More than 200 participants attended an interactive virtual Workshop on TR 78 : 2020 – Building facade inspection using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on 25 November 2020, which was jointly organised by Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore), Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards Development Organisation, Singapore Standards Council and Enterprise Singapore.

The purpose of the workshop was to learn from UAS experts (including Building and Construction Authority and ST Engineering) on the use of technologies on façade inspection and the application of TR 78 : 2020. TR78 provides a set of non-exhaustive specifications for the use of UAS to conduct inspection of existing building facades. It covers the phases starting from preparation, stakeholder approvals, execution and up to post-flight data processing and report generation.

We congratulate our UAS Community members who participated in the workgroup which developed the Technical Reference: AeroLion Technologies, Avetics Global, Garuda Robotics and Mr Robin Thevathasan of AAIS Panel of Experts.

Watch this Webinar below: