr Philip Quek, SIA Engineering Company Ltd

    1st Vice President: Mr Richard Wong, Pratt & Whitney Turbine Overhaul Services Pte Ltd

    2nd Vice President: Mr Michael Doellefeld, Boeing Asia Pacific Aviation Services Pte Ltd

    Management Committee Members

    • Mr Rahul Shah, AAR International Inc
    • Mr Philip Sung, Auxitrol Weston Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Mr Koh Pak Keng, ECK Pte Ltd
    • Mr Ekkehard Pracht, Liebherr-Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Mr James Partington, Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Mr Matthieu Pere, Safran Electronics & Defense Services Asia Pte Ltd
    • Mr Philip Ang, Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd
    • Mr Jimson Ngiam, Thales Solutions Asia Pte Ltd
    • Ms Lim Hee Joo, Wah Son Engineering Pte Ltd


    Members of the 12th AAIS Management Committee

  • Singapore Aerospace Supplier Forum: Advanced Predictive Management System

    The Singapore Aerospace Supplier Forum was held on 5 September 2019 at the Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel, in conjunction with the Asia Pacific Aerospace Quality Group (APAQG) Fall Meeting. With the topic of “Advanced Predictive Management System”, the event attracted over 150 aerospace quality professionals from close to 80 Singapore and overseas aerospace companies.


    The event was a joint effort between the APAQG and the Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG) – part of the AAIS. The forum aimed to promote the adoption of a predictive approach to quality with deliberations focusing on areas that include advanced product quality planning (AS9145), common findings trend, quality escape prevention improvement program and preventive quality approach.

    The event started with a welcome and introduction by Mr Jimson Ngiam, Chairman of the SAQG. Guest speakers included:

    • Mr Masa Yamashita, APAQG Sector Leader,
    • Mr Luigi G.M. Preti, Maintenance Organization Expert & EASA International Officer in Singapore, EASA
    • Mr Alphy A Meladath, Supplier Development Manager of South East Asia, Airbus
    • Mr Eric M. Meyer, Manager BCA Supplier Quality, Boeing
    • Mr Marc Lee, Senior Commercialization Manager, NAMIC
    • Mr Leonnoel Goh, Manager System Certification – Business Assurance, Intertek

    During the event, attendees were able to pose their questions via slido, and the guest speakers provided their views and clarified concerns that were raised.



    We thank all attendees and guest speakers for their time, as well as, event sponsors and partners for their support.

    Organised by:
    Platinum Sponsor:

    Supporting Partner:


  • Robotic Process Automation Workshop

    Together with knowledge partners from Premier Logic and facilitated by PCUBED, AAIS organised a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Workshop for members on 23 August. The session drew strong interest from the aerospace community, with over 50 participants in attendance.

    Speakers Chad Osgood, Loren Eckhart and Sanjeev Kumar kicked off the workshop with a comprehensive introduction on RPA and a useful demonstration of its applications in aviation. They also provided participants with best practices, advice and guidance on how to scale up and maximize the ROI of RPA. The morning session was followed by an afternoon discussing use cases, strategy and execution issues.

    We thank all participants, PCUBED and Premier Logic for enabling a fruitful and interactive workshop.


  • Aerospace Partners Golf Tournament 2019

    Bright sunny skies and rolling hills of green turf welcomed golfers for the Aerospace Partners Golf Tournament 2019. Held on Friday, 16 August, at the newly renovated Tanah Merah Country Club Tampines Course, the tournament saw the participation of close to 120 aerospace C-Suite and managers.

    A premier event on our calendar, the APGT brings together the aerospace community for a day of sportsmanship, networking and philantrophy. All net surpluses from the event will be channelled to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS).

    After an enjoyable afternoon on the challenging new course, participants rounded off the day with a networking dinner. The industry did not hesitate to reach deep into their hearts and pockets to support an art auction by CPAS artists. The evening also saw performances by the talented children of CPAS and the BB pipers of the 12th (Barker), and capped off with an exciting Raffle draw with attractive prizes.

    The 2019 APGT committee was chaired by Mr Tin Ho, supported by Mr Geoffrey Grier, Mr Jeffrey Lee, Mr Todd Keeler, Mr Brian Hunter, Mr Jeffrey LaBranche and Mr Freddie Lee. AAIS was proud to once again be a co-organiser. On behalf of the APGT Organising Committee, we thank the participants, sponsors, donors and volunteers for their generosity and support!

  • Aviation Open House 2019

    The Aviation Open House (AOH) 2019, organised by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), was held from 15 to 17 August 2019 at the Suntec City Convention Centre. Launched by Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Health Dr Lam Pin Min, the theme for AOH 2019 was “Harnessing Innovation, Unlocking Possibilities”. AAIS was pleased to be invited to participate in AOH for the sixth time.

    (From left) CAAS Chairman Edmund Cheng, Dr Lam Pin Min, CAAS DG Kevin Shum at the launch of the Aviation Open House

    The Central Showcase at AOH 2019 featured latest industry technological innovations including Volocopter’s Air Taxi prototype, Skyways by Airbus, CAAS’ Smart Digital Tower prototype, and MITRE’s Automatic Speech Recognition prototype. The event also saw the participation from the aerospace, airline, airport, air navigation services sectors as well as Institutes of Higher Learning.

    Career and Education Talks and interactive workshops were conducted by Airbus, e2i, the Singapore Scouts Association, STEM Inc, Republic Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic. At the same time, an aviation recruitment fair with 500 job vacancies was held in collaboration with the Employment and Employability Institute.

    AAIS took the opportunity to distribute its AeroSpace Singapore magazine and encouraged students to take part in an online quiz to test their understanding of the Singapore industry. Once again, the AAIS was honoured to be a part of AOH 2019 and contribute towards sustaining the future of Singapore’s aerospace and aviation industry!


  • Mandatory Unmanned Aircraft Registration from 2 Jan 2020

    The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) will implement mandatory registration for Unmanned Aircraft (UA) from 2 January 2020. Any UA, such as a drone, with a total weight above 250 grams must be registered with the CAAS before it can be operated in Singapore. Read more

  • AAIS-CAAS UAS Focus Group Discussion


    The Singapore Unmanned Aircraft Systems Community – a part of AAIS – held an industry focus group discussion on UAS registration, co-hosted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS). The session on 11 July, sought industry inputs on the proposed policy for the registration of drones. Close to 40 participants representing 30 UAS companies were in attendance.

    The session kicked off with a welcome address delivered by Chairman of the UAS Advisory Panel (UASAP), Mr Timothy de Souza. Set up in May 2019, the UASAP was formed to help CAAS review and recommend enhancements to Singapore’s UAS regulatory framework, and promote a safe and responsible culture for the use of UAS.

    Following a briefing by CAAS, participants broke out into groups to discuss various aspects of the proposed UAS registration policy. The inputs received will be considered by the UASAP in making its recommendations. We thank CAAS and all participants for a fruitful and engaging session.

  • AOG Conference Asia Pacific

    AAIS was proud to support the second edition of AOG Conference Asia Pacific, organised by MNX Global Logistics Singapore. The event, which was held from 10 to 11 July 2019 at the Carlton Hotel, attracted more than 100 participants representing 30 airlines and MROs.

    The event presents a unique opportunity for AOG professionals to discuss industry issues, share information and explore cooperation. With China Southern as the Host Airline, this year’s conference delved into opportunities for AOG support in China and elsewhere in Asia Pacific.

    The 2-day programme included a tour to the Airbus/SATAIR facility in Seletar Aerospace Park, presentations by Airbus, China Southern Airlines, United Airlines, and AJW Group, as well as a panel Session on “Loans and Borrow – Issues and Challenges in Asia Pacific”. AAIS Chief Executive shared his thoughts through a keynote on “Singapore Aviation, AOGs and other musings”. The session generated insightful discussions on the prospect of achieving “zero-AOG”, the role of technology and AOG pain points.

    AAIS congratulates MNX Global Logistics Singapore and China Southern Airlines on a successful event.


  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2019

    The popular AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament came back bigger and better than ever before with the participation of a record 30 teams this year. With players representing 21 companies from across the aerospace industries, the tournament filled up all available lanes at a new venue, Orchid Bowl @ Our Tampines Hub.

    The event was held on Saturday, 6 July 2019, in a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Teams engaged in friendly rivalry for the coveted championship trophy whilst striking chances at novelty prizes.


    Here are the winning teams and bowlers!
    Team Prizes Company/ Team Name Score
    Team Champion ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd/ ST ENGG AERO1 2402
    1st Runner-up SIA Engineering Company Ltd/ EC 1 2222
    2nd Runner-up Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd/ Rising Force 1 2111
    Individual Prizes Name/ Company Score
    Best Male Overall Mr David Tan/ ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd 695
    Best Female Overall Ms Nur Azri Muhamad Azan/ SIA Engineering Company Ltd 586
    Highest Game Score (Male) POT: $140 Aric Teo/ Rising Force 1 290
    Highest Game Score (Female) POT: $50 Marian Poon/ EC 2 209


    We hope everyone enjoyed themselves at this corporate team building event!

    To view more photos, please visit the Aerophotoworks gallery.

    For the full tournament results, click here.



  • Smart Port Challenge 2019

    Smart Port Challenge 2019, the annual innovation competition, is back with 28 innovation opportunities in the fields of Port Operations, Shipping, and Maritime Services and Logistics. Submission of proposals closes on 9 Aug 2019. Visit Smart Port Challenge for details and to submit proposals.

  • AAIS Expands Singapore-French Aerospace Industry Cooperation

    In the spirit of expanding cooperation between Singapore and French aerospace industries, the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) or AAIS, has concluded Memoranda of Cooperation with three aerospace industry clusters in France. The three clusters – namely, Aerospace Valley, ASTech Paris Region and SAFE Cluster, collectively represent more than 1,500 members.

    The signing ceremony was held on the sidelines of the International Paris Air Show on 21 Jun 2019, and hosted by the French Aerospace Industries Association – GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales).

    Mr K.Y. Sia, Chief Executive of AAIS said, “The French aerospace industry is one of the world’s largest, and most established. It is an important gateway to the European market. Having enjoyed a strong partnership with GIFAS, we are now taking the next step to reach out to the three largest French regional clusters. We hope our SMEs will embrace the many opportunities for cross-border collaboration and market access, especially with the benefits of the European Union-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA).”



  • AP&M Europe in Frankfurt, Germany

    With the support of Enterprise Singapore, AAIS organised a business mission to Germany and coordinated the Singapore Pavilion at AP&M Europe 2019. Held from 4 to 6 June 2019 in Frankfurt, the Global MRO Procurement Expo included a 1-day Summit, and a two-day exhibition with Meet-the-Buyer programme and networking opportunities. Participants enjoyed pre-arranged meetings with procurement and purchasing decision makers, as well as a high-level conference with interactive panel discussions, industry case studies and technical presentations spanning a whole breadth of MRO and supply chain issues.

    Singapore Pavilion exhibitors

    • Advance Chemical Treatment Pte Ltd
    • Advance Tech Automation Pte Ltd
    • JCS-Vanetec Pte Ltd
    • SIA Engineering Company
    • Transfingo Pte Ltd
  • HOST Networking Evening At Accenture Digital Hub


    Few things go better together than good company, good food and wine. These features mark our quarterly HOST networking events. At our most recent one held on 28 May, some 50 aerospace professionals and guests were treated to all these and a showcase at Accenture Digital Hub. The exhibits included thought-provoking actual use cases of digital technology in aviation/aerospace. Thank you to friends at Accenture for their partnership in this event. It was, networking with a difference! To view photos of the event, please visit the Aerophotoworks gallery.

  • Singapore UAS Community represented on the UAS Advisory Panel appointed by CAAS

    CAAS announced the appointment of an Advisory Panel to review UAS regulations on 23 May 2019. The Singapore UAS Community is pleased to be represented on the Panel. Read more

  • Industry Engagement Session with Government Agencies

    AAIS held its Industry Engagement session with the government economic agencies – EDB, A*STAR and JTC – on 17 May 2019 at the InterContinental Hotel. We were also pleased to welcome the attendance of Enterprise Singapore, Workforce Singapore and SkillsFuture Singapore. Many thanks to our member, Bollore Logistics, for their sponsorship of the event.

    EDB presented an update on the Aerospace Transformation Map, launched in Jan 2018. In terms of value-added and employment, the industry was heartened to learn that the sector is on track to achieve the transformation targets. EDB also shared case examples, along with the tools and support available to companies for their transformation journey. These include the Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI), Place & Train, Earn & Learn, Professional Conversion Programme and others.

    A*STAR shared the findings from its Operation & Technology Roadmap (OTR) exercise on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in aerospace. This exercise solicited industry feedback on priority areas and will sharpen A*STAR’s focus on the relevant applications. As the industry continues to pursue digitalisation as a priority, AI will power new intelligent concepts, applications and services.

    JTC updated members on the ongoing development of Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP), which now hosts more than 60 companies and 5,000 staff. Already into its eleventh year, SAP continues to pioneer new industry park concepts with its mix of prepared land, ready-built factories and community development programmes. The industry can look forward to new high-specification standard factories, the second phase of restoration at the Oval – the lifestyle services hub of the park, a new heritage trail and a new cycling trail as part of the Round-Island Route. This holistic approach to development is contributing to SAP’s already sterling reputation as a growth location for the industry, and a conducive environment for the workforce.

    For more information on these initiatives and to sponsor future events, please contact AAIS secretariat (email:
    To view photos of the event, visit the Aerophotoworks gallery.


  • Building facade inspection using unmanned systems

    AAIS has appointed Mr Robin Thevathasan of its Panel of Experts to represent the Singapore UAS Community on the Working Group for the development of standards relating to the inspection of building facades using UAVs.

  • Aerospace 3D Printing Workshop

    In partnership with the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC), AAIS co-organised a workshop on 3D-Printing in the Aerospace Sector on 6 May 2019.  The workshop provided the latest industry updates on Additive Manufacturing applications in aerospace, as well as opportunities for Singapore SMEs. The event saw the participation of some 30 professionals from across the aerospace and AM sectors, all eager to find out and participate in the development of AM applications in aerospace.

    The programme included speakers and AM experts from CETIM, ST Engineering Aerospace and Forefront AM, covering topics such as aerospace qualification, AM post processing and AM value chain disruption. Participants were also informed of successful AM applications in Europe and projects in Singapore under the AAIS-NAMIC Joint Industry Programme for AM. AAIS thanks all speakers, participants, and our partners for a very fruitful session.






  • Aerospace Day 2019

    The second edition of Aerospace Day was held on 17 April 2019 at Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP). Organised by JTC, AAIS, and the Aerospace Engineering Sector Coordination Team (formed by the 5 polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education), Aerospace Day aims to provide final-year aerospace students from tertiary institutions with the opportunity to gain early exposure to the industry.

    1,000 students were bussed down to the Oval for an open house/carnival. They took part in various aerospace-themed workshops on topics such as 3D printing, drone-flying and glider-making. Students were also encouraged to engage with representatives from SIngapore aerospace companies at the career exhibition and take part in on-site challenges.

    With the support of over 30 aerospace companies, students were given access to visit aerospace facilities, including repair shops and production floors. Participating companies, all located withing SAP,  included Bombardier, Jet Aviation, Moog Aircraft Services Asia, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, and ST Engineering Aerospace. The shop floor walks allowed students to experience, first-hand, the working environment and breadth of available opportunities in the industry.

    Students also participated in the lucky draw, which saw winners walk away with prizes such as aircraft and landing gear models sponsored by Avimac, Liebherr-Singapore and Schaeffler Singapore.

    This year also marked the first time that 200 mid-career professionals were invited to be part of the career exhibition via a partnership with the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i).

    This event is the largest industry-specific student outreach programme in Singapore. AAIS was proud to jointly organise this initiative as part of our collective efforts to engage students and inspire the next generation of aerospace professionals.


  • Rethinking Urban Air Mobility

    A very interesting panel discussion, “Rethinking Urban Air Mobility (UAM)”, was a highlight of the Unmanned Systems Asia 2019 Conference in Singapore on 10 April 2019. The panel was moderated by a member of AAIS’ Panel of Experts, Mr Robin Thevathasan. Panel members included representatives from Airbus UAM, Bell, EmbraerX and Volocopter.

    Each painted a slightly different perspective of the future of UAM, highlighting their company’s roles in shaping that future. But all were united in pointing at exciting possibilities in the near to medium term future – not science fiction! AAIS looks forward to playing a role at future forums on Urban Air Mobility and facilitating members’ involvement in the UAM ecosystem in Singapore.






  • Seletar Aerospace Park to offer Indoor Testbeds for Commercial Applications of UAS

    JTC and AAIS are launching a new joint initiative this year to provide indoor testbeds within Seletar Aerospace Park for commercial applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). These readily available indoor spaces are housed within JTC’s high rise developments at Seletar Aerospace Park, and will provide a safe and controlled environment for companies to conduct development trials and customer demonstrations. The announcement was made on 9 April 2019, in conjunction with the Unmanned Systems Asia exhibition.

    AAIS Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok noted that UAS are finding applications in fields as diverse as smart cities, security, agriculture, mining, construction and resource management. “To support this industry and our members, we have formed the Singapore UAS Community as part of our association. This will represent and serve the interests of the emerging UAS sector in Singapore. Our partnership with JTC is an excellent example of our concerted efforts to facilitate innovation and provide a launchpad for this promising industry.”

    Ms Glory Wee, Director, Aerospace, Marine & Urban Solutions Cluster, JTC said, “The provision of these indoor testbeds at Seletar Aerospace Park will support the development and commercialisation of UAS technologies. The UAS and aerospace communities are complementary, and we are confident this new initiative will enable more industry partnerships to be catalysed in Singapore.”

  • AAIS launches Singapore UAS Community

    AAIS announced the formation of the Singapore UAS Community on 9 April 2019. Conceived with the support of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Enterprise Singapore, the Community aims to represent and serve the interests of the emerging UAS sector in Singapore. This includes aerospace companies, technology start-ups, supporting solution and service providers, end-users and educational institutions.

    The announcement was noted by Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport, Mr Baey Yam Keng, at the opening of the Unmanned Systems Asia and Rotorcraft Asia 2019 tradeshow. To help connect UAS businesses to market opportunities, the AAIS also launched its inaugural Singapore UAS Directory 2019.

    President of AAIS, Mr Philip Quek said, “The surge in public and private sector demand for UAS solutions provides a glimpse of the market’s untapped potential.  Building upon our strengths as an Association, we will engender the UAS Community, and together, play a role in supporting market development and access, sourcing of new technologies, development of standards and policy advocacy.”

    Congratulating AAIS on the launch of its UAS Community and the inaugural publication of the Singapore UAS Directory, Enterprise Singapore’s Executive Director for Manufacturing & Engineering Mr Simon Lim remarked, “This brings together the industry’s efforts and resources, and will potentially yield solutions that can scale beyond our shores. Enterprise Singapore will collaborate with AAIS in understanding the needs of UAS businesses to better support them in the development of new capabilities and innovative solutions, and accessing global opportunities.”

    Mr Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport, and Mr Mark Yong, CEO / Co-Founder, Garuda Robotics

  • DSTA Innovation Call: Solutions for Surveillance or/and Safe-Neutralisation of Rogue Drones

    DSTA is calling for scalable solutions for surveillance and/or neutralisation of rogue drones in an urban setting. This challenge provides a unique opportunity for companies to develop a counter-drone solution which can yield immense public and private business opportunities. A briefing will be conducted by DSTA to provide more technical details and proposal criteria. Details on the call and registration for briefing can be found HERE.

    Date/Time: 15 April 2019 | 3.30pm
    Venue: DSTA@71

  • Visit by the Oman National Defence College

    Together with representatives from ST Engineering Aerospace and Temasek Polytechnic, AAIS were pleased to receive a delegation of senior officials from the Oman National Defence College (NDC) at Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) on 29 March 2019. The delegation of 20 was headed by Brigadier Mohammed Yarub Majid Al Saifi, Assistant Commandant of the NDC.

    The officials were participants of a leadership development course by the NDC, which included a study visit programme abroad to learn about other countries, their strategic concerns, and their bilateral relations with Oman.  The delegation was interested to visit SAP as part of their broad objective to learn about the strategic and geostrategic importance of Singapore, including Singapore’s economic and industrial capabilities.

    During the visit, AAIS and member representatives shared with the delegation on the development of the SAP and Singapore as an aviation hub, and capabilities of the Singapore aerospace ecosystem. There was a lively discussion on the education pathways, as well as, training and skills development initiatives in Singapore.

    Oman has expressed its ambitions to position the Sultanate as an aviation hub with worldwide appeal. According to Omani Minister of Transport and Communications, H.E. Ahmed Al-Futaisi, “Aviation is a key sector for economic growth, and having a clear vision to further develop it will positively impact other related sectors like tourism, logistics, as well as agriculture and fisheries.”

    In 2017, SATS and Oman Air formed a joint venture, Oman Air SATS Cargo, which currently manages all cargo handling at Muscat International Airport.

  • AAIS Futsal Tournament 2019

    On Saturday, 16 March 2019, a crowd of almost 200 players, supporters and friends gathered at the Premier Pitch at Turf City for the annual AAIS Futsal Tournament. The event saw the participation of 24 teams from organisations and businesses across the aerospace industry, all vying for a brand new Championship trophy.

    The tournament saw spirited competition between teams right from the very first whistle. After an exhilarating round robin, the semi-finals saw a team from SAESL pitted against Pratt & Whitney (TOS), and Rolls-Royce against SIAEC. A superb penalty save by SAESL’s “gloveless goalie” paved his team’s way towards the finals. In the other match, team Rolls-Royce blazed their way to victory to secure a podium position.

    The Finals game came to a draw, and was ultimately decided by a nail-biting penalty shootout. Once again SAESL’s goalkeeper, Ahmad Shaza Baylan, performed miracles with his gloveless hands, with two saves against Rolls-Royce. With that, SAESL was crowned champions of the AAIS Futsal Tournament 2019, with Baylan earning the well-deserved “Most Valuable Player” title.






    We thank all in attendance for your participation and support. Hope to see you at our next events!
    View more photos from the tournament HERE.

  • Seminar on China’s Commercial Aerospace Market

    Together with knowledge partners from Bollore Logistics, AAIS co-organised a seminar on China’s commercial aerospace market on 22 Feb 2019. The event saw the participation of more than 30 senior management and managers from OEMs and suppliers.

    Mr Warren Wang, Vertical Market Director-Greater China for Bollore Logistics, gave an engaging and interesting presentation highlighting China’s plans to become an aviation powerhouse and market prospects in the next decades. Participants also learned about the restructuring of China’s customs regulations and found out about new opportunities to supply into the Chinese market.

    The seminar received positive reviews and left participants with a good feel and overview of the status of aerospace the industry in China. AAIS thanks Bollore for a fruitful session and all participants for their active participation.


  • CNY HOST Networking @ Grand Copthorne Waterfront

    The Singapore aerospace community came together for the first HOST Networking session for the year on 12 February 2019, at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront hotel. The event saw some 80 senior executives and professionals from across the sector in attendance. Members and invited guests enjoyed a special programme in conjunction with the Lunar New Year, which included a special quiz to honour the Year of the Pig. There was also the customary  “tossing of the salad'” or Lo-Hei’ or for good fortune, and a lucky draw with two lucky winners.


    AAIS thanks everyone for taking the time to partake in the celebration! Our deepest appreciation to Grand Copthorne Singapore for the festive atmosphere and the delectable spread of local delights! For bookings and enquiries, contact Felicia Kuang at

    Visit the following link to view more photos from the event: 

  • Learning Journey to Smart Model Factory @ ARTC

    AAIS organised a learning journey to the Model Factory @ ARTC on 29 January 2019 as part of our Digitalisation Programme.  The visit was well received with the participation of more than 20 professionals from across the aerospace industry.

    The Model Factory @ ARTC allows members to experience first-hand how digitalisation solutions can be implemented to improve business and operations. Participants had the opportunity to tour the Virtual Manufacturing Lab of a gearbox assembly line, which gave a feel for a full digital footprint of a factory. They also visited the Manufacturing Intelligence Control Room to view a demonstration of real-time analytics and condition monitoring, which enables decentralised decision making and optimisation.

    The next learning journey for the aerospace community will be organised in June 2019. Find out more and register HERE.

  • Aerospace Community Day 2019

    In conjunction with the upcoming Lunar New Year, the Singapore Aerospace community came together to spread festive cheer to over 100 elderly from four homes, at our annual CNY luncheon.

    Seniors from the Bright Hill Evergreen Home, Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home, St John’s Home for the Elders and Thong Teck Home enjoyed a sumptuous Chinese lunch spread and a lively performance of English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien songs by the talented MusicMix band and singers. Organised by AAIS, the Aerospace Community Day event concluded with the distribution of mandarin oranges and ang baos (red packets) by volunteers, to bring ‘good luck’ and warm smiles to the beneficiaries.

    AAIS would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their invaluable contribution and support of this event:

    • Aerospace Component Engineering Services
    • Bollore Logistics Singapore
    • Pattonair Asia
    • Singapore Aero Engine Services
    • Rolls-Royce Singapore
    • Wencor LLC
    • Staff of Pratt & Whitney Turbine Overhaul Services
    • Mr Ivan Ho – Airbus Group Singapore
    • Mr Jeffrey Lam – ST Engineering Aerospace
    • Mr Eddy Eyo – W.H. Brennan & Co
    • Ms Mary Tan (ret’d)

    The Association looks forward to organising more of such events with continued support from the community.
    View more photos from the event here:

Events 2018
  • Business Mission to France for Aeromart Toulouse (4 to 6 December 2018)

    With the support of Enterprise Singapore, AAIS mounted a business mission and Singapore Pavilion at Aeromart Toulouse 2018 from 4 to 6 December 2018. With an eye-catching setup, the Singapore Pavilion at Hall 6 E36 saw a good amount of traffic. Participants enjoyed three great days of meeting potential customers and partners, as well as a high-level conference with topics on innovation, supply chain and procurement policies of large OEMs.

    “Aeromart is a very good platform for getting business opportunities as well as business contacts. I appreciate the effort from AAIS and ESG for organising this event for Singapore companies. Good job!” – Mr Ang Yong Kang, Marketing Lead, Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing.

    Singapore Pavilion exhibitors

    1. Coway Engineering & Manufacturing Pte Ltd
    2. D & H Precision Tools Pte Ltd
    3. KBG Contract Machining Pte Ltd
    4. Rexadvance Technology Pte Ltd
    5. Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing Pte Ltd


    The Singapore Pavilion was
    Organised by: Supported by:



  • Business Mission to Tokyo (25 to 29 November 2018)

    AAIS participated in a business mission to Tokyo for the “CEO Network Enhancing Project for Aviation and Advanced Technology” from 25-29 Nov 2018. This was held in conjunction with the Japan International Aerospace Exhibition 2018 at Tokyo Big Sight.

    We record our appreciation to the sponsors, the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan (“SMRJ”), otherwise known as SME Support Japan. The Project also involved participants from Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and India.

    The programme included visiting the Japan International Aerospace Exhibition, participating in METI’s Asia Aircraft Supply Chain Forum, speaking at a seminar for Japanese SMEs, holding prearranged B2B meetings with Japanese companies, attending networking events and a cultural experience.


    Participants from India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand

    Meetings on the sidelines of JIAC 2018

    Seminar for Japanese SMEs

    B2B meetings with Japanese SMEs

  • HOST Networking @ Parkroyal on Beachroad (21 November 2018)

    The final AAIS HOST Networking session for 2018 was held on 21 November at PARKROYAL on Beach Road. More than 50 senior professionals from various sectors of the aerospace industry came together to mingle and network while enjoying sumptuous food and drinks. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) community were also present as invited guests for the year-end gathering.

    AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok started the evening with an update of AAIS activities and new members. As has become tradition, attendees were also treated to a sing-along acoustic session by Mr Steven Crummack from Airbus Singapore. During the Lucky Draw, four lucky guests won prizes ranging from dining vouchers to a 2D1N weekend stay, courtesy of PARKROYAL on Beach Road.

    AAIS is pleased to have played host at this year-end get together for our members, partners, and friends. We thank guests for joining us and PARKROYAL on Beach Road for a fruitful partnership.


    Visit the following link to view more photos from the event: 

  • Nadcap Technical Symposium (14 November 2018)

    Organised by the Performance Review Institute (PRI) and supported by AAIS, the Nadcap Technical Symposium was held for the first time in Singapore on 14 November 2018. The Symposium was a good opportunity for aerospace suppliers to gain technical information and knowledge to better prepare for a Nadcap audit. It saw the participation of aerospace professionals from across the Asia-Pacific.

    The event kicked off with a welcome and introduction by Mr Joe Pinto, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer of PRI. Participants also heard about Nadcap from subscribers’ perspectives, through presentations by Mr Etienne Galan, VP for Quality & Improvement of Safran and Mr Xia Hong, External Laboratory Manager of Rolls-Royce’s Central Technology Group.


    At the event, AAIS and PRI renewed their 10-year collaboration with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. The two parties agreed to continue providing and promoting aerospace special processes auditing, training, and personnel qualification programmes in Singapore.

    AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok (left) and PRI’s Joe Pinto (2nd from left) signs the MOU, witnessed by PRI Board Chairman Etienne Galan.

    Participants of the Symposium then broke out into two sessions on i) Heat Treating, led by Mr Jerry Aston, Programme Manager for Heat Treating/Metallic Materials Manufacturing; and ii) Chemical Processing led by Mr Chee Soon Lum, Nadcap Auditor.  The speakers gave recommendations for audit preparation and pointers on interpreting the Nadcap checklist requirements. They also reviewed common non-conformity issues and non-conformance reports response guidelines.

    AAIS thanks PRI and all the speakers for generously sharing their knowledge on Nadcap matters. Organisations and suppliers that are interested to find out more are welcome to contact

  • Visit by World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) (9 November 2018)

    The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG) welcomed a delegation from the World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ) to Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) on 9 November 2018. The 30-man delegation consisted of members from the Chinese Association for Quality, the Chinese Society for Quality, the Hong Kong Society for Quality, as well as executives from companies such as Xiaomi Communications and Chinese research institutions.

