Talent & Careers

Careers & Outreach

Recognising talented and skilled manpower as vital for the success of the industry, AAIS has been championing industry outreach and career development since its early days.

Working with educational institutes, industry and government agencies, AAIS conducts different outreach events to introduce young people to the world of aerospace and aviation.


About the Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for Aerospace

Since May 2023, AAIS has proudly partnered with Workforce Singapore (WSG) as the programme partner for the CCP for Aerospace Officer and Aerospace Executive roles.

Building on its success since 2019, the CCP has reskilled over 5,000 individuals from more than 70 companies in the Aerospace and Air Transport industries, equipping them for new roles and driving workforce transformation.

Looking for skilled talent in a competitive market?

Partner with AAIS to access tailored support and a pre-screened pool of local talent, ready to step into both technical and non-technical roles in your organisation.

  • Enhanced Funding Support: Up to 90% salary support for on-the-job training of new hires (Place-and-Train, PnT) or redesigned job roles (Job Redesign Reskilling, JRR) in new growth areas.
  • Qualified Talent Pool: Gain access to a pool of qualified Singaporean/PR candidates seeking to transition into the aerospace industry. Save time and resources on recruitment with readily available CVs.
  • Focus on Both Technical and Non-Technical Roles: The CCP caters to a range of positions, from engineers and technicians to business development specialists and data analysts. Find the ideal candidate to fill the gap in your workforce.
CCP Eligibility - For Companies

The participating company must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Must be able to offer full-time employment directly related to the job which the CCP is for, with remuneration that is commensurate with the market rate
  • Commit to CCP training arrangements for the mid-career individuals that they have selected
  • Be committed to work with WSG or its appointed partner on the necessary administrative matters related to the programmes
  • For JRR CCP applications, companies are required to submit details of their business transformation plan for evaluation by appointed partners

For more details, enquiries and participation, please contact ccp@aais.org.sg. 

Enquire on CCP

CCP Eligibility - For Mid-Career Individuals

Interested mid-career individuals will need to meet the following criteria:
• Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
• Minimum 21 years old
• Graduated or completed National Service, for at least 2 years
• New job role trained for under the CCP should be substantially different from previous job role(s), hence requiring reskilling for career
• Able to commit to full-time employment or attachment in a participating company

In general, individuals applying for CCPs should not be shareholders, immediate ex-employees of company or related entities, or be related to shareholders of the hiring company.

Apply for CCP (Mid-Career Applicants)


Delegation from the Kazakh Civil Aviation Academy

AAIS welcomed a delegation from Kazakhstan’s Civil Aviation Academy (CAA) on 28 January, in collaboration with Temasek Polytechnic. The visit facilitated exchanges on Singapore’s aerospace industry as well as CAA’s training and research capabilities. The delegation also discussed the potential for collaborations in aviation innovation.

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AAIS Student Leaders Summit 2025

On 24 January 2025, AAIS held its inaugural Student Leaders Summit at Embry-Riddle Asia, which brought together industry representatives and students passionate about aviation and aerospace from universities across Singapore, including Embry-Riddle Asia, NUS, NTU, SIT, SUSS and SUTD. The event also kickstarted the new AAIS Affiliated Student Clubs Initiative.

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Singapore UAS Community @ Expand Space

The Singapore UAS Community by AAIS participated in the inaugural Expand Space event, showcasing UAS technologies with the support of Skyports, ST Engineering, and Heron AirBridge. Held on 22 November and organised by Space Faculty, Expand Space featured interactive zones and a Future Careers Showcase highlighting Deep Tech fields including AI, robotics, and space, drawing over 700 participants.

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