Quality & Standards

The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG), with its core members made up of Quality Professionals from the Aviation, Space, and Defense (ASD) industries in Singapore was formalized in 2016 under the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore).

SAQG aims to improve quality and cost-saving within the ASD industries, through activities such as the establishment of standards and certification scheme for quality management systems.

SAQG is led by a sub-committee with Mr. Jeffrey Ho (Rolls-Royce Singapore) as the Chairman.



1) To contribute in the development of IAQG 91XX standards
2) To support and promote the adoption of IAQG 91XX standards in Singapore



SAQG participates in and supports activities of the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and the Asia Pacific Aerospace Quality Group (APAQG).

SAQG also holds regular events to share knowledge and experience.

If you are willing to contribute and commit, we welcome your active participation in SAQG. Contact us at quality@aais.org.sg.

APAQG Council Meeting and Supplier Forum – Singapore

The Singapore Aerospace Quality Group (SAQG) by AAIS was pleased to support the hybrid Asia-Pacific Aerospace Quality Group (APAQG) Council Meeting – Spring 2023 in Singapore from 8 to 10 March 2023. Close to 70 aerospace quality engineers/managers and certification body representatives took the opportunity to discuss the latest 91XX updates, while networking with counterparts from the region. 

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