    The delegation was in Singapore to attend a two-day summit, organised by the Singapore Quality Institute. As part of the programme, the delegation visited various “Best-in-class” organisations to witness and learn about innovative means in achieving best practices for quality.

    During the visit to SAP, the delegation was given an introduction of AAIS and an overview of the Singapore aerospace industry by SAQG Chairman, Mr Jimson Ngiam. The group also visited the Rolls-Royce Singapore Assembly and Test Unit, hosted by SAQG Deputy Chairman, Mr Jeffrey Ho.


  • Commercial Aviation Services Asia-Pacific 2018 (6 to 8 November 2018)

    The Commercial Aviation Services Asia-Pacific conference and exhibition was recently launched in Singapore and held from 6 to 8 November 2018 at the Singapore Expo.

    The event, formerly known as MRO Asia Pacific, expanded its portfolio this year to provide a “nose-to-tail” experience for attendees. The Aeroengines and Aerospace Manufacturing conferences as well as the Inflight Pavilion, Workshop and Awards – which were introduced last year – were further developed to provide a comprehensive view of the aerospace landscape.

    At the exhibition, AAIS organised and managed the Singapore pavilion which grew in size to house 30 exhibiting companies.

    Companies under the Singapore Pavilion
    1 Aerospace Quality Supplier Pte. Ltd.
    2 Aero-Zone Distribution Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
    3 Assa Abloy Entrance Systems Singapore Pte. Ltd.
    4 Avensys Consulting Pte. Ltd.
    5 Ban Chu Leong Technologies Pte. Ltd.
    6 BC Technology Pte Ltd
    7 Bollore Logistics Singapore Pte. Ltd.
    8 CW Aero Services Pte. Ltd.
    9 Dallas Airmotive Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd.
    10 Dynaron Enterprises Pte. Ltd.
    11 Esterline Sensors Services Asia Pte. Ltd.
    12 Field International Pte Ltd
    13 Fischer Instrumentation (S) Pte Ltd
    14 Hawker Pacific Asia Pte Ltd
    15 IXTEQ Singapore Pte. Ltd.
    16 Kuehne + Nagel (Asia Pacific) Management Pte. Ltd.
    17 Magellan Aviation Singapore Pte. Ltd.
    18 NDT Instruments Pte Ltd
    19 Ontic Engineering & Manufacturing Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd.
    20 Orapi Applied (S) Pte. Ltd.
    21 Pattonair Aisa Pte. Ltd.
    22 Prime Aerospace Pte Ltd
    23 Quest Global Services Pte Ltd
    24 Quasi-S Pte. Ltd.
    25 Regent Aerospace Singapore Pte. Ltd.
    26 Rhinestahl Singapore Pte. Ltd.
    27 Rotomatik (S) Pte Ltd
    28 Singapore Aero Engine Services Private Limited
    29 Transfingo Pte. Ltd.
    30 W.H. Brennan & Company (Private) Limited

    Here are some highlights from the Singapore Pavilion:

    AAIS member, Transfingo Pte Ltd, announced its partnership with Dviation Group Holdings to form a joint venture. The new Singapore incorporated entity aims to promote the development of the local Aviation industry by providing training and human capital related services. Photo by: Aerophotoworks for AAIS Pattonair Asia Pte Ltd, also a member of AAIS, had a Virtual Reality Experience area at its booth. The VR tool is being developed to help technicians practise kitting. The VR simulation at the exhibition allowed users a unique experience of walking a sky-high plank. Photo by: Lindsay Bjerregaard/Aviation Week

    The Singapore Pavilion saw 11 first-time exhibitors at the 2018 show. Among them was Prime Aerospace, a member of AAIS. Headquartered in Singapore, it is an EASA approved Repair station for Airbus cabin & cargo panels, engineering services provider as well as a parts/tooling distributor. Photo by: Aerophotoworks for AAIS

    Another member of AAIS, Bollore Logistics, signed an Asia supply chain distribution agreement with Aviation Partner and Consulting. The exhibition also saw Regent Aerospace sign a contract with SATAIR for aircraft cabin upgrades and refurbishments. Photo by: Aerophotoworks for AAIS


    Visit the AAIS event gallery to view more photos from the event: 

  • Delegation from Malaysia Visits SAP (7 November 2018)

    AAIS were pleased to receive a delegation of some 20 aerospace executives from Malaysia at the Seletar Aerospace Park on 7 November 2018. The delegation, organised by the Malaysia Aerospace Industries Association (MAIA), was in Singapore to attend the Commercial Aviation Services Asia-Pacific conference and exhibition.

    Earlier that morning, AAIS and MAIA signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on the sidelines of the exhibition, witnessed by members of both parties. The delegation also participated in a networking reception with Singapore aerospace companies.

    During the visit to SAP, the Malaysian delegation were briefed on the development of Seletar and the Singapore aviation industry. They were then accompanied on a short tour around the SAP. AAIS is pleased to have facilitated this visit and we look forward to more of such exchanges in future.

  • AAIS and MAIA Sign Memorandum of Cooperation (7 November 2018)

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) and the Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on 7 November 2018, to promote and facilitate more business activities and collaboration between members of both parties.

    The Memorandum was signed on the side lines of Aviation Week’s Commercial Aviation Services Asia-Pacific conference and exhibition, which was held from 6 to 8 November at the Singapore Expo. At the signing ceremony, AAIS was represented by its Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok, and MAIA by its Deputy President, Datuk Zulkarnain Mohamed, who is also Senior Director of Operations at Spirit Aerosystems (Malaysia). The signing was witnessed by members of both Associations.

    Signatories and Board Members from both parties

    The agreement promotes the exchange of information on aerospace businesses and capabilities, facilitation of industry study visits and business missions, networking opportunities, as well as mutual invitations to industry events. Emphasis was also placed upon the exchange of knowledge and expertise related to training and human resource development, to promote the continuous improvement of the aerospace talent pool.

    Following the signing of the AAIS-MAIA MOC, AAIS member Transfingo Pte Ltd sealed and announced its partnership with MAIA member Dviation Holdings Ltd to form a new joint venture. The new Singapore incorporated entity aims to promote the development of the local Aviation industry by providing training and human capital related services.

    Mr Sia said, “Malaysia is our closest neighbour and we are happy to deepen our business relations through this MOC with MAIA. The partnership between Transfingo and Dviation is a good example of how companies from both countries can work together to harness our synergies. We hope our members will continue to explore the many opportunities for collaboration, growth and expansion.”

  • Visit by Aerospace Industry Delegation from Nagoya, Japan (31 October 2018)



    AAIS was delighted to receive a delegation organised by the Nagoya Chamber of Commerce Industry (NCCI) at the Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) on 31 October 2018. The delegation was led by Mr Junichi Miyakawa, Senior Corporate Adviser for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI), and included MHI’s leading suppliers, trading and logistics companies, as well as representatives from ANA.

    The visit was made as part of the delegation’s “Asia tour” to better understand and connect with the aerospace industry in Singapore and Malaysia. During the visit to SAP, AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok briefed the delegation on AAIS and Seletar. The delegation was also interested to discuss plans for aerospace/aviation infrastructure and supplier development in Singapore.

    The NCCI delegation also visited several aerospace facilities in SAP, Loyang and Changi. Other AAIS members interested to connect with NCCI are welcome to contact the Secretariat.

  • AAIS receives Masters Students from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (29 October 2018)

    AAIS  welcomed a group of 23 students from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, to the Seletar Aerospace Park on 29 October 2018. The students were in Singapore to participate in an International Management module as part of their Masters programme.

    AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok gave a briefing on the aerospace industry and aviation development in Singapore. The students were also keen to discuss the role of AAIS in the promotion and advancement of the aerospace industry.

    The group also visited two aerospace facilities in Seletar – Airbus Asia Training Centre and Bell Helicopter Asia – to learn about MRO operations and innovative training technologies.

  • EASA-CAAS Additive Manufacturing Workshop (15-16 October 2018)

    AAIS was proud to be a supporting partner of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) workshop organised jointly by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) from 15 to 16 October 2018. Participants enjoyed two great days of learning from industry experts and aviation regulators at the event, held at the Singapore Aviation Academy.

    During the programme, industry counterparts from Europe shared about their careful, step-wise progress towards understanding the critical parameters of AM processes, developing process controls, and the rigorous testing of AM parts. Singapore companies, in turn, shared their efforts and progress made towards developing AM capabilities. The regulators spoke about the regulatory framework and journey towards understanding the best approaches toward regulation. All were united in sharing knowledge for the sake of furthering aviation safety.

    AAIS is deeply appreciative of the speakers and heartened by the keen industry interest. Look out for our next AM Community event and find out more about the Joint Industry Innovation Programme on AM here!

  • Launch of Plant-a-Tree Initiative at Seletar Aerospace Park (16 October 2018)

    As part of its sustainability efforts, JTC launched its Plant-a-Tree initiative at Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) on Tuesday, 16 October 2018. Guest-of-Honour, President Halimah Yacob, together with the Council of Presidential Advisers, launched the initiative by planting a Flame of the Forest tree at Park Lane. AAIS was honoured to represent the Seletar aerospace business community at the ceremony alongside representatives from JTC and the Seletar Hills Estate Residents’ Association (Shera).

    JTC plans to make SAP a more beautiful, interactive and attractive workplace for the industry and the neighbouring communities. Apart from partnership with the industry and community to plant trees within the estate, other new initiatives include new lifestyle and food concepts at refurbished colonial bungalows, a trail that exhibits Seletar’s rich aviation heritage, and a stretch of the round-island cycling route that is being built through SAP. Prior to the ceremony, President and the CPA also visited the Rolls-Royce facility and the new passenger terminal at Seletar Airport, slated to be opened by end-2018.

    From left:
    President Halimah Yacob, Shera President Mr Percival Jeyapal, AAIS Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok and JTC Chairman Dr Loo Choon Yong

    President of Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore), Mr Philip Quek said, “This important initiative by JTC provides a good opportunity for the aerospace community to come together with the goal of working towards a sustainable future. The greening programme will create an attractive and conducive environment in Seletar, which can be enjoyed by all who work here.”

    Echoing this sentiment, President SE Asia, Pacific & South Korea of Rolls-Royce, Dr Bicky Bhangu said, “It is gratifying to see improvements being made to Seletar Aerospace Park as it grows in strategic importance to Singapore’s aerospace industry, and for the region. These initiatives by JTC create a supportive working environment, with consideration for social aspects such as eateries and pleasant green space, that continue to attract talents to this growth industry. The green trail will be an amazing way to discover the Seletar Aerospace Park and the heritage of this landscape. All these steps reflect Rolls-Royce’s objectives to attract and retain the right talents to be at their best for today and for tomorrow.”

    President, together with CPA members and the aerospace community

  • SAQG Regulatory Session (28 September 2018)

    The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG) organised a regulatory session for the aerospace quality community on 28 September 2018 at JTC Aviation Two. The event was attended by 67 quality managers and engineers from more than 40 aerospace organisations.

    Mr Alan Sim spoke about the robust quality culture adopted by Pratt & Whitney Component Aerospace Singapore Pte Ltd. He shared how it reinforced employees’ quality mindset to meet the organisation’s mission of building dependable engines.

    The highlight of the session was ‘EASA Updates’ by Mr Luigi G.M. Preti (Maintenance Organization Expert & EASA International Officer in Singapore). His presentation covered the latest changes to Part M and Part 145. It ended with a Q&A session and attendees took the opportunity to seek clarifications on regulatory compliance matters and operations.

    AAIS and SAQG extend our deepest appreciation to the speakers for their support!

  • 16th Annual General Meeting of AAIS (21 September 2018)

    President Mr Philip Quek shares the progress made towards the association’s vision.


    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) held its 16th Annual General Meeting on 21 September 2018 at the Tourmaline Rooms, Singapore Expo Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    Addressing the members of AAIS, President Mr Philip Quek said, “Two years ago, we revisited the purpose and relevance of AAIS, resulting in the launch of a new mission and vision. This has re-energised our association and we have spent the last two years aligning our programmes to the new vision.We clarified our roles as being the Voice of Industry to promote a conducive business operating environment. Secondly, to be a Facilitator of Business, developing market channels for products and services to the aviation and aerospace industry. And finally, to Engender the Aerospace Community, promoting networks and collaboration.”

    Commenting on the progress made, he added, “We have certainly made very good progress, expanding our services and being more relevant to businesses. Our approach has not been to set membership goals, but to focus on creating value for the industry. We believe that if we are successful in this, more companies will join us and find it relevant to support our efforts at developing the Singapore aerospace hub.”

    Concluding his address, Mr Quek said, “We began our journey in hard times back in 2003, and have since weathered several storms together. It is my wish that collectively, we will continue to play an increasing significant role as a promoter of the aviation and aerospace industry in Singapore, even extending our influence internationally.This will only be possible with your continued support and encouragement. I welcome your ideas, active participation and collaboration. Let us work together to develop the association and strengthen the aerospace community.”

    Mr Richard Wong accepting his appointment to the Management Committee.

    At the AGM, Mr Richard Wong, General Manager of Pratt & Whitney – Turbine Overhaul Services Pte Ltd, was elected to the Management Committee FY2017/19. This was to fill a position that had fallen vacant. Our congratulations to Mr Wong.

    3 staff of AAIS were also presented with 5-year and 10-year service awards by the AAIS President, in recognition of their faithful service.

  • AAIS recognises the support of its Charter Members (21 September 2018)

    At the AAIS 15th Anniversary Gala Dinner, the association paid tribute to the unstinting support of our Charter (founding) Members. These members stood by AAIS through difficult times and were present at the dinner to celebrate the journey taken together. Representatives of the Charter Members were presented with tokens of appreciation and participated in the Celebratory Toast led by President of AAIS, Mr Philip Quek.

    In alphabetical order, our Charter Members are:

    1. Air Transport Training College Pte Ltd
    2. UTC Aerospace Systems – Fuel Accessory Service Technologies Pte Ltd
    3. UTC Aerospace Systems – Goodrich Aerostructures Service Center Asia Pte Ltd
    4. UTC Aerospace Systems – Hamilton Sundstrand Pacific Aerospace Pte Ltd
    5. Honeywell Aerospace Singapore Pte Ltd
    6. Panasonic Avionics Services Singapore Pte Ltd
    7. Safran Landing Systems Services Singapore Pte Ltd
    8. Satair Pte Ltd
    9. SIA Engineering Company Ltd
    10. Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd
    11. Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers
    12. Singapore Test Services Pte Ltd
    13. ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd
    14. Thales in Singapore
    15. Windsor Airmotive Asia Pte Ltd
  • AAIS celebrates its 15th Anniversary (21 September 2018)

    AAIS celebrated its 15th Anniversary in style, with a well-attended Gala Dinner on 21 September 2018, at the Singapore Expo Convention and Exhibition Centre. Captains of industry, members, partners and friends alike were present to share in the celebration.

    AAIS President Mr Philip Quek delivers his welcome address.

    AAIS President Mr Philip Quek observed, “AAIS has come a long way from its humble beginnings. From 23 corporate members 15 years ago, AAIS today represents 130 members and serves the aerospace industry with the mission of promoting the development of Singapore as a leading aerospace hub. Over the years, the association has established itself as a credible and effective platform for industry-government engagement. With the strong support of its members, it has also demonstrated its ability to harness the collective strength of the aerospace industry in Singapore for its common interests.”

    Mr Charles Chong shares a light moment with the audience.

    Mr Khiatani gives credit to his team for the achievements he led.

    Recipients of the AAIS Aviation & Aerospace Luminary Awards 2018 share a proud moment.

    Graced by the Minister for Trade & Industry, Mr Chan Chun Sing, the Gala Dinner also honoured two distinguished and passionate champions of industry, Mr Charles Chong and Mr Manohar Khiatani. “In their respective roles, they have led with vision and shaped our path through uncertain times. They have inspired the next generation of industry leaders and we are proud to present them with the AAIS Aviation & Aerospace Luminary Awards 2018,” said Mr Philip Quek.

    AAIS also recognised the unstinting support of our Charter (founding) Members, who stood by AAIS through difficult times and were present at the Gala Dinner to celebrate together. Read more.

    In conjunction with the event, the Joint Industry Innovation Programme (JIP) on Additive Manufacturing was launched by the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster and AAIS, in partnership with CAAS and Workforce SG. Read more.

    Event photographs may be viewed at: (photo credits:


  • Joint Industry Innovation Programme on Additive Manufacturing launched (21 September 2018)

    The Joint Industry Innovation Programme (JIP) on Additive Manufacturing (AM) was officially launched in conjunction with the 15th Anniversary Gala Dinner of AAIS on 21 Sep 2018. The JIP was organised by the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) and the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore), in partnership with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Workforce Singapore (WSG). The aim of the programme was to accelerate the development of AM competencies for the aerospace industry in Singapore.

    Participants included ST Engineering Aerospace and Accuron Aerospace (Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing), as well as global companies, Siemens, EOS and Arkema. These companies were expected to benefit from the development of proprietary AM know-how and certification processes. Specialists would also be trained on AM process technology, and the design of parts for AM.

    Mr Philip Quek, President of AAIS, explained the significance of AM for the aerospace industry: “Additive Manufacturing (more popularly known as 3D Printing) is an emerging technology that has the potential to enable the restructuring of supply chains and to change the economics of manufacturing. Of interest to aerospace, is its ability to produce aerospace components of lighter weight. In some cases, components can be produced in a single piece, instead of involving the assembly of a few components. This can reduce the cost of manufacturing. There is also the potential to use Additive Manufacturing to produce parts on demand, instead of having to keep a stock of spare parts. Additive Manufacturing is also enabling new ways of repairing used aerospace parts. For Singapore, investing in Additive Manufacturing capabilities has the potential to renew the competitiveness of industry and reposition it for the future.”

    “The programme is very well-timed, strengthening the competency and readiness of the Additive Manufacturing ecosystem in Singapore, providing solutions involving the complete value chain. This will further strengthen Singapore’s position as the centre of Aviation MRO services in this part of the world for many years to come,” said Mr Lim Tau Fuie, Chief Technology Officer of ST Engineering Aerospace.

    “We are excited with the launch of the AAIS-NAMIC Joint Industry Innovation Programme for the aerospace segment. We strongly believe this is a crucial step in the right direction, that will help accelerate the knowledge and experience base of advanced additive manufacturing in the local ecosystem, and continue Singapore’s status as a world class aerospace MRO Hub,” said Mr Benjamin Moey, VP Additive Manufacturing (Asia Pacific), Siemens.

    “The industries of the future will require capabilities in enabling technologies. Additive Manufacturing is arguably the only technology that can elevate our workforce and industries to innovate better, differentiating themselves from the competition to offer on-demand, light-weighted products and solutions with generative designs using advanced materials, providing an opportunity to transform their business models and in the process contribute to decarbonisation efforts,” says Dr Ho Chaw Sing, NAMIC Managing Director.

  • Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation with the Korea Aerospace Industries Association (21 August 2018)

    Photos by Aerophotoworks for AAIS.

    A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between AAIS and the Korea Aerospace Industries Association (KAIA) on 21 August 2018. Vice Chairman Mr Kwon Ohjung led a delegation of KAIA and Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) officials to the signing ceremony and for a visit to Seletar Aerospace Park. AAIS was represented at the signing by the Chief Executive of AAIS, supported by members.

  • Visit by Aichi Prefecture Delegation (17 August 2018)







    AAIS welcomed a delegation from Aichi Prefecture to Seletar Aerospace Park on 17 August 2018.

    Leading the delegation were the Governor of Aichi Prefecture, Mr Hideaki Ohmura and the President of Nagoya University, Mr Seiichi Matsuo.

    The delegation was briefed on the progress of Seletar Aerospace Park and accompanied on a short tour.

  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Roundtable (16 August 2018)

    A roundtable for the UAS community was co-hosted by the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) and Enterprise Singapore on 16 Aug 2018. Participants included representatives from UAS manufacturers, service providers, technology providers, ANSPs, VCs and government agencies. It was an interesting session hearing what each participant does, sharing perspectives on business and market opportunities and brainstorming possible collective action. We look forward to the next steps!

  • Visit by Oman Aviation Group (14 August 2018)

    AAIS welcomed a delegation from Oman Aviation Group (OAG) to Seletar Aerospace Park on 14 August 2018.

    The OAG was recently formed to be the government arm for Aviation development, with responsibility for Oman Air, airport management and air traffic services. The delegation was interested in the success of Seletar Aerospace Park, and to learn about the land development and planning considerations

    AAIS is pleased to have facilitated this visit and we look forward to more of such exchanges.

  • First Roundtable of the Community for Aerospace Additive Manufacturing (24 July 2018)


    A roundtable meeting of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) community was held on 24 July 2018 at AAIS offices, in a collaborative effort between AAIS, CAAS, National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) and Workforce SG.

    Some 50 participants were present, representing aerospace OEMs, equipment manufacturers, material suppliers, 3D printing services, special processes services, test services, and education/research institutions. The roundtable discussed a proposed Joint Industry Programme and explored possible opportunities for collaboration.

    Participants agreed to meet quarterly as a community, for knowledge-sharing and to promote collaboration. There was a shared desire to accelerate capability building and the industrialisation of AM in Singapore for aerospace applications.

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2018 (14 July 2018)

    Now in its 14th edition, AAIS held its annual bowling tournament at Kallang Bowl. The tournament attracted a total of 22 teams across the aerospace industry.

    AAIS thanks all participating teams and once again, congratulates the winners. We also thank Mr Mike Stangarone, Managing Director of Magellan Aviation Group, Mr David Schaffar, President of Pattonair and Mr Sia Kheng Yok, Chief Executive of AAIS for presenting the lucky draw winners and trophies.

    We look forward to another exciting tournament next year!

    Here are the results:

    Category Company Name Team Name
    Team Champion ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd ST Engineering – Aerospace 1
    1st Runner-Up ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd ST Engineering – Aerospace 2
    2nd Runner-Up Hamilton Sundstrand Pacific Aerospace Pte Ltd HSUNPAC 1


    Category Company Name (Team Name) Name
    Best Male Individual Bestlabs Singapore Pte Ltd (TEAM BESTLABS) Alvin Neo Cheng Hua
    Best Female Individual ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd (ST Engineering – Aerospace 1) Metta Koh


    Highest Game Score Prize
    Gender Company Team Name Name Game Score Pot
    Male ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd ST Engineering – Aerospace 2 Ian Tan 244 $140

    Click here for the full tournament results.

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • Visit to Rockwell Automation (Connected Enterprise Tour) (6 and 13 July 2018)

    As part of our Digitalisation Programme, AAIS organised a Smart Manufacturing Tour to Rockwell Automation’s factory in Corporation Drive. Participants had the opportunity to see first-hand how Rockwell Automation has implemented digitalisation solutions in their factory and experienced the benefits. Over two Fridays, more than 30 aerospace professionals from functional backgrounds such as Operations, Supply Chain, Quality, Innovation and Management participated in the tour.

    Participants also viewed a Connected Enterprise Demonstration at the Customer Experience Centre. This included demonstrations showcasing real-time dashboards, real-time consumption of inventory, sustainability initiatives (energy intelligence), machine safety initiatives, actionable analytics and an intelligent conveyor system.

    AAIS thanks Rockwell Automation and our members for the fruitful visits.



  • WorldSkills Singapore 2018 (5 to 7 July 2018)

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was invited by the Ministry of Education, SkillsFuture Singapore, and institutes of higher learning (IHLs) to take part as an exhibitor at the Education & Career Guidance (ECG) Exhibition, held from 5 to 7 July 2018 at Suntec Convention Centre.

    The exhibition was held on the sidelines of the WorldSkills Singapore (WSS) 2018 Competition, and was attended by some 12,000 Secondary 2 & 3 students. The objective of this was to help raise awareness of the importance of skills mastery and lifelong learning, hoping to increase students’ appreciation of skills development and encourage exploration of various industries.

    As trade association for Singapore’s aerospace sector, AAIS used this outreach opportunity to distribute its AeroCareer Guide 2018, which contains relevant information on jobs in the aerospace sector, as well as encouraged students to take part in an online quiz to test their understanding of the industry. 3D-model plane kits were awarded to participants.

    Five industry clusters were featured at WSS 2018, including Engineering, Social & Personal Services, Transport & Logistics, Infocomm Technology, and Creative Arts & Fashion. Students were also given the opportunity to tour the WorldSkills Competition area, explore and interact with industry partners at the exhibition booths, and participate in the ECG talks and hands-on workshops.

    Recognising talented and skilled manpower is vital for the future of the aerospace industry in Singapore. Thus, as firm believers in industry outreach and engaging the young, AAIS is honoured to be a part of this year’s WSS!


  • Visit by Delegation from Chongqing Airport Economic Development Department (26 June 2018)


    AAIS welcomed a delegation from the Chongqing Airport Economic Development Department to Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) on 26 June 2018. The delegation, led by Mr Yin Huawei, Party Secretary, Director and Chairman of Chongqing Airport Economic Development Co Ltd, was received by AAIS Chief Executive, Mr Sia Kheng Yok and Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers Consultant, Mr Darrel Chua.

    The delegation was keen to understand the land development and planning considerations for the aerospace industry in Singapore.  They sought insights into how the Singapore government supports business development through its various programmes and how it develops talent for the aerospace industry. They also expressed interest in exploring collaborations with Singapore-based companies and in working with AAIS on business missions to Chongqing.

    In return, the delegation shared their land development plans for the Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport area.

    AAIS is pleased to have facilitated this visit and we look forward to more of such exchanges.

  • Visit by Delegation from Swiss Aerospace Cluster (13 June 2018)

    AAIS was pleased to welcome delegates from the Swiss Aerospace Cluster (SAC), including SAC’s President, Mr Roland Hengartner and Vice-President, Dr Andreas Wittmer, on 13 June 2018. The Swiss Aerospace Cluster is the industry network supporting the Swiss aerospace and satellite services industry in the transfer of knowledge and technology.

    During the visit, the delegation was given an introduction of AAIS and an overview of the Singapore aerospace industry by AAIS Chief Executive, Mr Sia Kheng Yok. The visitors then engaged in exchanges with AAIS relating to its set-up and membership categories. After the discussion, the group visited Rolls-Royce Singapore. The delegates were provided with a briefing by Dr Bicky Bhangu, President for South East Asia, Pacific and South Korea at Rolls-Royce, followed by a tour of its engine assembly and test unit, and fan blade manufacturing facilities.

    AAIS is pleased to have facilitated Swiss Aerospace Cluster’s visit.

  • AAIS HOST Networking @ Novotel Singapore on Stevens (23 May 2018)


    AAIS is pleased to have held its second HOST Networking session of the year on 23 May 2018 at the newly-opened Novotel Singapore on Stevens. Close to 80 senior executives and professionals from the industry, including members from the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, gathered to soak in the cosy ambience of the hotel and network with fellow aerospace professionals.

    AAIS Chief Executive, Mr Sia Kheng Yok kicked off the event with a few welcome remarks, before passing the session over to Mr Kevin Bossino, General Manager of Novotel Singapore on Stevens. This was followed by a short tour of the new hotel’s rooms and facilities, and a sumptuous serving of food and drinks. The evening culminated in a lucky draw which saw four guests walking away with hotel stays at Novotel and Mecure Singapore.

    AAIS would like to thank the dedicated team at Novotel Singapore on Stevens for their hospitality, as well as our members for their continuous support in making this HOST Networking session another successful and memorable one!

    View photos of the evening at

  • AOG Conference Asia-Pacific (9-10 May 2018)


    Organised by MNX Global Logistics Singapore and supported by Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore), the inaugural AOG Conference Asia Pacific was held from 9 to 10 May 2018 at the Swissotel Merchant Court, Singapore. As the sister conference to the successful AOG Conference Americas, the conference is dedicated to Airline AOG Professionals, allowing them to network with fellow AOG professionals; learn best practices, new technologies, industry issues and share information on how other airlines work to fulfill their AOG requirements; and engage with vendors and OEMs focused on supporting airline critical AOG needs.

    The event attracted participation from 21 airlines, nine sponsors and exhibitors, including AOG support teams from aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus and Boeing, as well as suppliers and service providers like AJW, Unical Aviation, Global Airtech, Magellan, GA Telesis and GE Capital Aviation Services. Apart from a tour of SIA Engineering Company and a Host Airline Presentation by Singapore Airlines, AAIS’ Assistant Honorary Secretary, Mr Chow Kok Wah delivered a Keynote Address on Singapore’s Emerging Capabilities Supporting Global AOG at the conference. The conference also featured other speakers and panelists from Boeing, Airbus, Lufthansa Technik and AJW.



  • AAIS forges ties with the German Aerospace Industries Association (25 April 2018)

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) and the German Aerospace Industries Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V. – BDLI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 25 April 2018. This was aimed at fostering closer links and exploring opportunities for collaborative activities.

    The agreement builds on the strong existing business relationships between German and Singapore industry. According to Singapore government sources, there are some 1,700 German companies operating in Singapore. Germany and Singapore are also each other’s largest trading partner in ASEAN and EU respectively.

    The MOU covers the exploration of joint activities in mutually relevant areas including information exchanges and discussion on Industry 4.0 and Additive Manufacturing for the Aerospace industry. The parties also agreed to facilitate member companies of AAIS and BDLI in exploring business opportunities and connections in Germany/Singapore and the surrounding regions.

    “One of our core roles is to facilitate business for our members. This includes collaborating with our counterparts in Europe, in this case the BDLI, to provide our members with new channels for market and capability development. I strongly encourage members to leverage these collaborations. At the same time, we welcome more German companies to explore the regional market and find Singapore business partners,” said Mr Sia.

    Signatories Mr Sia Kheng Yok (AAIS Chief Executive) and Mr Arndt Schoenemann (BDLI Vice President Equipment & Materials)


  • Aerospace Day 2018 (25 April 2018)

    Co-organised by JTC, AAIS and the Aerospace Engineering Sector Coordination Team (formed by the 5 polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education), the inaugural “Aerospace Day” was held on 25 April 2018 at The Oval @ Seletar Aerospace Park. The aim of the event was to give final year students studying in Aerospace courses a close-up look into what working in the industry would be like.

    A highlight of the programme was the facility tours, where students were given a chance to visit at least two different companies in Seletar, where they got to learn about the range of job types and career opportunities available. Companies such as Rolls-Royce, ST Aerospace, SAFRAN, Wah Son Engineering and Airbus Asia Training Center (AATC) opened their doors to students to give them a taste of the real working environment in the context of broader aviation and MRO operations.


    Apart from facility tours, students also enjoyed a carnival-like atmosphere at the Oval. Various activities were conducted in the black and white colonial bungalows, including a Virtual Reality workshop, where students got to experience on-the-job scenarios for pilots and aircraft technicians. Other interesting activities include 3D printing, drone flying and build-your-own glider workshops.


    AAIS was proud to support this initiative as part of our collective efforts to engage students and inspire the next generation of industry professionals. View more photos from the event here: 

  • Visit of Italian Business Delegation to SAP (11 April 2018)

    AAIS was pleased to welcome a business delegation from Italy to the Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) on 11 April 2018. The visit, supported by EDB, was arranged as part of the programme for the Ambrosetti ASEAN-Italy dialogue, held to foster economic cooperation between ASEAN and Italy. Participants of the visit included representatives of Italian companies from aviation and aerospace subsectors such as cargo, space, robotics and automation solutions providers and parts suppliers.

    During the visit, the delegation was given an introduction of AAIS and the Singapore Aerospace industry. Discussions then moved to sustaining competitiveness and differentiation factors for Singapore. The visitors were also interested to find out how Singapore attracts foreign direct investments and it shapes its aerospace talent pool. After the discussion, the group took a short tour around SAP and visited the Airbus Asia Training Centre.

    AAIS is pleased to have been able to facilitate the visit.

  • Visit of Delegation from MOFCOM and GACC (3 April 2018)

    AAIS was pleased to welcome a delegation from the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and General Administration of Customs to Seletar Aerospace Park on 3 April 2018. The delegation, led by Mr Zhi Luxun, Commercial Counselor at MOFCOM, was received by AAIS Asst Hon. Secretary Mr Chow Kok Wah.

    The group, which visited SAP as part of a study visit, were keen to understand the land development considerations and plans for the aerospace industry in Singapore.  They also sought to gain deeper insights on how Singapore develops its talent pool for the aerospace industry and prepares its manpower for the jobs of the future. The delegation also shared concerns on intellectual property issues and custom procedures for aircraft AOG management. They expressed keen interest in exploring further collaborations with Singapore based companies.

    AAIS is pleased to have been able to facilitate the visit and looks forward to more of such exchanges.

  • Rolls-Royce Crowned Champions at AAIS Futsal Tournament (17 March 2018)

    The atmosphere was electric at the Indoor Premier Pitch @ Turf City on 17 March 2018 as teams gathered for the Annual AAIS Futsal Tournament 2018. A total of 24 teams participated in the event this year, representing various sub-sectors of the aerospace industry.

    Teams fought hard in the round robin tournament, with players showing off individual skills and teamwork to score an average of 2 goals in the matches played.

    The tournament eventually came to an all-Rolls-Royce final, and Rolls-Royce Team A emerged as the team champions with a 1-0 victory. Rolls-Royce Team B obtained the 1st runner-up position, while ARTC 1 triumphed with a 2-0 win over SAESL 1 to take 2nd runner-up. Most Valuable Player (MVP) was awarded to Mr Frank Walter from the Advanced Remanufacturing & Technology Centre for his outstanding performance on the pitch.

    Congratulations to all teams on a well-fought tournament! We look forward to an even more exciting one next year!

    Enjoy photos from the event here:

  • Aerospace Community Day 2018 (14 February 2018)

    It was a very special Valentine’s Day this year for the Aerospace community. On 14 February 2018, more than 30 volunteers from our member companies hosted 120 elderly from four homes to an enjoyable Chinese New Year lunch at the Imperial Court restaurant at The Grassroot’s Club. Beneficiaries from the Bright Hill Evergreen Home, Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home, St John’s Home for the Elders and Thongteck Home were treated to a sumptuous Chinese lunch spread including a spirited ‘Lo-Hei’ to usher in the New Year.

    The atmosphere was made even livelier with nostalgic English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien songs by the talented MusicMix band and singers. The event concluded with the distribution of Mandarin Oranges and Ang Baos by volunteers, bringing a warm smile to the faces of the senior citizens.

    AAIS would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their invaluable contribution and support of this event:

    • Airbus Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Asta Training International Pte Ltd
    • Globaltronics Precision Pte Ltd
    • JCS Vanetec Pte Ltd
    • JEP Precision Engineering Pte Ltd
    • Pattonair Asia Pte Ltd
    • Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Vector Aerospace Asia Pte Ltd
    • Wencor LLC
    • Mr Eddy Eyo – W.H. Brennan & Co
    • Mr Ivan Ho – Airbus Group Singapore
    • Mr Alastair Johnson – ARTC
    • Ms Saskia Orelio – MNX Singapore

    The Association looks forward to organising more of such events with continued support from the community.
    View photos from the event here:

  • Singapore Pavilion @ Singapore Airshow 2018 (5 to 11 February 2018)

    Together with members, partners and exhibitors, AAIS had an exciting week at Singapore Airshow 2018! AAIS built and managed the Singapore Pavilion, which had 36 exhibiting organisations altogether, including 20 first-time exhibitors and 9 SMEs/start-ups featured at the SME pavilion. The Singapore pavilion received the attention of many VIP delegations and exhibitors were visited by President Halimah Yacob, DPM Teo Chee Hean, Ministers Ong Ye Kung and Khaw Boon Wan. Daily Singapore-themed kopi/teh and tasting portions of local cuisines were organised for the exhibitors’ trade guests, bringing in more traffic to the pavilion.

    To provide more value to our members and exhibitors, AAIS organised 10 different programmes all within the same week.

    Country briefings, networking and B2B meetings

    • Country Briefing and Networking with US delegation – 5 February 2018
    • Networking with Australia delegation – 5 February 2018
    • Networking with Canada delegation – 5 February 2018
    • AAIS HOST International Networking Lunch – 7 February 2018
    • Over 100 pre-arranged B2B Meetings @ Singapore Airshow – 6 to 9 February 2018

    Seminars/ visits

    • Suppliers’ Summit organised by UTC and EDB, supported by AAIS – 6 February 2018
    • Digital Solutions for Aerospace Manufacturing and MRO seminar organised by AAIS and JTC – 7 February 2018
    • Emerging Technologies and Business Seminar, organised by AAIS and GIFAS, supported by Experia – 8 February 2018
    • Learning Journey to the Advanced Remanufacturing Technology Centre (ARTC) for SMEs – 9 February 2018

    Aerospace Industry Induction Programme

    • Over 1,000 students bussed down to the Airshow, supported by EDB – 8 February 2018


    To find out more about exhibitors under the Singapore Pavilion @ Singapore Airshow 2018, please visit this link: 

    Photos of VIP visits and events around the Singapore Pavilion taken at the Airshow may be viewed at this link:

    Licensing of photos (downloadable) for your own corporate use may be purchased directly from Aerophotoworks. To enquire, please email:

  • Aerospace Industry Induction Programme (AIIP) 2018 (8 February 2018)

    The AIIP 2018 is the sixth edition organised by the AAIS and supported by the Economic Development Board. Some 1,000 students from secondary schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) were invited to the Singapore Airshow on 8 February 2018.

    The programme offered students an opportunity to appreciate the diverse aviation industry and Singapore’s position as the leading aviation hub in Asia. Students participated in various activities, discover aerospace education and career opportunities from exhibiting companies, experts sharing sessions and interactive workshops featured at the Singapore Airshow Aero Campus (SAAC).

    Students were issued with a student pack that included the AeroCareer Guide 2018, AIIP Programme Booklet (with guided route) and corporate gifts from the Airshow. They got to explore the static aircraft display area and enjoy the ever-popular aerobatic flying display.

    The AAIS would like to take this opportunity to thank all the industry volunteers for the invaluable time spent accompanying and interacting with the secondary school students, making sure that they were introduced to the various segments at the showground.

    We look forward to the next edition of AIIP!

    AIIP – Participating Schools:

    Bendemeer Secondary School Northbrooks Secondary School Republic Polytechnic
    Changkat Changi Secondary School Ping Yi Secondary School Singapore Polytechnic
    Compassvale Secondary School Riverside Secondary School Temasek Polytechnic
    East View Secondary School St Gabriel’s Secondary School Nanyang Technological University
    Evergreen Secondary School Victoria School National University of Singapore
    Hillgrove Secondary School Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore Institute of Technology
    Hwa Chong Institution Ngee Ann Polytechnic Singapore University of Social Sciences


  • Aerospace Networking Night (17 January 2018)

    At the JTC Aerospace Networking Night on 17 January 2018, Minister (Trade & Industry) Mr S Iswaran officially launched the Aerospace Industry Transformation Map and kicked off the Association’s 15th year anniversary. The evening’s celebrations also marked the 10th year of Seletar Aerospace Park, since the start of its construction.

    During the event, AAIS also represented the industry to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate with the five polytechnics, ITE and JTC on a new series of student outreach initiatives. These initiatives are expected to benefit some 1,500 students from the aerospace engineering courses annually. The first project will be the inaugural Aerospace Day @ SAP this April.

    Speaking at the start of the occasion, Minister congratulated the Association on its 15th Anniversary, noting that “Over the past 15 years, AAIS has been active in the aerospace industry by organising student outreach events and by providing valuable inputs to government policies.” He added, “Industry associations like AAIS and Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers (…) play a critical role as the voice of the aerospace industry and I would like to urge all of you to continue actively engaging the Government and companies to drive the ITM initiatives and to raise awareness among  your members of the benefits of the ITM programmes.”

    Minister also toured the exhibition area, which showcased the AAIS journey in the past 15 years, as well as new and upcoming activities to facilitate industry members in preparing for the future. AAIS President, Mr Philip Quek, said, “Even as we celebrate our past achievements, we are resolute in supporting the continuing growth and transformation of the Singapore aerospace community. We will be working closely with JTC to help more members embark on the digital transformation journey. Together with industry partners, we will continue to further Singapore as the region’s aerospace hub.”


  • Members-Only Aerospace ITM Preview (5 January 2018)

    AAIS kicked-off the year with an exclusive members-only preview of the Aerospace Industry Transformation Map (ITM). Held at EDB’s offices on 5 January 2018, the event gathered senior representatives from some 50 member companies to understand the key thrusts of the ITM and give feedback on its implementation. The ITM was developed by government agencies with our collective inputs, and is aimed at renewing our industry’s competitiveness and growth for the long term. It is intended as an evolving plan providing directional guidance to both industry and government.

    Three key areas were highlighted for the industry roadmap:
    1) Pursuing Operational Excellence
    – Adopting automation and industrial IoT
    – Deepening of manufacturing engineering capabilities

    2) Driving Innovation in Emerging Technologies
    – Continued investment in developing public R&D infrastructure
    – Developing industry-relevant technologies
    – Providing regulatory support for new industry segments

    3) Equipping Singapore with Relevant Skills
    – Upskilling/Reskilling existing and displaced workers
    – Working with lead demand to train industry workforce
    – Preparing the future workforce

    AAIS thanks all members for your valuable inputs and EDB for facilitating the dialogue. As the industry apex body, AAIS will be continuing with the programmes started last year and embarking on new initiatives as we facilitate ITM implementation by our members.


Events 2017
  • HOST Networking @ PARKROYAL on Kitchener (7 December 2017)

    The final session of the quarterly held AAIS HOST Networking events for 2017 was held on 7 December at the new Club 5 at Parkroyal Hotel on Kitchener Road. More than 50 senior professionals from the industry came together, to network and soak in some festive cheer.

    Attendees were also a special acoustic guitar performance and sing-along by Mr Steven Crummack from Airbus Singapore. Glasses were clinked, stories shared and stronger business linkages made. The event culminated with the ever-popular Lucky Draw, with three participants winning staycation and dining vouchers at the Parkroyal Hotel.


    AAIS is pleased to have organised this year-end get together for our members, partners and friends. We thank our guests for their support and attendance, as well as Parkroyal on Kitchener for their generous sponsorship and hospitality.

    View more photos of the event here:

  • Aviation Liability Forum (16 November 2017)

    Together with knowledge partners from AIG, AAIS organised a forum on Aviation Liability Insurance to discuss risk management and liability protection in the Aerospace industry. The forum attracted some 30 aerospace professionals from the finance, legal, operations, quality and management departments across aerospace MRO, supplier, parts manufacturer and distributor companies.

    Mr David Boyle, AIG’s Head of Aerospace in Asia Pacific, gave a comprehensive presentation on the risks associated with accidents and equipment failures, and potential exposures for companies along the value chain.  Participants were also given examples of claims that can be brought against aviation companies and pointers on improving operational risks within their businesses.

    AAIS thanks AIG and our members for a fruitful and engaging session.

  • MRO Asia-Pacific Conference and Exhibition (31 Oct to 2 Nov 2017)

    MRO Asia Pacific returned to Singapore from 31 October to 2 November 2017 at the Singapore Expo. The conference and exhibition brought in more than 5,000 registered industry professionals and drew representatives from 61 countries.

    The Conference line-up featured close to 90 airline and industry speakers, covering a wide range of business and technology topics. AAIS Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok chaired the “MRO State of the Industry” panel session, with speakers Mr Ang Chye Kiat (EVP Aircraft Maintenance and Modification, ST Aerospace), Mr James Barrington (Group Director Airframe Services, HAECO) and Mr Sonny Stern (VP Sales and Customer Service, Delta TechOps). The session, which followed “10-year Market Analyses” presentations by Oliver Wyman and ICF International, was presented to a packed hall with some estimated 300 senior executives of the industry in presence.


    AAIS also managed the Singapore pavilion at the MRO Exhibition, which grew from 21 participating companies in the previous year to 28 companies in 2017. The pavilion was a hit at the exhibition, enjoying a great location and good volume of foot traffic.

    Singapore Pavilion Exhibitors at MRO 2017

    1. Aerospace Quality Supplier Pte. Ltd
    2. Airbus Group Singapore Pte Ltd
    3. Aircraft Support Industries (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    4. Ban Chu Leong Technologies Pte Ltd
    5. Bollore Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd
    6. BSB Aviation LLP
    7. Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd
    8. CW Aero Services Pte. Ltd
    9. Dymax Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
    10. Dynaron Enterprises Pte. Ltd
    11. Esterline Sensors Services Asia Pte. Ltd
    12. Fischer Instrumentation (S) Pte Ltd
    13. Hawker Pacific Asia Pte Ltd
    14. Hydro Systems Singapore LLP
    15. IXTEQ Singapore Pte Ltd
    16. JCS-Vanetec Pte Ltd
    17. Magellan Aviation Singapore Pte Ltd
    18. Matrix Technlogical Services Pte Ltd
    19. NDT Instruments Pte Ltd
    20. Ontic Engineering and Manufacturing Asia-Pac Pte Ltd
    21. Orapi Applied (S) Pte Ltd
    22. Pattonair Asia Pte Ltd
    23. Regent Aerospace Singapore Pte Ltd
    24. Rhinestahl Singapore Pte Ltd
    25. Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd
    26. Transfingo Pte Ltd
    27. Vector Aerospace Asia Pte Ltd
    28. H. Brennan & Company Pte Ltd

    View photos from the event here:
    Watch highlights from Day 1 of the exhibition here: 

    The Singapore Pavilion was

    Organised by:

    Supported by:

  • Members’ Exclusive Dialogue with EASA Executive Director (12 October 2017)

    AAIS organised an informal dialogue with Mr Patrick KY, Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for its members. Held on 12 October 2017, the event saw the participation of representatives from 30 EASA-certified companies in Singapore.

    Facilitated by AAIS, the dialogue also included Mr Luigi PRETI, EASA Continuing Airworthiness (Maintenance) Organisation Team Leader and Mr Frank Manuhutu, EASA Representative for Singapore and Southeast Asia. Participants touched on a wide range of topics including EASA’s role in the region, its cooperation with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, the impact of Brexit, and how regulation can support industry innovation.


    The dialogue was held a day after the official opening of EASA’s regional office in Singapore. Singapore is home to EASA’s fourth regional office after Washington, Montreal and Beijing.

    AAIS was delighted to provide this engagement platform for our members and EASA. Our deepest appreciation to Mr Patrick Ky, the EASA team, and members for taking the time to join us at this session.

  • HOST Networking @ PARKROYAL on Beach Road (12 October 2017)

    AAIS held its third HOST Networking event for the year in the Sky Ballroom at PARKROYAL on Beach Road on Thursday, 12 October 2017. More than 60 senior executives and professionals from the aerospace industry attended the event to meet new friends, partake in idea exchanges and network in a casual and informal setting.

    AAIS Chief Executive, Mr Sia Kheng Yok opened the networking session with some brief remarks, before handing over to Mr Craig Syphers, General Manager of PARKROYAL on Beach Road. The hotel provided an overview of its facilities and services, and brought interested guests on a short tour around the hotel’s premises.

    For the evening, guests were treated to a sumptuous spread of international dishes and desserts, such as foie gras, sushi, sausages and champagne meringue nitrogen. The highlight of the event was the lucky draw, which saw three lucky members walking away with dining and hotel stay vouchers, sponsored by PARKROYAL on Beach Road.

    AAIS would like to especially thank our members for their attendance and support as well as the team at PARKROYAL on Beach Road for their hospitality and generosity, in making this HOST Networking event a successful one! View photos of the event at our new photo gallery.

  • Study Mission to Selangor (9-10 October 2017)


    Together with five Singapore companies and representatives from JTC and EDB, AAIS mounted a business mission to Selangor in Malaysia. Facilitated by Invest Selangor, the visit programme included a business roundtable with representatives from UMW Land Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Airport Holdings Bhd and the National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office, amongst others. Participants gained information about the progress of aerospace developments in the Subang area and sought opportunities for business and partnerships through the networking sessions. Participants also visited the Strand Aerospace facility and the SR Technics MRO workshop.

    AAIS is pleased to have been able to facilitate this visit. Our deepest appreciation to Invest Selangor, Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association and Malaysian Airport Holding for their warm hospitality.

  • 15th Annual General Meeting (26 September 2017)

    The 15th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was held on Tuesday, 26 September 2017, at the Singapore Aviation Academy. The meeting was attended by representatives from over 40 corporate members and presided over by key office bearers of the 10th Management Committee, chaired by AAIS President Mr Philip Quek.

    The AGM also saw the election of the 11th Management Committee, which will be serving from September 2017 to September 2019. Members present also endorsed the FY2015/16 Annual Report and Financial Statements and agreed unanimously to reappoint Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance as the Honorary Legal Advisor and Ernst & Young as the Honorary External Auditor.

    AAIS would like to thank our food and beverage sponsors, Rocky Master coffee and Hilton Singapore for their forthcoming and generous support. We also express our deep appreciation to the Singapore Aviation Academy for accommodating the event and for taking the time to show AAIS members around the extensive training facilities.

    Visit our new photo gallery to view photos from the event.

  • Visit of Irish Deputy Prime Minister to Seletar Aerospace Park (25 September 2017)

    AAIS was delighted to receive Deputy Prime Minister (An Tánaiste) and Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation of the Republic of Ireland, Mrs Frances Fitzgerald TD, at the Seletar Aerospace Park on 25 September 2017. The visit was made as part of a high-level trade and investment mission by the Irish delegation to Singapore. The Tánaiste was joined by the Ambassador of Ireland to Singapore HE Geoffrey Keating, Secretary General of the Department of Business Enterprise & Innovation Dr Orlaigh Quinn, Enterprise Ireland CEO Julie Sinnamon and IDA Ireland’s Head of Growth Markets Eileen Sharpe.


    As part of the visit programme, Mrs Fitzgerald chaired an Aerospace and Aviation sector roundtable between Singapore and Irish companies, hosted by AAIS Vice President Jeffrey Lam. Irish companies with a presence in Singapore including Eirtech, CAE and Aero Inspection, were some of the organisations that participated, alongside representatives from the AAIS membership. Speaking at the roundtable, the DPM said, “Trade missions such as this are vital to raise awareness of what Ireland can offer, both as a potential location for companies from the Asia-Pacific region and as a source of high-quality, innovative products and services. Following the UK’s decision to leave the EU, I am working closely with the agencies in my Department who have intensified their efforts on increasing the export market penetration and diversification of Irish companies into alternative markets.”


    It was an engaging session learning from the experience of companies tapping the Asian market, with Singapore as their base. AAIS would like to thank all participants for their inputs and active interaction, as well as officials from Enterprise Ireland and the Embassy of Ireland in Singapore for reaching out to AAIS and co-organising the programme.

  • Aviation Open House 2017 (24 to 26 August 2017)

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was invited by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) to participate in the Aviation Open House (AOH) 2017, which marked the fifth time that AAIS has been involved in this event. The theme for AOH 2017 was “Be the Future of Aviation” and was held from 24 to 26 August 2017 at the Suntec City Convention Centre. Minister for Education (Schools) and Second Minister for Transport Ng Chee Meng launched the event.

    There were two initiatives launched that included the new Higher NITEC in Airport Operations and a renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Singapore Scout Association (SSA), as part of CAAS’ ongoing efforts to drive manpower development in the aviation sector.

    This biennial event brings the aviation community together to showcase career and education opportunities in the dynamic aviation industry. Highlights of the event included the Central Showcase (which featured the Smart Digital Tower), an aviation recruitment fair with more than 700 job vacancies (held in partnership with the Employment and Employability Institute), Career and Education Talks by aviation companies, and interactive workshops that were conducted by STEM Inc and The Singapore Scouts Association.

    The event saw the participation of more than 40 aviation-related organisations and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), as well as companies from the aerospace, airline, airport, air navigation services sectors.

    AAIS used this outreach opportunity to distribute its AeroSpace Singapore magazine, which contains relevant information on trends and the latest developments of the aerospace industry, as well as encouraged students to take part in an online quiz to test their understanding of the Singapore industry.
    The AAIS is honoured to be a part of AOH 2017 with contribution towards the future of Singapore Aviation Industry!


  • Aerospace Tax & Finance Community Forum: Transfer Pricing & OME (25 August 2017)

    Together with knowledge partners Ernst & Young, AAIS organised a forum on Transfer Pricing and Operating Model Effectiveness for the aerospace tax & finance community on 25 August 2017. The forum was organised against the backdrop of closer scrutiny into transfer pricing policies by international authorities, as well as revisions to the Singapore Transfer Pricing Guidelines by IRAS in the past year.

    Mr Edvard Rink, a partner in EY’s OME practice, discussed how companies can respond new business models and the changed tax environment, in relation to heightened PE risks and new ways of value creation in Asia-Pacific. This was followed by updates on Singapore and the region, pertaining to country-by-country reporting (CbCR), secondary mechanism and submission requirements in the Asia-Pacific region by EY transfer pricing expert Mr Jonathan Belec. Ms Anju Singh then covered key aspects of identifying the appropriate application of transfer pricing practices and development of transfer pricing risk management strategies from both tax and operational perspectives.

    It was a fruitful and engaging session for the participants. AAIS thanks Ernst & Young for being generous with their time and sharing knowledge with the aerospace community.

  • AAIS and Siemens Sign Memorandum of Cooperation to Facilitate Digital Transformation (21 August 2017)

    AAIS and Siemens signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on 21 August 2017 to promote innovation and drive digital transformation of the aerospace industry in Singapore.

    While industry players, including manufacturers, are keen to ride the opportunities arising from growing demand for air travel, cost remains a factor in uncertain business environment and economic times. Globalisation has also led to fiercer competition as well as ever-changing industrial landscape, creating the need to expect quick return on investments. Hence, companies have to assess their current business strategy and implement solutions that would enable them to stay ahead of the competition locally and globally.

    Under the MOC, AAIS and Siemens will jointly organise a range of activities to educate AAIS members on the topic of digitalisation, encourage the implementation of new technologies and equip them with the knowledge to do so. Through seminars, authored articles, site visits and workshops, Siemens will offer its technical expertise to the participants and provide real-life demonstrations via its products and services.

    The MOC was signed by Mr Allan Ferrie, Vice President of AAIS, and Mr Raimund Klein, Executive Vice President for Siemens ASEAN, Digital Factory and Process Industries and Drives.

  • AeroPartners Golf Tournament Singapore 2017 (18 August 2017)

    AAIS was proud to be a co-organiser of the AeroPartners Golf Tournament (APGT) Singapore 2017, which was held on 18 August. A premier event that has been re-introduced to our calendar,  the APGT brings together the aerospace community for a day of sportsmanship, networking and philantrophy. This year, the APGT committee was chaired by Mr Jeffrey Lee, supported by Mr Todd Keeler, Mr Tin Ho, Mr Jeffrey LaBranche and Mr Freddie Lee.

    The afternoon began with registration and lunch, before a fantastic round of golf began in a shot-gun tournament format. In between swings on the golf course, participants enjoyed breaks with freshly grilled “Ramli Burgers” and drinks at the signature “Tequila Hole”.  Participants rounded off the day with cocktails and dinner, along with great entertainment Daphne & the Tantalizers. There was also an art auction and an exciting Raffle draw with many prizes given away.

    The event raised over $40,000 for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore. AAIS was proud to have been part of the tournament. We thank the participants, sponsors, donors and everyone involved for their generosity and support!

    Enjoy more photos of the event at this link:

  • SAQG Engagement Session with EASA Singapore Rep (17 August 2017)

    The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG) organised an engagement session for the aerospace quality community with the incoming EASA International Officer in Singapore, Mr Luigi G.M. Preti.

    The event, which was held on 17 August 2017, attracted over 50 quality managers from more than 35 aerospace organisations. EASA, or the European Aviation Safety Agency, will be establishing a larger footprint in the region with the opening of an office in Singapore in October 2017.

    During the engagement session, participants broke up into groups to discuss requirements in the EASA User Guide. They took the opportunity to clarify with Mr Preti on regulatory compliance matters, operations, business cost, manpower and sustainability.

    AAIS and SAQG extend our deepest appreciation to Mr Preti and EASA for their support.


  • HOST Networking @ Hilton Singapore (26 July 2017)

    The second AAIS HOST Networking Session for 2017 was held on 26 July at Il Cielo, Hilton Singapore. More than 60 senior executives and professionals from the industry were in attendance, including representatives from the American and Canadian embassies.

    The evening kicked off with welcome remarks from AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok and Mr Chua Sheng En of Hilton Singapore. Guests enjoyed the relaxed ambience by the rooftop poolside, while some opted for a short tour of the hotel’s newly renovated facilities. Many new connections were made over drinks and against the backdrop of a citysunset view and night scape.

    The evening ended on a high, with two lucky guests walking away with dining vouchers during the Lucky Draw, with prizes sponsored by the Hilton Singapore.

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2017 (15 July 2017)

    Into its 13th edition, AAIS held its annual bowling tournament at Orchid Country Club. The tournament attracted a total of 25 teams from across the aerospace industry.

    It was a lively and spirited atmosphere, with teams vying for the coveted championship trophy whilst striking chances at winning novelty prizes.

    AAIS thanks all participating teams and once again, congratulates the winners. We also thank AAIS Management Committee member, Mr Ekkehard Pracht for presenting the trophies. We look forward to an even more exciting tournament in 2018!

    Here are the results:

    Prize Winners
    Category Company Name Team Name Score
    Team Champion SIA Engineering Company SIAEC 1 2090
    1st Runner-Up SIA Engineering Company SIAEC 2 2071
    2nd Runner-Up ST Aerospace ST Aero 3 2046


    Category Company Name (Team Name) Name Score
    Best Male Individual SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC 2) P Samugam 657
    Best Female Individual ST Aerospace (ST Aero 1) Metta Koh 507


    Highest Game Score Prize
    Gender Company Team Name Name Game Score Pot
    Male SIA Engineering Company SIAEC 2 P Samugam 237 $200

    Click here for the full tournament results.

  • AAIS Pursues Collaboration with French Aerospace Industries Association (21 June 2017)

    In the spirit of promoting innovation and closer cooperation between French and Singapore aerospace companies, AAIS and the Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales (GIFAS) were pleased to conclude a Memorandum of Collaboration (MOC) on 21 June 2017.

    The signing ceremony took place at the Paris Airshow, which was held at Le Bourget Parc des Expositions from 19 to 25 June 2017. AAIS was represented by Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok and GIFAS by Managing Director Mr Pierre Bourlot. The signing was witnessed by the GIFAS management and secretariat as well as the Singapore delegation, which included representatives from EDB, JTC, the Singapore Embassy in Paris and industry members.

    France and Singapore have prioritised the strengthening of their respective innovation ecosystems, including programmes to promote research and development (R&D), as well as support entrepreneurship in innovative sectors.  This is reflected in the national strategies of the two countries. To promote closer cooperation between Singapore and France in innovation industries, French President Francois Hollande and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong declared 2018 as the France-Singapore Year of Innovation on 27 March 2017.

    In support of this, AAIS and GIFAS agreed to develop cooperation activities between the two organisations to strengthen bilateral relations between Singaporean and French aerospace ecosystems and support the advancement of bilateral cooperation on innovation.

    This is the fifth MOC entered into by AAIS and the third in 2017, following collaborative agreements signed with the New South Wales Department of Industry and the Aviation Valley Cluster in Poland. The MOC will last for an initial period of three years.

  • Rolls-Royce SME Supplier Briefing (13 June 2017)

    With the support of SPRING and Rolls-Royce Singapore, AAIS jointly organised a Rolls-Royce Supplier Conference for SMEs on 13 June 2017. The event saw the attendance of more than 40 participants from 25 SMEs in the aerospace industry.

    Rolls-Royce Singapore assembles and tests Trent aero engines at its Seletar Campus, including the Trent 900 engine for the Airbus A380 and the Trent 1000 engine for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Singapore is also the only place outside the UK where Rolls-Royce manufactures its patented hollow, titanium wide-chord fan blade.

    The supplier conference sought to help local enterprises learn more about the internal competencies and capabilities that are required of an aerospace supplier, to help companies align business directions and development. Mr Teo Wee Kin, Chief of Manufacturing Technology for Rolls-Royce Singapore, shared his views on upcoming technology trends, OEM technological requirements and opportunities for local suppliers. Participants also engaged in a frank and fruitful discussion on some of the challenges as well as success stories from aerospace SME suppliers.


    AAIS looks forward to continue collaborating with SPRING Singapore, OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers in enhancing capabilities of aerospace SMEs and facilitating the development of a robust industry ecosystem.

  • IMDEX Asia 2017 (16-18 May 2017)

    In partnership with Experia Events, AAIS facilitated the Singapore Pavilion at this year’s International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (IMDEX Asia) held from 16 – 18 May at Singapore’s Changi Exhibition Centre.   The Singapore Pavilion consisted of 11 local organisations exhibiting their latest products, technological offerings and services. AAIS was also present with a booth located within the pavilion.

    In its eleventh edition, the biennial IMDEX Asia is the premier international maritime defence show in Asia Pacific and beyond. Comprising an exhibition, strategic conferences and a warships display, IMDEX Asia has gained recognition as the global platform to address pressing issues within the naval and maritime security industry, with a showcase the latest naval technologies and connect key players from navies, governments and industry. The 2017 edition was held in conjunction with the Republic of Singapore Navy’s 50th anniversary and Singapore’s first-ever International Maritime Review.

  • Workshop on Additive Manufacturing Process Chains for New Parts and Repair (18 May 2017)

    In collaboration with SIMTech and Fraunhofer (IWS) Institute for Materials and Beam Technology, AAIS jointly organised a workshop on additive manufacturing process chains for aerospace on 18 May 2017.

    Interest in Additive Manufacturing (AM) has been growing among Singapore aerospace companies in line with the increasing adoption by aircraft manufacturers and OEMs in recent years. 3D printed parts have been integrated into engines, interiors and more recently, in flight control mechanisms of new generation aircraft. Unlike conventional production, AM makes it possible to replace the classic case of “design for manufacturing” with “design for function“. With this and other advantages it offers, the application of AM is anticipated to broaden within the aerospace industry – from rapid prototyping to being an integral part of digital manufacturing.


    Participants of the workshop first heard from Dr Wei Jun of SIMTech on the institute’s AM technologies. Prof Christoph Leyens, director of the Fraunhofer IWS Dresden then followed with a presentation on Process Chains for New Parts and Repair. Interested companies also had the opportunity to have one-to-one discussion slots with the speakers after the workshop.

    AAIS is pleased to have organised this event with SIMTech and the Fraunhofer Institute. We will continue to encourage and facilitate the industry in adopting new technologies towards building a sustainable aerospace community for the future.

  • Visit by CASC and CAQ at Seletar (12 May 2017)

    AAIS was pleased to welcome a delegation from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and the China Association for Quality (CAQ) to the Seletar Aerospace Park on 12 May 2017.

    A large state-owned enterprise, CASC is mainly engaged in the research, design, manufacture and launch of space systems including satellites, manned spaceships as well as strategic and tactical missiles. The group, which visited SAP as part of their learning journey, were keen to learn best practices and benchmarking opportunities on quality management practices and experiences in the Aerospace industry.

    During the meeting, the delegation shared that CASC was constructing a new aerospace industrial system to accelerate the development of its businesses, covering space systems, defense systems, aerospace technology applications, and aerospace services. The organization was keen to explore potential investment opportunities outside of China.

    The delegation also met with representatives from the Singapore Aerospace Quality Group, where they discussed matters pertaining to Aerospace Standards and international quality certifications. AAIS is pleased to have been able to facilitate the visit and look forward to such exchanges in future.

  • Dialogue with EDB on Aerospace ITM (10 April 2017)

    Together with the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), AAIS organised a forum on the Industry Transformation Map for Aerospace on 10 April 2017. The event saw the participation of more than 70 C-Suite leaders of aerospace OEMs, large suppliers, support services and solution providers.

    The event was conceived as a platform for members of the industry to provide valuable ideas for incorporation into the ITM.  EDB’s director for Transport Engineering, Mr Tan Kong Hwee, addressed the forum and attended the discussions throughout the morning. Attendees broke into groups for discussions on competitiveness, business and technology trends and the industry ecosystem. They were facilitated by members of the AAIS Panel of Experts, Management Committee and industry veterans.

    Work on the Aerospace ITM began late last year with EDB leading the efforts with support from other government agencies. Consultations with industry have started since 2015 with various relevant workstreams, and especially for the development of the Singapore SkillsFuture Framework for Aerospace and productivity initiatives.

    AAIS was pleased to have been able to facilitate this dialogue for the industry’s voice to be heard. We thank our focus group Facilitators, members and guests, as well as the EDB Aerospace team for generously giving time for the discussions.

    The Aerospace ITM is expected to be rolled out in late 2017. Inputs from this session will be consolidated for EDB.

  • NAMIC Aerospace Summit (6 April 2017)

    AAIS was proud to be an organising partner for the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) Aerospace Summit held on 6 April 2017 at the Singapore Expo. Mr Ricardo Pesce, in his capacity as AAIS MC member and Managing Director of Embraer Asia Pacific, delivered the opening address as the event’s Guest-of-Honour.

    NAMIC was launched in September 2015 by Min (MTI) S Iswaran, to support Singapore’s 3D printing infrastructure and increase Singapore’s adoption of additive manufacturing technologies. Its main mandate is to nurture promising Additive Manufacturing technologies and start-ups, as well as accelerate translation R&D with a focus on commercial applications.

    The Aerospace Summit was organised as part of its outreach to the aerospace industry, which has been identified as one of its target sectors. The event was very well-received with over 200 attendees reported by NAMIC. It received wide coverage by media outlets including Channel NewsAsia and Channel 8, with Mr Pesce and Mr Sia Kheng Yok both quoted in a report by CNA. AAIS will continue to support and encourage the adoption of emerging technologies by the industry.


  • AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament (18 March 2017)

    The AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament for the year was held on Saturday, 18 March at the Premier Pitch, Turf City.

    ​With the participation of 20 teams from 14 organisations, the annual event saw top-notch futsal action from teams representing companies including SATAIR, Rolls Royce, Zodiac Aerospace and many more. It was a spirited atmosphere where great sportsmanship bonds were formed and aerospace professionals connected through the love of the game.

    The hard-fought matches saw SAESL emerge victorious as team champions, with team SIA Engineering Company and Goodrich Aerospace obtaining 1st runner up and 2nd runner up positions respectively. Most Valuable Player (MVP) was awarded to Mr Abdul Raqib Bin Abdul Razak from SAESL for his outstanding skills on the pitch.

    AAIS thanks all participating teams and once again, congratulates the winners. We also thank AAIS 2nd Vice President, Mr Allan Ferrie, for his presence and for presenting the trophies. We look forward to an even more exciting tournament in 2018!

    Visit and Like our Facebook page to view photos from the event!

  • Signing of Cooperation Agreement with Aviation Valley Cluster, Poland (3 March 2017)

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) and the Aviation Valley Association of Poland recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, signalling their intent to promote and facilitate more business activities and collaboration between aerospace companies in both countries.

    The Memorandum was signed by Mr Allan Ferrie, 2nd Vice President for AAIS and Assembly and Test Director at Rolls Royce Singapore; and Mr Marek Bujny, Vice-President for the Aviation Valley Cluster and CEO of Ultratech.  The signing ceremony was held in conjunction with the visit of the Aviation Valley cluster delegation to Seletar Aerospace Park on 3 March 2017.


    The agreement covers cooperation in key areas including information exchanges on aerospace businesses and capabilities in Singapore and Poland, facilitation of industry study visits and business connections, as well as mutual invitations to industry events. It is hoped that the MOC would facilitate AAIS members such ACP Metal Finishing, which has plans to expand its business into Poland.

    During the meeting, both parties affirmed their desire and commitment to explore potential business opportunities and collaborative activities. The MOC signing was witnessed by JTC Deputy Director for Aerospace, Mr Edwin Ho and the Polish Embassy Deputy Head of Mission, Mr Jan Wojick, and other members present.

    President Tony Tan will be making a State Visit to Poland from 22 to 26 May 2017. Aerospace companies interested to join the visit as part of a business delegation are welcomed to contact the AAIS Secretariat.

  • The Singapore Aerospace Industry Further Strengthens Business Linkages and Cooperation in Australia (28 February 2017)

    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) and the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Industry – Economic, Skills & Regional Development today signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, signaling their intent to promote and facilitate more business activities and collaboration between aerospace companies in both territories.

    The Memorandum was signed by Mr Sia Kheng Yok, AAIS Chief Executive and Mr Duncan Challen, Executive Director for Industry Development at the NSW Department of Industry. This MOC signing is one of the significant outcomes of the Business Mission to Australia organised by AAIS, in conjunction with the Australia Airshow – Avalon 2017, being held in Geelong from 28 February to 5 March. JTC Group Director Leow Thiam Seng and the Singapore aerospace business delegation were present to witness the signing.

    The agreement covers cooperation in key areas including information exchanges on aerospace businesses and capabilities in Singapore and NSW, facilitation of industry study visits and business missions, as well as mutual invitations to industry events. The parties also agreed to share best practices on human resource capacity building.

    Mr Sia said, “We are very happy to deepen our business relations with Australia. New South Wales has exciting plans for the New Western Sydney airport, including the creation of a supporting aerospace and defence precinct surrounding it. We hope, through this MOC, we will create awareness and inspire businesses in Australia and Singapore to explore the many opportunities for collaboration, growth and expansion.”

    This is the third MOC entered into by AAIS, following collaborative agreements signed with Aviation/Aerospace Australia the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada. The MOC will last for an initial period of five years.

  • GST Updates for the Aerospace Finance/Tax Community (27 February 2017)

    Together with guest speakers from Ernst & Young, AAIS organised the second forum for the Aerospace Finance and Tax Community on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 27 February. The event attracted professionals from the finance, accounts and tax departments keen to get the latest on GST revisions.


    GST specialists from Ernst & Young, Mr Yeo Kai Eng and Ms Chew Boon Choo, shared their expertise on key changes to IRAS e-Tax guides and covered revisions to industry specific GST guidelines relating to aircraft/MRO and qualifying criteria. They also gave tips to ensure compliance, reduce GST risks and avoid attracting hefty penalties. Participants were also introduced to IRAS’ Assisted Self-Help Kit (ASK) Annual Review and Assisted Compliance Assurance Programme (ACAP).

    AAIS is pleased to have facilitated this forum and once again thanks the team from Ernst & Young for generously sharing their time and expertise with industry members. We look forward to facilitate more of such community-driven events.

  • HOST Networking @ the Terminal Cafe Lounge (23 February 2017)

    The first AAIS HOST Networking Session for 2017 was held on 23rd February at the Terminal Café Lounge. The event attracted over 40 senior executives and professionals from the industry. Located within Airbus Asia Training Centre, the Terminal Café Lounge is one of several new F&B additions to Seletar, serving specialty cuisine inspired by the flavours of Italy.


    The evening kicked off with welcome remarks from AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok and General Manager of Airbus Asia Training Centre Captain Yann Lardet. The setting sun casted a golden glow on the café, creating a cosy ambience. Guests also got to embark on a special preview tour of the AATC training facilities and simulators before returning to the Lantern to sample delightful morsels and cocktails with an Italian twist.


    The evening ended on an even brighter note, with ten lucky guests walking away with dining vouchers during the Lucky Draw, with prizes generously sponsored by the Terminal Café Lounge.

    AAIS extends our deep appreciation to Airbus Asia Training Centre, the Terminal Café Lounge for their hospitality and Workforce SG for support of the event.

  • Visit by the Singapore-Russia Business Council (22 February 2017)

    AAIS was pleased to welcome Deputy Chairman of the Singapore-Russia Business Council (RSBC), Dr Sergey Pronin, to the Seletar Aerospace Park on 22 February 2017. He was accompanied by officials from the Russian Federation in the Republic of Singapore, including Trade Representative, Mr Alexey Dakhnovskiy and Counsellor, Mr Maxim Ovcharov, as well as Mr Kirill Solntsev, from the RSTradehaus. The group was welcomed by AAIS Honorary Secretary Ms Lim Hee Joo and AAIS Honorary Treasurer Mr Chow Kok Wah, along with Mr Richard Gibbons of Aircraft Support Industries.

    The visit by the RSBC representatives to SAP was part of a larger business mission to Singapore, India and Malaysia arranged by RSBC for Russian aviation companies. These included aerospace equipment manufacturers, technology solution providers and companies offering airport support services, among others. During the visit, the parties discussed the state of the aerospace industries in Asia Pacific and Europe and exchanged best practices on promoting the development of the aerospace industry. Dr Pronin also took the opportunity to demonstrate the RSTrade platform – a portal recently developed by RSTradehouse, a subsidiary of RSBC – which provides information about goods and services supplied by Russian companies. The multi-language platform is intended to promote Russian industrial goods and non-raw materials for civil use in Southeast Asia, India and Australia. To explore, visit  and select the English option at the top right hand corner.

  • Aerospace Community Day (19 January 2017)

    In the spirit of the Lunar New Year, AAIS once again had the honour of hosting 95 senior citizens from four elderly homes to a festive luncheon, as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts. This was the second time AAIS had organised this event, following the positive feedback and impact of the first. Beneficiaries from the Bright Hill Evergreen Home, Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home, St John’s Home for the Elders and Thongteck Home were treated to a sumptuous Chinese lunch spread and a short performance put together by the AAIS staff. The elders also got into action, singing popular tunes of the yesteryears.

    The event concluded with the distribution of Mandarin Oranges and Ang Baos to the beneficiaries by AAIS staff and volunteers from the aerospace community, bringing a warm smile to the faces of the senior citizens in attendance. AAIS would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their invaluable time and support of this event:

    • Asta Training International Pte Ltd
    • Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd
    • Parker Aerospace Pacific Asia Customer Support
    • Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Safran Electronics & Defense Services Asia Pte Ltd
    • The Green Airliner Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Tri-Wing Aviation Resources Pte Ltd
    • Vector Aerospace Asia Pte Ltd
    • Wencor LLC
    • Mr Eddy Eyo – W.H. Brennan & Co Pte Ltd

    AAIS would also like to thank Yan Palace Restaurant and the elderly care assistants from the beneficiaries for their assistance in the smooth running of the event. The Association looks forward to organising more of such events with continued support from the community.

  • Visit of Officials from New South Wales, Australia (16 January 2017)

    AAIS was pleased to host a delegation of Australian officials at the Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) on 16 January 2017. The New South Wales Government’s Department of Industry delegation was led by Mr Duncan Challen, Executive Director of Industry Development and accompanied by officials from the Austrade Singapore. They were received by AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok.

    The New South Wales Government had in recent years committed to the development of a new Western Sydney Airport. The airport is expected to be a major catalyst for jobs and economic growth in Western Sydney, injecting more than AU$1.9 billion into the economy during the construction phase alone.  It is expected to deliver 9,000 new jobs to Western Sydney by the early 2030s, and 60,000 in the long-term. As part of this development, areas around the airport will also be activated for economic development, with plans for an aerospace and defence precinct.

    During their visit, the delegation sought to gain insights into Singapore’s development of SAP and the investment attraction of international tenants. Both parties also discussed possible areas of collaboration and agreed to look into establishing a sustained partnership at the meeting.

  • Aerospace Outreach Event with SPETA (11 January 2017)

    Together with SPETA (Singapore Precision Engineering and Technology Association), AAIS conducted a sharing session on Aerospace, focusing on requirements for entry into the sector. The event was well attended with more than 70 participants from both the AAIS and SPETAmemberships. Agencies such as SPRING Singapore and SIMTech were also present to support and encourage companies keen on venturing into the sector.

    Precision Engineering (PE) in Singapore is recognised as the backbone of key industries for the economy such as aerospace, oil and gas, medical devices and electronics. The slow down in the oil & gas and marine sectors, coupled with growth in aviation and aerospace, has fuelled interest in local PE companies to diversify into Aerospace.

    The event kicked off with welcome remarks from SPETA Executive Director, which was followed by an overview of Singapore’s aerospace industry presented by AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok. AAIS Panel of Expert members Mr Tin Ho and Mr Mike Daniels, then shared their valuable insights on the topics “What it takes to be an Aerospace supplier” and “Aerospace quality and regulatory requirements” respectively. Participants also got to hear from Mr. Soh Chee Siong, Managing Director of AAIS member JEP Precision Engineering, who shared his first-hand experience of transforming the company with new technologies including digitisation and robotics. The afternoon was rounded off with networking between participants from the aerospace and PE industries.

    AAIS is pleased to have co-organised this knowledge–sharing session with SPETA. We welcome more of such collaborations. Companies interested to know more about requirements for entry into the industry can contact AAIS at

Events 2016
  • HOST Networking @ Village Hotel Changi (8 December 2016)

    The final session of the quarterly-held AAIS HOST Networking events for 2016 was held on 8 December at the new Infinity Room of Village Hotel Changi. Close to 50 senior professionals from the industry came together, to network and soak in some festive cheer.


    The event was made more meaningful with the presence of the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore, which set up a booth of their merchandise, greeting cards and handicrafts made by Cerebral Palsy patients. Our members and partners took the opportunity to purchase gifts for loved ones on their lists, while giving to a good cause.

    Attendees were also treated to a special surprise – an acoustic guitar performance and sing-along by Mr Steven Crummack from Testia Asia Pacific. Spreading the festive cheer, Village Hotel Changi broke out the bubbly, with a special cocktail aptly named Village Chandon made especially for the guests. To top off the eventful session, a Lucky Draw was held, with three participants winning staycation vouchers at the Village Group hotels.

    AAIS is pleased to have organised this year-end get together for our members, partners and friends. We thank our guests for their support and attendance, as well as CPAS for making time for the event. Our deepest appreciation also goes to the Village Hotel Changi for their generous sponsorship and hospitality. For enquiries on event spaces and corporate bookings, contact Max Low at 6551 2178 or .

  • Visit of Officials from Chongqing, China (29 November 2016)

    AAIS received a delegation of officials from Chongqing, China, at the Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) Visitor Centre on 29 November 2016. The 29-member delegation was organised by the PRC Embassy in Singapore and led by Mr Zheng Chao, Economic and Commercial Counsellor and Mr Han Baochang, Director of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Interconnection Demonstration Project Management Bureau. The delegation was received by AAIS Honorary Treasurer Mr Chow Kok Wah (Air Transport Training College), Asst Honorary Secretary Ms Lim Hee Joo (Wah Son Engineering), Management Committee member Mr Philip Sung (Esterline Sensors Asia), and Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok.


    The officials were in Singapore as part of a study visit of various industries including aviation, transport and finance. This was in relation to the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative (CCI), which was launched last November when President Xi Jinping visited Singapore. The CCI is the third Sino-Singapore Government-to-Government project after the Suzhou Industrial Park in 1994 and the Tianjin Eco-city in 2008. It focuses on developing four areas in the city: i) financial services, ii) aviation, iii)transport and logistics, and iv)information and communication technology.

    During their visit to Seletar, the delegation was keen to learn about the structure of the aviation and aerospace industries in Singapore – particularly aspects of training and airport management. They were also interested to understand the advantages of having and being in the SAP and the infrastructure necessary to support and develop the industry. The group was also was also given a short tour of the SAP grounds.

    The Joint Implementation Committee Meeting for the CCI is chaired by Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office. On the aviation front, Changi Airports International and Chongqing Airport Group are working on an agreement to set up a joint venture to manage the retail operations of the new Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport.

  • SAQG Workshop Series: Understanding the changes to AS 91XX:2016 (25 November 2016)

    The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG), which was recently formalised under the AAIS, launched its workshop series on 25 November 2016. The inaugural workshop received overwhelming support from the community of aerospace quality professionals with the attendance of over 70 participants.

    AAIS Chief Executive Mr Sia Kheng Yok welcomed participants and introduced SAQG Chair Mr Jimson Ngiam (Thales Solutions Asia). Mr Ngiam informed the quality community about the objectives and structure of the SAQG, as well as some of the activities the group has lined up for 2017. SAQG Deputy Chair Mr Jeffrey Ho (Rolls-Royce Singapore) then shared on the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and explained some of the working groups and areas of standards under development.

    Mr David Tan from Pratt & Whitney delivered the main presentation on changes to the AS91XX:2016 standards and transition deadlines. A note-worthy point shared was that all audit visits after the 1st June 2017 would have to be conducted in accordance with the revised AS91XX:2016 standards. The SAQG urged quality managers to prepare for the change and adapt their management system to meet the new requirements and transition timelines.

    Following a fruitful networking tea break, Mr Ricky Au (Liebherr-Singapore) shared with participants on a new initiative that the IAQG was looking into – developing standards for end-of-life aircraft management.

    AAIS is very pleased to have facilitated the event, and thanks our venue sponsor JTC, and event sponsor Thales Solutions Asia, for supporting the event. The next SAQG workshop is scheduled to run on 20 January 2017. For any queries on the SAQG, please contact AAIS SAQG Secretariat Ms Jen Ng at

  • JEC Asia 2016 (15 to 17 November 2016)

    Building on the momentum of last year’s JEC Asia International Composites Event, the three-day conference and exhibition was back for its ninth consecutive year at Singapore’s Suntec Center, from November 15 to 17, 2016. This year, industries represented include automotive and transportation, construction and building, oil and gas, wind energy and of course, aerospace.

    AAIS took part in the JEC exhibition under the Singapore pavilion, with three other Singapore composites companies: Alstern Technologies Singapore Pte Ltd, Italmatic (Singapore) Pte Ltd, and Plasmatreat Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Conferences were also held, addressing developments in end-user industries such as carbon fibre in mass production vehicles, low maintenance costs in aircraft, and market drivers in off-shore activities. Another event highlight was the JEC Innovation Awards scheduled on the second night. The Awards recognises technical excellence, exemplarity of the chain of partners, market potential and originality of composites innovation.

    At the Opening Ceremony on 15 November, Frédérique Mutel, President and CEO of JEC Group, announced that the event will be moving to Korea next year after being held in Singapore for the past nine years. The event will take place from 1-3 November 2017 in Seoul.

  • Industry Briefing by EDB (16 November 2016)

    In partnership with the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), AAIS jointly organised a briefing for top executives of the aerospace industry on 16 November 2017 at Suntec City Convention Centre. The event saw the participation of more than 70 C-Suite leaders of aerospace OEMs, large suppliers, support services and solution providers.

    The event was conceived as a platform for dialogue between members of the industry and EDB’s Aerospace team.  EDB Director for Transport Engineering Tan Kong Hwee kicked off discussions, highlighting anticipated trends in the global industry landscape and opportunities for Singapore. Attendees provided feedback on some of the challenges they were facing and their views on how it was affecting Singapore’s competitiveness as an industry.

    EDB urged companies to continue improving productivity and adopt innovative new technologies such as robotics and automation to keep up with the trajectory of the broader industry. It acknowledged concerns on the availability of skilled labour and presented new manpower programmes to attract and retain new graduates to the industry.

    AAIS was pleased to have been able to facilitate this dialogue for the industry’s voice to be heard. We look forward to provide more platforms such as this for fruitful and meaningful discussions.

  • AeroSG Tax Forum: Opportunities and Challenges for Aerospace Operations through the Tax Vantage Point (21 October 2016)

    In the face of rapid changes in tax legislation and closer scrutiny on corporate taxation, AAIS organised a Tax Forum with guest speakers from Ernst & Young on the topics of Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) and Incentives for expansion into ASEAN.


    The forum, held on 21 October, was attended by CFOs, Finance Managers, and tax professionals from the aerospace community. The International Tax Services team from Ernst & Young shared their expertise on the recent key international tax developments and BEPS action items, the potential implication to the aerospace industry and risks of cross-border taxation for companies operating in multiple jurisdictions.  This was followed by a briefing by the Business Incentives Advisory Tax team on the recent developments in Malaysia and Thailand as these countries ramp-up their aerospace industry development activities, as well incentives for companies intending to expand into the Southeast Asia Market.

    AAIS is pleased to have facilitated this forum and thanks the team from Ernst & Young for generously sharing their time and expertise with industry members. In line with our new mission, AAIS looks forward to create more of such opportunities to engender the community in other functional areas as well. We hope to galvanise the finance community within the aerospace industry, to convene and discuss common queries or topics of interest. For interest in forming or being part of an aerospace finance community, please contact Ann at

  • MRO Asia Pacific 2016 (27 to 29 September 2016)

    Held once again at the Singapore Expo Convention and Exhibition Centre, MRO Asia Pacific 2016 took place from 27 to 29 September 2016. The Conference and Exhibition brought together regional and global aviation MRO industry players to discuss the latest issues and concerns of operators and showcase the latest offerings from service providers and suppliers. AAIS 1st Vice President Jeffrey Lam (COO, ST Aerospace), chaired the MRO APAC 2016 Conference Programme.

    Having established itself as one of the most important trade exhibitions for the aerospace industry in Singapore and the region, MRO AP 2016 saw its largest Singapore Pavilion to date, with 23 participating companies. The Singapore Pavilion, which is facilitated by AAIS, enjoyed a prominent location and had a significant presence with its livery and scale.

    AAIS looks forward to a continued strong partnership with Aviation Week International and its expansion of the MRO event – the Asia Aviation Week – which is set to take place from 30 October to 3 November 2017. To find out more about participating in the MRO as an exhibitor, contact Ms Margaret Chong via email at


  • 14th AAIS Annual General Meeting (22 September 2016)


    The 14th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was held on Thursday, 22 September 2016 at the Singapore Aviation Academy. The meeting was attended by representatives from over 40 corporate members and presided over by members of the 10th Management Committee, chaired by AAIS President Mr Philip Quek.

    In his opening address, Mr Quek touched on the rapid changes in technologies and the global business environment that had started to create impact in the domestic aerospace landscape. He called for industry transformation and greater initiative by and from the industry to maintain its competitiveness. Mr Quek also described the evolving role of AAIS in facilitating the aerospace ecosystem. This had served as an impetus for the Association to embark on a Strategic Review of its mission, vision and strategies in a process involving members and other stakeholders. Outcomes of the Strategic Review process were later shared with members in a presentation by Honorary Secretary Mr Steven Pearson.

    The AGM also saw the election of Mr Allan Ferrie, Operations Director of Rolls-Royce Singapore, to the position of AAIS 2nd Vice-President. Mr Ferrie filled the position left by Mr Ho Tin Pau, who stepped down in mid-2016. Tokens of Appreciation were presented to Mr Ho as well as Mr Philip Ang, both of whom were lauded for their great contributions to AAIS through their appointments in the Management Committee since its early days.

    Members present also endorsed the FY2015/16 Annual Report and Financial Statements, and agreed unanimously to reappoint Mr Paul Sandosham of Clifford Chance as the Honorary Legal Advisor and Ernst & Young as the Honorary External Auditor.

  • AeroIndustry Annual Meeting 2016 (22 September 2016)

    With an eye on what’s to come for the industry, AAIS partnered with Starburst Accelerator to bring its members and the Singapore aerospace community a glimpse into the future of aerospace innovation. Attendees listened in and later interacted with a select group of start-ups from Singapore and around the world shared their innovative ideas as part of the Starburst Startups Showcase. Leveraging on cutting edge technologies and creative solutions, the start-ups presented exciting business tools and solutions that could potentially change the aerospace way of business and operations. (See Startups deck HERE.)


    Mr Van Espahbodi, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Starburst Accelerator also informed a captive audience of its role as a start-up incubator and platform for start-ups needing a voice of technology feasibility and access to partnerships with OEMs and established aerospace MROs. Having established a small set up in Singapore in mid-2016, Starburst Accelerator will be working to explore areas of collaboration in encouraging the incubation of local aerospace start-ups, technological cooperation and co-development of products and solutions to common industry problems.

    AAIS thanks Starburst Accelerator and all the start-ups for sharing with the community, and Orange Clove catering for its sponsorship of the event. We also thank all attendees and hope that the 2016 AIAM had been inspiring, informative and fruitful.

  • AAIS HOST Networking Session @ Fullerton Bay Hotel (11 August 2016)

    The third AAIS HOST Networking Session for 2016 was held on 11th August at the beautiful Lantern Rooftop Bar of the Fullerton Bay Hotel. The event attracted over 60 senior executives representing different sectors of the aerospace industry, including MRO, suppliers, training and education, planning, and infrastructure.

    The evening kicked off with a short welcome address from AAIS Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok and Mr Giovanni Viterale, General Manager of Fullerton Hotel & Fullerton Bay Hotel. Guests were then led on a short tour to explore the historic hotel grounds including the Clifford Pier before returning to the Lantern to enjoy the company of their peers and delightful treats.


    Towards the end of the evening, three lucky guests walked away with dining vouchers and hotel stays during the Lucky Draw, with prizes generously sponsored by the Fullerton Hotel and Fullerton Bay Hotel.

    AAIS thanks our member companies and partner organisations for gracing the event, and extends deep appreciation to the team from the Fullerton Bay Hotel for their hospitality and support. For enquiries on rooms or event spaces at the Fullerton and Fullerton Bay Hotels, contact or call 6877 8011.

  • Visit by Okinawa Delegation (22 July 2016)

    AAIS, together with JTC, received a delegation from Japan headed by Mr. Mitsuhiro Machida from the Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor in the Okinawa Prefectural Government on 22 July 2016. They were in Singapore as part of their learning and research into developing an aerospace cluster in Okinawa that has been announced as the home of “MRO Japan”.  AAIS  Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok hosted the delegation, which included Okinawa Prefecture officials as well as ANA, Japan Research Institute and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.

    JTC first briefed the delegation on the development of the Seletar Aerospace at the Seletar visitors centre at JTC Aviation Two.  They were also given an overview on the Singapore aerospace industry and the role of AAIS. Discussions then moved to the development and fundamentals of building an infrastructure for aerospace as well as the manpower and skills training required to sustain the sector. The delegation also shared the growth prospects of the MRO business in Okinawa and welcomed possible synergies and collaboration opportunities with the Okinawa aerospace cluster companies.

    AAIS is pleased to have been able to facilitate the visit and we wish the best for Okinawa’s development plans.


  • Focus Group Discussions (21 & 28 June 2016)

    As part of its strategy review and pl​anning process, AAIS invited its members to two focus group sessions on 21 and 28 June 2016. More than 30 senior executives and C-Suite representatives of over 20 member companies gathered and shared their views on the business and organisational issues they face, the value they seek from AAIS and the key words and phrases they would like to see in AAIS’ mission and vision statements. The views are important in shaping the directions for AAIS and to ensure we sustain our relevance to the Aerospace community.

    AAIS thanks all the participants and facilitators for taking the time to contribute to the discussions.

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2016 (25 June 2016)

    Into its 12th edition, AAIS held its annual bowling tournament at Orchid Country Club. The tournament attracted a total of 27 teams from 17 companies.

    Here are the results:

    Prize Winners
    Category Company Name Team Name Score
    Team Champion ST Aerospace ST Aero 1 2005
    1st Runner-Up SIA Engineering Company SIAEC 1941
    2nd Runner-Up ST Aerospace ST Aero 3 1935
    Category Company Name (Team Name) Name Score
    Best Male Individual ST Aerospace (ST Aero 2) Ong Cheng Koon 576
    Best Female Individual ST Aerospace (ST Aero 3) Jaslene Koh 476
    Highest Game Score Prize
    Gender Company Team Name Name Game Score Pot
    Male SIA Engineering Company SIAEC Poh Siew Por 206 $220
    Female ST Aerospace ST Aero 3 Jaslene Koh 185 $40

    Click here for the full tournament results.

    Click here to view photos of the event. ​

  • Visit of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Student Chapter (2 June 2016)

    AAIS was pleased to welcome a group of 19 students from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Student Chapter on Thursday, 2 June 2016. The students were in Singapore as part of their overseas learning journey programme and tour of the region. Their stop in Singapore included visits to organisations to learn more about the food manufacturing, waste management and aerospace sectors.


    The visit kicked off with a short briefing of the Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) at the SAP Visitors Centre, located in JTC Aviation Two. From the interactive display, the students got a glimpse of the history of Seletar, the phases of development of the SAP, as well as the future of the park.

    Participants were also briefed about the aerospace industry in Singapore and AAIS interns shared more about their stint in the Temasek Polytechnic Aviation Management Course. The students were able to catch business jets taking off from the Seletar Airport from the AAIS Training Room. There was also time for a short tour around the SAP, during which the students were introduced to the many aerospace giants located within the SAP.

    It was our pleasure to host these bright young minds from HKIE!

  • Visit by Shizuoka Prefecture Assemblyman (24 May 2016)

    AAIS received a delegation from Japan headed by Mr Shinnosuke Yamazaki, Member of the Shizuoka Prefectural Assembly on 24 May 2016. The delegation was hosted by AAIS President Philip Quek and Chief Executive Sia Kheng Yok.

    Mr Yamazaki and the delegation were briefed on the development of the Seletar Aerospace at the Seletar visitors centre at JTC Aviation Two, an overview on the Singapore aerospace industry and the role of AAIS.  Discussions then moved to the education and training programmes/framework for aerospace, skills training and human resource development for the sector. The delegation also sought views on the Japanese aerospace industries as well as the future direction of the industry in the Asia Pacific region.

    AAIS is pleased to have been able to facilitate the visit and we look forward to future exchanges.

  • AAIS HOST Networking Session (12 May 2016)


    AAIS held its second HOST networking session of the year on 12 May 2016 at Pan Pacific Orchard Hotel.  More than 50 top professionals including CEOs and senior executives of Singapore aerospace companies attended the event, which was held at the Lobby Lounge of Pan Pacific Orchard Hotel.

    The event culminated with a Lucky Draw, where three lucky guests walked away with dinner vouchers and a staycation sponsored by Pan Pacific Orchard Hotel. All attendees of this HOST session were also gifted an exclusive hotel bath kit.

    AAIS would like to thank our members for their support and attendance, and the wonderful team at Pan Pacific Orchard Hotel for this successful HOST session!

  • Aerospace Industry Info-Sharing Session (10 May 2016)

    Facilitated by AAIS, Invest Selangor hosted an informational session on the growing aerospace industry in Malaysia’s Golden State of Selangor. Held at the Intercontinental Hotel, the event attracted close to 40 professionals from the aerospace and related industries in Singapore.


    Attendees were informed of the opportunities, infrastructure, support and incentives made available to investors by senior executives of Invest Selangor and the Malaysian Investment Development Authority. Attendees also heard from companies already present in the Selangor Aerospace cluster through presentation from Strand Aerospace, Malaysia Airport Holdings and UMW Corporation. The distinguished speakers also took questions on the investment climate and ease of setting up businesses in Malaysia.

    AAIS is pleased to have facilitated this session for Invest Selangor and hopes that this has been a useful session for all.


  • International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) 2016 Spring Meeting (25 to 30 April 2016)

    Facilitated by AAIS, the 2016 Spring Meeting of the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) was held for the first time in Singapore from 25 to 30 April at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. The IAQG is a non-profit organisation registered in Brussels, Belgium. Established as a global organisation, IAQG maintains dynamic cooperation between aerospace and defense companies on initiatives to make significant performance improvements in quality. It comprises representation from three sectors – the Americas (AAQG), Asia Pacific (APAQG) and Europe (EAQG).

    Kicking off a suite of activities, IAQG members started the week with working group huddles and company visits to Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia, ST Electronics (SATCOM), SASCO and Thales Solutions Asia.

    The highlight of the IAQG Spring Meeting was the 2016 General Assembly held on 28 April during which working groups reported on their progress, and decisions on the IAQG were discussed and voted upon. At this event, Mr Jimson Ngiam, Assistant Honorary Treasurer of AAIS announced the formation of an AAIS Quality Committee (AQC), which will be looking into formalising a Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG).

    Following the General Assembly, IAQG hosted a Suppliers Forum on 29 April, which provided a chance for suppliers from the aerospace and related industries to establish direct network with the IAQG members and participate in discussions on quality matters through four breakout sessions on Aerospace Standards Updates; Achieving Assurance; Risk Management; and Special Processes and purchasing challenges.

    In celebration of IAQG’s 20th anniversary, a Gala Dinner was held at the Singapore Seafood Republic Restaurant at Resorts World Sentosa. IAQG members were treated to a variety of seafood dishes, including Singapore’s famous Chili Crab. Awards were also given out at the Gala Dinner to commemorate the invaluable contributions of working groups and individuals through the years.

    To end off the IAQG events, participants were treated to the sights and sounds of Singapore with visits to the SEA Aquarium and Gardens by the Bay.

    AAIS would like to thank the IAQG for the opportunity to facilitate this event, as well as to all IAQG members, companies and sponsors for their time and support in making the event a success! For enquiries on membership in SAQG, email

  • AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament (12 March 2016)


    The AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2016 was held on Saturday, 12 March at Ubersport East Coast Park.

    This year’s edition saw top-notch futsal action with the participation of 16 teams from 13 organisations. Footballers blessed with trickery and pace kept the energy high throughout the tournament with Rolls-Royce emerging victorious once again. With this win, the Rolls-Royce team has successfully managed to defend their champions crown for the third year running!

    Goalkeeper Mohammad Al-Faiz Bin Ishak from Rolls-Royce took home the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award for his outstanding performance in goal.

    Here are the winners:

    Team Champion Rolls-Royce
    1st Runner-Up SAESL
    2nd Runner-Up Thales
    Most Valuable Player Muhammad Al-Faiz Bin Ishak (Rolls Royce)

    Once again, congratulations to the winning teams and we look forward to an even more exciting tournament in 2017!

    To view full results from our event, click here.

  • Aerospace Industry Induction Programme (AIIP) 2016 (18 February 2016)


    The Aerospace Industry Induction Programme (AIIP) offers students an insight into the vibrant and diverse aviation industry, and a better understanding of Singapore’s position as the leading aviation hub in Asia.

    Organised by AAIS with support from CAAS and EDB, the fifth edition of the AIIP culminated with a visit to the Singapore Airshow 2016. Over 1,400 students from 18 institutions were transported to the Airshow grounds on Thursday, 18 February.

    The AIIP participants were given student packs which included the AIIP Programme Booklet (with guided route map), an AIIP Student Quiz and goodies from the Airshow. They were presented with a range of education and career opportunities in the growing aviation industry and had the opportunity to visit the inaugural Singapore Airshow Aero Campus (SAAC). They also explored the static aircraft display area and enjoyed the captivating aerobatic flying display.

    The AAIS thanks all teachers and staff for their time in making this programme a success and the joined effort in attracting the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP). A very special thank you, too, to the CAAS Youth Aviation Ambassadors (YAAs) for their help in facilitating the secondary school students! We look forward to the next edition of the programme.

    AIIP – Participating Schools:

    Changkat Changi Secondary School Hwa Chong Secondary School
    Hillgrove Secondary School Northbrooks Secondary School
    Nanyang Girls’ High School Woodlands Secondary School
    East View Secondary School Mayflower Secondary School
    Commonwealth Secondary School Ngee Ann Polytechnic
    Nanyang Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic
    Singapore Polytechnic Temasek Polytechnic
    ITE College Central National University of Singapore
    Singapore Institute of Technology Singapore Institute of Management University
  • Aerospace Supplier Conference (18 February 2016)

    Held at the Speaker’s Chamber in ITE College Central, more than 60 professionals from the aerospace industry attended the Aerospace Supplier Conference, presented by the AirBusiness Academy. Organised by AAIS and supported by the Economic Development Board and SPRING Singapore, the conference is the first held by AirBusiness Academy in Singapore. Participants gained a better understanding on how to become a supplier for Airbus with guidance from speakers Romain Sohier and Muriel Saldana of Airbusiness Academy as well as Oliver Devaux of Airbus Group.

    A broad range of topics were discussed, which included:

    • The business requirements of Airbus
    • Airbus’ procurement strategies
    • Overview of the various international aviation authorities and their requirements for suppliers

    AAIS thanks JTC for support of the event venue and the speakers and all participants for the contributing to a fruitful conference.


  • HOST Networking Session (17 February 2016)

    AAIS held its first HOST Networking Session of 2016 on 17 February at the Singapore Pavilion during the Singapore Airshow. Attended by more than 100 individuals, the session brought members of the aerospace industry as well as other affiliated industries closer together. The HOST session also saw delegates from Japan, Australia and the US mingling with representatives from Singapore-based MNCs and Small and Medium Enterprises. Coupled with the great food and refreshments, the session also showcased the state-of-the-art facilities of the Seletar Aerospace Park, developed by the JTC Corporation.

    AAIS would like to thank the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), the Australian Trade Commission and the US Embassy for their assistance in bringing their delegations to the Singapore Pavilion. A big Thank You JTC for lending us the use of the booth and to all guests for making our first HOST Session of 2016 a success!


  • Aerospace Community Day (28 January 2016)

    In celebration of Chinese New Year, AAIS had the honour of hosting 91 senior citizens from four elderly community homes – Bright Hill Evergreen Home, Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home, St John’s Home for the Elders and Thongteck Home – for a day of festivities. The event kicked off with  a traditional “Lo-Hei”, followed by a sumptuous Chinese lunch spread and  a Karaoke session by the residents of St John’s Home. The event concluded with the distribution of Mandarin Oranges and Ang Baos to the beneficiaries by AAIS staff and volunteers from the aerospace community, bringing a warm smile to the faces of the senior citizens in attendance.

    AAIS would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their invaluable time and support of this event:

    Advance Metals Pte Ltd

    Esterline Advanced Sensors

    Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd

    Safran Electronics Asia Pte Ltd

    Optical Gaging (S) Pte Ltd

    The Green Airliner Singapore Pte Ltd

    Tri-Wing Aviation Resources Pte Ltd

    Vector Aerospace Asia Pte Ltd

    Mr Ivan Ho Siow Siong (Airbus Group Singapore Pte Ltd)

    My Eddy Eyo Kai Guan (W.H Brennan & Co. Pte Ltd)

    AAIS would also like to thank the staff and management of Yan Palace Restaurant, Bukit Merah HDB and elderly care assistants from the beneficiaries for their assistance in the smooth running of the event. We look forward to the continuous support from the community for similar events in future.


Events 2015
  • AAIS HOST Networking Session (2 December 2015)

    AAIS was proud to partner Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) to bring members our last HOST networking session for 2015 at the Ocean Gallery, SEA Aquarium. The event attracted 82 top professionals from 54 companies of the aerospace and related industries.

    Tin Ho, 2nd Vice President of AAIS welcomed the guests and kickstarted  the evening with an update of AAIS’s upcoming events. This was followed by a short presentation by Nicholas Cordeiro, Assistant Vice President of MICE & Corporate Sales, sharing the latest promotions and special Airhow 2016 rates offered by the RWS hotels. Guests enjoyed the rest of the evening networking in the beautiful Ocean Gallery, accompanied by the excellent cocktail spread.

    A selfie/wefie contest was held, where guests gamely captured a picture of themselves with the Manta rays and Hammerhead sharks swimming in the background, to win goodie bags. The final highlight was the quiz and lucky draw which saw 3 lucky winners walked away with prizes sponsored by Resorts World Sentosa.

    AAIS thanks Resorts World Sentosa for the unique venue and all guests for in making this an enjoyable HOST Session.


  • MRO Asia 2015 (3 to 5 November 2015)

    In partnership with Aviation Week, AAIS facilitated the Singapore Pavilion, which consisted of fourteen local organisations exhibiting their products and services at MRO Asia 2015.

    This year, Mr Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State, Ministry of Trade & Industry, graced the event on the second day as the Guest-of-Honour. He provided an update on Singapore’s growth and investment in aftermarket services and aerospace manufacturing.


    The event drew more than 2,500 visitors for the exhibition and conferences, which were conducted by esteemed guests, including speakers from overseas aerospace organisations. Each of the sessions included in the MRO Asia-Pacific conference program were designed to provide an indepth look at the key issues at hand and evaluate what effect they will have on the MRO market and businesses.

  • AAIS Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament (31 October 2015)

    The AAIS organised its 5th annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on 31 October 2015 at Macpherson Community Club.

    A total of 10 teams from 6 organisations in the aerospace industry participated in the tournament this year.

    RR Compressor emerged Team Champion. The first and     second runners-up went to MUSTANG and MSA 1 respectively.


    Team Champion RR Compressor (Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd)
    1st Runner-up MUSTANG (Messier Services Asia Pte Ltd)
    2nd Runner-up MSA 1 (Messier Services Asia Pte Ltd)
    Most Valuable Player Leonardo Bayona (from RR Compressor)


    Click here for the full results!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • 13th Annual General Meeting (22 September 2015)

    The 13th AAIS AGM was held on Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 at the Singapore Aviation Academy. The event was well attended by 56 individuals from 46 member organisations.

    The AGM proceedings were chaired by Mr Charles Chong, President of the AAIS 9th Management Committee. Addressing the attendees in a Welcome Note, Mr Chong gave an overview of the Association’s growth and took stock of the initiatives and activities carried out in the fiscal year of 2014/15. Mr Chong also took the opportunity to thank colleagues who served with him on the Management Committee (MC) and announced that he would be relinquishing his position after the AGM to allow for the injection of new blood and fresh perspectives. Before formally stepping down, Mr Chong presented certificates to new member companies and the long service award for AAIS staff.

    In honour of his long and dedicated service as President of AAIS since 2006, the Association presented Mr Chong with a token of appreciation. It also recorded its gratitude to other MC members who have or would be stepping down after the AGM. These included 1st Vice President Ms Kham Joon Wui (ST Aerospace), Honorary Secretary Mr T. Hastings Siegfried (NORDAM), Assistant Honorary Secretary Mr Adrian Plevin (Megitt Aerospace), Mr Mike McCormack (SIAE) and Mr Paul Inman (Singapore Aero Engine Services).

    Elections for the next MC were subsequently held. With no contest to the nominations received and no objection from members, candidates for the various positions were confirmed. AAIS would like to thank the Singapore Aviation Academy, all members and the Grand Park City Hall for supporting this AGM.

    ​The AAIS 10th Management Committee Members (2015 to 2017):

    • President: Philip Quek, SIA Engineering Company Ltd
    • 1st Vice President: Jeffrey Lam, ST Aerospace Ltd
    • 2nd Vice President: Ho Tin Pau, Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd

    Committee Members

    • Steven Pearson, Aviall Pte Ltd
    • Lien Whai Cheng, Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd
    • Philip Sung, Esterline Sensors Services Asia Pte Ltd
    • Steve Price, International Engine Component Overhaul Pte Ltd
    • Ekkehard Pracht, Liebherr-Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Fergus Lopez, Parker Aerospace
    • Chow Kok Wah, Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers
    • Jimson Ngiam, Thales Solutions Asia Pte Ltd
    • Lim Hee Joo, Wah Son Engineering Pte Ltd



  • AeroIndustry Annual Meeting (AIAM) 2015 (22 September 2015)


    Held after the AGM, the AIAM brought together senior members of the aerospace industry for an afternoon of information-sharing and discussion on the upcoming trends and projections of the aerospace industry. The event saw the release of the findings from the Singapore MRO Competitiveness Study 2014, which was commissioned by AAIS with support from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, the Economic Development Board and the Singapore Workforce Development Agency.

    The AIAM was kicked off with Opening Remarks by newly installed AAIS President Mr Philip Quek, who shared on the outlook of the global and domestic aerospace industry, including the labour projections, potential weaknesses and market gaps as well as government initiatives to address these challenges. Following the opening address, Mr David Stewart, Vice President of ICF International – the appointed consulting and research firm – presented findings of the Study which benchmarked Singapore’s competitiveness as an aerospace hub against other country hubs such China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the UAE. Mr Stewart also shared recommendations to strengthen Singapore’s position as the leading aerospace MRO hub in the Asia Pacific region.

    After the presentation, the participants broke out into focus groups to discuss and gave their feedback on the findings of the Study.

    The AAIS thanks Mr David Stewart, all AIAM 2015 participants and our four FGD facilitators – Assoc. Prof. Lim Yeow Khee, Assoc. Prof. Tan Joo Seng, Mr Jeremy Chan and Mr Koh Pak Keng, for generously contributing your time, perspectives and experience to make this AIAM an interactive and fruitful one.

  • The Amazing Aviators Race 2015 (5 September 2015)

    On Saturday 5th September 2015, 300 participants in 75 teams raced around Singapore in the Amazing Aviators Race (TAAR) 2015. The Race was flagged off by Minister of State for Trade and Industry Mr Teo Ser Luck from the new Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) campus in Changi. The one-of-a-kind Flag Off saw a colourful aerial spectacle as MOS Teo, all participants and invited guests simultaneously launched self-assembled Styrofoam aeroplanes, popularised in the early nineties, to signify the start of the event.

    This was only the second time the event has been held since its inaugural run in 2011 and one of the biggest public events organised by AAIS. Held in conjunction with the SG50 celebrations, TAAR 2015 was part of AAIS’s greater efforts to engage youths and the general public while promoting a greater understanding of the aerospace and aviation industry through a journey of discovery around Singapore.  The participants took part in teams of four under two team categories – the Student Category (for students aged 15 and above) and the Open Category (for industry members and the general public).

    Modelled after the “Amazing Race” concept, teams raced around the island to find iconic locations based on the clues they were given. As an added challenge, teams could only travel using the public transport network of buses and the MRT. At these stations, they encountered “Detours” and “Road Blocks”, where they had to complete tasks related to aerospace/aviation, our national identity and our rich cultural heritage.

    TAAR 2015 received very positive feedback from the participants, who enjoyed themselves despite the long and eventful day. AAIS would like to take this opportunity to once again thank MOS Teo Ser Luck for gracing the Flag Off, and all TAAR 2015 participants for making the event a big success! A big THANK YOU also to the event management team from Adrenalin and to all our sponsors for the strong and forthcoming support. We would not have been able to do it without you!

    Congratulations to the Winners of TAAR 2015!

    Open Category
    Place Winning Team Prize Sponsor
    1st Drama Mama Canon Singapore Pte Ltd
    2nd Oh Man! Canon Singapore Pte Ltd
    3rd Pillows GVDEAL Pte Ltd
    3rd Runner Up CRO The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf


    Student Category
    Place Winning Team Institution Prize Sponsor
    1st AEROBirds Temasek Polytechnic Canon Singapore Pte Ltd
    2nd ATTC Air Transport Training College Canon Singapore Pte Ltd
    3rd NPAT Ngee Ann Polytechnic GVDEAL Pte Ltd
    3rd Runner Up RP Time Travellers Republics Polytechnic The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
  • AAIS HOST Session @ InterContinental Singapore (27 August 2015)

    AAIS was proud to partner InterContinental Singapore for the third HOST Session in 2015 held at the hotel’s Victoria Bar. The relaxing and comfortable ambience was a fantastic backdrop against which the 40 over guests mingled and caught up with each other while enjoying the spread of delectable food, beverages and the hotel’s specialty mooncakes.

    Guests were welcomed by Mr Ekkehard Pracht, member of the AAIS Management Committee as well as Mr Michael Shin, Hotel manager of the Intercontinental Singapore. The evening also saw AAIS’ award-winning photographer Mr Richard Koh introducing “Over Singapore”, a newly launched book featuring his aerial photography works. Published by Editions Didier Millet, the aerial images are complemented by insightful text and captions of diplomat Professor Tommy Koh. Richard also exhibited his aerial photography collection around the Victoria Bar for guests to enjoy.

    Capping off the evening, a Lucky draw was conducted which saw the winner walking away with a One Night Weekend stay in the Deluxe Room inclusive of breakfast for two sponsored by the InterContinental Singapore Hotel.

    The AAIS would like to thank InterContinental Singapore, their team and all guests for making this HOST Session a unique experience.


  • Aviation Open House 2015 (13 to 15 August 2015)


    AAIS was present at the Aviation Open House (AOH) 2015 held at Suntec City Convention Centre from 13 to 15 August 2015. This is the fourth time that the AAIS has been invited by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore to participate in the biennial event. Launched by Mrs Josephine Teo, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport, the theme of AOH for the year was “Embark on a Journey in Aviation”.

    The AOH 2015 provided a platform for students, job seekers and mid-career entrants to learn more about aviation education and career opportunities via career talks, a showcase featuring eight aviation professionals, interacting with representatives at the exhibition booths, onsite recruitment by e2i and other interactive games. The event saw the participation of more than 47 aviation-related organisations and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) as well as companies from the aerospace, airline, airport, air navigation services sectors.

    AAIS used this opportunity to distribute the AeroCareer Guide 2014/15, promote The Amazing Aviators Race 2015 and encourage the sign-up for e-copies of AeroSpace Singapore Magazine. Once again, the AAIS was honoured to be part of the AOH 2015 and do our bit for the future of Singapore’s aerospace and aviation industry!

  • Annual Aerospace Human Resource Forum (24 July 2015)


    The annual Aerospace Human Resource Forum was organised as a platform for HR professionals from aerospace companies to network, while at the same time gaining insights and tools to improve the human capital processes in their organisation.

    Into its sixth year, the HR Forum was held on 24 July 2015 at Temasek Polytechnic with presentations by five speakers from the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), FranklinCovey Division, TransFingo Pte Ltd and Temasek Polytechnic. More than 40 guests from various aerospace companies were present at the forum.

    The forum focused on the current topic of SkillsFuture. Participants were empowered with information about SkillsFuture, in particular, how they can leverage upon the programmes and schemes to develop productivity and competitiveness in their workforce. In addition, WDA informed guests present about the development of the Singapore Skills Framework for the aerospace sector, which is intended to give employers, current and prospective employees a good overview of the career progression track and skills needed to move up in their careers. At the end of the forum, guests were given the opportunity to tour the new hanger and facilities at the Temasek Aviation Academy.

    The AAIS would like to thank our sponsors, Temasek Polytechnic and FranklinCovey Division for their generous sponsorship, and to all speakers and participants for their support at this event.

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2015 (20 June 2015)

    The AAIS held its 11th edition of the annual bowling tournament at Orchid Bowl @ Safra Tampines on 20 June 2015. The tournament attracted a total of 30 teams from 20 organisations.


    Prize Winners
    Category Company Name Team Name Score
    Team Champion ST Aerospace Ltd ST Aero 3 2340
    1st Runner – Up Team Pratt & Whitney Canada (SEA) Pte Ltd PWC A 2241
    2nd Runner – Up Team Singapore Airline Ltd Singapore Airline 2148


    Category Company Name (Team Name) Name Score
    Best Male Individual ST Aerospace Ltd (ST Aero 3) David Tan 680
    Best Female Individual Pratt & Whitney Canada (Sea) Pte Ltd (PWC A) Amy Yong 603


    Highest Game Score Prize
    Session Company Team Name Name Game Score Pot
    Session 1
    SIA Engineering Company Ltd SIA Engineering Company Poh Siew Por 246 $70
    Session 1
    Pratt & Whitney Canada (SEA) Pte Ltd PWC A Amy Yong 224 $30
    Session 2
    ST Aerospace Ltd ST Aero 3 David Tan 265 $150
    Session 2
    ST Aerospace Ltd ST Aero 3 Metta Koh 217 $30


    Click here for the full tournament results.

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • AAIS Networking Session @ Orchard Hotel Singapore (21 May 2015)


    AAIS was proud to partner Orchard Hotel Singapore for the second HOST session in 2015. The networking event was held at the beautiful poolside of Orchard Hotel Singapore. The relaxing and cosy atmosphere encouraged the more than 30 guests to mingle and network with each other while enjoying the sumptuous food and drinks.

    The evening started off with a welcome address from Mr T Hastings Siegfried, Honorary Secretary of the AAIS Management Commitee, followed by remarks by Mr Richard Ong, General Manager of Orchard Hotel. The evening carried on with guests given a short tour of the hotel grounds.

    A Lucky draw session was conducted, with five lucky guests winning dining vouchers and hotel stays sponsored by the Millenium and Copthorne Group Singapore.

    The AAIS would like to thank Orchard Hotel Singapore, their dedicated team and all guests for making this HOST Session a memorable and lovely one!

  • IMDEX Asia 2015 (19 to 21 May 2015)

    In partnership with Experia Events, AAIS facilitated the Singapore Pavilion at this year’s International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (IMDEX Asia) held from 19 to 21 May 2015. The Singapore Pavilion consisted of 10 local organisations exhibiting their latest products, technological offerings and services, supported by funding from International Enterprise (IE) Singapore. AAIS was also present with a booth located within the pavilion.

    The 3-day event held at Changi Exhibition Centre is one of the top naval shows in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister of Defence, Singapore, graced the event at the Opening Ceremony as the Guest of Honor. Comprising an exhibition, strategic conferences and warships display, the event has gained recognition as a global platform for stakeholders from the military, government, industry and academia to address challenges facing the industry, co-create solutions, and update themselves on the latest trends and technologies. AAIS is pleased to have had the opportunity to be at the show, together with our 10 exhibitors under the Singapore Pavilion.

  • AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2015 (21 March 2015)


    The AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2015 was held on 21 March at Uber Sports East Coast. With a participation of 27 teams from 18 companies, the tournament achieved the best turn-out in its history. Assistant Honorary Treasurer of AAIS, Steve Price, gave a welcome address prior to lending his support to the players. In addition to the Team Champion, 1st and 2nd Runner-Up, a Most Valuable Player award was given to Abdul Kadir Hassan of SAESL for his outstanding performance.

    The winners are:

    Team Champion  Rolls-Royce (Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd)
    1st Runner-Up  TOS FC (Turbine Overhaul Services Pte Ltd)
    2nd Runner-Up  SAESL (Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd)
    Most Valuable Player  Abdul Kadir Hassan (SAESL)

    Click here for the full results!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • Airline E&M: Asia Pacific (4 & 5 March 2015)

    Organised by MRO Network, this event provided opportunity for key stakeholders in the aviation aftermarket from across the region and internationally to meet, network and arm themselves with the knowledge they need to position themselves for success.

    The two-day event held at Marina Mandarin Singapore saw high attendance of participants, attended the conference. There were more than 25 speakers from various esteemed organisations such as Werner Aero Services, Rolls-Royce and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore shared their insights at the conference.

    AAIS was present with a table-top and distributed both the latest issue of the AeroSpace Singapore magazine and Singapore Aerospace Suppliers Directory (SASD) 2015 to all conference attendees.

  • Global Security Asia (GSA)(3 to 5 March 2015)

    In partnership with GSA Exhibitions, AAIS facilitated the Singapore Pavilion which consisted of 25 local organisations supported by International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, exhibited their products and services at GSA 2015.  Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs graced the event at the Opening Ceremony as the Guest of Honour.

    The 3-day event held at Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre, hosted a large volume of visitors to the exhibition and conferences. AAIS had the great opportunity to be at the tradeshow, with a booth located within the Singapore Pavilion and get to see the showcase of local security and counter terrorism systems and technologies from around the world.

  • Aviation Festival Asia (12 & 13 February 2015)

    Aviation Festival Asia, a two-day event held its 11th edition in Singapore featuring 5 events in 1 show. The exhibition hosted more than 100 of new and innovative services, products and solutions which brought together the finest industry minds and delivered cutting edge thinking. The show was organised by Terrapinn.

    AAIS participated at the tradeshow and distributed her recently released biennial publication – Singapore Aerospace Suppliers Directory (SASD) 2015 to visitors and exhibitors. AAIS was pleased to see the success of this event that saw more than 1,000 visitors and there are plans to at least double the size of the show in the next edition.

  • HOST Session @ Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore (5 February 2015)


    The AAIS held its first HOST Session of 2015 on 5 February at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore. The HOST session brings members and the industry closer together in a relaxed environment with great food and refreshments. The HOST session also showcase the versatile event space and state of the art facilities that Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore offers.

    The evening started off with a welcome from Tin Ho, 2nd Vice President, AAIS followed by a short slide presentation by Kelvin Seah, Vice President, Sales and Marketing Asia, Millennium & Copthorne. Guests were then given a tour of the hotel’s serviced apartments, rooms and grounds.

    As Chinese New Year was round the corner, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Singapore conducted a Lo-Hei Session to wish all the attendees prosperity for the new year. Two lucky draw sessions was conducted and 10 lucky winners walked away with food vouchers and hotel stays sponsored by Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore. More than 20 guests were present at this HOST Session.

    The AAIS would like to thank Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore and all guests for making the first HOST Session of 2015 a success.

Events 2014
  • AAIS Community Day 2014 (2 December 2014)


    AAIS is proud to be partnering JTC Corporation (JTC) in hosting the AAIS Community Day 2014 at the Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP). The event was well attended by beneficiaries of Good Shepherd Student Care and MINDSville@Napiri and 47 participants from the aerospace industry.

    The event kicked off with the painting of hoarding murals followed by a pre-Christmas Party at t  he Seletar Country Club. The event concluded with the disbursement of Christmas presents to the beneficiaries.

    AAIS would like to thank the following companies for the sponsorship of this event:

    Aerosafe Pte Ltd Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd
    Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia Pte Ltd Safran Electronics Asia Pte Ltd
    CEVA Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd SIA Engineering Company
    JEP Precision Engineering Pte Ltd ST Aerospace Ltd
    MATCOR Technology & Services Pte Ltd Thales Solutions Asia Pte Ltd
    Messier Services Asia Pte Ltd Transfingo Pte Ltd
    NORDAM Singapore Pte Ltd Vector Aerospace Asia Pte Ltd
    RLC Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd Wah Son Pte Ltd

    AAIS would also like to thank JTC, the beneficiaries and all participants for making this event a successful one!

  • JEC Asia 2014 (17 to 19 November 2014)

    In collaboration with JEC Composites, AAIS supported the Singapore Pavilion, which consisted of eight local organisations exhibiting their products and services at JEC Asia 2014.

    The three-day event provided an opportunity for the exhibitors to showcase  the latest developments and services provided by their organisations. The event also provided a platform for both organisations and tertiary institutions to display and give live demonstrations of composite technology in application via their projects and products.

  • MRO Asia 2014 (4 to 6 November 2014)

    In partnership with Aviation Week, AAIS facilitated the Singapore Pavilion, which consisted of eight local organisations exhibiting their products and services at MRO Asia 2014.

    Mrs Josephine Teo, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport, graced the event on the second day as the Guest-of-Honour. She updated the audience on Singapore’s strategies to strengthen and expand its MRO industry, aftermarket services and manufacturing capabilities in her speech.

    The event hosted a large volume of visitors to the exhibition and conferences, which were conducted by esteemed guests, including speakers from overseas aerospace organisations. They shared their insights on topics such as Supply Chain Resiliency through Risk Assessment and Management and New Generation Aircraft Impact on MRO.

  • AAIS Annual 3-0n-3 Basketball Tournament 2014 (18 October 2014)

    The AAIS held its fourth 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament on 18 October 2014 at Fengshan Community Centre. The tournament received good response with a total of 18 teams from 9 aerospace organisations registered for the tournament.


    Team Champion CAS
    Component Aerospace Singapore Pte Ltd
    1st Runner-Up Team MUSTANG TEAM
    Messier Services Asia Pte Ltd
    2nd Runner-Up Team ZODIAC AEROSPACE
    Zodiac Aerospace Services Asia Pte Ltd
    Most Valuable Player Rabadan Jhamievel Campos

    Click here for the full results!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • AAIS HOST Networking Session @ Universal Studios Singapore (16 October 2014)


    AAIS is proud to partner Resort World Sentosa (RWS) in hosting the HOST networking session for the month of October! The networking session was well attended by 42 top professionals from the aerospace industry.

    The session kicked off with rides on two exciting attrractions in USS which are ”Lights, Camera, Action!” and ”TRANSFORMERS The Ride: The Ultimate 3D Battle”. It was followed by dinner and networking at KT’s Grill. RWS gave a short welcome and presented on their properties which included their upcoming hotel at Jurong Lake. There was a short quiz after the presentation and RWS gave away weekend hotel stays and entertainment vouchers to the lucky winners.

    AAIS would like to thank Resort World Sentosa and all participants for in making this a successful HOST Session.

  • 12th Annual General Meeting & Singapore AeroIndustry Annual Meeting 2014 (25 September 2014)


    Held on 25 September 2014 at the Singapore Aviation Academy, the 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) commenced with a welcome address by

    AAIS’ President Mr Charles Chong. Mr Chong gave his heartfelt thanks to Mr Fergus D. Lopez, Ms Angeline Bilodeau, Mr Chris Davie and Mr Ng Kim Keng who have stepped down from the Management Committee.

    He presented a token of appreciation to Mr Lopez, who had been AAIS’ Honorary Secretary since 2005, for his dedicated and committed service. He also announced that AAIS had recovered from a position of deficit and achieved a significant boost in its financial standing, which the Association will continue to serve its members and aerospace organisations through the development of enhanced services.

    Mr Adrian Plevin, AAIS’ Assistant Honorary Secretary, conducted a presentation on the developments and activities of AAIS for the previous financial year. Certificates were subsequently presented to the new members of AAIS and the three and five year Long Service Awards were presented to Secretariat staff.

    The Singapore AeroIndustry Annual Meeting (AIAM) 2014 was held after the AGM. The event brought the aerospace industry together for a day of senior-level knowledge-sharing and networking, providing participants with useful information and ideas to implement in their respective organisations.

    Mr David Stewart, Vice President of ICF International, presented on the Competitiveness Assessment for Singapore’s Aviation MRO Industry. Appointed by AAIS, ICF International was the consulting firm to undertake the study, which aimed to gauge Singapore’s MRO competitiveness and to identify specific key capabilities and infrastructural gaps that need to be filled for the successful development of Singapore’s MRO industry.

    Mr Stewart also shared on the outlook of the Asia Pacific MRO market in 2015. Dr Yip Yuen Cheong, Executive Vice President, Aerospace Engineering & Manufacturing of ST Aerospace, presented on the changing competition in the global aerospace market and what that means for companies in Singapore. The event was concluded with a presentation by Mr Soh Chee Siong, CEO of JEP Precision Engineering, who shared on staying relevant and competitive in the global market.

  • AAIS HOST Networking Session @ New Asia Bar, Swissotel The Stamford (28 August 2014)


    AAIS is proud to partner Swissotel The Stamford and Fairmont Singapore in hosting the networking session for the month of August! The networking session was held at New Asia Bar, 70th level of Swissotel The Stamford, was well attended by 60 top professionals from the aerospace industry.

    The session kicked off with a welcome address from Ms Lim Joo Hoo, AAIS Management Committee Member. It was followed by a short introduction by Scott Murray, Hotel Manager of Fairmont Singapore. The participants took a tour around the the two hotels to view the hotels’ suites and facilities.

    Swissotel The Stamford and Fairmont Singapore sponsored weekend hotel stays and dining vouchers for the lucky draw.

    AAIS would like to thank Swissotel The Stamford, Fairmont Singapore and all participants in allowing the HOST Session to be a fantastic one.

  • Annual Aerospace Human Resource Forum (15 August 2014)

    Held at the at Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI), this annual forum was organised as a platform for HR Professionals from Aerospace Companies to network, and to provide them with insights and tools to help manage the human capital process for the betterment of their organisation.

    This year, we are proud to have 6 speakers from Dale Carnegie Training, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, Singapore Aviation Academy, HRBoss and Standard Chartered Bank. The speakers shared with us on topics that included managing a diversified workforce, to better handle the expectations of employees and at the same time raise employees’ productivity through trainings and utilizing of new systems for better workforce planning.

    There are more than 40 attendees from various Aerospace Companies that registered for the event.

    The AAIS would like to thank our sponsors, Dale Carnegie Training and Standard Chartered Bank for their sponsorship support.

  • Aero Challenge 2014 (30 July 2014)


    In partnership with Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), Aero Challenge 2014 was organised for secondary school students on 30 July 2014. With participation from more than 70 teams from various secondary schools, the turnout of the event more than doubled the previous year’s.

    The aim of the competition was to design and fly a quadcopter that could pick and drop a payload at designated obstacles. Trained by NP student mentors, teams consisted of a pilot, co-pilot and an air traffic controller. The pilots were in charge of controlling the quadcopter using a flight application on either their smartphone or tablet, while the air traffic controller navigated and issued directional instructions to the pilots.

    The competition was an enriching and exciting experience for the students, as they learned to employ creativity in designing their quadcopters, while acquiring technical skills and knowledge in radio-controlled flying.



    School of Science and Technology (Team 4)

    Northbrooks Secondary School (Team D)

    Bendemeer Secondary School (Team 1)
    School of Science and Technology (Team 3)
    Northbrooks Secondary School (Team E)
    Woodlands Ring Secondary School (Team 3)

    The winning teams were invited by AAIS to attend site visits to 5 aerospace organisations, which include Jet Aviation (Asia Pacific), Meggitt Aerospace, P&W Component Solutions, RLC Group (Singapore) and ST Aerospace Engineering on 4 September 2014.

    Students had the opportunity to learn more about the technology behind modern aircraft and components, and also about the different facets of the local  aerospace industry. We would like to express our appreciation to the organisations in their effort in continuing the Next Generation Aviation Professionals (NGAP) initiative by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).


  • Singapore Aerospace Awards 2014 (10 July 2014)

    The Singapore Aerospace Awards 2014 Gala Dinner took place on 10 July 2014. It was held at InterContinental Singapore, Grand Ballroom. The event was graced by Mrs Josephine Teo, Senior Minister of State for the Ministry of Finance and for the Ministry of Transport.

    More than 320 guests attended the dinner and 23 prestigious Awards were handed out to winners from the different Award categories.

    Once again, AAIS would like to congratulate all Award winners and thank our sponsors.

    Click here for the results!

    Click here to view the splendid photos taken during the Awards!

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2014 (21 June 2014)

    The AAIS held its 10th Annual Bowling Tournament at Orchid Bowl @ SAFRA Tampines on 21 June 2014. The tournament attracted a total of 32 teams from 19 organisations.


    Team Score
    Team Champion PWC A 2254
    1st Runner-up Mega Ark (SIA Group) 2212
    2nd Runner-up ST Aero 1 2109


    Name Score
    Best Individual (Male) Sean Goh (Satair Team 1) 632
    Best Individual (Female) Amy Yong (PWC A) 563


    High Game Score:

    Name Score Pot
    Session 1 (Male) Low Weng Leong (PWC B) 227 $110
    Session 1 (Female) Insufficient Pot Money
    Session 2 (Male) Sean Goh(Satiar Team 1) 257 $150
    Session 2 (Female) Metta Koh (ST Aero 1) 201 $50

    Click here for the full bowling tournament results.

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • Dialogue with FAA Manager, Mr Hardie DeGuzman (22 May 2014)

    The AAIS is pleased to host Mr Hardie DeGuzman and his team from the LA International Field Office and FAA American Embassy – Singapore for a dialogue with the Singapore based FAA Part 145 Repair Stations.

    The half-day session was attended by 51 attendees from 32 companies at the AAIS AeroHub. Some of the questions asked were related to the Transport Security Administration (TSA) area of authority.

    Mr Michael Daniel, Senior Technical Advisor to the AAIS presented and gave his take on the International Perspective of Aircraft Parts.

    We would like to thank Mr Hardie DeGuzman and his team for their time and presence at this dialogue. Our sincere appreciation also goes to Aviation Insight Pte Ltd for sponsoring the tea-break.

  • EASA Regulatory Updates Session (19 May 2014)

    The CAA International (CAAi) partnered with the AAIS to hold a half-day EASA Regulatory Updates Session at the Lifelong Learning Institute on 19 May 2014. 140 attendees from 60 companies from the South East Asia aerospace industry attended the session. The event ended with a Q&A session and the attendees took time to network with the CAAi team.

    At the beginning of the year, the EASA issued a new set of ‘User Guidance Documents for all Overseas Foreign Part -145 Organisations’. The team from the CAAi South East Asia Office decided that a presentation to the industry would be useful and would help clear any doubts and uncertainties faced by companies.

    We would like to express our appreciation to the CAAi team, Mr Chris Gabay, Mr Derek Gordon, Mr Paul McCartney and Mr Gary Pilon for the insightful presentation. We would also like to express our appreciation ST Aerospace Ltd and the Lifelong Learning Institute for their kind sponsorship.

  • Anti-Bribery Workshop with TRACE International (28 April 2014)

    TRACE International partnered with the AAIS to hold a one-day anti-bribery training workshop at The Fullerton Hotel. With over 110 registrants comprising members of the business and compliance community, based in Singapore and around the region, the workshop ended with a networking evening hosted by TRACE.

    A broad range of topics were covered, including:

    • What constitutes bribery under international conventions, foreign laws (FCPA and the UK Bribery Act) and local law
    • How companies are handling the difficult issue of anti-bribery third party due diligence
    • Effective strategies for developing an anti-bribery compliance program
    • Challenges posed by the proliferation of international anti-bribery conventions and recent anti-corruption enforcement actions in Asia
    • The cost of ignoring local and international anti-bribery laws: criminal penalties and business costs

    TRACE provides an end-to-end, cost-effective and practical solution for anti-bribery and third party compliance. TRACE International, the leading anti-bribery standard setting business association, pools resources to provide members with technology-enabled compliance tools and an expansive knowledge center.

  • AeroBusiness Mission to Germany (7 to 11 April 2014)

    28 delegates formed this mission trip to Germany that encompassed a visit to the Aircraft Interior Expo, conference and exhibition, held from the 7 to 10 April.  A total of 12 companies participated excluding the representatives from the AAIS and government agencies, such as CAAS, IE Singapore and SPRING, who were present to continuously lend support to the local industry and the companies who are looking to continue exploring opportunities in aircraft interior industry.

    The programme began with a full day conference on the 7 April. The morning delved into airline perspectives of the future and the challenges ahead that are charted by the new directions to differentiate the passenger experience. Concurrent breakout sessions, were held in the afternoon on two topics – IFE and Hospitality & Service.  The conference concluded with an evening industry networking party, filled with good food and drink within the same venue as the conference.

    Over the next two days of the exhibition, the delegates were free to walk the show ground and arrange meetings with the exhibitors. Notably, the team were hosted at their booth by Diehl Aerospace, Hanse Aerospace, Hamburg Aviation, JAMCO and ST Aerospace. Introductions to key personnel and a short tour, where possible, at their booths took place.

    The remainder of the mission programme comprised of site visits to the Hamburg Centre of Avation Training (HCAT) and the Airbus plant in Hamburg. At the HCAT, the tour was led by Prof Gordon Konieczny within the HCAT building and cabin labs to learn about the how the centre is supported and funded by the industry and institutes, includeing a look at their training facilities and the courses available. Lunch was also kindly hosted by the HCAT.

    A three-hour long guided tour on foot was one of the highlights of the trip, where the team got an insight to manufacturing facilities and the final assembly of the A320s.

  • AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2014 (22 March 2014)

    The AAIS held its annual Futsal Tournament on 22 March 2014. This year saw the best turn-out in the AAIS Futsal Tournament’s history with a total of 23 teams from 16 organisations.

    The winners are:

    Team Champion Rolls-Royce 2 (Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd)
    1st Runner-Up Team SIAEC (SIA Engineering Company)
    2nd Runner-Up Team Liebherr (Liebherr-Singapore Pte Ltd)
    Most Valuable Player Bruno Visoto (Embraer Asia Pacific Pte Ltd)

    Click here for the full results!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • Singapore Airshow (11 to 16 February 2014)


    In this 4th edition of the Singapore Airshow, over 40,000 trade visitors visited the show during the first three trade days, of which a third were from overseas. 31 organisations, each taking up at least a 12 square meter space, showcased their products and services, by exhibiting under the Singapore Pavilion.  The organisations are:

    ACP Metal Finishing Pte Ltd ST-Airport Services Pte Ltd
    Aerotech Supplies Pte Ltd Stratech Systems Limited
    Air Transport Training College United Aviation (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    Airtec Corporation (Asia) WingsOverAsia Pte Ltd
    Aviosupport HOPE Technik
    Coway Engineering & Marketing Pte Ltd NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
    Dynamic C4 Pte Ltd Nitto Denko (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    Global Sourcing Services Pte Ltd Ryca Pte Ltd
    JCS-VANETEC PTE LTD Stream Peak International
    Kim Ann Engineering Pte Ltd Tyco Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd
    MAJ Aviation Blue Waves Flight Simulations Pte Ltd
    Flight Focus Pte Ltd NDT Instruments Pte Ltd
    Power Force Technologies Pte Ltd Yusen Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    SCS Technologies Pte Ltd TME Systems Pte Ltd
    Seco Tools (SEA) Pte Ltd Tri-Wing Aviation Resources Pte Ltd

    The Singapore pavilion is supported by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and IE Singapore and bore the ‘ Singapore: Heart of Aviation’ branding for the first time at the Singapore Airshow. An overhead hanging structure, booth décor and giveaways featured to promote Singapore as the aviation hub of choice.

    Learn more at

    Warmly welcomed by the pavilion exhibtors, Mrs Josephine Teo (Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Transport) spent the morning touring the pavilion on the morning of the opening day, speaking to the companies on their business, capabilities and give hands on demonstrations in the technologies they were promoting to the industry.

    On 12th February, the Australian Pavilion was the venue for the signing of the Memorandum of Collaboration (MOC) between the AAIS and the Aviation/ Aerospace Audtralia (AA/A). The AAIS President, Mr Charles Chong and AA/A Chairman, Mr Adam Bruford were present to formally sign the MOC, witnessed by the Australian High Commisioner, Mr Philip Green and AAIS 1st Vice President, Ms Kham Joon Wui. The MOC hopes to enhance understaning of indsutry capabilities, knowledge exchange and encourage business relationships in both industries.

  • Aerospace Industry Induction Programme (AIIP) 2014 (14 February 2014)

    The AIIP 2014 is the 4th edition organised by the AAIS, CAAS and EDB with the aim of attracting the Next Generation of Aerospace Professionals (NGAP) to join and be part of this industry. One of the highlights of the AIIP is a visit to the Singapore Airshow. This opportunity is one that presents to students the extent and magnitude of the global aerospace industry and Singapore’s position as the leading aerospace hub in Asia.

    A total of 839 students from 13 institutions (Bendemeer Secondary School, Hillgrove Secondary School, Northbrooks Secondary School, North Vista Secondary School, Northland Secondary School, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University of Technology and Design) attended the AIIP on 14 February 2014, were accompanied by the CAAS Youth Aviation Ambassadors (YAAs) and their teachers/lecturers.

    Goodie bags included the latest AeroCareer Guide 2014/15, AeroSpace Singapore Magazine – the Singapore Airshow issue. AIIP Programme Booklet (with guided route), AIIP Student Quiz, AIIP Remove-before-flight keychain were distributed to the students.

    The students were encouraged to complete a quiz in exchange for an AIIP Pen Set, and to capture images of Singapore Airshow and post on social media with the hashtag #AIIP_SG in order to win a limited edition aircraft model.

  • HOST Session @ Grand Park City Hall (9 January 2014)


    The first HOST Session of 2014 was held on 9 January and the location was the beautiful Beer Tavern at Grand Park City Hall. Guests were encouraged to mingle and network with each other in this relaxed and comfortable setting complete with good food and great company.

    The evening started off with a welcome from Tin Ho, 2nd Vice President, AAIS followed by a short slide presentation by Jordan Lee, Senior Sales Manager, Grand Park City Hall. The evening carried on with the guests given a tour of the hotel’s suites and grounds.

    A lucky draw session was conducted and 3 lucky winners walked away with food vouchers and hotel stays sponsored by Grand Park City Hall. More than 30 guests were present at this HOST Session.

    The AAIS would like to thank Grand Park City Happy and all guests for making the first HOST Session of 2014 a success.

Events 2013
  • Singapore WSH Legislation & Liabilities Seminar (9 December 2013)

    The AAIS organised the Workplace Safety and Health Legislation & Liabilities Seminar with our partner, International Safety Resource Centre (ISRC) on 9 December 2013. The seminar was held at the AAIS AeroHub, it was attended by 20 participants from 11 aerospace companies.

    The session was conducted by Mr Shahbudin Othman, an experienced HSE Consultant & Trainer for various industries. Shah had previously assisted the Ministry of Manpower in conducting investigations related to marine, shipbuilding and ship repairing industry.

    With the rising cases of fatalities that were due to Work-at-height accidents in Singapore, the session allows the participants to better understand their responsibilities as an employer towards the safety and health of the employees. A detailed presentation of the Workplace Safety and Health Act which includes the duties of all persons at workplaces, safety and health arrangements that can be made for the employees, the various offences under the Act and the penalties of these individual offences.

    The AAIS would like to thank all participants for their presence and engaging discussion.

  • EDB-JTC Engagement Session (15 November 2013)


    The AAIS organised the EDB-JTC Engagement Session on 15 November 2013. About 46 attendees took the opportunity to engage with Ms Glory Wee, Head of Transport Engineering, Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). She gave an update of the Singapore Aerospace Industry and Seletar Aerospace Park. Also present at the session was Mr Edwin Ho, Deputy Director , Aerospace Department, JTC Corporation who helped to answer questions related to Seletar Aerospace Park.

    We would like to thank the supporting organisations, EDB and JTC for being a part of this Engagement Session.

  • MRO Asia 2013 (29 to 31 October 2013)

    The AAIS in partnership with Aviation Week, supported the Singapore Pavilion which consisted of five Singapore registered companies who were there to showcase their products and services.

    This year’s event saw a good mix of conferences and exhibitors from all over the world. Senior Minister of State, Mrs Josephine Teo, Ministry of Finance and Transport graced the Opening Ceremony on the first day.

  • Manufacturing Excellence in the Aerospace Industry (3 October 2013)

    The AAIS in collaboration with Hitachi Sunway Information Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, held the Sharing Session – “Manufacturing Excellence in the Aerospace Industry” on 3 October 2013. The Session covered two topics – “Leveraging Smart Solutions to Best Run CNC Machines in Aerospace Industry” and “Tool-Path Optimisation applied to Aerospace Manufacturing Industry”.

    Mr. Eric Lemaire, Asia Pacific Manager, SPRING Technologies presented and shared on many subjects, such as, how manufacturing solutions can be integrated to secure their aerospace parts, how CNC Machines productivity can be improved, and how machine tool life can be improved via tool-path optimisation.

    The session saw participants from 8 organisations. The AAIS would like to thank Mr Lemaire and all the participants for their presence and support to this session, making it a success.

  • HOST Session @ The Lookout Gallery at Village Hotel Katong (3 October 2013)


    AAIS members and invited guests from the aerospace industry were invited to another HOST Session @The Lookout Gallery at Village Hotel Katong. The location provided a nice atmosphere which set the mood for our guests to network and mingle with each other.

    The evening began with a warm greeting speech by Fergus Lopez, Management Committee, the AAIS and was followed by a welcome address from Steven Tang, General Manager, Far East Property Sales Business Group.

    Guests were treated to great food, wine and soothing jazz performances throughout the evening. There were two lucky draw sessions and seven lucky winners walked away with food vouchers and hotel stays sponsored by Far East Organization.

    More than 60 attendees from various aerospace organisations were present at this event.

    The AAIS would like to thank Far East Organisation and all guests for making the HOST Session @ Village Katong Hotel a success.

  • FAA Aging Aircraft EWIS Best Practices (24 September 2013)

    “FAA Aging Aircraft EWIS Best Practices” Sharing Session was presented by Michael Daniel, Senior Technical Adviser, AAIS, on 24 September 2013. 38 participants from the aerospace industry were present at this Sharing Session.

    Aging issues in wiring system surfaced as wiring safety concerns were raised due to accidents & incidents, and common degrading factors in airplane electrical wiring systems found through investigations by various stakeholders.

    As such, the session covered various aspects in conjunction with these rising issues. These included industry practices, and policies pertaining to Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS).

    The AAIS was proud to host and organise this fruitful session, and would like to thank all participants and Michael Daniel for their active participation and support.

  • 11th Annual General Meeting (19 September 2013)

    The AAIS held our 11th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 19 September 2013 at Singapore Aviation Academy. This AGM was an exciting one as it was an election year. Charter and Ordinary Members were allowed to vote and decide which candidates will form the 9th AAIS Management Committee.

    Charles Chong, President, AAIS gave a warm welcome to all members and introduced the AAIS’s new Chief Executive, Kenneth Ang. Charles encouraged all members to give their support to the Association and to its new Chief Executive.

    Fergus Lopez, Honorary Secretary, AAIS presented about the past work year’s initiatives and activities that the Association organised. He also shared about the successes and challenges that the Association had experienced in the past year. Fergus highlighted to everyone present that the AAIS is growing and that we do need our members’ continued support and assistance wherever applicable.

    Steve Price, Honorary Treasurer, AAIS also shared about the financial health and status of the Association for the past year. He acknowledged and appreciated the support that the members have given thus far.

    The elections took place after the presentations and it went through smoothly without any complications. The new 9th Management Committee was shortly elected soon after. The AGM concluded with the presentation of Certificates to New members that joined the Association the past year.

    The AAIS would like to congratulate all newly elected Management Committee members and thank all attendees who took the time to be present during our AGM. More than 60 people were present at this meeting.

  • Asia-Pacific Aerospace Quality Group (APAQG) General Assembly (13 September 2013)


    The AAIS and the APAQG co-organised the first APAQG General Assembly in Singapore on 13 September 2013 at Singapore Aviation Academy. More than 95 quality personnel from various Aerospace Companies were present at the event.

    The event aimed to share how organisations can benefit in the adoption and application of Aerospace Standards – AS9100 series as part of their quality management system. The Assembly also provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to network. and discover how each organisation can influence the Standards through voluntary participation in the APAQG activities.

    Mr Hiroyuki Jikei, APAQG Sector Lead and his team of APAQG representatives presented about “The Next Revision of 9100” and “MRO Relationship Growth Strategy”. Mr Tan Kah Han, Director Airworthiness & Flight Operations Division, CAAS delivered the Keynote Address. Guest speakers from ST Aerospace Ltd and Det Norske Veritas (DNV) were present and shared about the experiences and challenges faced in the AS certification journey.

    The Asia-Pacific Aerospace Quality Group is one of the three main arms of the IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group). The IAQG is committed to achieve significant performance improvements in Quality, Delivery and Cost for the aerospace industry, through the development of standards, industry oversight and guidance materials for use throughout the supply chain.

    The AAIS and APAQG would like to thank all attendees and guest speakers for making the first APAQG General Assembly in Singapore a successful event.

  • Aero Challenge 2013 (29 August 2013)


    The AAIS partnered with Ngee Ann Polytechnic to organise the Aero Challenge 2013 on 29 August 2013. Aero Challenge 2013 is a country-wide aerospace competition opened to all secondary school students to help them find out more about radio-controlled flying.

    The objective of the competition was to create, design and fly a quadcopter that could pick and drop a payload at designated obstacles.

    30 teams participated in Aero Challenge 2013. Students were required to form a team of 3. Each team consist of a ‘pilot’ and ‘co-pilot’ and ‘air traffic controller’. The pilots were in charge of controlling the quadcopter using a flight app on either their phone or tablet gadgets while the ‘air traffic controller’ navigates and gives directional instructions to the pilots.

    The competition provided an enriching yet fun-filled experience for the students as they learned to explore and work their design initiative and creativity, while acquiring new technical skills and knowledge in radio-controlled flying.


    Gold Team Soar (Northbrooks Secondary School)
    Silver Team YOLO (Northland Secondary School)
    Bronze Team JSS Flyers (Jurong Secondary School)
    Team J.I.ZY (Evergreen Secondary School)
    Team EVG Arrows (Evergreen Secondary School)
    Team CCHY1 (Chung Cheng High School)
    Best Design Award Team RC Saints Flying Club (Saint Andrew’s Secondary School)

    Both Gold and Silver medalists will be attending the Singapore Airshow 2014 as part of the bi-ennial AeroIndustry Induction Programme (AIIP) organised by the AAIS and our partners.

  • AAIS Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament (17 August 2013)

    The AAIS organised its third annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on 17 August 2013 at Fengshan Community Centre.

    A total of 14 teams from 8 organisations in the aerospace industry participated in the tournament this year.

    CAS emerged Team Champion. The first and second runners-up went to Eagles and TANDERS respectively.


    Team Champion CAS (Component Aerospace Singapore Pe Ltd)
    1st Runner-up Eagles (Pratt & Whitney Canada (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd)
    2nd Runner-up TANDERS (Messier Services Asia Pte Ltd)
    Most Valuable Player Liao Shiming (from Eagles)

    Click here for the full results!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • AS9100 Series Sharing Session (13 August 2013)

    The AAIS organised a Sharing Session on the Aerospace Standards Series on 13 August 2013. The event was held at the AAIS AeroHub, with more than 32 participants present.

    The sharing session introduced the AS9100 Series Quality Management System, with information on the requirements and benefits of certification like how costs can be reduced, and how quality of products can be raised in an AS9100 series environment. An overview of the Aerospace Certification Process was also shared and this included recommendation on how organisations can start their Aerospace Standards projects, what kind of funding is available and the requirements for eligible applicants.

    The session ended with a tea reception and participants took the opportunity to network. The AAIS would like to thank Bureau Veritas for sponsoring the session, Mr Seah and Mr Goh for taking time off from their busy schedules to speak and to all participants for making this event a success.

    Organisations interested in the Aerospace Certification Enhancement Scheme (ACES), which defrays up to 35% (capped at S$25,000) of your consultancy fee and certification cost for adopting AS certification, may contact the AAIS at

  • Aviation Open House 2013 (25 to 27 July 2013)


    The AAIS was present at the Aviation Open House (AOH) 2013 and this will mark the third time that the AAIS has been invited by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore to be involved in this event. The AOH was held at Max Atria, Singapore Expo from 25 to 27 July 2013.

    The theme for AOH 2013 was “Discover the Heart of Aviation” and the event aimed to bring the aviation industry together to reach out to our youths. AOH showcased  many facets of the Singapore aviation industry, detailing the events and technology which makes Singapore a vibrant, connected and leading aviation hub of choice.

    Highlights of the event included the Central Showcase (which feature the six aviation sector profiles), aviation recruitment fair, simulator displays and interactive games, such as radio-controlled helicopters.

    The event saw more than 45 aviation-related organisations, institutions of higher learning (IHLs) and trade associations <participating as exhibitors and more than 5,000 visitors visited AOH 2013.

    The AAIS is honoured to be a part of AOH 2013, as engaging the Next Generation have been one of the important aspect for the future of the aerospace industry in Singapore.

  • Annual Aerospace Human Resource Forum (5 July 2013)

    The Annual Aerospace Human Resource Forum took place on 5 July 2013. This forum was organised as part of the AAIS’s efforts in continuing the Next Generation Aviation Professionals (NGAP) initiative by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

    Cheryl Liew-Chng, CEO,  LifeWorkz Pte Ltd presented on thought-provoking topics such as, “The Ideal Employee for the 20th Century vs the Ideal Employee for the 21st Century” and “Enablers and Blockers to Women Entering the Industry”. The attendees were encouraged to engage in active discussions throughout the session.

    Cheryl also shared that organisations must rethink their human resource management strategies in order to stay competitive in the war for talents especially in the face of shifting demographics.

    More than 40 attendees from various Aerospace Companies were present at the event.

    The AAIS would like to thank all participants and Cheryl Liew-Chng for making the Annual Aerospace Human Resource Forum a successful event.

  • JEC Asia 2013 (25 to 27 June 2013)

    The AAIS supported JEC Asia 2013 at Suntec Singapore. The AAIS fronted the Singapore Pavilion which comprised 11 local companies that displayed their products and services.

    This time, we were also given the opportunity to present about the Singapore aerospace industry at the Aeronautics Conference, which is part of the Innovative Composites Summit (I.C.S). Thomas Kennedy, Interim Chief Executive shared about the growth of the Singapore aerospace industry and the role that the Association plays in this area.

    I.C.S held at JEC Asia 2013 is the only summit in the Asia-Pacific region that gathers the widest range of technical papers, composites experts and qualified industry delegates in one single event. The Summit is part of the JEC global forum where business intelligence and technical content is showcased to promote the use of composite solutions around the world.

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2013 (15 June 2013)

    The AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament was held at Orchid Bowl @ Orchid Country Club. The tournament attracted a total of 32 teams from 19 organisations.


    Team Score
    Team Champion SIAEC 1 2113
    1st Runner-up ST Aero 1 2066
    2nd Runner-up ST Aero 3 1924


    Name Score
    Best Individual (Male) P Samugam (SIAEC 1) 606
    Best Individual (Female) Ramona (HSUNPAC 2) 510

    Kenny Lee, from team SIAEC 1, with a score of 234, won the Highest Game Score Prize (Male), while Ramona from team HSUNPAC 2, with a score of 179 won the Highest Game Score Prize (Female).

    The AAIS would like to express our appreciation to Windsor Airmotive Asia for being one of our sponsors. A big thank you to all participants and supporters for their enthusiastic involvement in this annual event.

    Click here for the full bowling tournament results.

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • Innovation Culture and Change Management in Engineering Organisations (31 May 2013)

    The AAIS in collaboration with Organisational Development Concepts (ODC), organised a successful seminar titled, “Innovation Culture and Change Management in Engineering Organisations” for the aerospace industry. Some of the organisations who were present included, Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd, Wah Son Engineering, and Singapore Institute of Technology.

    Guest Lecturer Professor Stephen Armstrong, an award winning professional engineer from the University of Toronto, covered macro-business environment and how innovations are leading industry transformation. Professor Armstrong used examples and case studies from engineering organisations. There was also a discussion on how to overcome resistance to change, and how the management of the innovation process can be improved further.

    The seminar served as a platform for aerospace companies to have a better understanding of how innovation can be managed to become a possible competitive advantage for their organisations.

    The AAIS is proud to be the organiser of this event. We would also like to thank all participants, ODC, and Professor Armstrong for their presence and participation.

  • AAIS Networking Event @ Seletar Country Club (28 May 2013)


    AAIS Members and industry friends were treated to a wonderful evening under the stars at the AAIS Networking Event @ Seletar Country Club on 28 May 2013. Seletar provided the perfect setting for attendees to network and socialise throughout the evening.

    Guests were warmly greeted and welcomed by Thomas Kennedy, Interim Chief Executive of AAIS, and Anthony Leong, General Manager, Seletar Country Club. Accompanied by good food and wine, attendees mingled with each other, and the evening drew to a close with a Lucky Draw Session. Three lucky guests walked away with gifts sponsored by Seletar Country Club and Profiters International.

    More than 60 attendees turned up for this spectacular event. Attendees from various aerospace companies who were present included Rolls-Royce Singapore, Liebherr-Singapore, and NORDAM Singapore.

    The AAIS would like to thank Seletar Country Club and Profiters International for their generous support towards making the AAIS Networking Event @ Seletar Country Club a success.

  • Strategic Foresight via Scenario Planning: A Preview for Senior & Middle Management (17 May 2013)

    The AAIS organised the “Strategic Foresight via Scenario Planning: A Preview for Senior & Middle Management” on 17 May 2013 at the AAIS AeroHub. This sharing session was introduced due to the recent world events which have challenged us to anticipate changes in the international business and government landscapes for competitive edge.

    The session touched on key points, such as the roles of the Government, SMEs and MNCs in Strategic Foresight, as well as the demonstrations of the Technique in Action. The session was delivered by Eapen George and Wilson Fyffe. Eapen is a Consulting Strategist with over 30 years of experience in strategic and enterprise consulting, and Wilson, a Consulting Futurist with a deep rooted background in Corporate Planning.

    The AAIS would like to thank all the participants for taking time off their busy schedules to attend the sharing session, as well as the speakers for sharing on their expertise.

  • 20% Productivity Improvements in 2 Months (9 May 2013)

    The AAIS invited AGI – Goldratt Institute to share about “20% Productivity Improvements in 2 Months” at the AAIS AeroHub. About 15 attendees from various aerospace organisations were present at the session. These included Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd, ST Aerospace Engineering Pte Ltd and Flight Data Services from the United Kingdom.

    Dr Eric DeSmet, President, Avraham Goldratt Institute gave a presentation on improving 20% productivity in 2 months. He touched on several key points such as introducing the TOC Operational Model to improve system’s performance and how the operational model can help to deliver sustainable bottom-line improvements.

    Throughout the session, participants were given the opportunity to interact with Dr DeSmet. The session ended with a short networking session where participants mingled.

    The AAIS would like to thank Dr DeSmet for taking time off his busy schedule to be here with us and also AGI – Goldratt Institute for their kind support towards the event.

  • Taking Your ROI to the Next Level with the Latest Aerospace Technology (5 March 2013)

    The AAIS held this workshop – ‘Taking Your ROI to the Next Level with the Latest Aerospace Technology’ at Crown Plaza, Changi Airport.

    Frank McLoughlin, Director, Solution Engineers-SEA, Epicor Software Corporation discussed about automating the compliance process and meeting the ISO9001 requirements. He also spoke about managing bids, cost control on projects, and how to improve lead times and reduce waste with lean methodologies.

    The AAIS would like to thank Epicor Software Corporation for sponsoring the event.

  • AeroBusiness Mission to Malaysia (Iskandar) (12 April 2013)


    The AAIS organised an AeroBusiness Mission trip to Malaysia (Iskandar) and it was well-received by more than 30 participants from the aerospace industry.

    The participants visited Malaysia’s Nusajaya region which comprises Legoland, Kota Iskandar, Medini, Educity, Indoor Theme Park Pinewoods, Puteri Harbour and Iconic Development Surrounding.

    Yeap Kok Peng, Vice President, Marketing & Investment, Iskandar Regional Development Authority gave an insightful presentation of the region’s recent developments and progress. Hariss Abdullah, Assistant General Manager, Commercial, Senai Airport Terminal Services Sdn. Bhd. shared about Senai Airport Aviation Park’s development.

    The participants also visited two aerospace companies – Aerospace Partners Engineering Sdn. Bhd. and C&A Aviation Sdn. Bhd.

    We would like to thank Iskandar Regional Development Authority and Senai Airport Terminal Services Sdn. Bhd. for their support and all participants in making this Mission a success.

  • AAIS Annual Futsal Tournament 2013 (23 March 2013)

    The AAIS kicked-off its 3rd Futsal Tournament on 23 March 2013 at Sports Planet East Coast. This year saw a total of 17 teams from 13 aerospace companies competing for the coveted challenge trophy.


    Congratulations to all winners!

    Team Champion SAESL
    (Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd)
    Team 1st Runner-Up UTAS (GASCA)
    (UTC Aerospace Systems – Goodrich Aerostructures Services Center Asia)
    Team 2nd Runner-Up Thales FC
    (Thales Solutions Asia Pte Ltd)
    Most Valuable Player Muhammad Khidhir Bin Saemon
    Thales FC – Thales Solutions Asia Pte Ltd

    Kudos to all participants for a game well played!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • “Doing Business with New Zealand” Sharing Session (25 January 2013)


    The AAIS and New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) co-organised the “Doing Business with New Zealand’s Aerospace Industry” sharing session on 25 January 2013. The event – an AeroOutreach initiative – was held at the AAIS AeroHub.

    John Nicholson, Chief Executive, Aviation New Zealand – the session’s featured speaker – shared about New Zealand’s internationally competitive aviation capabilities. He focused on the unique skills that complement Singapore’s aviation capabilities and how both countries’ aviation industries can work together to attain mutual benefits.

    About 20 attendees from various aerospace organisations were present at the sharing session.

    “New Zealand companies are open for collaborations and can provide prompt delivery on tooling, fabrication, calibration, training, aircraft component supply like component wire hardness, airport infrastructure etc.”

    For more information, please contact Jerard Lim from NZTE at or +65 6572 4367.

  • Management of Innovation Sharing Session (25 January 2013)

    The Management of Innovation Sharing Session was organised by the AAIS, in collaboration with our partner, Organisational Development Concepts (ODC).

    The event saw about 20 senior aerospace professionals, as well as representatives from the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), participating in an interactive video conference at the AAIS AeroHub.

    The two-hour session led by Professor Stephen C. Armstrong (from the US) was aimed at gaining feedback from companies on the “Management of Innovation” training programme which will be rolled out in the months to come. It also provided an interesting platform for participants to exchange insights.

    Organisations interested to find out more about the course can email to

  • Don’t be grief STRICKEN: Top causes of workplace accidents in the Aero Industry (24 January 2013)

    In line with the AAIS’s Year of AeroSafety, the AAIS organised a safety talk – ‘Don’t be grief STRICKEN: Top causes of workplace injury in the Aero Industry’ on 24 January 2013.

    At the session, Vincent Lee, WSH Inspector, Ministry of Manpower shared about the Common Hazards in the Aero Industry. From the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC), Emily Ng and Alex Quek presented the various schemes companies can tap on to improve workplace safety and health. Eady Ng from the Singapore Business Federation spoke on ‘Resilience – the winning formulae for your organisation’.

    The AAIS would like to thank all speakers for taking time off their busy schedules to be present at this Sharing Session, and also the WSHC for their support.



Events 2012
  • AeroRoad Relay 2012 (1 December 2012)

    In celebration of International Civil Aviation Day, the inaugural AeroRoad Relay (ARR) 2012 was organised. Supported by Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Temasek Polytechnic (TP), the event aimed to promote the cohesiveness of the aerospace industry and its stakeholders. As such, the public and youth were invited to be part of this adrenaline-pumping event. A total of 200 people were present for a fun-filled morning at the ARR. Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed in the competitive team baton relay – Flight!, where teams try to outrun one another at their best. In Glide! – Individual leisure run/walk, Gliders had great fun with their families and friends.

    We would like to thank our Official Footwear Sponsor – Saucony, for the lucky draw prizes and vouchers.

    Congratulations to all winners of ARR 2012!

    Results for Flight! Industry & Open

    Position Team Name Company Name Timing
    1st Sprint – 777 SIA Engineering Company 14:27
    2nd HoneyComb – 71 Singapore Jamco Pte Ltd 15:28
    3rd Messier A330 Messier Services Asia Pte Ltd 15:43

    Results for Flight! Student

    Position Team Name Institution Name Timing
    1st Stipa Caproni – 932 Ngee Ann Polytechnic 14:14
    2nd Dart – 787 Ngee Ann Polytechnic 14:27
    3rd AEL U1205 Temasek Polytechnic 16:04

    Results for Glide! Male

    Position Name Timing
    1st Too Heng Kwang 21:30
    2nd Muhd Munir 23:09
    3rd Mohd Hidzir 23:25

    Results for Glide! Female

    Position Name Timing
    1st Adeline Leong 27:17
    2nd Goh Shun Min 28:01
    3rd Sharon Yeung 28:05
  • AeroSupply Chain Roundtable Discussion & Feedback Session (22 November 2012)


    The AAIS held the “AeroSupply Chain Roundtable Discussion & Feedback Session” at A*STAR SIMTech on 22 November 2012.

    Discussions focused on the technical and business challenges organisations are likely to face in the next five years and how these challenges can be addressed. Participants were divided into two groups to brainstorm on possible strategies.

    The session concluded with an engaging discussion between the two groups and many creative strategies being proposed.

    The AAIS would like to thank A*STAR SIMTech for co-organisng and facilitating the Roundtable Discussion Session with us.

  • K|O|P|I Talk (20 November 2012)

    For the 2nd run of “K|O|P|I Talk – Government Assistance Schemes for SMEs” on 20 November 2012, we were glad to have 10 SMEs, some from the aerospace industry, present at this session.

    The Talk concluded with short one-to-one sessions with each SME, who wished to learn more about the schemes they were interested in applying for. These ranged from grants and tax related queries to incentives for venturing overseas.

  • Industry Networking Evening (20 November 2012)


    The AAIS organised an Industry Networking Evening on 20 November 2012. The event was held at Capri by Fraser Hotel Residences.

    Guests were treated to wine tasting, as well as a tour of Capri, which is the official hotel of the AeroSpace eXchange (ASX) 2013. Dr Aloysious Tay, Chief Executive, AAIS, gave updates on the ASX which takes place at Singapore Expo Hall 6 from 27 February to 1 March 2013.

    The AAIS would like to thank Capri for availing the venue and F&B to us, as well as Profiters International for providing the wines.

  • “Doing Business with the Netherland’s” Roundtable Breakfast Talk (2 November 2012)


    he AAIS and Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) co-organised the breakfast talk, “Doing Business with the Netherland’s Aerospace Industry” on 2 November 2012. The event – an AeroOutreach initiative – was held at at Crowne Plaza Hotel.

    Karin Rancuret, Area Director, NFIA South East Asia, gave an introduction of the Netherlands as a Gateway to Europe, while Susan van Boxtel, Advisor, Netherlands Office for Science and Technology, shared about the aerospace industry in the Netherlands. Coen Alleman, VTOC “Fokker”, was present to introduce his training institution, and Yvette Gorter, Voskamplawyers, explained in detail the tax considerations for companies who wish to invest or do business in the Netherlands.

    About 40 attendees from various aerospace organisations were present at this breakfast talk.

    The AAIS would like to thank NFIA for sponsoring the event.

  • Training Highly-Skilled Technicians for the Local Industry (1 November 2012)  

    Attendees from the industry participated in this the two-hour sharing session at the AAIS AeroHub, to hear about the modular courses being offered by the AAIS, in collaboration with VTOC “Fokker”. The courses are aimed at training maintenance technicians come 2013.

    Mr John Vos, Training Manager, VTOC “Fokker” shared on its courses customised to suit the needs of Singapore’s aerospace industry. The session provided an insight to what the modular courses would entail, as well as how organisations and employees could benefit from them. There was active participation and interaction between the attendees and the speaker throughout the session.

    VTOC “Fokker” has its origins in the illustrious Fokker company school, and has in the meantime grown to become a cutting-edge training centre for aircraft maintenance mechanics and technicians. VTOC “Fokker” services include EASA accredited and certified training according to Part 147/66 licensing conditions. 

    Organisations interested to find out more about the course which will be rolled out in the coming months should contact Jen Ng at or 6922 1788.

  • K|O|P|I Talk (30 October 2012)

    As part of the AAIS’s aim of reaching out to the business community at large, this K|O|P|I Talk focused on general government assistance schemes available for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore.

    We were delighted to have more than 20 business owners at the session, many of whom were new to the Association. An array of more than 10 government assistance schemes was shared.

    The Talk ended with an interactive Q&A session with companies seeking in-depth information of various tax deduction schemes.

  • “Staying Ahead with Aerospace Certification” Sharing Session (17 October 2012)


    The AAIS and Bureau Veritas co-organised the “Staying Ahead with Aerospace Certification” sharing session on 17 October 2012. Mak Heng Chwin, Business Development Manager, Bureau Veritas, shared on the Aerospace Quality Management System and the AS91xx certification journey.

    Patrick Keily, Global Certification Programme Manager, Rolls-Royce plc UK, was present to share on Rolls-Royce’s own AS9100 certification journey.

    About 30 attendees from various aerospace organisations were present at the session.

    The AAIS would like to thank Bureau Veritas Certification for their kind support in co-organising the session with us.

    Organisations interested in organising similar events may contact the AAIS at

    Organisations interested in the Aerospace Certification Enhancement Scheme (ACES), which defrays up to 35% (capped at S$25,000) of your consultancy fee and certification cost for adopting AS certification, may contact Elynn Tan at 6922 1783 or

  • Singapore AeroIndustry Annual Meeting 2012 & 10th AAIS AGM (17 September 2012)


    The AAIS launched its theme for the work year 2012 / 2013 – Year of AeroSafety at the Singapore AeroIndustry Annual Meeting (AIAM) 2012 on 17 September. Held at the Singapore Aviation Academy, the event was graced by Guest-of-Honour, Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister of State for Finance and Transport.

    Themed “Safety • Quality • Me”, AIAM 2012 included a conference to enhance the awareness that Safety and Quality is the responsibility of not just the organisation, but of the individual as well. The event also included a Safety showcase and an Industry Dialogue with Mrs Teo, where she addressed concerns on how Singapore can stay competitive as a leader in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul in the region, amongst other issues.

    At the event, Mrs Teo presented Certificates of Appointment to members of the Aerospace Safety Steering Committee – an AAIS initiative formed in line with the Association’s focus on AeroSafety.

    The event also saw the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the AAIS and the NDT Society of Singapore (NDTSS). The MOU will see both parties providing technical advice and support to the Singapore National Aerospace NDT Board (SNANDTB), including updates on new standards, developments and requirements.

    The establishment of the SNANDTB is an initiative by the AAIS. The Board will assist in the professionalisation of aerospace NDT personnel and the harmonisation of overall NDT standards in the industry. A Pro-Tem Board comprising senior management and NDT professionals from the aerospace industry has been set up to establish the Board. Mrs Teo presented Certificates of Appointment to the members of the Pro-Tem Board at the event.

    Attended by some 130 professionals, AIAM 2012 also incorporated the 10th Annual General Meeting where new members were presented with their membership certificates.

    The AAIS would like to thank all members and participants for their support, as well as the following organisations for their kind sponsorships towards the event:

    Main Sponsor: Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
    Gold Sponsors: Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd (SAESL) and ST Aerospace Ltd

  • MINDEF Career Summit 2012 (12 September 2012)

    The MINDEF Career Summit is a bi-annual event that serves as a platform for potential employers to connect with transitioning SAF servicemen and women, by providing them with information on job opportunities available after they leave the force. Aerospace vacancies were also available, with companies on site to conduct interviews with the SAF personnel.

    Approximately 200 attendees from the Army, Air Force and Navy, were present at the event held at Swissotel Merchant Court.

    The AAIS is proud to work with the SAF to provide an additional recruitment platform for AAIS Member Companies. If your organisation is interested to participate in similar career fairs, please contact Jen Ng at

  • K|O|P|I Talk (11 September 2012)


    The theme for this K|O|P|I Talk centred around enhancing Safety and Quality in organisations with the use of government assistance schemes.

    Details of the following schemes were shared at the session:
    – Aerospace Certification Enhancement Scheme
    – Risk Management Assistant Fund
    – Business Continuity Management Funding
    – Place and Train Programme for Aerospace Technicians
    – Master Technicians for Aerospace

    The National Aerospace & Defense Contractors Accreditation Programme (Nadcap), which is administered by the Performance Review Institute (PRI), was also introduced to the participants. The AAIS is the representative of PRI in Singapore.

    The Talk concluded with an interesting Q&A session.

  • Breakfast Talk – Strategies for Productivity Improvement to Achieve Operational Excellence (30 August 2012)


    The AAIS held a Breakfast Talk at A*Star on 30 August 2012. Focusing on the Aerospace Productivity Management (AProM) programme, Dr Roland Lim, A*Star, imparted Strategies for Productivity Improvement to Achieve Operational Excellence. Toh Ming Hon, also from A*Star, shared about a Company’’s Productivity Improvement Journey. Attendees also heard from Sam Luo, WDA, who provided details on various Funding Schemes.

    The Breakfast Talk concluded with a tour to the Manufacturing Productivity Technology Centre (MPTC) and the National RFID Centre (NRC). About 40 attendees from various aerospace organisations were present at the session.

    The AAIS would like to thank A*Star and WDA for their kind support in co-hosting the Breakfast Talk with us.

    Organisations who are interested in the AProM programme may contact Carmen Beh at 6922 1781 or

  • Hosting of Delegates from Japan (23 August 2012)

    Visiting Singapore was a delegation of about 15, which included key member officials from the Nagoya City Assembly, Japan.  The delegation was headed by Chairperson of the Assembly, Mr Nakagawa Takamoto. Sercretary-Generals, Mr Fujita Kazuhide, Ms Baba Noriko, Mr Saito Makoto and Mr Hotta Taiki were also present.

    The AAIS Chief Executive, Dr Aloysius Tay presented an overview of the local aerospace industry prior to two site visits in Loyang. A plant tour was included by Combustor Airmotive Services and Panasonic Avionics Corporation, who graciously hosted and welcomed the delegates.

  • AAIS 3-0n-3 Basketball 2012 (18 August 2012)

    The AAIS held its second 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament on 18 August 2012 at Bedok Community Centre. The tournament received good response with a total of 18 male and two female teams from 11 aerospace organisations.

    The winners:

    Male Team Champion Lufthansa
    1st Runner-Up (Team)
    CAS Team 1
    2nd Runner-Up (Team) SAESL
    Female Team Champion SATAIR
    Most Valuable Male Player
    Thomas Klemm
    Most Valuable Female Player Hazel Tang

    Congratulations to all winners, and to all participants for a game well played!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • K|O|P|I Talk (7 August 2012)

    The theme for this session was “Productivity Through Technology Adoption”, and it was attended by 20 participants from 17 organisations. Five government assistance schemes that will help organisations enhance productivity in their workplaces via the adoption of technology were shared.

    They were:

    1. Increase SME Productivity with Infocomm Adoption & Transformation (from Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore)
    2. Technology Innovation Programme (from SPRING Singapore)
    3. Aviation Innovation Programme (from Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore)
    4. Inclusive Growth Programme (from Employment and Employability Institute)
    5. Productivity and Innovation Credit (from Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore).
  • SAF e-PREP Roadshow – Career & Education Fair (3 August 2012)

    The SAF e-PREP Roadshow – Career & Education Fair is a quarterly, full-day event that brings together jobseekers and potential employers. The event also provides an opportunity for course-seekers to find out more about the education and training opportunities available for NSFs who are due to complete their full-time National Service.

    With an average turnout rate of 1,600 NSFs, employers and educational institutions are able to reach out to this prospective pool of people.

    The AAIS is proud to work with the SAF to provide an additional recruitment platform for AAIS Member Companies. If your organisation is interested to participate in similar career fairs, please contact Jen Ng at

  • Aerospace Human Resource Forum (27 July 2012)

    On 27 July 2012, the AAIS collaborated with Human Capital Singapore to organise the Aerospace Human Resource Forum. Using a social learning platform known as the Communities of Practice (CoP), the session brought together HR Professionals and people managers from the Aerospace Industry to share their perspectives on attracting and retaining talent.

    The session, facilitated by William Chew from Human Capital Singapore, provided a platform for participants to share opinions and ideas, as well as formulate new approaches to better manage talent.

    The AAIS would like to thank the Forum’s sponsor, Quest People Services, for their kind support to the event.

    The AAIS will be organising the ASX 2013 Leadership Forum from 28 February to 1 March 2013. The 2-day forum will discuss the roles of the industry and its regulators in today’s economic environment, and address the challenges of engaging the Next Generation Aviation Professional.

  • AAIS AeroCEO Breakfast Meeting with CAAi (27 July 2012)


    The AAIS held its AeroCEO Breakfast Meeting with Civil Aviation Authority International (CAAi) on Friday, 27 July 2012 at Changi Village Hotel. From CAAi, Richard Ward, Chief Operating Officer, and Matthew Margesson, Senior Business Manager, were in Singapore from the UK to share their insights on aviation safety.

    The 20 AAIS members who attended this informal session had the opportunity to dialogue with CAAi and hear about their “Significant Seven Safety Concerns” – the most significant worldwide accident types involving large airliners

  • Hillgrove Secondary School’s Careers Day (6 July 2012)

    The AAIS was introduced to Hillgrove Secondary School and was invited to have a presence in the Careers Day on 6 July 2012. The purpose of the school in having a booth display is to help its students to get information on “the next step” if they become interested after the aerospace talk by the industry speakers.

    An estimated 1,000 students from Secondary 2 to 5 returned to the school during their term break to visit the booths and attend the various course talks by the different industry speakers.

    Along with Singapore Youth Flying Club (SYFC) and Singapore Polytechnic’s Diploma in Aerospace Engineering, the AAIS was onsite to provide information on the available courses in Singapore and the potential job prospects within the aerospace industry, complete with first hand guidance and advice. The AeroCareer Guide 2012/13 was also distributed to both students and teachers.

  • Inaugural K|O|P|I Talk (3 July 2012)

    The AAIS held its inaugural K|O|P|I Talk on 3 July 2012. Dr Aloysius Tay, Chief Executive, AAIS, gave an introductory note and shared that K|O|P|I Talk – an acronym for “Keeping Organisations and Professionals Informed” – was a new initiative meant to focus on government assistance schemes and funding programmes. The session focused on “Developing Capabilities Through Innovation”, where information on seven government schemes and programmes were shared. The DesignSingapore Council was also present to share with participants during the networking session.

  • JEC Asia Composites Show & Conferences (26 to 28 June 2012)


    The AAIS supported the JEC Asia Composites Show & Conferences that took place in Suntec Singapore from 26 – 28 June 2012. The opening ceremony was graced by YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia as the Guest-of-Honour.

    The AAIS fronted the Singapore Pavilion which comprised 9 local companies that showcased their products and services. Within this Singapore Pavilion, more than 300 business contacts were established over the 3-day event, with exhibitors reporting potential sales of over S$2 million within the next 12 months.

  • Talk on Competition Law & the Aerospace Industry (28 June 2012)

    The AAIS organised a talk with the Competition Commission of Singapore on 28 June 2012, at the AAIS AeroHub. Herbert Fung, Director, Business & Economics Division, gave an update on the Competition Law and how it affected the aerospace industry. Almost 30 AAIS Members attended the talk, which included an engaging Q&A session.

  • Laser Cladding for MRO: Equipment Required and Applications (25 June 2012)

    In partnership with TRUMPF Pte Ltd, the AAIS organised a talk on “Laser Cladding for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul: Equipment Required and Applications” on 25 June 2012. Dr Antonio Candel-Ruiz of TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik (Germany) was present to share his knowledge on Laser Surface Treatments.

    The session, which focused on industrial applications of laser cladding in MRO and the equipment required, was attended by more than 20 people.

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2012 (16 June 2012)

    The AAIS held its 8th Annual Bowling Tournament at SAFRA Tampines on 16 June 2012. The highly anticipated tournament saw 44 teams from 22 organisations competing for the coveted challenge trophy.


    Team Score
    Team Champion Mega Ark (SIA Group) 2313
    1st Runner – Up SIAEC 1 2160
    2nd Runner – Up SAESL Team 1 2131
      Name Score
    Best Male Individual Azhar Yusup
    (Hamilton Sundstrand – Hsunpac 1)
    (Highest Single Game Score: 256 )
    Best Female Individual Susan Soon
    (SIA Group – Mega Ark)

    The tournament saw its first ever tie for the Best Male Individual with Azhar Yusup and Gino Lee both achieving a high score of 632 pins. Mr Yusup had a higher single game score (256 pins) than Mr Lee (235 pins) and hence, walked away with the Best Male Individual Prize and as well as the Highest Game Score Prize.

    The AAIS would like to express our appreciation to Aerospace Component Engineering Services Pte Ltd and Windsor Airmotive Asia Pte Ltd for their generous sponsorships to the event. We would also like to thank all participants for making this tournament a success.

    Click here for the full bowling tournament results.

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • AAIS AeroProductivity Conference 2012 (5 June 2012)


    The AAIS organised the AeroProductivity Conference at the Singapore Expo on 5 June 2012. This was held in line with the AAIS’s theme for 2011/2012 – “AeroProductivity – it’s everyone’s business”. The event commenced with a keynote presentation by Low Choo Tuck from the Singapore Productivity Association, who spoke on “Sustaining Enterprise Productivity – the Challenges Ahead”.

    The conference focused on improving the productivity of organisations with the help of technology, process and capabilities upgrading and better use of human capital. Support schemes related to productivity were also introduced by speakers from various government agencies. About 70 attendees participated in the event.

    The AAIS would like to thank the event’s Gold Sponsors: Fuji Xerox Singapore and TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, as well as the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) for their kind support.

  • Nadcap Sharing Session (30 May 2012)

    In partnership with Performance Review Institute (PRI), the AAIS conducted the Nadcap Sharing Session on 30 May 2012. The two-hour session saw Mr Joseph G. Pinto, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of PRI, introduce and share current updates on Nadcap Training Programmes and Nadcap Audit to the attendees allowing attendees to better understand Nadcap accreditation and its benefits.

    Attendees from various aerospace organisations that hold quality related functions benefitted from the face-to-face interaction with Mr Pinto. Some of these organisations included SAESL, Windsor Airmotive Pte Ltd, and Singapore Epson Industrial Pte Ltd.

    In collaboration with PRI, the AAIS conducts Nadcap training courses to better serve the needs of the aerospace industry in Singapore.

    Organisations interested to find out more about Nadcap training programmes can contact Jen Ng at

  • Job Fair for Aerospace & Aviation Industry (22 May 2012)

    The AAIS was one of the supporting organisations at e2i’s Job Fair for the Aerospace & Aviation Industry held on 22 May 2012, at Pasir Ris Sports and Recreation Centre. There were more than 300 jobseekers who attended the job fair.

    Aerospace companies that were recruiting included International Engine Component Overhaul (IECO), Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce Singapore, Singapore Aero Engine Services (SAESL), Singapore Jamco and ST Aerospace, with vacancies for aircraft technicians, machinists, welders and general technicians available.

    The AAIS is proud to be a supporter of e2i’s Job Fair and we look forward to working with e2i at the AeroCareer Central at the AAIS’ AeroSpace eXchange (ASX) 2013 from 27 February to 1 March 2013. This will be held at Singapore Expo Hall 6.

    Aerospace companies that are interested to be part of the AeroCareer Central can contact the AAIS at

  • PYSS’ Education and Career Seminar (15 May 2012)

    The AAIS was invited by Ping Yi Secondary School to participate in their 3rd Education and Career Seminar on 15 May 2012. This seminar was specially organised for their Secondary 4 students to find out more about the potential education and career opportunities available upon their graduation.

    An estimated 267 students visited the exhibition booths and attended the various course talks by the polytechnics and private institutions.

    The AAIS was the only industry association onsite to provide information on the available courses in Singapore and the potential job prospects within the aerospace industry, complete with first hand guidance and advice. The AeroCareer Guide 2012/13 was also distributed to both students and teachers.

    The AAIS would like to thank Ping Yi Secondary School for inviting us to be a part of their Education and Career Seminar.

  • The AAIS Extraordinary General Meeting (3 May 2012)

    The AAIS held its Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 3 May 2012, to elect a new 2nd Vice-President. The position was left vacant by Mr Gary Nutter, who left Singapore Aero Engine Services Pte Ltd (SAESL) and moved to his new posting in Norway to head the Rolls-Royce Marine Division. The AAIS General Assembly elected Tin Ho, Operations Director – Assembly and Test Unit, Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd, to the post in the AAIS Management Committee for the current term of office.

  • First H|O|S|T Session at Tri-Wing Aviation Resources P/L (20 April 2012)


    The AAIS held its first H|O|S|T Session at Tri-Wing’s new office at Business Aviation Complex, Seletar Aerospace Park on 20 April 2012.

    H|O|S|T is a brand new initiative by the AAIS for organisations who want to stay connected with fellow members  within the aerospace community. As the name suggests, H|O|S|T sessions are proudly hosted by organisations, for organisations.

    A total of 62 guests made up of AAIS Members and Tri-Wing’s business contacts attended this event to network, relax and reconnect over good food and wine.

    Apart from being a platform for invited guests to catch up with old acquaintances and make new contacts, the event celebrated Tri-Wing’s housewarming, and also commemorated 120 years of aviation experience (together with Tri-Wing’s partners). There was an introduction of special guests from the USA to the local community.

    The event lasted well into the evening with light conversation and it came to a close with 2 guests walking away with aircraft models of the A380 with airline livery, which they won during the lucky draw sessions.

    The AAIS would like to thank Tri-Wing for co-hosting its first H|O|S|T Session with us.

    AAIS Members who are interested to host future H|O|S|T Sessions are welcome to email us at

  • Aerospace Certification Sharing Session (19 April 2012)

    The AAIS conducted its Aerospace Certification sharing session on 19 April 2012. The session commenced with updates on recent developments of the aerospace industry in Singapore, followed by an introduction to aerospace certification such as AS and Nadcap. Attendees were also briefed on the various AAIS AeroBusiness Missions & Exhibitions.

    15 people from various organisations attended the session.

    If you would like to find out more about how you can upgrade your aerospace capabilities, contact the AAIS at

  • AAIS-CAAS Industry Dialogue (3 April 2012)

    The AAIS and CAAS co-organised an industry dialogue on 3 April, 2012, at the Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA). About 50 AAIS members and partners were present at the session, where CAAS gave an update on their various initiatives.

    A Panel Q&A session with CAAS comprising Daniel Ng, Division Head of the Aviation Industry Division, Alan Foo, Director of Safety Policy & Licensing Division, and Edward Yeo, Head of Continuing Airworthiness of the Airworthiness & Flight Operations Division.

    Following the Panel session, participants were given a tour of the Air Traffic Control and Airport Emergency Services Simulators at the SAA. The event concluded with a networking session.

    The AAIS would like to thank CAAS for their kind support to the event.

  • AAIS Futsal Tournament 2012 (24 March 2012)


    The AAIS kicked-off its second Futsal Tournament on March 24, 2012, at Sports Planet East Coast. From just 12 teams participating in theinaugural tournament in 2011, this year’s tournament received very good response, with a total of 20 teams from 14 aerospace companies competing for the coveted challenge trophy.

    Players were in top form that day and after almost five hours of nail-biting, adrenalin-pumping competition, the following emerged as winners:

    Champion Team Barnes Aerospace 1
    1st Runner-Up ESA Team A
    2nd Runner-Up Embraer Asia Pacific
    Most Valuable Player Kamaruddin Rahmat (Barnes Aerospace 1)
    Top Scorers Muhd Firman (SAESL)
    Md Sukor Bin Salehan (ESA Team B)
    Saemon Muhammad-Khidhir (Thales 2)
    Wei Tong (Goodrich Rovers)
    Spencer Lee (Barnes Aerospace 1)
    Kesunanthen A/L Radhakrishnan (Barnes Aerospace 1)

    Congratulations to all winners, and to all participants for a game well played!

    Click here to view photos of the event.

  • AeroCareer Pavilion @ Career 2012 (1 to 4 March 2012)

    The AAIS represented the industry with the AeroCareer Pavilion for the 7th year at Career 2012, held at the Suntec Convention Centre. A record of 2,000 copies of the latest edition of AeroCareer Guide 2012/13 were distributed at the exhibition.

    Over 50 vacancies from AAIS Member Companies were featured under the special Aerospace Vacancy Section. Jobseekers were encouraged to submit their resumes to these companies and register for an account on www.AeroCareer.SG — the career portal of the AAIS. The portal saw a total of almost 100 jobseekers and students registering for new user accounts during the 4-day event.

  • Singapore Pavilion @ Singapore Airshow 2012 (14 to 19 February 2012)


    The AAIS fronted the Singapore Pavilion at the Singapore Airshow 2012, held from February 14-19 at Changi Exhibition Centre. A total of 26 Singapore companies showcased their products and services within the Pavilion, which took up a floor area of about 600 sqm.

    The Singapore Pavilion was supported by CAAS, IE Singapore and SPRING Singapore. The Singapore Pavilion networking lounge, where some networking events and meetings were held for exhibitors and guests, was sponsored by CAAS.

  • Engagements with Overseas Guests at Singapore Airshow 2012 (14 to 19 February 2012)

    In conjunction with the Singapore Airshow 2012, the AAIS collaborated with organisations from Germany and the US to allow AAIS members the opportunity to engage with them and find out more about doing business in the respective countries.

    On the first day of the Airshow, an executive luncheon was organised by the AAIS with the Economic Development Board of Brandenburg (ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg / ZAB). Senior executives from ZAB revealed the rapidly growing Berlin-Brandenburg capital region as a focal point of European Business today, and participants had the opportunity to meet with regional business development authorities and company executives who have been successful in Brandenburg. The event was attended by about 50 participants.

    The US Import/Export and Trade Compliance Seminar, held on February 15 at the CAAS Chalet located within the Airshow grounds, was attended by about 40 participants. Personnel from the US Department of State, Defense and Commerce were flown in exclusively from the US to share with attendees the requirements of carrying out business in the US, as well as the country’s export control issues. In addition, one-to-one consultancy sessions were conducted for participants to discuss their queries in private.

  • Aerospace Industry Induction Programme (AIIP) 2012 (17 February 2012)

    The Aerospace Industry Induction Programme (AIIP) is a bi-annual event organised by the AAIS, CAAS and EDB to enhance student engagement, excite students on the prospects of the Aerospace Industry, with the aim of attracting them to join the industry. A visit to the Singapore Airshow is one of the highlights of the AIIP.

    A total of 600 students from 13 institutions (Ang Mo Kio Secondary, Anderson JC, Catholic JC, Innova JC, Pioneer JC, Serangoon JC, ITE Yishun, Ngee Ann Poly, Nanyang Poly, Singapore Poly, Temasek Poly, NTU and NUS) attended the AIIP and were bussed from Tanah Merah MRT Station to the Singapore Airshow grounds at Changi Exhibition Centre.

    An AIIP Programme Booklet was specially created for students to visit various exhibitor booths and static displays at the Airshow. Students were also given a quiz hunt to complete (comprising general aviation questions as well as those regarding Singapore Airshow 2012) in exchange for a mulit-coloured Gel Pen Set. Students who completed the quiz also automatically entered a draw for a chance to win an iPad.

    Results of the draw will be unveiled on our website. Check back for updates!

  • AAIS Biennial Golf Tournament 2012 (13 February 2012)


    The AAIS held its Biennial Golf Tournament at the National Service Resort Country Club – Changi on February 13, 2012. The tournament, organised for the industry, provided a platform for companies to host their local and overseas partners over a game of golf a day before the Singapore Airshow.

    The AAIS would like to thank AAR International Inc, Satair Pte Ltd and Zodiac Services Asia for their kind sponsorship towards the event, as well as all participants.

    Here are the results!

    Champion Flight AAR International Inc
    1st Runner-up Flight Jet Aviation (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd
    2nd Runner-up Flight Zodiac Services Asia
    Nearest-to-Pin (Navy Hole 3) Jack Arehart, AAR International Inc
    Nearest-to-Pin (Army Hole 3) Kenny Yap, Turbine Overhaul Services
    Longest Drive Gary Clarkin, Jet Aviation (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd
  • Aerospace Industry Induction Programme (AIIP) Seminars (27 January & 1 to 3 February 2012)

    Organised by the AAIS, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), the AIIP Seminar was conducted for students from the upper secondary to University levels, with the aim of attracting them to join the industry upon graduation. Speakers shared industry prospects with more than 1,000 students who attended the various sessions. The opportunity to interact with the speakers at the Q&A sessions was a key highlight of the seminars.

    On behalf of CAAS and EDB, the AAIS would like to thank the following speakers of the respective seminars:-

    Ngee Ann Polytechnic – 27 January 2012
    1) Mr Leo Jeoh, Manager, Design Office, Eurocopter SEA P/L
    2) Mr Tin Ho, Operations Director, Seletar-Assembly & Test Unit, Rolls-Royce Singapore P/L
    3) Mr Christophe Humphry, VP Avionics Domain, VP Country Operations, Thales Solution Asia P/L

    Temasek Polytechnic – 27 January 2012
    1) Mr Chen Guan Han, Assistant Manager (Recruitment), CAAS
    2) Mr Gary Nutter, CEO, Singapore Aero Engine Services Ltd (SAESL)
    3) Mr Kesavan Nair, Director of Human Resources Asia, Hawker Pacific Asia P/L
    4) Ms Tan Hui Boon, General Manager Training Academy, SIA Engineering Company Ltd (SIAEC)

    Nanyang Technological University – 1 February 2012
    1) Ms Glory Wee, Head, Transport Engineering Division, EDB
    2) Mr Chen Guan Han, Assistant Manager (Recruitment), CAAS
    3) Ms Faezah Ramli, Executive (Talent Management), CAAS
    4) Mr Thomas Friedberger, CEO, EADS Singapore
    5) Dr Bicky Bhangu, Chief of Electrical Power and Control Systems, Roll-Royce Singapore P/L
    6) Mr Francois Luc, VP R&D, Thales Solution Asia P/L

    ITE College Central (Yishun Campus) – 2 February 2012
    1) Mr Lim Kok Kiang, Executive Director, Transport Engineering Division, EDB
    2) Mr Dev Rudra, General Manager, Turbine Overhaul Services P/L (TOS)
    3) Mr Tony Flippo, Managing Director, Hamilton Sundstrand Pacific Aerospace P/L
    4) Mr William Kircher, Managing Director, Eagle Services Asia P/L

    Singapore Aviation Academy – 3 February 2012 (for students from Sec Schools & JCs)
    1) Mr Chen Guan Han, Assistant Manager (Recruitment), CAAS
    2) Ms Faezah Ramli, Executive (Talent Management), CAAS
    3) Mr Paul Broadhead, SCP&C Executive – Seletar & Asia Pacific, Roll-Royce Singapore P/L

  • AeroCEO Lunch Meeting (12 January 2012)


    The AAIS held its first AeroCEO Lunch Meeting for 2012 on Thursday, 12 January 2012 at Chinese Swimming Club. Dr Randolph Tan, Head of Programme at SIM University gave insight to the economic and labour market outlook for the new year. The AAIS also announced the results of the recent AAIS Economic Survey 2011 conducted in November 2011. The exclusive AeroCEO Lunch Meeting was attended by 17 senior management executives of AAIS member companies.

Events 2011
  • The Amazing Aviators Race (10 December 2011)


    The Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) came together to organise for the first time The Amazing Aviators Race on 10 December 2011. The event is part of a broader effort by CAAS, AAIS and industry partners to engage youths, with the aim of bringing them into the talent pool that will support the sustainable growth of aviation in Singapore.

    The race, flagged-off at the Singapore Aviation Academy, was a fun-filled day of discovery and learning, with participants exploring the aviation industry’s vast landscape and rich heritage. 240 participants in 60 teams of students and industry professionals raced through designated aviation sites and locations across Singapore, including Farrer Park (the site of Singapore’s first flight), the former Kallang Airport and the Air Force Museum. The race was held in conjunction with International Civil Aviation Day as part of the Singapore Aviation Centennial Celebrations.

    The AAIS and CAAS would like to thank Great Eastern for their kind sponsorship to the event, and Goldkili & Frezfruta for being the Official Refreshment Sponsor.

    Our winners were rewarded with attractive prizes, including tablets, home theatre systems and iPods!

  • AAIS Year-End Festivities Celebration (2 December 2011)


    The AAIS held its annual year-end celebration at Man Zhu Cafe, Chinese Swimming Club, on December 2, 2011. The gathering is traditionally held every year and hosted by the AAIS Management Committee, in appreciation of our members’ and partners’ support to the Association.

    About 60 AAIS members and industry partners attended gathering, which was held over a sumptuous buffet lunch. The AAIS would like to wish all members, partners and friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • AAIS Aerospace Manpower Study Phase 2 Sharing Session (29 November 2011)

    Phase 2 of the AAIS Aerospace Manpower Study and recommendations based on the findings was released at this final session on 29 November 2011 at the SIA Group Sports Club, with more than 35 participants in attendance. Phase 2 revealed more detailed findings and strategies to address manpower gaps and development of the next generation of aerospace professionals.

    The release of these findings follows the presentation of the Study’s preliminary findings at the AAIS’ Aerospace Supplier eXchange (ASX) 2011 earlier in May 2011.

    Mercer Singapore gave insight to the latest remuneration survey results and presented case studies, such as that of Boeing. HR personnel were provided with the various options available that could assist to better engage and retain the existing aerospace workforce. The conclusion of both phases of the Study marks the beginning of activities to reinforce continued efforts to attract new entrants to the aerospace industry.

    The AAIS would like to thank Wong Su Yen, Low Wan Ve and Ruchika Salotra of Mercer Singapore, and all attendees for taking time off their busy schedules for this final session.

    CD-ROMs containing the complete AAIS Aerospace Manpower Study Phase 2 are available for AAIS Members. Email to to get your copy.

  • CAAS Aviation Open House 2011 (3 to 5 November 2011)

    The AAIS was invited by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) to participate in the Aviation Open House (AOH) 2011. The event was held at Downtown East from 3 to 5 November 2011, with Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport as the Guest-of-Honour at the Opening Ceremony.

    Apart from the main exhibition, the AOH aims to promote the industry to students by engaging them through career talks, site visits, and interactive activities such as simulator demonstrations, indoor kite-flying workshops and games. The event also showcased aeronautical students’ projects.

    This year’s AOH had even greater significance as the industry celebrates 100 years of aviation in Singapore. Over 37 organisations from all sectors of the aviation industry, supporting government agencies and institutions of higher learning participated as exhibitors, with an estimated 10,000 visitors attending the three-day event.

  • Doing Business with Malaysia’s Aerospace Industry (10 October 2011)


    The AAIS co-organised this forum and networking session with the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA), Singapore, on October 10, 2011. This members-only event was well attended by some 50 participants.

    Speakers at the session included Mr Sukomaran, Counsellor (Investment)/Director, and Mr Phang Ah Tong, Senior Director for Investment, MIDA. Both spoke on the investment opportunities in the Aerospace Industry in Malaysia. Mr Idrus Abdul Rahman, Deputy Director, Airworthiness Sector, Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), Malaysia, flew in specially for the event, and gave participants insight to the regulatory environment of Malaysia’s Aerospace Industry.

    The session concluded with a panel discussion which also included:

    • Mr Abd Razak Mohamadzin, CEO, CTRM Aviation
    • Mr Shaun Kumar, General Manager, Business Development, Senai Airport
    • Mr Prem Kumar Nair, Head of Communications, HM LIMA Exhibitions

    The AAIS would like to thank MIDA Singapore for co-organising the event with us. For more information on our Mission Trip to Malaysia in December 2011, contact Julius Yeo at 6787 5227 or

  • Singapore AeroIndustry Annual Meeting 2011 & 9th AAIS AGM (22 September 2011)

    The AAIS launched its aerospace productivity drive at the Singapore AeroIndustry Annual Meeting on September 22, 2011. Held at the Singapore Aviation Academy, the event was graced by Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Lui Tuck Yew.

    Themed “AeroProductivity – it’s everyone’s business”, AIAM 2011 provided the ignition for the Association’s drive for higher productivity this coming work year. The AIAM included a conference focusing on productivity in the areas of human capital, technology adoption, processes and capabilities upgrading, as well as an AeroProductivity showcase. About 120 industry professionals attended the event.

    In his speech, Mr Lui, commended the AAIS for taking the initiative in leading the aerospace industry towards enhancing productivity.

    The AIAM also incorporate the 9th AAIS AGM, where the 8th AAIS Management Committee was elected.

    The AAIS would like to thank all members and participants for their support, as well as the following for their kind sponsorships towards the event:

    Main Sponsor: Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
    Platinum Sponsor: Jurong Town Corporation
    Gold Sponsor: ST Aerospace Ltd
    Silver Sponsor: NTUC Learning Hub
    Sponsor: DHL Supply Chain Singapore Pte Ltd

  • AAIS Inaugural 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament (23 July 2011)

    In another initiative to celebrate the AAIS Year of the AeroWorkforce, the AAIS organised its Inaugural 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on 23 July, 2011.

    A total of 10 teams from the aerospace industry participated in the tournament, held at Fengshan Community Centre.

    CAS TEAM 1 emerged Team Champion and walked away with a cash prize of S$1,000. The first and second runners-up won cash prizes of S$700 and S$500 respectively.

    The AAIS would like to thank CAAS and Pratt & Whitney for their kind sponsorship to this event.


    Team Champion CAS Team 1
    1st Runner-up Pure Power (Eagle Services Pte Ltd)
    2nd Runner-up SAESL 1
    Most Valuable Player Khaw Yeong Wooi (from CAS Team 1)

    Click here for the full results!

  • AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament 2011 (18 June 2011)

    It’s that time of the year again! This year’s highly anticipated AAIS Annual Bowling Tournament was held at Orchid Bowl @ Orchid Country Club. The tournament attracted a total of 48 teams from 24 organisations, and included invitational teams from CAAS and WDA.

    Organised under the AAIS AeroConnects programme, this yearly tournament is organised to provide a leisure platform for networking amongst colleagues and industry friends. The event is also a family day, where participants are encouraged to bring their families along.


    Team Score
    Team Champion ST Aero 3 2229
    1st Runner-up ST Aero 1 2034
    2nd Runner-up ST Aero 4 1975


    Name Score
    Best Individual (Male) Alan Khoo (ST Aero 3) 604
    Best Individual (Female) Woo Su Lin (ST Aero 3) 548

    Alan Khoo also won the Highest Game Score Prize, with a score of 231 pins.

    The AAIS would like to express our appreciation to all sponsors — Aerospace Component Engineering Services, Hitech Heat Treatment Services, Parker Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney and Windsor Airmotive Asia for their generous contributions — and to all the participating companies for their enthusiastic involvement in this annual event.

    Click here for the full bowling tournament results.

  • Aerospace Job Fair (29 May 2011)

    The AAIS is a supporter of e2i’s (Employment & Employability Institute) Aerospace Job Fair that was conducted on 29 May 2011 (in-conjunction with the Aerospace Supplier eXchange 2011) at Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center. More than 220 candidates registered and were invited by e2i to attend the two sessions.

    Five Aerospace Companies under the plan-and-train programme (invited by e2i) were on-site to provide a short presentation on their organisation and conduct interviews thereafter. They are: International Engine Component Overhaul (IECO), Rolls-Royce Singapore (RR), Singapore Aero Engine Services (SAESL), Singapore Jamco (SINJamco) and ST Aerospace. In total, more than 80 technical vacancies were available.

  • RSAF Open House 2011 (26 to 29 May 2011)

    The AAIS was invited by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) to participate in the RSAF Open House this year, as a partner in celebrating 100 years of Aviation in Singapore. The event was held at the Paya Lebar Air Base from 26 to 29 May 2011 (both 26 & 27 May were designated as Trade Days), with Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence officiating the Opening Ceremony on 28 May 2011.

    The RSAF Open House aimed to connect students, current and ex- RSAF personnel, and the general public to the Singapore aviation industry through the exhibitions, simulator demonstrations, static and aerial displays, and interactive games. Over 200,000 visitors were expected to attend the four-day event.

    To represent and showcase the full spectrum of opportunities available in Singapore’s Aviation Industry, the Singapore Aircargo Agents Association (SAAA) and Singapore Logistics Association (SLA) were also invited by CAAS to participate.

    The AAIS would like to thank the CAAS and RSAF for this opportunity.

  • AAIS Aerospace Manpower Study Phase 2 (28 May 2011)

    More than 20 HR professionals from various Aerospace Companies attended the two-hour seminar on the preliminary findings of Phase 2 ofthe AAIS Aerospace Manpower Study. The seminar was conducted alongside the AAIS’ Aerospace Supplier eXchange (ASX) 2011 Conference & Exhibition at Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center.

    Mercer Singapore took the opportunity to gather feedback from attendees, which will go into the development of Phase 2 recommendations, scheduled to be released by mid-2011.

    The AAIS would like to thank Ms Low Wan Ve and Ms Ruchika Salotra of Mercer Singapore, and all attendees for taking time off their busy schedules for the session.

  • AAIS-EDB Engagement Session (16 May 2011)

    The AAIS held the AAIS-EDB Engagement Session on May 16, 2011. About 50 attendees had the opportunity to engage with Mr Lim Kok Kiang, Director of Transport Engineering at the Singapore Economic Development Board, who also gave an update of the Singapore aerospace industry and Seletar Aerospace Park.

    The AAIS organises regular dialogue sessions with the relevant government agencies under its AeroOutreach programme. Visit our website regularly for updates of all our upcoming events!

  • Singapore Aerospace Awards (29 April 2011)

    The AAIS announced the recipients of the Singapore Aerospace Awards at a Gala Dinner on 29 April 2011. The event, held at Swissotel Merchant Court Hotel, was graced by Guest-of-Honour Mr Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport.

    Close to 50 applications were received this year. After a stringent judging process, a total of 17 nominees from the aerospace and aerospace-supporting industries were in the running for 6 Awards.

  • Understanding the Next Generation Aerospace Professional – Campus on 938LIVE Recording (29 April 2011)

    In line with the AAIS’ Year of the AeroWorkforce, the AAIS engaged 938LIVE to conduct its Campus programme on 29 April 2011. Hosted by DJ Daniel Martin, about 60 aeronautical student participants gave their views on the topic of discussion: “Engaging the Next Generation Aerospace Professional”.

    The recording was aired on the morning of 13 May, with encore broadcasts in the evening and on 15 May.

    The AAIS would like to thank CAAS for sponsoring the recording, and also our panelists: Gary Nutter, CEO, SAESL, Peter Liang, Director, Mechanical Engineering, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Denise Wong, and Ignatius D’Cruz, as well as all student participants for contributing to the vibrant discussion and making the recording possible!

  • Aerospace Supplier eXchange 2011 (27 April 2011)

    Riding on its successful inauguration in 2009, the Aerospace Supplier eXchange (ASX) 2011 returned for its 2nd edition this year. The event was officially launched on 27 April 2011.

    The Sands Expo and Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, became the showground of the niche aerospace suppliers sector from across the region from 27-29 April 2011. At the event, findings of Phase 2 of the Aerospace Manpower Study commissioned by the AAIS were released. A number of MOUs were also signed during the Opening Ceremony, which will result in the implementation of initiatives that will enhance the capabilities of the aerospace industry in Singapore in various areas.

    For more information, click here to view the event’s media release.

  • AAIS-QuiteHR Aerospace Forum (23 March 2011)

    The AAIS, in partnership with QuiteHR, held the AAIS-QuiteHR Aerospace Forum on 23 March 2011 at the AAIS AeroResource Centre. The forum was attended by HR personnel from various aerospace companies.

    Speaking on the topic: “the Enactment of the Retirement and Re-Employment Act effective 1 January 2012: Impact and Implications for Employees, Employers and HR Practitioners”, Mr Chia Boon Cher, who has over 25 years of HR experience in both the civil and private sectors, delivered a detailed and engaging explanation on the history, development and effects of the eventual introduction of the Retirement and Re-Employment Act. The participants were actively engaged in animated discussions with the speaker.

    The AAIS would like to thank QuiteHR for co-organising this event with us.

  • AAIS Inaugural Futsal Tournament 2011 (12 March 2011)

    As part of the AAIS Year of the AeroWorkforce Initiative, the AAIS organised its inaugural Futsal Tournament on 12 March 2011 at Sports Planet East Coast.

    This highly anticipated event saw active participation from the aerospace industry, with a total of 12 teams competing for the coveted challenge trophy. The event also provided a casual platform for staff from participating companies to let loose and simply have fun.

    Goodrich Aerospace emerged Team Champion and walked away with a cash prize of S$1,188. The first and second runners-up won cash prizes of S$888 and S$666 respectively.

    The AAIS would like to thank Pratt & Whitney for their kind sponsorship to this event.

    AAIS Inaugural Futsal Tournament 2011 results:

    Team Champion Goodrich
    1st Runner-up SIAEC 2
    2nd Runner-up SAESL 2
    Most Valuable Player Shahjahan Bin Md Salleh

    Click here for more details on the results!

  • AeroCareer Pavilion @ Career 2011 (3 to 6 March 2011)

    2011 marks the 6th year of the AAIS’ participation in the Career Series Exhibition. The AAIS fronted the AeroCareer Pavilion, which comprised exhibiting organisations – Temasek Polytechnic, Lufthansa Technical Training, SIM University (School of Science & Technology), Singapore Aviation Academy and the RSAF. Over 80 vacancies from AAIS’ Member Companies were featured under the special Aerospace Vacancy Section. This section was created to assist Members to promote and create awareness of the variety of careers available in the industry. Jobseekers were encouraged to submit their resumes to these companies.

    The AeroCareer portal also saw a total of 160 jobseekers and/or students registering for new user accounts during the four-day event.

  • Seminar on Budget 2011 & Implications on your Business (2 March 2011)

    About 20 AAIS members attended this seminar, which featured in-depth analysis on Budget 2011 by experts from RSM Chio Lim and Mercer. Topics presented included the Singapore Economic and Investment Outlook for 2011, Implications of Budget 2011, and Insights on Labour Trends and Human Capital Implications. The session concluded with an engaging Q&A session.

  • “Safety” in Aerospace Seminar (25 February 2011)

    The AAIS, alongside knowledge partner Learnershub, organised the “Safety” in Aerospace seminar on 25 February 2011, to share the current requirements of local regulatory and international aerospace standards (AS9100 series). The AAIS also shared on the applicable government incentive schemes developed to support Singapore enterprises on their journey to aerospace excellence. Over 50 safety personnal attended this session and the AAIS rounded up the session with a sharing on the Association’s upcoming initiatives/programs such as its AeroBusiness Missions and Exhibitions, capabilities development, and training. The AAIS would like to thanks all the speakers and all participants for attending the session.

  • AeroIntelligence™: The Malaysian Aerospace Industry (18 February 2011)

    The AAIS AeroIntelligence Unit (AIU) held the second session of its Country Industry Forecast Series on 18 February 2011. The session focused on the growing aerospace industry in Malaysia.

    After an opening by Mr Fergus Lopez, Honorary Secretary, AAIS, we were privileged to have Mr Naim Abdul Rahman, Counsellor & Trade Commissioner, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), at the session to provide an overview of the Malaysian economy and the government’s plans for its respective sectors. Mr Subhranshu Sekhar Das, Director, Aerospace & Defense, Asia Pacific, Frost & Sullivan, presented in detail an overview of Malaysia’s aerospace industry, and areas to look at for companies who are interested to invest in the country.

    More than 50 participants attended the session. The AAIS would like to thank our speakers for taking time off their busy schedules to share their expertise with us, and all participants for attending the session.

    For more information about our upcoming AIU events, check our website for updates!

  • AAIS AeroCEO™ Meeting

    The AAIS held the first AeroCEO™ Lunch Meeting of the year on Monday, 10 January 2011, at Changi Village Hotel. Dr Aloysius Tay, Chief Executive, AAIS, and Mr Jeffrey Ong, CFA, Senior Investment Counsellor, Wealth Management, Standard Chartered Bank, gave their insight to the economy’s outlook for 2011.

    The AAIS AeroCEO™ Meeting is an initiative that aims to provide a platform for senior-management executives to network and share best practices. More than 20 participants attended this recent session.

    Visit our website for updates of our next AeroCEO Meeting!

  • AAIS Aerospace Manpower Study Sharing Session (6 January 2011)

    The preliminary findings of the AAIS Aerospace Manpower Landscape Study was presented at the Singapore AeroIndustry Annual Meeting in September 2010.

    Phase 1 and recommendations based on the Study findings was released at this final session on 6 January 2011 at SIA Group Sports Club, with over 50 participants in attendance. Breakout sessions were conducted to allow for deeper discussion and feedback on the recommendations.

    Participants were also provided with an introduction to Phase 2 of the Aerospace Manpower Study (due to be released in mid-2011).

    The AAIS would like to thank everyone for attending the AAIS Aerospace Manpower Landscape Study Sharing Session amidst their busy schedules, and also Contact Singapore for sponsoring the event.

    Please email to Mr Sherwin Tan, Assistant Director, Contact Singapore at to request for a copy of the presentation slides Contact Singapore – Global Talent Engagement and the services that are available to your company in enhancing your recruitment outreach and needs by attracting global talent to work, invest and live in Singapore.